Team 7... The Beginning of a Journey.

It was a sunny day in Konoha, The Uzumaki Namikaze Family were having mixed feelings. Minato himself had graduated early, but it was war time and they had to get shinobis and kunoichis earlier than usual.

Ryu Uzumaki Namikaze grinned, due to the fact he wanted to graduate early, he was asked to perform an A Rank Jutsu, which was not the Rasengan, because that would be simply cheating.

Minato Namikaze Senju looked at his son and said," You wanted to graduate early so..." Hes stopped mid-way as Kushina growled at the mention of 'early graduation', she was still extremely pissed at that.

"You need to perform an A Rank Jutsu, while your friends need to perform three C Rank Jutsus, for the Hyuuga, a spar with me should be enough. Are you ready to start?" Minato said with sweat pouring from his forehead.

Ryu nodded, Naruto and Yuki weren't home, they were outside, traveling with Jiraiya and Tsunade, who was rather annoyed at the fact she had to endure the Perverted Sage for a whole year and more.

His mother was looking at Ryu with a teary face, almost ready to explode in tears," My little munchkin can't grow up this fast!"

Ryu smiled," Yes father!" Ryu said as he started flashing hand seals,"Suiton - Twin Water Dragons!"

Minato gasped in amazement ,at what seemed an improved version of Water Release - Water Dragon Jutsu, this was definitely an A Rank Jutsu!

He widened his gaze, as the Jutsu shot at him, the two dragons of water roaring and looking extremely formidable, Minato groaned, as he used a Rasengan to destroy the Two water dragons.

"That is more than plenty enough..." Minato panicked as he saw Ryu getting ready to replicate the jutsu again, not to mention that it could hurt Ryu's Chakra Reserves, but it could also hurt the civilians.

Ryu stopped his hands, and pouted. " I had enough chakra to do that again several times!" Minato just sighed. "Anyway, Ken come forward. I need you to perform Three C Rank Jutsu's." Ken stepped forward, slightly nervous and took a deep breath.

"Fire Release - Great Fireball Jutsu" Ken shouted as he flashed through several hand seals, and expelled a large amount of Fire from his mouth, straight at Minato who sweated slightly," This is very surprising..."

However, he effortlessly stopped the Jutsu with the same Jutsu, then he looked at Ken who nodded," Fire Release - Fire Dragon Jutsu!" He shouted and expelled fire from his mouth, which took the shape of a dragon, and flew at Minato, who used the Great Fireball Jutsu again.

Kushina smiled at the scene,"We have so many talented people rising in Konoha again... The previous Hokages must be very proud." Well, not Tobirama, he didn't really love the Uchiha Clan.

"For the final jutsu, I'll use the one I learned recently!" Ken grinned as he spared a look at Ryu who returned the look with a similar grin.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Ken shouted as he crossed his fingers, three clones identical to him popping out in a poof of smoke. "Fire Release : Great Fire Ball Jutsu x3!" The 4 Ken's shouted as they expelled the fire.

Minato sweated as he used the Hiraishin to teleport the Fire to a place far away from here. "Who taught you the shadow clone jutsu?!" That was a forbidden jutsu, and you needed jounin chakra reserves to use it.

However, Ken already had such reserves due to the fact Ryu had been pouring a bit of his chakra on him daily, by now his chakra was comparable to Special Jonin's. Ryu was extremely proud of his friend, Yato smirked.

Minato chuckled," You pass, Ken Uchiha, your father must be extremely proud of you." Ken replied with a,"Hn" making Ryu get annoyed," Oi, what did I say about that response! You must work on your social skills!"

The rest sweated, while Yato yawned and stepped forward," I need to show my skills as a prodigy of the Hyuuga Clan." He said as he took the Gentle Fist Stance, Minato looked at Yato and said," Since you are an Hyuuga, you must demonstrate the Gentle Fist, by fighting a Chunin, Iruka can you?"

Iruka stepped forward, among Chunins he now ranked in the medium high tier. " Gladly." He smiled at his student,"So I was really shocked when I heard that you wanted to graduate early, Ryu,Yato and Ken."

Iruka grinned darkly," But when the Hokage told me I could just defeat Yato to make this stop, I was very happy! I can't have my students face the truths of the world so early! You are still children." He added as Minato shouted,"Start!"

Yato activated his bloodline, as his eyes turned even more pale, and veins popped out in the skin surrounding his eyes. " I might not be capable of beating you with just my Gentle Fist, but if I go beyond that..."

Suddenly Iruka's eyes widened as he lowered his gaze, noticing the green seal below him.

"Eight Trigrams Thirty Two Palms!" Yato shouted as he started sealing Iruka's Chakra Points.

"Two,Four,Eight,Sixteen,32!" Yato shouted as he completed the attack, Iruka sweated slightly,'Are those seriously the same students I taught a minute ago...' He groaned as he was forced to jump behind.

' I can only use taijutsu, anything beyond that likeninjutsu could be destructive towards them, and I don't want my students to be hurt.'

Iruka was deep in thoughts as he dodged Yato's attacks.

He was proving to be a challenge for the chunin, who was among the top of his rank. However, he lacked the experience a chunin had, so this could easily be won by Iruka just by using the flaws in the Gentle Fist used by him.

Iruka elbowed Yato's arm away, creating disarray in his stance, before kicking him away, and then punching him in the stomach, making him gasp for air, however Yato gnashed his teeth and endure the pain, and slammed his palm on Iruka's 65th Chakra Point. He was being drained of his Chakra.

Minato chuckled," Enough, Iruka, Yato has proven that he is fully fit to be a genin. It's official then, Team 7 has been put in the process again!"

The now named, Team 7 smiled.