Ethan Wright

2014 ATA Magnet High School Las Vegas Nevada

Senior year is the last year of High School. For many high schoolers, this is the end of their teenage years towards adulthood. It's a norm for teenagers during this era to start dating at a younger age — some start dating as young as 15 years old during their sophomore year while others wait until the senior year of High School.

That was the case with Ethan, who's considered the heart-throb of ATA. Girls would go out of their way, trying to get his attention, while boys would befriend him to gain attention with the girls from being associated with him.

Ethan was always the topic of conversation among the high schoolers throughout the senior year when he joined the football team to play the quarterback. The coach was pleased to see his fan base that he made him the Captain of the football team in his first year of joining; This made Ethan much more popular and the most sought out boy in the whole school.