Day of the Dark Festival (Side Chapter)

Year 5860 D.W, Everton Mega Loren

Duncan and Nyla went to the Day of the Dark festival on Everton Mega Loren, and everyone dressed up in costumes including his beautiful wife… She had on a beautiful, long dress that had butterfly wings , and her smile made her look like a pretty butterfly as she walked up to a stall…

"Order up! Order up!"

"I'll have two mongrel fish please…" Duncan sat down with Nyla on two stool chairs as she rubbed her stomach, eagerly waiting for the delicious looking food…

"One moment… please wait!" The food stall manager clicked his tongue and flipped two grilled fish onto a plate…

The food soon began to be devoured by Duncan and Nyla as a few kids screamed and threw darts at balloons with demon eyes for prizes…

One little boy, somehow, happened to miss his target, and the dart ended up in Duncan's hand as he laughed and stared at his wife…

"You… your food will get cold…" Nyla pushed Duncan away from her, and he pushed her back…

They tended to fight each other…

Most Daoist companions treated each other's as equals, and they pushed each other over and over again as the kids in the background stared towards them…. They stared at the badges on their shirts that had the 'RFA' abbreviation, which stood for the Royal Federation Army… Obviously, the kids were both happy and worried because they just threw a dart at his face by accident…


Duncan purposely fell over and slid in front of that little kid, as Nyla stomped over towards him like a very evil and beautiful fairy…

The kids nervously shook, and Duncan handed them the dart as Nyla leaned over and pat his head…

"Be careful with that… you have a good future ahead of you…"

"Sorry about that miss!" The boy turned towards the game clerk who nodded his head…

"Hmmm, one more turn for you little boy…" He pointed towards the balloons, and the little boy looked up at Duncan…

He laughed like the happiest man on the earth, and Nyla coiled around him like a snake about to go for the kill… As for the dart, the little boy missed and Duncan bought him a toy as he ran off to tell his friends about his lucky encounter…

"We… we might have one of 'those' someday…" Nyla bit down on her third piece of fish, as Duncan wiped off the dust from his back…

"Yes… after the war is over right?"

"Maybe… however… have you heard about the new intel we received?"

Duncan bit into his food as small forcefield surrounded him and Nyla…

"No… Go on…" Duncan stared into her eyes, and this moment would forever change his life…

Jeeva stood in the background watching her two assigned espionage agents, and… she tripped and stumbled into a really fat and hairy man…

He had on a skeleton costume on and laughed… "Boo, We all have to die sometime…" He picked her up and smiled… "However, some of us will rise, and come back for revenge!"

"Just kidding, pretty lady… Only some of us deserve to die… MUHAHAHAHAHA." Then he spotted the badge with the RFA symbol, and she punched him in the face sending him floating off to a tree…


He had to be the most annoying bastard she'd ever seen!


How dare he speak of dying to an RFA officer!

She did her duty everyday to protect men like him, and so what if she liked Duncan?

Because of the intel she received, Duncan and Nyla would most likely come back safe, and… did they really have to look so cute?

Duncan and Nyla had something called a blinding forcefield activated, and… she could only imagine they were eating some good food behind that forcefield…

'I… I'll apologize to Nyla when she gets back from the supply mission…' Jeeva dusted off her clothes and Nyla and Duncan grew tired of talking and went to go play some games…

They adventured over towards the stall her father was managing…

He had on a vampire costume, and people could dunk him in water if they managed to get a ball into a hoop…

Jeeva shook her head as Duncan smiled and walked over to the counter…

"How much for a throw?" Duncan laughed and waved to the general…

Him and this man had an interesting relationship spanning back to the death threats during the time he walked Nyla to the alter at their marriage ceremony… Now, he got to dunk him in some water, and… her father, Navix, clenched his fist angrily as Duncan received those three balls…

"You little shit! Get away from my daughter!" The general laughed as Nyla pulled Duncan's hand…

"Don't do it… He'll beat you for fifty hours, and then… well… for fifty hours ill beat you…" Nyla tried to grab the balls from Duncan's hand, however, of course he was going to do it?

Imagine walking into a bar, and seeing a free beer waiting on the counter….

Would he take the beer, or would he leave it for the next person?

In this case, he threw that ball and missed on purpose…

"Hah… Little shit! Your aims as bad as my son in law!"


"Hah… missed again loser!" Navix than watched the third ball hit the lever, and the crowd cheered in the background!


The water burst into the air, and… Nyla laughed as her dad walked out of the cage soaked with vampire teeth falling out of his mouth…



Duncan gulped and laughed before he flew off into the fireworks in the sky…

Nyla folded her arms behind him, and thousands of fire balls chased after them as the general attacked them from the stall…

Slow and steady, he'd first temper Duncan's body by burning him over and over again, and then he'd put him under a -500 Celcius waterfall, so he laughed as his little troublemaking son in law ran off…

"Heh… watch… that brat may save us all one day…" Navix said...