[Ding! Hosts is being tailed by an extremely powerful being, and it is recommended to take extreme caution!]
Duncan realized this, obviously, and flapped his wings into dangerous terrain to avoid death… However, this was hopeless, and a hand soon surrounded his head…
"Land… I need you to land, and do something for me…" An actual voice entered into Duncan's ear…
He immediately played stupid, and then he blasted into a pile of rocks.
Oddly enough, in front of him there was a battlefield raging on, and the man was scanning his body up and down with a pen in his hand…
"Hmmm, you're an interesting skeleton… I've never seen such a unique one built before…" In a second, a drawing of Duncan appeared on the paper, and another man landed on the ground…
Correct, these were actual men, or true demons with skin and voices!
After looking down at the sketch of Duncan, the other man took out his sketch pad as Duncan found himself standing up in the battlefield with a sword in his hand…
"Little ugly bird… grow up big and strong and use that emblem to enter into my sect… Glad we finally have a new species!"
"He means our sect, ugly!" The two men already flew away, and Duncan felt shivers up his spine as hundreds of giants approached him…
What the hell just happened?
He was surely grabbed, and then he ended up here…
It was surprising, and he could only dodge to the side as a series of large fists pummeled into each other ignoring his small form… This was a battle field of true giants, and in that one second he was 1000 miles closer to his destination…
[Ding! Host has encountered two extremely powerful beings! Host wasn't able to be notified, but luckily they only wished to gather information on your species type…]
"What? So, they were like zoologists, system?"
[Ding! System in unsure of these beings as they have not been entered into his database… However, according to system there is a 95% chance that host should avoid them at all costs…]
[Host has also acquired a silver sword (uncommon)]
Silver sword (uncommon)
Level 7
Attack Damage 50 / 100
Durability 20 / 20
The silver sword was just put in his hands, and a giant fell next to him with its eyes looking at him…
So, how exactly did he get a thousand miles closer to his destination in one second…
At his max power, he could travel 50 miles in one second, but that meant those guys were above transcendents in power level…
He could only flutter his wings into the sky, and the giants fell beneath him as he kept flying towards his destination…
Two hours passed quickly, and then after ten more hours he finally caused the arrow to turn to the right…
[Host has finally completed mission escape the endless battlefield!]
[Host has received 500 experience, one strong arm bone (uncommon), and 20 ES points]
[Congratulations! Host has leveled up to level 8!]
Duncan entered into a cave after he landed, and in front of him was what appeared to be a human skeleton…
There was a gigantic pile of skeletons, and Duncan felt his stomach turn looking at all the dead bodies…
Wait, he didn't have a stomach, so he picked up a few of the bones, and began looking for anything useful with Phoenix by his side…
"Hey Pheonix… if you find anything that looks suspicious, please bring them to me…"
"Mehehehehe!" The phoenix bone soldier nodded and began walking further into the deep cave, so Duncan soon felt like he had four hands… He also sent wormy to go into a small tunnel because he might as well do that right?
After all, this was a starter mission his HQ was able to select before the beautiful Jeeva stabbed him in the heart… He felt it odd his commander wished to stab him in the heart, but she always reminded him of Nyla…
She clearly hated every bone in his body, too!
In fact, once she even asked him out on a pity date, but he turned her down!
Such a beautiful lady could not be seen with him!
Then the memory of her stabbing him in the heart passed into his mind, and the Phoenix bone soldier appeared and put a ring on his hand…
"Muhua" The phoenix bone soldier came back with items every few minutes, and he continued his search…
There must be some reason HQ selected this mission after scanning the systems command module for operations… In fact, wasn't it odd that human skeletons were brought all the way here to this tether dimension?
The markings on the wall showed just a normal cave not a ritual ground and even the sounds of blood water dripping, and the burning fires made him feel nothing but confusion… So, what exactly was he sent here for…
"System… are any of these things phoenix found special?"
[Ding! Hosts destination has been selected because of the metallic vortex contained within this mountain… Phoenix bone soldier will not find anything special in this mountain…]
"But… some of these items look pretty good?" There was a ring with a strange drawing on it, and even wormy brought back some interesting dirt!
[Hosts mission is to use this location as his headquarters, and since the material of this mountain is special, you'll be able to transmit two times a year…]
"So… phoenix you can come back then I guess…" Duncan looked over as Phoenix arrived immediately with a little frog in his hand…
It was blood red, and he was pointing towards his mouth… However, Duncan was extremely shocked!
They assumed no living creatures could live in the netherworlds, but sure enough it wasn't breathing so Phoenix looked angry as his master just waved it away…
As for his wormy, it patiently kept bringing up dirt as Duncan walked out to the cave, and looked out over the mountain…
"Hmmm, so this will be my base… I bet commander would love to be here…"