Rock Burst

Duncan heard a high pitch sound as he tried to enter into the large gates of the Garvin encampment, and one powerful looking hobgoblin rolled up to his foot…

[Ding! Host has found the Garvin Ice Tribe's Chief beneath his foot, and the orcs are currently killing and pillaging the Garvin tribal sect…]

[The assassination mission has been cancelled by system, and host has acquired 5000 experience for killing the Garvin Ice Tribe Chief…]

Duncan pulled out his sword from an already mangled body, and sighed as an army of large orcs walked towards him with powerful strides…

He immediately cast reanimate corpse on the Garvin Chief, and Mona turned into steel as she hardened herself for battle… In front of them, and behind them, over 500 orcs approached, and Duncan gulped feeling severely overmatched…

"System…. What is the limit of reanimate corpse?"

[Ding! Hosts reanimate corpse has reached level 5, and it can resurrect level 45 corpses…]


[Host has also entered into a precarious situation, and… it is not a good idea to try to fight orcs with the average level of 50…]

"I should be able to handle it system…" Duncan stood behind Phoenix and pulled out a mining pick…

"Guys… please don't break formation, and I'm going to dig us a way out…" Duncan then began digging in the ground as Mona's claws tore into the air…

It wouldn't be an easy battle…

They had to fight a myriad of various sized orcs, and the orcs were here for Duncan…

However, the divination expert could only confirm a hobgoblin was responsible for the killing of Bastide, so… they were here to find a hobgoblin…

Duncan truthfully was the reason the fairly peaceful Garvin tribe died grueling and painful deaths…

If he was here just three minutes ago, he'd see young females pleading for their beheaded husbands, and… two minutes after that they were all dead…

Precise, and accurate…

They killed without mercy, and these orcs were part of the lowest legion of the demon god's army… Hence, these men saw Phoenix wielding a marked blade of the Aris clan…. From this they were able to extrapolate this crowd of men was responsible, and the man digging must be the murderer of Bastide, but… Phoenix charged forward by himself and embraced the coming tide…

[Ding! Host has acquired 1400 experience for his Mining II skill, and hosts Mining II skill comes with a combination skill…]

[Host may now use the move rock burst, and the cool down of this skill is 3 minutes…]

"What does it do system?" Duncan watched Alberta and Bernie get swatted away like flies, and as they exploded one orc flew up into the water…

It was about time to leave this forsaken place, and Phoenix slid across the ground as a team of orcs surrounded him…

"This… this must be the murderer!"

"We shall get sweet revenge! You shall not win zombie!" The orc stabbed at Phoenix as he parried, and Duncan kept digging as Wormy exploded into dust…

It seemed so confusing watching this battlefield…

The Garvin Tribe Leader exploded into dust right after Wormy,and even Mona was hit by one of the cruel and mean orcs…

However, Duncan used rock burst for the first time, remembering the man who hit Mona's face, and… a large, strong strike caused the earth to crater…

He could only look into that hole, and see the other hole he dug before to arrive at this location…

Digging was truly an addictive thing, and he actually had Bernie and Alberta make a network as Levana slept…

So, the orcs who once thought Duncan was an idiot stopped laughing as he disappeared into the ground…