Bring Back My Husband!

Everyone could hear Ann's laughter down below the mansion. Sophia and Albert had just gotten out of their room and heard her loud and clear. 

"What do you think is going on with Ann?" Sophia asked her husband as they continued walking towards the dining room.

  "Sweetheart, you guess is as good as mine," Albert responded while curiously looks where the voice coming from,

When Ann crossed paths with them on the way to the dining room, Sophia couldn't hold her curiosity and asked her the question. - "Good morning! What's so funny, dear? We could hear you down here?" Her eyes were fixed at Ann who was still trying to stop from laughing out loud.

"Hahaha! Nothing, nothing at all! Mother, Hahaha! Thank you for asking, I was merely having a good time." Ann couldn't stop laughing. 

Of course, she couldn't tell her parents what happened behind the closed door.

"Hmmm, Are you sure? "Sophia asked once more. Her face fills with curiosity now.