Visiting Albert Tan

'Ready or not I must face reality. I'm the new Interim CEO of Tan Corporation. Many lives now depending on me for their livelihoods; I need to be strong for everyone that's believing in me.' Ann keeps telling herself on the way to the Hospital to visit Albert Tan.

Lea was observing her best friend the whole time. 'She can feel to her bone that Ann is scared as much as her. The only thing she can do right now is to show courage to encourage Ann to do same.'

Lea nudges her friend to say a comforting word. ' Hey! Cheer up, if; it's any consolation your husband was kind enough to remind me of my responsibility as your friend and Manager. Now that your career as an entertainer is on hold. I will take the position of your P.A. until such time when you go back into the industry.

Ann looks at Lea blankly. " Friend, do you think I'm doing the right thing? I mean... this, putting a big responsibility on my shoulder. You think I'm the right person for this job? "