Is This called ' Filler ' ?

Kurai stretched his limbs, he was now in his Wolf form, with one tail extending from his back. He took the form of a large wolf, about the same size as Kurama with silver soft fur and yellow eyes which had slits, strangely.

Inside his seal, Kurai was looking at the sight before his Jinchuuriki and creator, Ryu Otsutsuki Uzumaki Namikaze. It was a weird sight... One that he would definitely always remember forever.

It was the one jutsu Ryu had never thought of, one he'd accept had escaped his mind, his one thousand years old mind.

Sexy Jutsu.

Seriously, who in their right mind would create a jutsu, where their body would change genders, only perverts... Only perverts...

That was what Ryu would say, when he saw his own brother, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze use that Jutsu on Jiraya, a 'self proclaimed Super Pervert', or also called Ero-Sennin by his family, Kushina,Naruto and Yuki.

Ryu himself could only admire his godfather from afar, wondering how he got this much courage to do stuff like this... Seriously who peeked into women bathing, and not be afraid of the beating he'd receive?

The Toad Sage was truly someone, Ryu admired with all his heart... Receiving so much beatings, but still continuing to be the same, was that the true peak of a Pervert's road? A Super Pervert?! Ryu did not know the answer, even if he was a God.

Ryu had meet the Sannins only three times in his life, in his first birthday, sixth birthday and during a public speech the Hokage had held a few days ago, speaking about the plans for the future of Konohagakure.

From the three, Orochimaru was the craziest,Jiraiya was the weirdest and Tsunade was the...most normal one? Ryu guessed. Tsunade could be a lot of things, so it was hard to guess.

Ryu chuckled, as Iruka told him to answer a question," Who was the First Hokage?"

"Hashirama Senju." Ryu answered while he rolled his eyes, seriously, was he being asked to answer such simple questions?

Iruka sighed,"Are there Senju clansmen still alive in Konoha?" He asked with a slight smirk, that was a quite uncommon question, and Ryu might not know his father was a Senju. He was still 6 so he probably forgot it.

"Yes, Minato Namikaze, the current Hokage, there's also several half Senju's like me and my siblings." Ryu answered with a slight smile, his lips curling as if in ridicule, Iruka literally was very annoyed.

Ken scowled as he looked away from Ryu, "Smart bastard." He groaned to himself, however he was heard by his 'friend' Ryu who chuckled.


Ryu returned from the Academy, and at home, dinner was being served, Kushina grinned as he saw him enter, Naruto and Yuki already in their seats, they had returned earlier after completing a few D Rank Missons.

"Come take you seat, My little munchkin." Kushina smiled, Minato was not there, as he was busy with Hokage duties, despite her anger, Kushina ignore it and Ryu nodded, he washed his hands and took a seat.

"Ramen." Ryu looked at the table and had a slight smile, he was slowly getting addicted to this food, not that he would accept it."Miso Ramen!" Naruto grinned as he immediately started to eat, Yuki was a bit slower.

Kushina chuckled as she also took a seat and started to eat her own bowl of Ramen. Ryu started to eat it too. Despite it being unhealthy, Minato had made it a rule that they only could have it three times a week.

Any less and he'd have to face Kushina's wrath in maximum, which Minato clearly did not want to do... He did not want to face death.

"Where is Kakashi-san?" Ryu asked with curiosity. Naruto shivered at the mention of his sensei. He had been recently been subjected to the use of 'Thousand Deaths' and he could still his butt hole hurting.

Kakashi was being ruthless to him... Very ruthless..

Suddenly the door to their home was opened, and a very familiar blonde entered, Tsunade Senju, Ryu and his sibling's aunt, Minato's older sister. She had a visible grin in her face. " Where are my nephews and nieces?"

The three siblings grinned and got out of their seats and jumped to hug Tsunade, who returned the hug and ruffled Ryu's hair, and did the same to Naruto and Yuki. " Hello, Kushina." Tsunade smiled at Kushina, who returned the smile.

" I came to visit, I was pretty close to Konoha, so I decided to enter the village for a little stroll, Shizune is in the village catching up with old friends of hers."

Tsunade smiled, only around her brother's family could she be as relaxed as here. The death of her loved ones still affected her sometimes, but with some still living relatives she could at least be a bit relaxed.

Tsunade did not have the Mokuton, neither did Minato or any of his kids, technically Ryu had it, but it was not given to him thanks to the blood, he always had it, ever since he was born.


Minato groaned as he finished another agreement with a random village in the Elemental Nations, who barely mattered, but as the Hokage it was his duty to do everything to improve the living condition of his village.

Minato's Chakra Reserves were not that high, however he could still afford a few dozens of Shadow Clones thanks to his Senju Bloodline. Typically he used them to help him with paper work, and the rest were either at home or training.

Currently, he had finished improving the latest form of the Rasengan, [Wind Release - Flying Rasengan] which was basically a more powered up Rasengan, which could be sent flying from his hand, at incredible speeds which only served to increase the destruction power of the Rasengan.

Minato was rather quite proud of his technique, as much as of his Hiraishin, which of course he did not neglect. The Hiraishin and the Rasengan were his proudest creations.

He puffed his chest in pride, as he read a file in front of him, his son, Ryu Uzumaki Namikaze was quite a prodigy, with several jutsus under his belt.

He was going to be a pain to his father... He smiled.