Are you here alone?

Lea understood what's Ann meant by that comment. She looked at the VP Secretary straight in her face, then said; "We know! ' Ms. ??' Please, introduce your high and mighty self to us right now.

We... ' pointing at herself and Ann.' can then properly greet your ' Highness' when we run across to you in the future. " Lea, bend and bow at the same time. {Secretly cursing the girl in front of her.}

Lea and Ann are two peas in a pod, one look at each other's facial reaction in an instant, they can conclude what's on each person in mind.

The VP Secretary is now fuming with anger from Lea's comment. " What did you say? Are you mocking me or what? What is your name and which department you belong? Let see if you still have a chance to run into me in the future." Pointing her finger at Lea and Ann like a mad dog.