What's for dinner?

Ann makes her way towards inside the kitchen when her slipper touches the wet floor and her foot slide...- She was about to fall flat on her buns; everyone screamed at the same time.

"OH, NO!!!"

"NO, ANN!!!"

"MAM, NO!!"

A hand catches Ann as she was about to fall flat on her buns. Jeff's to the rescue; he was in his study when he heard the alarm go off and rushed toward the kitchen to see what's going on, in time to see his wife about to slip.

"Whoa! Careful, sweetheart!" Jeff catches Ann in time before the fall. He lifted her and carried her out of the kitchen and went towards the study.

"Oh, thank God!" Mr. Butler made a sign of the cross.

"Thank you, Lord!" Eva also made a sign of the cross before carefully went to help clean up the kitchen.

Everyone felt relief that Ann did not slip and Jeff saved her in time, or there would be hell to pay if something happened to the Mother and twins.

