Grandma Tan loves to cook spicy food. When Grandpa Go told her to prepare whatever she wants, she decided to make her favorite dish, [Beef Bicol Express.] with lots and lots of red chili pepper.

However, she never let anyone know that her palate was not the same as it used too. She could no longer tell the difference if it's salty, sweet or spicy. It never bothered her before since they have a cook at home, but now she's worried, sweat started forming on her forehead.

Grandma Tan hurriedly backs away immediately after placing a spoon full of Bicol Express into grandpa Go's mouth. Everyone noticed what she did, besides grandpa Go who's blindfolded at the moment.

Grandpa's face transformed into red like a blazing flame as soon as the food reaches inside his mouth. At first, he was going to be a gentleman, hold it in and continued chewing as to not embarrassed Grandma Tan.