As a Husband

The room fell into silence as Major General Yue lost his ability to refute. Ji Li Zhao carried out a big blow on him with such frightening news.

[ Married?! The Young Master of the Ji is married?! ]

[ Impossible! That's preposterous! Ji Li Zhao's marriage is a big thing to the capital and yet no news came of it? This kid must be joking to push my offer away ]

"Xiao Zhao, there's no need to lie in front of me? Tell me, what does my Xiaoli lack so I can make preparations and change it?"

Ji Li Zhao sighed at him. He respects him greatly, but what he wants is something he can never ever grant. Besides, it seems like he has no understanding of what his daughter wants.

"Uncle, Xiaoli is already good as she is. She's clever, strong, and certainly popular with men. Though she is quite pampered, she can still live on without any of your support. A troublemaker in the making, but a responsible officer in her military uniform. She's respectable and deserves praise. All in all, there is nothing to be changed about your lovely daughter"

When Ji Li Zhao said this, Major General Yue felt proud and happy for his daughter. Ji Li Zhao is known to be cautious and evasive of women. His Xiaoli was one of those among the little population that Ji Li Zhao can tolerate so his praises made him feel his daughter stood a chance.

"Then Xiaoli and you---"

"Are impossible" he straightforwardly said. It is not even a relationship that should be considered. No matter how much he desires it, it will never come true. Both of them only tolerate one another at a minimum level.

His eyes looked at him seriously, this time slightly throwing off the balance of a younger man and an elder.

"I only have one heart and I had already given it to my wife. Yue Xiaoli is a nice girl and someone to be treasured but I can only see her as a precious friend and I know your daughter sees me the same way"

"As far as I know, Xiaoli still has no plan of taking in a man as her boyfriend, much more a husband. So Major General, if you love this daughter of yours, and if you want her to stay as your daughter, then please do not make unnecessary trouble of setting her up"

Major General Yue remained quiet with this. He only wants his daughter to settle down so he can keep her away from her military works. He just wanted her to be away for a moment and focus herself on blossoming her personal life, not her military ones.

"Your daughter deserves to choose whom she will marry, don't deny her of that choice" he added which made the man sigh in defeat.

"I want her to have some time for herself, away from any military works for a moment" he truthfully said which was replied with Ji Li Zhao's worried sigh.

"I feel the same way with my wife" he said which instantly garnered the attention of the General.

Ji Li Zhao remembered Hou Wei Yan's hardworking face and he cannot deny that he loved seeing her work hard and aim for herself. "But you see, their job is their happiness much like us. I can only request her for a rest but I cannot force her to do it, because I know I would be taking her happiness"

"My wife takes pride in her work that she tends to forget her health so, as a man and as her husband, it is my job to look after her when she forgets. In fact, your daughter is even more cautious than her"

"Xiaoli is indeed hardworking but she is sensible enough to know when to take a break" he said which sent Major General to salute him. He didn't humiliate his daughter despite what he did, alas, he even praised her with his wife.

Noticing his tone every time his wife was brought up, the man cannot help but smile at him. He was so distant but when it came to his wife, he seemed like a changed man. In fact, he looked even better with this. "I can see how this wife of yours matters to you"

Ji Li Zhao did not dare hold back his smile. "She's everything to me that I can say my life depends entirely on her"

Major General Yue chuckled at this new side of the terrifying Ji Li Zhao. "Well then, I must take my leave and wish you the best with your wife"

Feeling thankful for his blessing, Ji Li Zhao accompanied Major General Yue outside his office. He was smiling at the old man that some nosy gossipers began speculating something bizarre.

"Is it true? Boss is really going to become Major General Yue's son-in-law?" someone whispered which was instantly picked up by Ji Li Zhao's radar.

He suddenly turned cold and looked at the said employee. Gossipers like this can make his wife misunderstand and bring him trouble.

He was about to call her out for a lesson when the elevator door opened and a swoosh was heard. Major General Yue's eyes along with the employees suddenly went wide as Ji Li Zhao blocked a kick from hitting his face.

Everyone can see that it was strong judging by how the plants on Ji Li Zhao's back moved with it. But they were more surprised by Ji Li Zhao's calmness. He moved the feet away from him and looked the perpetrator directly in the eye.

"Yue Xiaoli"

A huff was heard on the woman's side as she draw her feet properly and tie her hair back. After fixing herself she glared at Ji Li Zhao and her father. "I'm not going to marry him, no matter what you say"

Major General Yue suddenly fell into panic. [ How did she find out?! ]

"*Nu Ying, I---"

(*Nu Ying means female baby. It is used to refer to a girl as their baby)

"Father, I am certainly a woman no matter all that rumors and pranks I've been doing lately, and I am most certainly getting married in the future...but not with this man!" she blurted out making the General want to faint right now.

[ What has he done?! ]

"Nu Ying---"

"Shhh. I'm not done yet" she said and pointed at Ji Li Zhao. "What's so good about him? He's so cold it's no longer attractive or exciting. What's more, he's so rich that I wanted nothing to do with it. His riches are troublesome! The only relationship he and I can get the farthest would be friends"

Ji Li Zhao smiled at this and even wanted to laugh. This woman would have been a perfect member of his organization if it wasn't for her family's disapproval and her high rank in the military.

"How many days have you plotted this?" he asked all of a sudden.

Yue Xiaoli glared at him first after flinching but seeing her father shaking his head at her, she let out a sigh. He knew her very well that she could no longer hide her scheme.

"3 days. I was planning on bringing in a boyfriend and tell you that I'm pregnant with his child but there was no one suitable for the act nor anyone daring enough to take in father's fist in his face" she said which made Major General Yue pale.

[ No one would really dare do that job! Its suicide! Clearly, it would be suicide! This kid! ]

"Nu Ying"

"Ji Li Zhao is pathetic, okay? I don't want him" she said as she took a glance at her friend which can almost be comparable to best friend and winked.

Ji Li Zhao sighed and looked at the General. "See? We are impossible"

"If you push further you'd be having a massacre at the wedding" Yue Xiaoli said seriously. Major General Yue can only sigh at her actions and pull her to his side to make sure she won't go wild again.

"Enough, you're not getting married to him. And if you don't want to get married in this lifetime then don't. No need to bring a fake boyfriend, okay?" he sincerely stated and went to touch his daughter's hair. "Let's go home before your mother finds out and choke me to death"

Yue Xiaoli laughed at what he said. "Dad, she already knows. She's preparing the bazooka before I left"

With this, the two figures left the office and Ji Li Zhao was left shaking his head at the Yue family. He then turned towards the employee and coldly said. "I strictly forbade you already not to gossip about my love affairs. Pack out or I will make the others leave with you"

After saying this, Ji Li Zhao went back inside his office. Huang Xun who heard his order about the employee made sure she had left as to not anger their President any longer.