Soul Ancestry Descent

[Ding! System has rescanned the caravan, and it appears that this is actually a slave merchant's caravan… Hence, host is recommended to use corpse explosion on his summon flesh worm…]

"No need…" Duncan just opened the door and water slammed into the bombs before bouncing off the air providing array…. However, the cultivator charged a fierce attack as flames gathered around the tip of his blades…

"These damn monsters! I shall kill them all!" His eyes turned red and Duncan pushed into his chest before pointing to the chains…

[Ding! Host is also warned that appears to be an odd energy flying onto the string dimension, and it is very likely the start of a soul ancestry descent…]

[However, main priority should be to save the humans in the caravan…]

"Thanks system…" Duncan had already sent Phoenix to go kill the soldiers, and blood mixed in with the black water as the cultivator took in deep breathes…

"It… it was horrible on Alpha Imperia Berta… I couldn't control my self, sorry ugly…"

The cultivator had heard Duncan be called ugly by Wormy so many times, and Duncan said "Duran" to correct that misunderstanding…

As for his Wormy, he went to go help Phoenix, and more and more blood started mixing in with the black waters…

"AHHHH!" Wormy then screamed as he looked down and found a rock…

He picked up the rock and used it to bash into the head of one of the soldiers…

After seeing him fall to the ground, he picked him up and began using him as a weapon against the soldiers on the bone sea horses…

Once they were dead, he smiled….

Phoenix, on the other hand, had the lead general in his hand…

His eyes burned brightly under the water, and he appeared to be starting to show signs of an essence core…

However, Duncan told him to put the man down… and the slave merchants face burst with pain as Duncan squashed his foot into his chest…

"So…. Continue…. What was your name by the way?" He wrapped some chains around the mans face, and Phoenix and Wormy began pushing the caravans inside the palace…

"Ah… just call me Clyde… sorry about the outburst…"

"No worries, but… what exactly happened on Alpha Imperia Berta… I thought that stronghold had some of the most advanced interstellar X9 mount cannons, and… I think I was eight years old at the time…"

Clyde kicked one of the soldiers into a whirlpool of water, and dejectedly smashed another ones face into a rock…

"Heh… We did, but…. There happened to be a traitor in our bases… He disabled our X9 railguns… disabled our shields, and then my wife died in front of my eyes… my eyes since they have been unable to see beauty in this world…"

He smashed other soldiers head in, and Duncan felt strange when Wormy brought out one of the tied up humans…

She looked exactly like Nyla, and was it a coincidence?

As each of them left, he had to cast aquatic breathe, and it had a 2 minute cooldown so there ended up being a hundred humans in three hours brought into the castle…

He could only sigh as the cultivator and him walked back into the house, and that girl who looked like Nyla kept staring at him…

As for Wormy, he went to go search in the basement one more time, and… the cultivator laid back with a smile on his face…

"Anyway… sorry for venting outside… Would you please tell me what your plan is?"

Duncan nodded his head as Wormy explored deeper and deeper into the basement…

Phoenix, on the other hand, had begun to play with the children and the parents began cooking some rations the slave merchant had in his cargo…

"Hmmm, my plan is to keep you guys alive… and… I expect you to remain in charge of these guys until I'm back…"

"I might be able to cure your poison, too… However, I'm going to have a girl named Mirada send it to you… After that, in a few years you can join us in the sect…"

"Hmmm! Excellent!" Cylde smiled as what sounded like a gigantic whale screamed in the water…

These sounds were quite common here, and Duncan walked away from Clyde realizing he had no idea what a soul ancestry descent meant for this dimension…

[Ding! A soul ancestry descent happens when a person with an extremely strong soul decides to create new members for the clan…. If host is able to possess this bloodline, he will be able to have a noble transformation, and… it appears 160 ancestral descendants have arrived in the 163 string dimension…]

[Ding! Would host like to learn about their other capabilities…?]

"No… that's good for now…" Duncan just knew he had to leave, and he walked up that lady who looked like Nyla and squinted his eyes…

Even up close she looked like Nyla, and Wormy squinted at her too arriving by his side out of nowhere…

Wormy handed her a can of food, and said "you dumb…" before she laughed and Duncan laughed as well…

"Heh… that's quite a demon you got right there… thank you for saving us…" She smiled like Nyla too, and Duncan officially hated that she was level 12…

If Nyla truly survived, she'd be level 280 at least, and… he turned and nodded as Wormy handed out more cans of food…

The children, at this time, were throwing some of their food at Phoenix, and their parents were starting to chase after them for wasting food…

He needed to remember to send food here once every hundred days, and… he could just have Bernie and Alberta turn into merchants… That way they wouldn't have to explode all the time, and he sat down next to the pretty lady…

In his mind, he saw a pretty lady and an extremely ugly imp getting married, and he just experienced his reflection for the first time…

He kept telling himself don't look down, don't look down, and… he couldn't stay this ugly forever right?

She smiled at him one more time as she ate the food…

He looked back at her and also ate some of the rations…

"This taste worse than dog food, but it's sooo good!" The girl who looked like Nyla laughed and Duncan checked her body for a few notorious spots…


Luckily, she didn't have that permanent scar on her forehead… so she was most likely a look alike… and… suddenly he felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach…

He saw Nyla's head getting swallowed again, and suddenly the water around him seemed to boil…