After the transformation, ten days passed like the blink of a big-eyed ugly ogre…
Duncan and Phoenix were carrying a body, and Wormy patrolled all the bodies in the gorge they had arrived at…
This location they were walking in was known as dead man's valley and it had blood red sand as they dodged rolling body parts on the hill climb…
For miles there was dead bodies dumped here, it took them nine days to travel here, and Enna had decided to not come on this trip because of a sect competition… Hence, Duncan eagerly carried a body towards the blood ugly waters where three men were waiting…
They were doing something very daring at the moment, and Duncan looked nothing like he used to at this time…
Before, he was a hideous, ugly zombie… and he carried a fake version of himself that her purchased for 15 ES points…
[Ding! Host is nearing the headquarters of the Vernal's Assassination league, and current bounty is at 50,000 Nether coins… Hence, host is reminded that this is an extremely dangerous mission…]
"I know system, and Wormy… stop eating that… it's a rock!"
Wormy was a gluttonous monster, and he had learned [Summon Flesh Worm III]… Hence, his flesh worms strength seemed to be between Bernie and Phoenix on his summons chart…
However, he began to desire food, and all that was around him was flesh…
He finally didn't like flesh anymore, and Phoenix chewed on an arm before Phoenix pointed towards an upside-down floating pyramid…
"Master… that's the signal… They're landing…" The ship landed very quickly, and Duncan dropped the body on the ground…
It was a perfect plan…
Meet Vernal's father, collect his bounty, and he didn't feel bad lying to a warlord…
Actually, according to the system, his involvement in the karmic teleportation caused over 20,000 humans to die… and Duncan smiled at him as a small sprout man touched down to check the body…
"Hmmm, its him… you're Deron, right?" The man grabbed the fake Duncan's head, and he was tossed a yellow badge…
"Congratulations, you're now in the Vernal's Assassination league… Your hitlist is in the badge, and… is that your worm?"
He pointed over towards his flesh worm, and it hid in the sand…
It didn't mean to eat in mixed company!
It felt so ashamed, and the fat man laughed as it squirmed!
"Ha…. It's a big, rare pet… Where'd you get it?"
Duncan gulped…
Did the divination expert happen to divine he owned a flesh worm, and it began eating its weight in nervousness…
It literally sucked up a hill of dead bodies, and luckily he said "Nevermind…"
"Anyway, my son thanks you for what you did for him… This is the ugliest man I've ever seen, and… I got to go now…"
"If you have any questions, the leagues locations are on the back of the card…" The man gripped the fake Duncan's head, and then he vanished…
Enna looked on from up in the sky, and sighed with her eyes now fully red…
She sat on the back of a bird, and the Vernal warlord had killed many devils before…
Obviously, she had bigger fish to fry, and left Duncan because their sect had been challenged…
It was odd…
However, she spent the last three weeks perfecting alchemy, and the devils would be glad if she could ever make it home…
She looked over at Duncan and she swore he looked back at her…
In a minute, she could travel roughly 100 miles, and a slew of monsters came out of the sea all around Duncan…
"Little ugly! You're something else! You're like a danger magnet!" She whistled and landed in front of an alchemy pot…
Duncan made the entire competition up, and he would apologize to Enna later…