A Stubborn Patient

It's already been a week since Xie Na almost lost her life. Because of her encounter with Ji Li Zhao and her blabbermouth mistake in front of him...she began avoiding Hou Wei Yan for a while to preserve her life.

But after the accident, she wasn't punished at all so she gathered enough courage and paraded at the hospital.

She stopped at the beige-colored door with the insignia of her best friend. With a soft knock, she slowly called out her name. She took in some reports again from others and had been stuck inside her office for who knows how long. "Wei Wei, are you here?"

"Xie Na, come in." someone inside said followed by a loud yawn.

Even though she had Hou Wei Yan's permission, Xie Na still entered with caution. Who knows, perhaps Ji Li Zhao had free time again and decided to drop by. Fortunately...that wasn't the case.

But a more horrid scene greeted her. "Oh, My God! Who are you?! What did you do with my best friend?!"

In front of her wasn't the goddess Hou Wei Yan. It's a monster...no she was like a zombie. Her appearance was drained of energy and even her table was quite a mess.

Hou Wei Yan looked at her with an attitude. "You beast! If you're here to insult me get out!"

Instead of coaxing the beast, Xie Na merely laughed.

"Sorry sorry. I heard you've been working hard but I didn't expect to see you in such a state. You look hideous, I bet all your suitors would run away the moment they see you," she said as she took a seat in front of her.

She was merely joking about this but Hou Wei Yan suddenly stood up.

"Really? Then I should meet them now," she said as she tried to walk out with a determined look. If she knew this could frighten them so much she should have done it before they gathered enough interest.

Xie Na immediately stopped her with a pout. Hou Wei Yan's suitors are vast and she finds entertainment in their approaches. If she stops now, who will entertain her? "Tch, why are you so against them?"

"You know getting into a relationship will only hold me back in the future," Hou Wei Yan clarified as she took a seat and combed her hair. She had already given a word to someone, she cannot turn back.

Getting into a relationship with someone is easy, but getting out is hard. It's either she breaks a heart or she breaks her own in the end. That's something she'd very much like to avoid.

Xie Na looked at her, analyzing her gaze. "Is this about---"

Before she could finish, Hou Wei Yan had already stood up. Her hair was no longer a nesting place for a bird. "Anyway, whatever you're here for, you better go away now. I still have a patient to visit."

Quite disappointed, Xie Na pulled on her lab coat and gave her a sad look. "Ahh, who is it that you'd rather throw your best friend away?"

Hou Wei Yan merely sighed at her childishness. She pulled back her coat and gave her a smile of adoration. "A hot guy,"

"Liar! There's no one in this hospital that fits that description." she immediately said as she knew almost everyone in this hospital. If there was indeed such a patient, she would have been one of those people who receive the news in a flash.

But Hou Wei Yan wasn't lying. "There's one."

Of course, there is. Though he wasn't admitted to the hospital, he was still her patient. And yes, she considers him hot. She only finds one guy in the hospital that fits her standard of a hot guy.

Who was it that sent her in a daze every single time they meet?

"But it's up to you whether to believe me or not," she said as she exited the vicinity. Xie Na was left there in a mess. If she's going to meet a hot guy, isn't Ji Li Zhao in trouble?

To make up for the last incident, she immediately sent Huang Xun a text message. "Mr. Huang, my best friend seems to fancy a dude here at the hospital!"

Huang Xun and Ji Li Zhao were in the middle of a meeting at that time. Upon receiving the text, his eyes immediately went wide and made Ji Li Zhao read it. The color of his face got slightly drained of color. This is bad.

"Meeting adjourned," he said and stood up without explaining anything to the presenters. They were confused and wanted to ask what was wrong...but alas, Ji Li Zhao had already exited the room in a flash. This is the first time he did such a thing that sent the whole company into chaos.


Hou Wei Yan arrived outside a private room where a female nurse awaits her. "Tang Jing, how is she?"

Tang Jing instantly bowed down in respect before sighing as she looked back at the door where a little monster lays. "She threw another hysterical fit again. I'm so sorry if you had to put up with this. If only Doctor Sheng didn't have early labor."

She said in a dejected manner. Well, she was one of those who paid close attention to their surroundings. So she knew how much work Hou Wei Yan had taken because of the other doctor's bullying.

Doctor Sheng was the one who helped Hou Wei Yan ward off the others but then she also had to leave forcing Hou Wei Yan to take over her work and prioritized it. But there's one patient on Doctor Sheng's list that speaks only of trouble. She's a very very stubborn patient.

To make matters worse, she's very reckless and violent.

Hou Wei Yan simply smiled at her. "Nonsense. I'm just glad I could help her feel relieved after giving birth. Well then. I'm going to meet her."

She slightly opened up the door to enter but Tang Jing stopped her. With a worried look, she said. "Be careful! I'll have some nurse behind your back."

"I don't think she's that harmful," Hou Wei Yan took a peek at the room and saw a petite young lady wearing a pink hospital gown. She was glancing outside the window so only half of her face can be seen. Even so, she had a peaceful ambiance that coordinated well with her face.

Tang Jing knew she was taken in by her beauty. She's more dangerous because of that. Others who tended to her let their guards down resulting in some injuries. "Ah, just please be careful!"

Hou Wei Yan simply nodded her head and fully entered the room. The moment she stepped in, the young lady instantly broke her peaceful facade.

"Miss Cheng Ying, I'm doctor Hou Wei Yan. I will be in charge of your treatment from now on," she said with a smile as she took careful steps closer to her bed.

But what she got was a simple click of the tongue and a piercing gaze. "Ah, another stupid doctor. I told you I don't want to get the treatment why are you forcing me?!"

She had indeed heard she's very adamant about treatment but her sickness is not something to be taken lightly. They had only recently found out about her acute abdomen. It's a rapid onset of severe symptoms that may indicate potentially life-threatening intra-abdominal pathology. In her case, she needs to undergo surgery to cure her sickness.

Besides they cannot simply drop the treatment because she doesn't want it. There are other factors that need consideration. One of these is her family. "Miss Cheng, your parents had signed you up for the treatment. It's our wish to rid of your pain."

With the mention of her parents, Cheng Ying's composure instantly snapped. "What nonsense are you sprouting about?! My father doesn't care about me! He only wants his mistress so stop fooling me! I'm not dumb!"

[ Ah, so that was the case. ] Hou Wei Yan stepped closer and closer and gave her a serious gaze. "If you're not then you should accept the treatment. The sooner you get treated the higher the chance of your survival."

"I said I don't want it! Give it to someone else, I don't need your stupid treatment!" her voice as she said this held a threatening tone and it was louder than her last shout. But Hou Wei Yan didn't flinch nor take this as something to be afraid of.

She looked at her again, this time her eyes bore the truth.

"Miss Cheng, please be reasonable. This is for your own good," she said, not only referring to her condition but to her family situation as well.

This treatment will make her live. If she doesn't accept it or delay it further there's only death waiting for her. If she dies, what will happen to the mistress?

[ Of course, she'd be the one hogging off what should belong to this child! ]

"What good will living longer give me? This crappy life, I'd rather die than continue it!"

Such a statement made her shake her head. She doesn't understand nor even think further ahead. If she just dies her family will be in grave danger. "Miss, there are far better roads to take than death. If you live more, change will surely come. This treatment will be very beneficial for your deteriorating health,"

Cheng Ying didn't like to get reminded of her weakness.

"I'm fine, my body is not yet decaying so stop forcing me!" she shouted and instantly stood up. But before she could even maintain a firm footing, her balance tipped.

"Miss Cheng!" Hou Wei Yan ran to her in panic.

Noticing the doctor touching and supporting her, she immediately pushed her away. "Don't touch me!"

But this caused her to fall to the floor, butt first. And the doctor who only meant good and tried to help her was pushed away and fell a bit further from her. However, unlike her, Hou Wei Yan fell and hit her head without anything to cushion her fall.

Heavy footsteps can be heard outside.

Ji Li Zhao arrived, wearing ripped jeans and a striped long-sleeve shirt with a golden eagle logo. He was wearing his mask and his sunglasses as he entered Cheng Ying's room in hopes of seeing Hou Wei Yan dazed by his looks.

But what he saw made his heart drop.

"Doctor Hou!" he went behind her and placed her head on his shoulders, his heart wavering as he saw her eyes slightly closed. "Nurse!"

Tang Jing who was not far from the room immediately heard his loud scream. She ran inside the room and saw a man holding Doctor Hou tightly in his arms. "Oh my god, what happened?"

Hearing the commotion, the Head nurse, Yu Luli entered the room as well. Hou Wei Yan fluttered her eyes and felt a warm pair of arms surrounding her protectively. This made her wake up and be on alert. She looked up at the one holding her and was greeted by a pair of ash-colored eyes that were filled with worry.

She immediately sat up which made Ji Li Zhao let go. Everyone looked at her in worry making her smile. "I'm fine. Thank you."

Tang Jing wasn't taken in by her smile. So she walked towards her and inspected her head which sent her in shock. "You're bleeding!"

Hou Wei Yan brushed her off with an endearing smile. "Help Miss Cheng settle in her bed first. I'll go back to my office."

She tried standing up but she was still short in strength.

Noticing her struggle and her wish not to trouble a lot of people, Ji Li Zhao took hold of her hand and supported her as she stood up while making her look like she was okay.


Ji Li Zhao saw blood on her head too so he took out his handkerchief and place it in her hands. "Use this, I will accompany you back to your office."

She looked at his covered face and cannot picture his expression. She accepted the handkerchief but she slightly pushed his hands away. "Mr. Ji, there's no need."

However, this only made Ji Li Zhao want to accompany her more. He took back her hands.

"I insist. I also have an appointment with you, might as well wait there with you," he said making him look like a patient only showing kindness and consideration, nothing else.

Yu Luli was informed by the director regarding Ji Li Zhao and Hou Wei Yan. She walked up towards them and patted the latter. "Doctor Hou, please listen to the gentleman. I'll handle Miss Cheng."

She looked at Cheng Ying and saw her already in bed and sleeping. Without anything else to do and Ji Li Zhao's acceptable reason, she nodded her head. "Alright, you're ganging up on me again."

Yu Luli clapped her hands and pushed them both out the door.

"Now off you two go," she said with a smile and closed the door immediately. Ji Li Zhao looked at Hou Wei Yan and carefully escorted her back to her office.


Inside her office, Hou Wei Yan let out a sigh of relief. Thank heavens Xie Na cleaned up her mess. She looked at Ji Li Zhao and bowed her head down. "Mr. Ji thank you for your help."

Ji Li Zhao nodded his head politely and looked around her office once more. Hou Wei Yan immediately made him settle down on the couch which she just got a few days ago. "There are not many patients today so I'll tend to you first."

"Thank you," he answered.

Hou Wei Yan walked toward him and was taken aback by a red stain on his shoulders. "Blood?"

Ji Li Zhao was set in panic so he covered it instantly with his hands. But what she saw can never be taken back.

She looked at him seriously and touched it when she got closer. Just the smell of it confirmed her guess.

"What happened?!" she said as she tore his shirt open revealing a dressing with blood filling its white color. Ji Li Zhao looked at her as she looked back at him, both totally forgetting that his shirt was torn apart.