The couple slowly walked in on everyone who was busy chit-chat-ing. Grandpa Go seating on the sofa while having a conversation with Albert Tan, Ethan, Oldman Ron and Ronald about some business matter. While the ladies, where busy talking about the impending marriage of Ann, Jeff and possibly followed by Ronald & Lea or Ethan and Eva.

Don-Don and Bentong were playing games at their new iPods. Ethan had given it to them as "Pasalubong" [a gift] from America. Since the day they received the iPod, the only time they were not on it, as when they were asleep.

If an outsider were looking at the atmosphere in the parlor, no one would think that there's danger lurking around the corner waiting to attack. Everything seems fine, one big happy family gathered together.

However, there's always someone who will not be satisfied unless they can make others miserable as they are, and that's Olivia and Megan Wright.