The Strongest Otsutsuki

Kaguya Otsutsuki was really angry. She had created a perfect utopia, she had 3 children, however at the moment she was really really angry.

Two of her children had betrayed her, while the third was declaring neutrality.

The nerve of them. She had given birth to them, had taught them everything she knew, and they still dared to betray her?!

The First born, Hagoromo Otsutsuki was a smart boy. She loved him, and still did, however she hated the fact he dared to betray her.

The second born, Hamura Otsutsuki was foolish, and loved his brother dearly, to the point that after witnessing the God Tree, had decided to betray her together with Hagoromo.

The third born, was where she got really confused. Ryu Otsutsuki, the youngest of the triplets, he was smart,calm and acted way beyond people his age. He had awakened several dojutsus at a young age, the Sharingan,Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan. And then at times, he acted as if he was a kid, acting extremely childish.

Despite him being 16 ( Was never specified at what age Hagoromo and Hamura rebelled) he acted way beyond his age.

"Mother is no longer herself... She has transformed into this disgusting creature called the Juubi..." Hagoromo sighed as his Rinnegan appeared in his eyes.

"Why did Ryu not accept to help us, he'd be a lot of help right now!" Hamura said with a sigh, Ryu laughed at them when he was invited to help the two.

Those were the exact words the boy had said," Help you kill my own fucking mother? What's wrong inside your heads? If you want to kill her, so be it I won't stop you, but invite me to fucking kill her? Are you crazy? Go away!"

Hagoromo chuckled," He always was like that... Despite how annoying he can be sometimes, he usually is very loyal."

Hamura nodded.

"But the two of us have something to finish... Don't we?"

Hagoromo said as he slammed his staff into the ground.


Ryu yawned. He was a 16 years old young man with spiky short white/silver hair and red eyes. He was wearing a white kimono, which his mother had gifted him.

"Kurai, you think that my brothers will manage to defeat mother?" He asked the being inside him, Kurai a being made of chakra, which he had created when he was bored and wanted some friends.

"Maybe, your mother in this form isn't exactly the strongest... Besides the Otsutsuki Clan would sooner or later get rid of her, she defied the plans of her superiors, the Council Of the Clan."

Ryu looked serious for a moment as his friend replied,"Speaking of the Council, is Momoshiki coming here soon? If so I want to have a little spar with him. Haven't seen the bastard ever since I was 14."

Ryu was unlike his brothers, he occasionally left the world to go to the Otsutsuki Clan, despite him being Kaguya's son there was not much the clan could do to him due to his powers. He was extremely powerful.

Momoshiki was one of the people he had fought from the clan, and of course defeated, he enjoyed seeing the shocked face of the Otsutsuki clansman, who scowled and shouted at him about how he'd defeat him sooner or later.

Ryu was too powerful even for the Otsutsuki Clan, and even his mother failed to realize he was not even at home most of the time. Now he was several kilometers away from the battlefield, looking at the battle in front of him.

"The Juubi is cool though, Kurai you want to gain some tails? I guess with your raw Chakra you can gain at least thirteen tails!" Ryu grinned, his creations could never be weak, he would make sure of it.

"If I wanted a tail I'd create one for myself anyway, but they are not comfortable anyway, I don't require them." Kurai replied as he rolled his eyes inside Ryu.

Kurai took the form of a dragon or sometimes of a wolf, but his favorite form was the dragon. When in his dragon form he had black or red scales and black yellow eyes. He looked extremely formidable and scary.

Ryu ate an apple and looked at the battlefield," This is slowly becoming boring..." He grinned and said," Kurai you want to make a bet?"

The dragon looked at him and asked,"What kind of bet?"

"I bet that the battle will be over inside a week!"

The dragon scowled," It'll take at least a month. The Juubi might be weaker than me, but it does not mean it's weaker than those two idiots."

The silver haired boy sweated,"Err... You are talking about my... siblings y'know?" Kurai grinned," I Don't care!"

"Fine, but if I win, you got to do one thing I ask from you!" Ryu said, as his friend nodded, he was getting bored anyway

"Rikudō — Chibaku Tensei"

Ryu jumped in happiness as his siblings sealed their mother into a moon, he did notice a certain Black Zetsu escaping though, but it did not matter, he had won the bet!

Kurai groaned, what kind of punishment would he give him... He could only wonder,Ryu smirked," I want you to...Err I don't know." Ryu scratched the back of his head and laughed out,"Sorry,sorry. I don't really know what I want you to do for me..."

Kurai sighed," I should've expected that from you... I've been with you for more than 8 years after all..." The dragon slammed one of his hands at his head, his body was larger than any mountain, and even bigger than the Juubi, but he liked to take the form of a small dragon instead.

Ryu looked at his brother,Hagoromo with awe as he split the Juubi's chakra into nine parts," I guess he isn't as weak as he always was anymore, the same can be said for Hamura, the two have become way stronger than before..." He grinned," I am very happy!"

"Can someone remind me why I am still together with this idiot..." Kurai groaned to himself, his host could be very dumb sometimes...