Three Armies

"Demi-Gods… Seriously!" Duncan stayed completely still as Enna held up her hand causing a flickering of light to shoot into the mountain wall.

She was stacking sensing diminishing barriers, and she began laughing seeing the skeleton not move a muscle…

Well, it didn't have muscles, but these sensing diminishing barriers could buy them only five to ten minutes in the mountain.

Enna then looked around and noticed a mining tool made of bone, and realized there was holes all over this tunnel, so Duncan actually might have been mining for a good reason…

"Little ugly skeleton… do you mind storing these bodies away?" Enna pointed at the head rolling in the wind as wormy hid inside the rotting skull.

The flesh worm didn't change much in size as it leveled, and Duncan nodded his head and stored away the two bodies…

For some reason, the dead female Sova, didn't rot at all, and he couldn't help but wish he could raise the dead… In fact, wait, when he was a lot stronger, he could learn the skill, and it would be great to raise the dead!

As a spy, imagine the possibilities!

He could kill things, and then use them to infiltrate bases…

Yes, perhaps he could even use this mining axe right now to help him stop dreaming…

Enna handed him the mining tool, and she walked down one of the gigantic tunnels where he found that stupid, false ore.

"Little ugly skeleton… I want you to dig for three miles that way." She could sense the area around them with her domain fragments, and he felt proud that he was earning this ladies trust.

So, one devil and one skeleton versus the entire netherworld…

The possibilities seemed endless, and he had wormy spit venom onto the rocks as Phoenix began beating at the wall with a bone.

He wanted to show his master he knew how to put in effort, and indeed, it did absolutely nothing but make a very quiet noise…

Duncan sighed and pulled out another mining pick as he heard the marching feet of orcs and goblins from above the rock…

It seemed like they could get caught any moment, and he heard Enna chanting some sort of devilish tongue…

If she could see him now, she'd realize this skeleton could really dig.

On the other hand, if he saw her right now, he'd perhaps be a little bit confused as to why she was praying in a different language…

It was doing absolutely nothing to strengthen the mountain barrier, but he dug because his life depended on his digging…

[Ding! Hosts mining skill has increased by 5 experience!]

[Ding! Hosts mining skill has increased by 10 experience!]

[Ding! Hosts mining skill has increased by 5 experience!]

[Ding Hosts mining skill has reached level 16, and needs 900 experience to reach mining level 17!]

Duncan kept digging faster and faster as Phoenix used his greater strength to push them away from those weird voices of demons…

For some reason, it felt like they were right over him, and Enna was directly above him when he turned around.

Her eyes were glowing red, and he'd later find out this was because of the darkness she grew up in…

Devils had an extreme advantage in the dark, but with the new technology of demons… it was best for him to keep on digging.

Finally, he burst into a new mountain as an extremely weird feeling pulsated with the air, and Enna closed the tunnel with a wave of her hand.

"Good job, little ugly one!" Enna instantly cast five more sensing diminishing arrays, and then pointed to another wall. "Now, can you tell me what you did?"

Duncan felt puzzled, and was absolutely certain the troops were approaching the mountain for her.

Would they not relent?

Was she really blaming this on him?

He realized that compared to her, he was literally all bones and no flesh.

What could he have done...?

"I visited a tomb, but you're much more powerful then I am?" Duncan scribbled this with uncertainty, and she put her hand over his stick.

"Shhh… I'll find out, they are about to start talking…"

Duncan saw three little dots in the air, and this lady could hear those demi-gods… As a transcendent, perhaps he would've heard it, but he began digging just in case…

There was safety in digging, and Phoenix joined him as wormy stayed by Enna.

She had the skull in her hand, and it saw her eyes turn from red to blue…

"Please give me the skull!" Wormy wished he could talk and sighed as his master ordered him to spit venom…

Enna couldn't see his look, and it spit and spit and spit looking over towards Enna…


"The penultimate ruler sent us here to find his secretary, Sova! Find her now because she's his mistress!"

A flying orc with wings pouted as his back burst into the rock, and his Health nearly disappeared from their surprising, quick attack…

He rolled onto his back, and stuck up his hair before he noticed a letter nested into the wall…

"Eru?" The orc said, and greedily put the paper away as the Demi-gods ordered more and more troops to arise…

They were able to summon troops with a wave of their hand, and finding this secretary was harder than finding a bone in a graveyard…

"She's probably just wanted a vacation, and we'll find her very soon… so stop worrying so much Averna…"

Averna held up her hand causing a projection of her domain to appear… "We've got to make sure we find her, so I'm completely valid in my worrying!"

"Ha, stop it, you two… Just know whomever caused her to vanish is either a lover, or a killer… "

Averna pretended air was talking to her, but the other girl nodded her head because she knew he was right…

These three never got along…

In fact, perhaps you could compare them to three different density liquids, so this mission also had three levels of troops, and each was just talking while commanding their men below…

"Either way… Someone's going to pay dearly with death, or the lord of death will deign to kill us…"

Yup, he loved this woman that much, and Averna pointed towards a mountain as a large flock of blades spun around her…

"I feel like I'm being watched…" Five thousands swords dazzled the orcs into working harder as five mountains were sliced with a few of the orcish bodies turning into halves…