
Yamato introduced himself to Team 7," My name is Yamato, I am a jounin of Konohagakure, you can call me Yamato-san, I'll be an assistant to Yugao-san and Hayate-san, while I am here to just teach Ryu-kun the Wood Style, you can also ask me various questions about shinobis, I won't refuse to answer."

Ryu was the first to raise his hand to say something, getting permission he nodded and spoke,"Yamato-san, I've heard that the Wood Style was something unique to Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, so how did I awaken it?"

Yamato nodded,"That's a very good question Ryu, It is because your father is a senju, and your mother is an Uzumaki, you are about three thirds Senju, and a quarter and a bit Uzumaki, it is probably because of this that you awakened it. "

Uzumaki's were cousins to the Senju, so that was a reason why he had more Senju blood rather than half/half.

"Then you are going to teach me Wood Style jutsus?" Ryu asked cheerfully, Yamato nodded," Yes I'll teach you how to control it better and manage to create jutsus with it." He said with a calm tone.

Ken looked at Ryu with an envious face," Dude, the First Hokage was known as the God Of Shinobi! He was the strongest shinobi of his time, and even since then no one has matched his might, only the Sage Of The Six Paths is stronger than him."

Ryu rolled his eyes,"Yamato, you are going to teach me his jutsus right?" He asked with a serious look in his eyes, Yamato nodded,"Yes, most of them are going to be his jutsus." Ryu then shook his head," Then I don't need them. I am not Hashirama Senju."

Yamato gained a stunned look in his face, just like Hayate and Yugao.

" I am Ryu Uzumaki Namikaze SENJU, I am not Hashirama, I am myself, I'll pave a way for myself, I don't need the power of Hashirama's Jutsus, I'll create my own." Ryu gained a calculative look on his face as he smirked.

" I am going to surpass Hashirama... No even the Sage Of The Six Paths won't hold a candle to me by the time I am going to die in this world..." With this, Ryu Uzumaki Namiakze revealed his future to the world.

Yes, future not dream or objective, who could defeat Ryu's experience and knowledge? No one. " And this is the first step to it, Wood Style - Yggdrasil"

He exclaimed as he slammed one palm of his into the ground, suddenly the entire ground shook and started to crack, shocking Yamato,'The amount of Wood Chakra put into this is unbelievable! The Notes the Senju's left did not mention any jutsu this destructive!'

The ground fully cracked and wood roots appeared out of nowhere, leaves also appeared, suddenly the wood soared into the air, five hundred meters in the air.

Yggdrasil, a lesser version of the Shinju Tree, fully harmless unless Ryu himself used it as a weapon. Suddenly Minato appeared out of nowhere, directly in the top of the tree, and noticed team 7 on it,"What is this?!"

He asked.

'This is literally on the same level as the Forest Of Death... No a whole level higher. This... My son did it?! I can see that most of his chakra reserves are gone... But to create a new Forest Of Death, something which took the First months to finish... In a mere moment?!'

"Hokage-sama, your son literally created something equal to the Forest Of Death with a single slam of his palm into the ground! This basically instantly made Training Ground 7 forbidden from use!" Yamato shouted as he panicked internally.

Minato chuckled," It's okay I guess... We can use this to our benefit, I know... Let's name this the Nature God's Wood Forest... No that's too weird... How about Forest Of The Wood Sage, mhm that is better."

Hayate and Yugao sweated at the antics of their Hokage, they were still slightly used to it but it still affected them every time he went into 'thinking' mode. He created extremely large names.

Ryu grinned weakly, as sweat covered his forehead,"Tou-chan... I did it, I created something crazy! I don't need any Jutsu from the first hokage to use the Wood Element, I can do it purely on my own!" He said weakly as if to prove something.

Minato looked at his son for a moment before sighing,"Ryu... You don't need to do something this crazy to tell us that, a simple Wood Jutsu you created could've been more than enough, this drained you of most of your chakra."

"Also why name it Yggdrasil! You could've named it something cooler like, "Wood Style - Bane Of Humanity's Civilization" or... "Wood Style - Creation Of The Sage's Forest!" or... " Wood Style - Forest Of Gods."

Ryu nodded,'That actually gave me a few ideas... Thanks Dad!'

"... It was just something I did on instinct tou-chan .... Are you telling me I did bad?!" Ryu pouted as if he was wronged, Minato sweated and laughed out," No my son, you didn't do anything bad..."

'Grandfather would be proud of you, Ryu. You managed to create such a large jutsu of the Wood Style, something he didn't manage to do quite until his teenage years, while you did it a day after discovering it.' Minato chuckled inside him," You've made me proud, Ryu." He said while ruffling his hair, earning a pout from Ryu," I'm not a kid anymore,Tou-chan!" He said and jumped behind.

Ken and Yato were still sweating from all the crazy stuff happening around them. Their teammate was far stronger and crazier than the duo. ' I really need to step up my training if I ever want to catch up to Ryu...'

Ryu didn't know that his casual actions had given birth to a flame of competition inside his teammates, but if he did, he'd grin in happiness, this was all going according to plan... To plan...


Minato gasped as he saw for a fact, that the Yggdrasil was not removable, maybe Ryu could remove it using the Wood Chakra, but for now it was incredible. The size itself was magnificent. His son really had a lot of chakra...