The Battle

"AS IF!" Kuro roared as his sword, Niberu started to shine in a blood red color, and runes appeared over it, in a white color. "THE ULTIMATE POWER I ACQUIRED FROM MASSACRING… BLOOD BOOST!" He roared, Ryu could feel Kuro's Chakra Reserves growing past Jounin Level, reaching the level of a S Rank Shinobi.

"What's up with those Missing Nin's and their secret jutsus… Geez all of them should be Forbidden!" Ryu said with a sigh,"I'm sorry buddy, but I can't allow you to continue this." He smirked as he clasped his hands together again,"Wood Style - Gaia's Prison!"

He shouted as Wood erupted from the ground and encircled Kuro who pointlessly tried to destroy the wood, only to be fully engulfed in it.The Wood then flew in the air and Ryu's eyes turned to the Rinnegan for a short moment.

"Behold, the power of a ruler, Shinra Tensei!" Ryu shouted as an invisible pressure shoot at the wood orb, sending it flying at least a thousand kilometers away,"That should be a nice journey." He chuckled to himself

'To who am I kidding, that probably shattered every bone of that dude, and he won't survive much with that wood which he can't cut through, he's 100% dead.' Ryu started to laugh with himself, earning a weird look from his teammates.

Noticing how awkward he looked, he coughed,"Then now that we have dealt with one of the jounins, let's continue! I left Yamato-sensei to deal with Zabuza, and I don't think he can hold him off for much longer!"

Ken and Yato nodded,"Ah before we go… Let me recover your chakra reserves with what I Gathered through my 'Gaia's Presence' Jutsu." Ryu said as he gave them enough Chakra to recover.

Ignoring their astonished expressions, Ryu suddenly charged forward with the speed of around 100 mph. A speed considered normal for jounins, and many experienced chunins one could say. Jounins typically could reach speeds of around 300 mph if they so wanted.


Yamato formed two wood pillars, and encircled Zabuza around it, the missing nin countered it with a Water Dragon Jutsu, the battle was quite even, however Zabuza had a slight advantage over Yamato.

"Wood Style - Wood Pillars!" Yamato shouted and sent forth four more pillars made of wood at Zabuza, who dodged them and threw his large sword at the Konoha jounin, who created a massive wall made of earth in front of him, blocking the attack,'This seems strangely familiar to the other situation with that other missing nin,Kuro…'

He thought, as the Wood Clone Ryu had made before shouted,"Water Style - Twin Water Dragons!" And the water gathered to form two dragons made of water which shot out at Zabuza, who was left unprotected without his weapons.

Zabuza groaned, as he grabbed Haku, whose mask had been cracked, revealing her beautiful face, and jumped away, the chunin was unconscious, and just added weight to the group he was supposed to help.

Ryu snorted as he waved his hand in the air, and grabbed a scroll from his back and opened it, to get a poof of smoke, revealing a beautiful sword, with a long silver blade, with no dull side and a black hilt.

"I'll show you my Kenjutsu!" Ryu shouted as he swung his sword in the air,"Crimson Moon's Awakening!"He shouted as the sword suddenly appeared in the image of a crimson moon. Earning a confused look from Zabuza who a second later shouted,"Kai!"

He awoke to a sight full of blood. He was slashed at by Ryu, his chest had a large wound which was sucking a large amount of his blood out, if he did not get immediate treatment, he'd die. Ryu had a cold look in his face, seems that the Demon of the Hidden Mist was weak to Genjutsu.

He chuckled as Zabuza fainted, and used his Wood Element to heal him, he'd be useful in the future, he engulfed both him and the chunin in a wood orb and the wood started to rotate, and move far away.

'I left a note for them, should be useful pawns for the future.' Ryu said as he rolled his eyes at the sight before him. Yamato,Ken and Yato were starting at Hayate,Yugao AND his mother,Kushina who had an extremely scary expression in her face.

"Kaa-chan…" Ryu gulped down as he noticed his mother nearing him, with a very not friendly expression visible in her face. He was getting ready to experience the worst, which probably would happen.

"My little munchkin." Kushina growled, a dark aura escaping from her."You've made me really..really mad… AND WORRIED!" She shouted as she embraced her son,"What if you had gotten injured?! I'd never be capable of forgiving myself for that!"

Ryu started to laugh lowly, not sure of how to react to the current situation, while his fellow genins giggled,'It's rare to see Ryu so flustered…I must record this scene in my head!' Was their thought.

"I've decided, before you go in any other mission, I'll teach you about Kenjutsu! You think you are powerful just because of ninjutsu! Wait for me to help you discover a whole new world!" Kushina said as she shook her son.

After a while, Ryu was finally released, he decided to speak to Tazuna about the bridge," Uhh Tazuna-san what will you do about the bridge, We'll deal with Gato soon, he lost two jounins so he is severely weakened."

Tazuna had a thoughtful expression," I think I'll wait before starting to begin construction again, I can't risk having it destroyed again, it costs a lot to re-construct the destroyed parts." He said with a sigh.

Yamato nodded,"Me and Ryu can help you gather resources, our Wood Element can locate the resources you need through Nature, although mine is more limited that Ryu, I can still help you a bit."

Tazuna had a grateful expression on his face,"Is that so?! Thank you a lot! The Land Of Wave owes you guys plenty of service!" He said with a brightened face,'Thanks goodness Uzushiogakure never forgot about us…'

If Uzushio had not sent a mission to Konoha, then there would be a chance that the Land Of Wave would still have to suffer under, Gato… But now with 4 jounins and a team of super genins, maybe they'd be freed.