Came to Take the Bride

"A day off? I didn't apply for one," she asked quite shocked after opening the letter handed to her by Fu Ning.

It was early in the morning...while she was sleeping soundly to prepare for her night shift her world suddenly turned confusing. She was very busy and focused on her work but she can still remember her actions. None of it warrants the event that's currently happening in front of her.

She has just presented the letter and it was written to have a day off...but she never applied for one. [ How could this be? ]

Fu Ning clearly saw the confusion on Hou Wei Yan's face as she read the letter thoroughly. As she finished reading, she looked up which made her sigh. "Yi Lan gives a day off to each staff by schedule. Even though you didn't apply for one, you're still given such a privilege and it's a must to take the chance."

Privilege? Usually, hospitals would even be delighted if their staff is always around considering everyone's job is very important in maintaining life.

[ But Yi Lan gives day-offs even when they don't apply for one? ]

This made her look at her office and outside. This hospital is unique from others but confusing. "Tang Jing, is this true?"

Tang Jing who was also confused nodded her head. "Yes, as I've known it was Doctor Zhang before you."

There is indeed such a thing in Yi Lan. But it was unheard of to suddenly change the schedule of order. Much more allowing a newcomer to have it just like that. Such privilege can only be given once the newcomer has reached at least 6 months of work in the hospital and has shown devotion to her work.

True, Hou Wei Yan is extraordinary and her determination is frightening, but can a tradition be easily broken just because her fighting spirit is greater than the other new doctors who hid behind politeness and obedience?

Hou Wei Yan took a glance at the letter once again and clearly saw the signature of the director and the owner of Yi Lan Hospital. Such a great opportunity but what if someone doesn't want it? She looked at Fu Ning and seriously asked her.

"Are we really obliged to?"

Fu Ning adjusted her glasses. Is there a reason why she wouldn't accept such a great opportunity? She's been curious about why she's treating the hospital like her house when she can go home once her schedule is cleared.

[ Is she avoiding something? No...avoiding someone perhaps? ]

"Working too hard is not good, so we implemented this. It's not easy to get a day off here without a substitute so everyone accepts it without delay."

Another sigh escaped her lips as she heard the reason. She knows it's not good but she's not entirely neglecting her health so what's wrong with her working hard? Besides, Xie Na had disappeared once more leaving her to fend for her unfinished paperwork.

The lunatic rarely ditches her responsibilities and when such a rare occasion arises the things that Xie Na left...she somehow gets the role of finishing all of it.

"Really? But I still have a lot of things to do."

"It's our responsibility to take charge of everything so you don't have to worry. Besides, are you sure you have nothing to settle or spend your time with?" Fu Ning said and noticed Hou Wei Yan's usually smiling face turn a bit gloomy.

She has tons of affairs to settle, and one of them is their family. After her mother left them behind she instantly became the Madame of the household and she settled all affairs including the welfare of her siblings.

That's cool but then...the new wife came, she snatched everything and assumed the role of the Madame. The only thing left was her role as the support of her siblings. But alas, she failed to stay with them 10 years ago.

She left them in a hurry, in fright, and in terror without saying a proper goodbye. When she arrived in America she had to take certain medications and therapy forcing her to lose contact with them. After all the promises she told them, she broke them and now she has little courage to face them and their angry and disappointed gaze.

With this thought, she looked inside her office. She had kept herself deserted but she knew she had to face them when the time came. She was just delaying so she could muster up enough courage to face them and accept everything they would throw at her.

[ seems like my time is up. ]

"Alright, then I will accept this. Thank you very much," she said as she fixed her gaze on Fu Ning and smiled.

As she turned around, Fu Ning spoke up. "Please return after a week."

"I will," she answered and left behind a much confused Tang Jing. A week...but the longest period of the privilege only lasts for four days.

[ Did the protocol suddenly change? That's odd. ]


The sun was already high when Hou Wei Yan finished settling some affairs. For the first time since her return, she took a step out of the hospital not to receive another patient from the ambulance but to greet the world again. Her usual get-up was replaced with a simple and comfortable pair of clothes.

Hou Wei Yan wasn't like her mother whose fashion sense was atop Mt. Himalayas. Instead, she values comfort more than fashion itself. So she wore white stretch-denim jeans paired with a loose wool-blend camisole complemented with Everlane Modern Oxford shoes. Considering the quite chilly weather, she donned a cozy duster cardigan and paraded towards the exit where her Porsche 918 Spyder awaited.

She was quite gleeful to ride it again considering it was quite new and was a rare gift from her cousin. The plain pearlescent white paint that coated it shone breathtakingly in front of the hospital. It cost quite a lot so she rejected it at first but the little twerp left it to her father and he delivered it upon her arrival forcing her to accept it than letting her steps take advantage of it.

"Wei Wei? Where are you going?"

The familiar voice boomed from afar making her look up far ahead. There stood her naughty best friend whom she hadn't seen for a week now. Her Bugatti Divo parked at the side parking lot which was visible where she stood.

"Xie Na!" she called out and took a detour towards her. "Where have you been?"

Xie Na's brows arched high as she greeted her. She placed her hands on her hips and gave her a grumpy face. "Hey, it's rude to answer a question with a question."

Hou Wei Yan chuckled at her grumpy forced face. She's dangerously adorable in such a state making her smile. "I'm going home. I was given a forced leave."

Confusion suddenly enveloped her face. "Oh? You did? But I thought it's Doctor Tong's turn this week?!"

Apparently, Xie Na was one of those staff dying for the day off. She was always waiting for her turn and focused on monitoring the schedule. Thus, she was taken aback by the sudden change of order. She also knew the rules of the hospital when it comes to newcomers so she cannot stop herself from maximizing her curiosity.

Hou Wei Yan returned a confused look at her. "Really? Assistant Fu gave me the order personally."

"Ah!" she squeaked as a sudden realization hit her hard.

[ This must be his doings again?! Such unusual opportunities only happen when a devil makes a move...and there's only one devil who can bend traditions towards his favor when it involves Hou Wei Yan! ]

[ That devil's name is Ji Li Zhao! ]

Hou Wei Yan looked at Xie Na with suspicion. It looks like her privilege was set up by someone. [ Was the event with the Director related to this? ]

Xie Na shuddered as she felt her suspicious gaze. Shoot, she was in trouble again! Hou Wei Yan was nice but she wasn't dumb to let small actions slip past her.

However, she can use her adorable self to her advantage. She gave off a dumb laugh as though she was a really forgetful child and smiled her way. "Right, I must have messed the order up. Anyway, you want me to come?"

Hou Wei Yan smiled and looked at her dangerously. [ Go with me? She's still not satisfied with her one-week absence? ]

Her eyes contained daggers of warning. "Don't be ridiculous, your work is piling up and the department head has been asking for your report. Where were you lately?"

A smile spread across her face. She blushed as her voice turned so sweet it made Hou Wei Yan cringe. "My boyfriend just returned from Mexico so I had to greet him and spend a little bit of time."

"What? That's basically skipping your responsibilities in the hospital. Are you out of your mind?!" she said a tad bit higher than her normal tone.

She understands that to love someone you have to spend time for yourself. But she fled without prior notice and didn't even put consideration on the severity of her absence. Lucky for her there weren't a lot of emergency patients.

Xie Na flipped her hair and smiled sweetly as she clung to Hou Wei Yan's arms. "Come on, it was only this week. He's going to France for a little while so I sneaked out."

Hou Wei Yan simply rolled her eyes. This kid is a fool of love, no wonder she didn't get promoted yet. But as a best friend, all she can do is accept her whole being and just wish the man isn't a sicko or she'll make sure he tastes hell for the first time.

She touched Xie Na's hair and ruffled it with a sigh. "Tch, dating instead of working will bring you to your doom if you're too indulgent."

"Stop being so naggy, get in your car, and go. Your family is likely waiting for your return. It's been so long." she said as she pushed Hou Wei Yan toward her car.

Sadness suddenly flushed her as she remembered her cowardice. She's such an idiot, isn't she?

"Yeah, I miss them but some issues held me back from returning."

"Wei Wei," she called out softly. As her best friend ever since they were inside their parent's womb, Xie Na instantly noticed her change of mood and knew the reason why. "Don't worry, in my eyes, Madame Xing is still the owner of the Household."

A smile replaced her frown to make Xie Na's worry disappear. "That's not a big matter to me."

The new wife is indeed the new madame of the house but that doesn't mean she was too weak to just submit to her. She may be her father's first love but Hou Wei Yan is his legitimate daughter and he's been planning on handing down the company to her than his new family. That itself is telling something already.

"Xie Na! There you are!" a shout suddenly shattered their time. Hou Wei Yan looked back and saw the terrorizing doctor of the A&E department and Xie Na's senior walking angrily toward them.

Xie Na shuddered in every step Su Qi took toward her. Her nightmare is here! And she's obviously unhappy and ready to tear her to pieces. "Ah, damn! The old hag caught me!"

"I'll be leaving then," Hou Wei Yan suddenly blurted out as she pressed her car keys, and opened the door.

Xie Na was petrified!

She ran towards her and clung to her arms like a sloth. She gave Hou Wei Yan a sad and pleading look with some tears already swelling up the side of her eyes. Such an actress she is. "Huh? Wei Wei, at least help me out!"

"No way. I don't want to get involved with the 'old hag'. Unlike you, I'm fragile to physical abuse," she said and quickly removed her grip from her arms. She took Xie Na by surprise and rode her car without delay.

Before she could even react, Hou Wei Yan had already started her car and sped off.

"Ah---Wei Wei!" she called back with real crocodile tears sprouting from her eyes.

Su Qi who saw her attempt to ditch her again gave a very dangerous and ugly smile. "Where do you think you're going?"

She gulped down hard as her senior cracked her knuckles.

[ I'm doomed! ]


"Miss, you can't enter the premises!"

A sigh escaped from her lips as she looked at the guard who seemed new to the household.

"I can't?" she inquired once more. It's been a few minutes since she arrived at their gate but somehow she found herself estranged and even gazed upon as an eyesore. She was blocked and that made her feel something was off already.

The guard looked at her with a strict face. Her car may look expensive but that doesn't mean she was already a worthy visitor of the Hous. He's seen people trying to buy their way in by using extravagant cars. "Name please, unless you're on the list of guests then you can't enter beyond this point."


Hou Wei Yan remained mute. This is something new indeed. He should have called his seniors when a stranger wished to enter the premises and yet he didn't and even acted as though he was the boss.

"Name please!" he said once again and gave her a more furious look.

She sighed. Her stepmother must have changed things a bit too far again. "Can't I really enter?"

"Please give us the name!" he said a bit forcefully. He was impatient because the head maid was about to return and such a scene will be no good to him.

Hou Wei Yan looked at him and was quite unhappy with his attitude. He's bringing shame to the household...which greatly resembles that of her stepmother.

"Fine," If she tells him her name how will he react?

"I'm Hou Wei Yan."

"Hou Wei Yan?" he asked once more which was replied with a nod. The man looked at his guest book and oddly...she wasn't there. Given that her surname was Hou, he checked the owner list but she wasn't there either.

This made him quite furious. She must be a social climber, using the Hou surname to get in. [ Tch, what a disgusting creature! ]

So he looked at her with disgust. "I'm so sorry but your name is not on the guest list."

Amusement suddenly swept her frown. It was like she was wiped off the face of the planet, she was erased completely off the map and it looks like her identity is long forgotten.

Hou Wei Yan chuckled. "Is this her way of greeting me? Such a mother she is."

She's been away for 10 years and she already thinks she owns everything?! Ridiculous! She suddenly looked up and gave him a terrifying gaze. "I don't know what tricks she pulled but can't the owner go inside her house?"

He raised his brows and his anger was nearly at its limit. "Stop spouting nonsense! I know the owner of this house!"

Hou Wei Yan smirked, her good side could be seen no more. Her stepmother is provoking her ruthlessly, then why not fight back ruthlessly?! "Then call them. I'm not leaving unless I have a proper talk with them."

Just like that, his temper reached max volume. "This is the great Hou Household, not everyone can talk to the owner so just please leave and don't cause any more trouble!"

He had used quite a threatening voice but Hou Wei Yan never left nor have any plans of doing so. She remained stoic as she stared at him with an electrifying gaze...a gaze that seemed so familiar. He stared down at her as well, this time a tiny realization sparking up inside.

"What's going on here?" his train of thought was interrupted by an authoritative voice and the honking of a car.

Hurriedly, he left the young woman's car and like a dog wagging his tail faced the great head maid of the household. He smiled at her and dismissed his anger. "Madame Ran, you're back!"

However, his smile was replied with a nod. "What's wrong?"

"Someone wants to enter the mansion but she's not on the guest list and she refuses to leave until she talks to the owner," he said with an annoyed yet soft tone.

She looked at him with indifference. Honestly, she hates this fellow. He's such a hypocrite and obviously the new wife's lackey.


He gulped but still continued smiling at her. "Hou Wei Yan,"

At the mention of such a name, her eyes instantly went wide. "What did you say?!"

The man was confused about her reaction "Her name is Hou Wei Yan,"

Shocked, the head maid released her purchases. "It can't be,"

Hurriedly, she got out of the car and shoved the man away. She rushed without delay towards the car. Coincidentally, Hou Wei Yan finally decided to step out of the car to confront the guard once more and show him her identification card which is proof of her identity and lineage as the real Hou Heiress.

The woman stood still as she watched Hou Wei Yan fix her hair into a bun. It took her a few more seconds to mutter a word and call for her. "Xiao Yan? Is that really you, Xiao Yan?"

Surprised, Hou Wei Yan looked toward the source of the familiar voice without delay.

"Auntie Ran!" she called back and ran towards her for a hug.

Ah, finally, someone familiar in her eyes!

"Oh my goodness, you're really back! You silly girl, forgetting about me!" she complained as she returned her hug.

Even before her birth, Ran Ai, or Auntie Ran had been in the household. She took care of her father, Hou Guanyu when he was still a rebellious teenage boy and since then stayed to take care of his offspring as atonement for all the kindness she was shown.

She loved Auntie Ran because she got her and she was caring and warm towards them. When their mother left, she was the only person who had the courage to discipline them and she's really thankful for that.

She released her from the hug and gave her an endearing smile. "What are you talking about? I never forgot about you,"

Ran smiled and hugged her again, this time even tighter. "You never even called me when you returned, how could you?"

"Sorry, I was occupied with work. Let me make it up to you," she replied as she patted her back.

Feeling excited, Ran immediately released her and clung to her arms much like Xie Na always does. "Really? Okay, let's go inside. Why are you even waiting for permission, this is your house!"

Hou Wei Yan chuckled. "It looks like my stepmother wanted me to stay out for a while,"

With the mention of her stepmother, Ran's anger began boiling. She gave a glare at the guard. "Go to Butler Li later and settle your last payment! You're fired!"

The man was petrified.

He was hired by Madame Fe but the one who truly handles the employment is still Ran Ai so her words are absolute and irrevocable.

"Wha--- Madame Ran, please no. I have a family. I didn't know!" he said as he begged on his knees.

She was firm and strict when giving punishments especially when it involved Hou Wei Yan whom she raised like her own. "You should have known,"

"No please," he began walking on his knees towards her.

He badly needs the job as it pays a lot and has a lot of benefits. He just never expected he'd meet his doom because he didn't inquire about the owner's forgotten daughter.

Hou Wei Yan looked at the man who was arrogant earlier and frowned. He had to lower his dignity for the job...when it's not his fault for not knowing.

She sighed and gently pulled Auntie Ran towards her. "Let's go inside and let it be. He doesn't need to get fired for my stepmother's tricks."

Ran nodded her head. No matter her decision, the final verdict still lies in Hou Wei Yan's judgment. The man sighed but before getting inside the car, Hou Wei Yan stopped and looked at him seriously.

"You should improve your judgment so next time you'll be able to differentiate what's real from what's fake," she said and left the man trembling for his grave mistake.

As they drove toward the mansion, Ran could no longer contain her excitement. "I'm sure the kids will be delighted!"

"Are they home?" Hou Wei Yan smiled...but her anxiety meter slowly started to rise.

Ran shook her head and held her hand. "Not yet. But your father is home,"

Hou Wei Yan's face contained confusion as she heard her words. "That's odd, it's his working time right now. Why is he home?"

"He never left for work today," she honestly said.

True. She found it quite odd as well but she cannot question him. Perhaps he just got tired and decided to rest for a day. Which coincidentally got inclined with Hou Wei Yan's surprise return.

[ But it's such a coincidence... it's somehow... ]

"Strange," she said and focused herself on driving.


After leaving her car on head butler Li's trustworthy hands, Hou Wei Yan immediately went in and was surprised to see her father waiting down the stairs with a huge smile adorning his handsome face.

"Father, I'm home!" she said and immediately ran towards him.

Chu Jin who was behind him gave a smile. He wants to tell the president that what he said was true. He was just being paranoid.

Hou Wei Yan would never look at him as a bad father just because of what happened 10 years ago. She was an understanding child and she was far too kind to hold a grudge.

"Xiao Yan, welcome back!" Hou Guanyu said with a wide smile. Chu Jin chortled at his expression. [ He's such a fool for her daughter! ]

"I missed you," he said as he hugged her tightly. [ Finally, she's back! ]

After a while, both of them parted which she took as an opportunity to inquire. "You did?"

Hou Guanyu placed back some strands of her hair behind her ears and smiled. "Of course, why won't I miss my little angel?"

Every servant was present at that time, as they needed to welcome the original daughter back. They saw everything and were surprised by all the expressions their master showed. They can't believe he was such a gentle father towards the daughter who left him.

So this is what he really is when in front of his real daughter—his so-called jewel.

"Have you eaten?" he asked after a while.

"Hmm, not yet,"

He looked at her worriedly and without delay called out Ran Ai. "Auntie Ran, please prepare her favorites."

"Yes, Master," she replied in a hurry and left to cook the dishes herself. After all, all her favorites are made by either her, her mother, or her dad.

When Auntie Ran left, she immediately took notice of the man standing behind her father. She smiled as she walked closer to him.

"Ah, Chu Jin... it's been a while. How have you been?" she asked.

Chu Jin expected this, so he bowed down and in a gentle voice said. His quiff undercut faded hairstyle brought out his chocolate brown eyes and made his thick lashes visible. He was a few inches taller than Hou Wei Yan which was apparent now that she was not wearing heels. "Young miss, I'm doing fine thank you for your concern. Also, welcome back."

Hou Wei Yan flinched at his reply. She was so confused by his reply that she pulled her father down and whispered. "Dad, what's wrong with him? He's speaking oddly at me. He's gentle as well that it's creeping me out."

Hou Guanyu looked at Chu Jin who was hiding a smile. This made him chuckle at his silliness. "He's just annoying you, and it's best if you don't retaliate."

She nodded her head as she understood what he meant. Hou Wei Yan stood back straight and gave him another wave of a smile.

"Ahem. Yah,'ve grown a lot,"

An irk mark instantly appeared on his forehead. [ Ahhh, that childish silly name! I hate it! ]

"Don't call me that,"

Hou Wei Yan's smile grew bigger at his expression. [ It's so fun teasing him! ]

"What's wrong, Jinjin?!" she said, emphasizing his name very carefully.

Silence fell on everyone around as they never expected the young lady to be quite childish. They also knew Chu Jin was not someone to be angered. His gaze can be as sharp as a knife when he gets angry.

However, Hou Wei Yan was already chuckling at his deadly gaze.

[ Such a cutie! ] she thought and laughed.

"I'm gonna get you for that later you little monkey," he said and slowly walked towards her as she continued laughing.

Noticing his serious steps, Hou Wei Yan backed away with a smile. "As if you can catch me... Jinjin!" she said and ran away.

"Jinjin!" she provoked him again forcing Chu Jin to take action and chase her around. The servants gave a smile at their silly acts.

Hou Guanyu laughed at both of them as they chased each other. "Hahaha, I'm glad the house is lively again and I got to see this side of him once more!"

The reason why he likes Chu Jin is not only his sensible criticism but because to him, he is family. Chu Jin's parents died when he was still in middle school. He was a dear friend of Hou Wei Yan and his parents were his best friend.

He took Chu Jin in and gave him a new home and just like that, their relationship developed somehow like a father and son at home.

He gave a smile and noticed someone was missing. Hou Guanyu turned around and looked at his butler. "Li Cheng, where's my wife?"

"I'm here, I'm sorry for the delay," a soft voice said out of the blue. Hou Wei Yan who heard her voice slowly stopped and stared at her.

She wore a sophisticated white dress that hugged her waist. It was a bit above her knee and was off-shoulder. She looked so innocent it disgusted her.

[ Is this her way of masking her dirty inner self? Such a ridiculous woman! ]

"Welcome back, Wei Yan," she said.

Hou Wei Yan smiled at her, an air of innocence and annoyance swirling harmonically around her. "Thank you...stepmother."

Hou Guanyu looked at his daughter and gave her a tiny warning glance. "Xiao Yan,"

However, this urged her to fight back even more. She knows Fe Rou Chao is special to her father and he wants them to acknowledge her as their new mother...that's easy if only she was good-natured and all. But she wasn't, so there's no reason for her to accept her just because she was wedded to her father.

For Hou Wei Yan, only those who deserve to be accepted will be accepted by her.

She only makes an enemy of those who make an enemy of her and she does it for heavy reasons. Fe Rou Chao falls greatly on that so she's not gonna be merciful.

Hou Wei Yan walked toward her father and hugged his arms before Fe Rou Chao could. "Daddy, did you hire new people?"

Hou Wei Yan's voice turned somehow sad and Hou Guanyu felt it. He looked at her worriedly. Something must have upset her. "Most of our servants quit so I had no choice but to replace them. Why? Is something wrong?"

The flow of the conversation somehow made Fe Rou Chao antsy. She looked at Hou Wei Yan and saw her give her a little smirk which she only took notice of.

[ This little bitch! ]

Noticing her deadly gaze, Hou Wei Yan softened her voice even more. 10 years in America had its benefits as well. This trick is one of them and she will utilize it to the best she can.

"Nothing, it's just that they didn't know who the real owner of the house was and somehow blocked me in the entrance. Daddy, it somehow hurts. Did my absence really mean I'm no longer your daughter?"

Upon hearing her hurt tone and words, Hou Guanyu felt his anger slowly bubbling up. But he smiled nonetheless. "Nonsense. I had you on the very top of the guest list, in line with the owners. How could that happen?"

He said as he looked around. The servants stood firm as he surveyed each and every one of them. They remained mute but it was already obvious what was going on inside the household.

Hou Wei Yan didn't mind the accomplices. She was after the big fish, not the plankton!

She looked at him with sadness and curiosity mixing together. "I checked and I really wasn't there. I wonder what happened?"

The servants looked at the young lady and felt that she was suffering, she was feeling so wronged and forgotten. Somehow they felt sorry for her and wanted to comfort her. The playful side she showed earlier has already made a difference in their heart.

It was obvious she was different from Fe Chungsa and Fe Rou Chao who always acted like the devil incarnate.

Hou Wei Yan knew how to act well. Her stay in America wasn't a piece of cake. To survive, she had to know how to handle people and situations well. Lucky for her, she had a really close friend who taught her the art of acting.

She glanced around and looked at her father again with utter confusion. "If it wasn't you who erased me on the list then it must be someone else,"

Hou Guanyu didn't dare say who it was because he knew her too well. That list was always managed by Fe Rou Chao herself and he only made a move on it when he learned she didn't include Hou Wei Yan on the list. He didn't expect she would erase her again just to keep her away from the household.

He looked at his wife and gave her a deadly glance. Fe Rou Chao felt his anger and God she wanted nothing to do with it.

Hou Guanyu was a tolerant and loving husband but he always has a bottom line and that's his precious heiress.

After glancing at her, he turned his attention back to Hou Wei Yan and warmly held her shoulders. "Hmm, let daddy handle it okay?"

Life sparked in her eyes again as she gained his favor. "Thank you, Daddy!"

Hou Guanyu smiled at his daughter and ruffled her golden hair. He then fixed his gaze on Chu Jin and motioned him to the kitchen. "You go to the dinner table first with Chu Jin. You must be famished,"

She glanced at Chu Jin and saw his inviting smile. It's been a while since they dined together as brother and sister. She smiled and nodded her head but she still gave him a questioning gaze.

"What about you?"

"I have to call someone first," he said and kissed her forehead.

He knows Ji Li Zhao made a huge move so Hou Wei Yan can get home, so he also needs to do his part and let him know that his favor...if he wants to get it today then he will give it.

Hou Wei Yan obeyed and walked towards the kitchen with Chu Jin and Butler Li. With her leaving the living room, the servants dispersed as well with Hou Guanyu's sharp gaze.

After they were left alone, he instantly cornered Fe Rou Chao. "You can play your tricks on others but not on my children. Especially not on, Xiao Yan. I still have to redeem myself and you're not going to ruin that. If you make a move again I won't hesitate to leave you for my children. Of course, I'd be taking my son with me as well. After all, my children are irreplaceable but my wife is very very disposable. Do you understand?"

He never allowed her to speak. Of course, he loves Fe Rou Chao but she has no right to disallow Hou Wei Yan to return especially when he was dying for it.

"I'm taking your credit card for a week. I hope this will serve as a lesson to you,"

He instantly left her to call for Ji Li Zhao.

What he said was just a threat. He can't bring himself to leave Fe Rou Chao and he doesn't want Hou Wei Yan to get hurt. Torn apart, he was left with no other choice but to let Ji Li Zhao have Hou Wei Yan right away.

She needs a better home than this scattered one and there's no better place than the house Ji Li Zhao built especially for her so they can finally live happily ever after.

While he was talking happily to his son-in-law, someone below was throwing an evil fit.

"That vicious creature!" she grated her teeth as she remembered her smirk and her words. It was obvious she planned this and it irritates her that no one even dared to take notice of it.

[ Are they blind?! ]

[ No! ]

[ That's not it! ]

[ She was just better than I expected! ]

"Just so you wait, Hou Wei Yan. This is only the beginning," she said as she smiled evilly.

Right then, her phone suddenly beeped. She fished it out and was surprised by the message.

"LOL, it is indeed only the beginning... Mother,"

Fe Rou Chao was sent in panic as she looked around the living room. No one was around, she made sure of it.

[ How did she... ]

Meanwhile, Hou Wei Yan was nibbling her steak as she watched Fe Rou Chao's reaction on her phone's screen. She was called a genius for good reasons.


Hou Guanyu entered the dining room followed by a confused and tamed Fe Rou Chao.

Hou Wei Yan smiled sweetly at her father. [ Ah, it's time to irritate her again! ]

"Daddy, come eat with me," she said and motioned him to sit beside her.

She then looked at Fe Rou Chao and smiled innocently. There was no hint of the evil little girl earlier who watched as Fe Rou Chao got reprimanded. "You can join us too if you want, Mother,"

Fe Rou Chao flinched as she emphasized the word mother. [ This kid! She never called me that after we had a fight a year after my marriage with Hou Guanyu. ]

[ What brought a sudden change? ]

She looked at Hou Wei Yan in confusion as she sat down beside Hou Guanyu. Now, Hou Wei Yan sat at the master's table, and on each of her sides were Chu Jin and Hou Guanyu. This made her somehow irritated again.

[ How dare she! She's not the Madame, she has no right to sit there! ]

But Hou Guanyu had let it be. She hates that idea even more!

"How is it? Did you miss this?" he asked as he watched her gulp down a chunk of steak.

Hou Wei Yan instantly nodded her head, this time much more truthfully. There was no trace of acting in her actions anymore. "I did, but I want to taste your food again. Can I?"

"Anything for my darling," he said and gave her a piece of meat. Hou Wei Yan smiled at his kind gesture.

"Thanks, Dad. Oh by the way, where's my new brother?" she said all of a sudden as she glanced around.

A few years after left, she suddenly got news of Fe Rou Chao's pregnancy. It made her quite unhappy at that time.

While she was having nightmares and therapy...her father was having a good time and building his new family even more. And it all happened when she left which made her conclude that perhaps she was only blocking her father's happiness.

But that kid was a blessing and she can't bring herself to hate him because even if the world gets flipped he will still be her brother.

Hou Guanyu looked at her eyes and saw more excitement than hate. So he smiled once more. "Shuren? He's currently sleeping, but you'll meet him soon,"

"I can't wait to meet him. Is he cute? Handsome perhaps?"

"He is, how did you know?" Hou Guanyu chuckled at her excitement and inquiry.

"Ah, he must have inherited your genes for him to look that way. Isn't that good?" she blurted out as she ate again.

[ Is she saying that I'm not beautiful?! ]

Fe Rou Chao grated her teeth at this thought. Meanwhile, Hou Guanyu had only taken this as a compliment. Unable to take it in, Fe Rou Chao stood up.


"Master, there are some men wanting to see you and the young miss," Butler Li suddenly interrupted forcing Fe Rou Chao to look his way and stop.

[ Young Miss?! ]

Her daughter is the young miss of the household. [ How dare he address Hou Wei Yan with that title! ]

Hou Wei Yan looked at him with confusion. "Hmm? I'm not expecting anyone and I didn't inform others of my return. Who could it be?"

Hou Guanyu pulled Fe Rou Chao back down and looked at her with a warning. She needs to behave herself, his gaze stated all that making her silently nod her head.

"Let them in,"

A dozen men came in and all wore branded black suits and shoes accompanied by black glasses. Such get-up would mean bad guards but even with the glasses, their features were adoring. They looked so masculine and professional with their looks that Hou Wei Yan placed down her fork.

"Who are you?"

The main bodyguard looked at Hou Guanyu seriously. "Mr. Hou, we've come to take the bride,"

His words made all of them who didn't know of the deal to stop. "Bride?"

Hou Wei Yan who was raised following the tradition looked at her father with suspicion. [ Is it time? But he should have informed me before letting them take me away?! ]

"Chungsa is getting married again?" Fe Rou Chao asked with delight.

Right, Fe Chungsa's husband was already useless so they had divorced. Now she needs a stronger family to hold onto. [ I can't believe Hou Guanyu arranged something for my daughter already! ]

"If you came here for Chungsa then please ask for her presence, not mine," she said with a sigh of relief.

[ Ah, so that was the case. No need to get worked up for it. I thought for a second that they came here to take me! ]

The bodyguard took off his glasses and glared at Fe Rou Chao. [ How dare she suggest such a disgusting woman for our Boss and make the Lady Boss misunderstand?! ]

He cleared his throat and turned to Hou Wei Yan with a gentle look. "No. We've come for our master's bride, Miss Hou Wei Yan."