Assassin's Trick

Meanwhile, as Duncan questioned the sea merchant, Mirada saw Enna huffing and puffing around three on fire bodies...

Enna's arm was bleeding, and Mirada bent down with a bandage from her storage ring...

"Enna, you need to be more careful…" Mirada bandaged Enna's arm, and a giant skeleton named Alky whimpered looking at her wounded arm, too…

'It's okay, Alky… and Mirada… why aren't you with Duran?" Enna got up after securing the bandage, and Mirada followed her to go clean up one of the dead Vernal assassin's bodies…

Enna had to get crab grass, and mercury sand from the nearby mountains in order to complete a mid-grade essence masking pill...

The assassins had followed her somehow on her adventure into the mountains to get the alchemist supplies, and Mirada counted 15 assassins instead of 19 in the sky above the sect...

She seemed to have killed three assassins...

Enna had been getting lucky on her escapades for her supplies, and Duncan would be happy to know his dragon defensive array worked against a team of demi-gods...

However, hmph, why would Mirada care about Duncan?

He was one hundred levels beneath her level of 120, and... Enna looked happy all of a sudden as she explored through a storage ring...

Mirada stopped thinking about Duncan, at this moment, and Enna handed her a sword from the assassin's storage ring...

It was heavy as a ton, and Mirada took it and Enna kept looking through the storage ring...

"Sister… we found some good material to smelt…" Enna kept scouraging through the ring, and the sword appeared to be over a 1000 kilograms in weight....

The books in the sect library were crap, and Mirada wanted to be a blacksmith, so having Duncan made it a lot easier to be one surprisingly…

Duncan gave her one book on blacksmithing, and Enna tossed out piles of gold she could smelt until they both smiled as a golden cauldron plopped on the floor...

Enna definitely needed this cauldron!

It looked like it could take the heat required to temper high-grade pills... and Enna delightfully placed it in her lab as Mirada kept looking at the piles of gold from the ring...

The skeletons, on the other hand, who were previously safe noticed a new fire underneath the new golden cauldron, and Alky guarded the door as a riot started as they tried to escape…

Mirada reentered the room when she realized she got a new cauldron, and Duncan's ugly face appeared in her head...

"Whatever you do! Please just take this book and master blacksmithing..."

He also pleaded for her to watch Enna, and Enna now began working on a high-grade pill...

"Sister…perhaps you shouldn't do something so advanced yet..."

Mirada felt an intense gale push her out of the lab, and she sighed as one of the skeletons ran up to her in the blacksmith shop...


Mirada moved her shop as far away as she could from Enna's workshop… Hence, she was happy the assassin appeared to have a forge and fire wood as well in his bag...

"Mithril Comet Stone… Ugh… it's not here... I'm never going to be able to forge this!" Mirada flipped through the book and checked her storage ring.... nope... Alky then walked in and grabbed that stowaway skeleton...




She hammered for hours as Alky finally wrangled up all the skeletons, and Enna walked over with skeleton guts on her face and chest…

"Ugh… I'm never going to master alchemy… and Mirada… I think one of the assassins is still alive…"

A man whom she thought she was dead appeared to be crawling with his hands, and the skeletons trampled him as they ran away from Alky…

It didn't pay to be a skeleton here…

All these horrible hours, bone porridge that didn't have any good ingredients, and a 1 in 1000 chance of becoming a giant like Alky…

They ran for their lives….

The assassin died under their feet, and a gigantic blast caused a little flicker in the force field surrounding the sect….


At the same time, in the vomit sky above the sect....

"Damn it! This force field is like a impenetrable bubble!" The assassins attacks all bounced off of it, and Heian Alaris' told them to "stop…"

"We can't save our assassin any longer… he died to a skeleton, though… hua hua hua!" His laugh sounded like a baby crying, and the assassins stopped activating their domains…

"Ugh! This reminds me of a human array… Their technology keeps them alive, but… that girl Enna's just a lucky devil…"

"Yup… and Allor didn't deserve to die by skeletons…" Heian Alaris attacked one more time…

They'd attacked every inch of this array…

If you got within twenty feet of it, there'd be an illusion… so, then you'd get attacked by various dragon tendrils and if you were lucky survive…

However, inside the base, it appeared the array didn't work…

Of course, he wouldn't bet his life on it, and Enna tossed Allor's body outside of the array…

He landed to pick up the body and laughed as she threw a sword at his face…

"Heh… you know the offer, Enna Hellmuth… surrender and we'll return you to the neutral plain in exchange for three of our best warriors…"

"You have a screw lose, baldy…" Enna held out her tongue, and Mirada wagged her wings as the man laughed and tossed a paper on the sect floor…

"You may think I'm lying… However, this letter form your father has his imprint on it…"

He waved it in his hands as a little skeleton ran up to him and yanked it out of his hands…


The man flew off and went to one of the drinking caves with his men…. Enna, on the other hand, tore up the letter and went back to crafting…

Obviously, she could spot a fake letter, and the paper scraps blew in the wind…

That paper landed on the floor, and one of the skeletons looked down at a strange drawing underneath it…

He turned around, and died instantly as a hand crushed its skull….

Enna didn't notice and kept working on her high grade pill…

Mirada looked over towards her 'sister's' workshop and took a deep breathe praying for her survival... Not noticing any suspicious explosion in the sect she kept hammering and humming...

However, like Mirada expected, an odd explosion ripped apart the secret sneaking array the assassins planted, and Duncan began moving towards the underwater tower....