Blocked Approaches

It's already time for Hou Wei Yan to return to work and she's feeling excited again as though it was her first day. It's been quite a long break for her and she must admit that it feels good. She feels refreshed and renewed—thanks to her husband's care. At the thought of him, Hou Wei Yan cannot stop herself but smile.

"Madame" Gu Man called out before she can enter the car. She turned around and saw him holding a lunch box.

"Uncle Gu, I can eat at the cafeteria" she said when he handed it to her. Gu Man shook his head at her. They know she has the tenacity to forget eating when deeply engrossed in her work. Now that she's married, she has a husband to look after her.

Making sure she eats is only basic for his master.

"Master chose the menu" he simply said which worked as it tugged Wei Yan's heartstrings. Her husband chose it for her, how can she deny it?! He must be a very busy man but he still went into trouble to prepare something for her.

Warmth spread in her heart. This husband of hers always takes her by surprise and she cannot stop herself but get more curious about who he is.

"Thank you, Uncle" she said as she beamed a smile before boarding the car.

Fang Tao closed the door for her. Before entering the car, Gu Man called out to him. "Fang, Madame is quite famous in Yi Lan. Remember to guard her well"

He nodded his head at this. He knows. That's why he's been preparing himself. Attacking an enemy is an easy feat for him, but blocking suitors without killing them is going to be challenging.

Upon arrival at the hospital, Hou Wei Yan was instantly tackled in by a hyper koala named Xie Na. She was beaming at her and was engulfing her in a hug while jumping up and down like a kid.

Hou Wei Yan sighed at this. [ What the hell did she eat today? ]

"Xie Na"

"Wei Wei, I missed you! You know, life without you here is boring. I can't talk to anyone freely and I was harassed by your suitors asking where you are" she said in a crying tone. Hou Wei Yan patted her back upon hearing this.

"It must have been tough for you" Hou Wei Yan said as they pulled apart. Xie Na pouted at her while vigorously nodding her head.

"Ah, Brother told me about what happened, he wanted to give you something as a token"

Hou Wei Yan looked at her curiously as she took out a small box in her handbag. It was a pink colored box with a golden silk ribbon tied to it. It was obviously made of higher-grade silk as it shone with magnificence.

Xie Na was smiling as she handed it to her. "Yangyang and Xiao Xiao helped on making that"

Inside was a cute handkerchief with a stitched smiling panda on the side. She smiled as she stared at the panda and cannot stop herself from touching it. Her name was beautifully written beneath the Panda which made her smile grow even bigger. It must be Yooni's craft. The smoothness of the stitch was so professional and she knew in the family, Yooni was the only one capable of doing such a feat.

Noticing the smile on Wei Yan's face, Xie Na immediately took out another box. She looked at it in confusion. "What's that for?"

Xie Na held two blue boxes in her hand and shook them with a smile. "It's for your two brave bodyguards. Brother told me to give it to them"

With this statement, Wei Yan slowly nodded her head and hesitantly turned around for Fang Tao and Ye Zhe. Fang Tao was already out of the car and was looking at them as well.

[ Ah, he's still human so he must like gifts, right? ]

Hou Wei Yan looked back at Xie Na and smiled. "Then give it to them"

A gulp was then heard from her best friend. She thought Wei Yan would volunteer and give it to them, so now she was caught in a frightened state. Ye Zhe is tolerable but Fang Tao...well Fang Tao is a different kind.

She was interrogated by him once about Hou Wei Yan, and good heavens she almost peed her pants because of his cold cold cold stare. And now was no different. She took a peek at him and noticed how his brows scrunched up when she did so.

She gave an awkward smile after their brief eye contact and immediately diverted her eyes back at Wei Yan. [ Wahhh, he's so scary! ]

"Wei Wei, why don't you---"

Hou Wei Yan immediately shook her head with a smile. She lost count of how many times she was teased by this little beast. Now, she can get her revenge.

"No way. It's your job, not mine" she then looked at Fang who was obviously eavesdropping. "Fang maybe his name but he doesn't bite people like you"

Xie Na sighed when she heard this and was left to fend for herself. She slowly walked towards Fang and handed him the blue box with wobbly legs. Fang, of course, noticed this. He's seen many reactions like this that he no longer cared about. But somehow, just a tiny bit, Xie Na's scared face looked amusing to him. Their staggering height difference also amused him. Her height of 5'4" looked so cute when compared to his.

He took hold of the box, his face still displaying its normal poker face.

"Brother said thank you" she suddenly blurted out, her voice low enough to be considered a whisper.

Fang looked at her before opening the box. Inside was a navy blue handkerchief with fine dots. His name, Fang Tao, was stitched on its side making him quite surprised.

"I told him your name, sorry" Xie Na immediately explained when she saw his gaze lingering on the stitch.

Fang Tao closed the box and looked at her sincerely. "Thanks"

Xie Na was taken by surprise. [ Ohhhh, so he knows how to be nice and sincere! ]

Because of this, a smile slowly crept from her face. Somehow, if he maintains such eyes that bore other emotions than coldness, he could be considered handsome and not terrifying.

Hou Wei Yan coughed making Xie Na jolt and back away. Amusement could be clearly seen in Wei Yan's eyes, for her best friend truly looked like a feral cat right now. Her hair stood up like she was caught snatching a snack.

"Ahem, the other one—Ye Zhe—is inside the car" she reminded which made Xie Na blush in embarrassment.

Hou Wei Yan laughed at this cute reaction. She's not really a fan of shipping someone but her best friend looked so adorable right now with that blush. And to be honest, she's curious about Fang Tao's reactions.

Ye Zhe who was checking and contacting Wei Yan's new assistant suddenly flinched when Xie Na opened the door in a hurry. She looked at him and shoved the gift—her face red and sweaty. "Miss Xie, what's wrong?"

"Nothing...Brother gave this" she said while pointing at the gift and leaving the car. Ye Zhe was dumbfounded.

[ What just happened? ]

As soon as she left the car, Xie Na immediately pulled Hou Wei Yan towards her. Without a word, she began walking toward the hospital with her best friend in her arms. "Wei Wei, buy me food later in the cafeteria, okay?"

Hou Wei Yan looked at her and pointed at the lunch box in Fang Tao's hands. "Can't. Already brought mine"

She looked at Fang Tao once more and can't stop herself but pout when he brought the lunch box higher so she can see it.

"Meanie" she mumbled and looked back at her friend. "You made that without me? So mean"

"Didn't make it" she simply said as she bowed down to a senior.

Xie Na, who of course knew of their marriage, pretended to know nothing at all. She looked at Hou Wei Yan with her innocent eyes and swirled herself with a curious vibe. "You seem different, what happened on your break?"


"Doctor Hou!" someone called which caused the three of them to turn around. Fang Tao's brows arched high when he saw a man bringing in a lunch box. He jogged towards their group with a smile on his face. He was wearing a suit and looked like a businessman. "I brought you something"

Hou Wei Yan looked at the man and was speechless. [ Ah, how bold of him to do this in the open ]

Wei Yan was about to refuse when Fang blocked him. "I'm so sorry, does that have eggs or anything spicy?"

The man looked at Fang Tao who was dressed in casual clothing and stared at him. "You are?"

"Assistant" he stated and looked at his lunch box. "Doctor Hou can't eat eggs nor spicy things. Her diet must always be...regulated"

The man stared at his lunch box which was indeed filled with spicy things. He thought that Hou Wei Yan would like it just like what he heard from his friend. He immediately took it away and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know" he said as he bowed down. "Please excuse me"

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head and gave him a polite smile. Afterward, she turned her head towards Fang Tao. "What was that?"

Fang stared ahead of her and shrugged. As usual, he cannot tell her the full extent of his mission. But he needed to at least answer her question.

"Ordered to block approaches" he simply answered and lead the two girls away.