The Little Uncle.

While the pre-wedding party was in full blast, at the Resort entrance, the reporter was camping out, and they were also enjoying themselves. Ann instructed Rita to arrange platters after platters of food and drinks for them to enjoy.

Even though they were not allowed to enter the venue, they were there to cover their wedding, and Ann doesn't feel right for them to go hungry while giving them free publicity for the Mega World Intl. Group of Company.

A tent was set up for them, a portable bathroom and a washroom were built for their comfort.

Since they were not allowed inside the Resort, the Mega World PR department had made sure they would only have nothing but good to report.

Reporters worldwide couldn't stop praising the couple and wishing them the best of life. All reports submitted regarding the wedding talk about nothing but a good thing, anyone reading or watching the news about the pre-wedding party wishing they could be there in person.