A Careless Mistake

The atmosphere of their spot turned slightly heavy as Xie Na and Yao He stared down at each other. The two of them used to be their campus couple and all of them thought they would eventually marry in the future because they looked too good together. But alas, their anticipation was shattered when someone revealed Yao He's cheating. After their graduation, the two never met again.

So this sudden reunion had also brought this broken couple to face each other once more and settle some buried grudges.

One of their classmates gave an awkward laugh as he saw none of them was planning on backing down.

"So how was Manhattan, Yao He? You stayed there for a long time" he said to stop their staring contest.

However, it only worsened the situation and opened up a topic that may start an argument. Yao He suddenly smirked at Xie Na before facing his classmate. "It was great, I found some beautiful girls and they are very gentle and tamed. I can introduce you to some if you like"

His classmate laughed at this. "Come on man, don't joke around. I'm already married"

Yao He was about to refute when a clear voice suddenly interrupted. "Why did you go there again?"

All of them looked at Xie Na worriedly because they know this was Yao He's scar. But the little feisty lady wasn't planning on letting it go. Xie Na chugged down her drink and smiled. "Ah, right. I remembered"

She suddenly smirked at him as annoying as she can. Xie Na has the youthful vibrance of a cheerful young lady, but when she wishes to annoy someone, her face could turn too devious for anyone to handle. "You seduced a teacher and got a scandal with her, on film if I'm not mistaken. So you went abroad after denying your involvement"

Yao He's brows were knitted together as he looked at Xie Na in annoyance. Xie Na who saw this smiled even more. "But they didn't know about the loli did they?"

"Xie Na!" he suddenly said threateningly which was only replied with her boisterous laughter. After their break up she was no longer an easy pushover. She wasn't gentle in their relationship and she won't ever change that even after breaking up. She doesn't think there's a need for her to change to satisfy someone.

She's Xie Na and she was born to be a feisty adventurer. When a fight arises, she finds no reason to back down. "It's all in the past right? Why are you angry?"

"Is this still about our breakup? I already forgot so why can't you? Why can't you let me off?! You can't move on can you?!" he suddenly said making their classmates gulp down and nervously chug down their drinks.

Xie Na laughed once more at his stupidity. She came here prepared because she knew what kind of a jerk he is. But she didn't know his brain capacity would lessen over time. "You wish! Did you think you're so important that I won't forget even after 10 years?! Dream on, Yao He. Go fuck yourself!"

Her ex remained silent as she said this along with the others. Hou Wei Yan who was just observing cannot stop herself but sigh. The bad-mouthed Xie Na is now unleased thanks to the drinks she chugged down like water.

"Are you kidding me? The day we broke up, I had already forgotten whatever we had so don't spread rumors about me clinging on to you, you fucking bastard. Because in my lifetime I will never do that. NEVER!" she said clearly making them look at Yao He.

But he too had his pride to protect, if she says it like that then there's no reason for him to respect her. He was aiming at getting back with her at first because he thought she still had lingering feelings. Since it came to this, why must he hold back his tongue? "Is that so? Is that also the reason why you got into a lot of relationships after our breakup?"

"You're really pushing beyond your boundary. I got into countless relationships because I had the time and my beauty wasn't only meant for a bastard like you. I don't think those can be linked to our break up" she said with a smile.

It was true, she had a lot of time and her beauty was far too dazzling to waste. The big evidence of this is her couple of million followers on both Weboo and Ingram. Her account, @pixiena, is one of the most followed accounts in Asia. That's how far her beauty can attract.

Aside from that, she's far too bored to wait for her mister right, so she took the initiative and went to look for him instead. Over time, the number of relationships she had slowly accumulated to a frightening degree.

Yao He suddenly smirked when she admitted this. "Then I can assume you're no longer the innocent Xie Na of the past"

This time Hou Wei Yan who was just enjoying suddenly raised her brows. He's opening up a rumor and destroying Xie Na in their group. Xie Na merely smiled and was about to retort back when Hou Wei Yan found there was no need for her to do that.

"Don't spread unsupported things. Provide evidence of such actions before blabbering nonsense about it. Anything that comes out of our mouth can become a deadly weapon, if you're intelligent enough, you won't go down that path, Yao He"

Yao He became speechless as Hou Wei Yan spoke up. He never expected she would truly defend Xie Na. However, he's not someone to be easily shunned. "You're protecting her...then you must be the same"

Hou Wei Yan laughed at him before looking at Xie Na. "I'm now wondering again why you became a couple"

"You can say that was my childish times. I was immature to go out with him" Xie Na answered before looking at her ex with mockery. "Look here, human whore. Who gave you the guts to talk about innocence with me and question my best friend? My innocence can be questioned but yours was long gone. Must I show you and these people your scandals? Don't even start with the teacher because I know she wasn't your first, you little thirsty bastard"

"I know some people here are hungry for scandals. Look around, I'm already attracting some of them by just mentioning the word" she added making them look around, and truly, some people were already looking at them.

Xie Na smirked. He dares to question Hou Wei Yan ruthlessly! In this life, no one would leave unscathed after talking badly about Wei Yan in front of her. "You boldly asked such a question knowing it will open up a rumor, so there's no reason for me to stop from creating a rumor of you as well. If you want to go down that path, then come at me. Let's see who goes down hell"

She then pointed her finger at him with a wicked glint in her eyes. "You---"

"---or Me" she said before chugging down another shot. Her classmates and those eavesdropping on the drama were rendered speechless.

The ruthlessness in her voice and the dangerous glint of her eyes made them gulp down. This woman looked so fresh and gentle looking earlier but now, they can see the strong personality she possesses. Even Fang Tao was left smirking as he watched her verbally battle her ex. She was small in comparison to him but the fighting spirit she possesses wasn't that far from his.

Hou Wei Yan looked at her best friend and smiled at her. "Come on, let's not talk about hell, I know you won't burn there. Even Satan would bow down to you if you ever visit" she said before chugging down her glass.

She then poured more into her glass and raised it. "To our reunion"

Her classmates understood her intention so they too joined in and raised their glasses. "To our reunion!"


"Xie Na, you're drunk!" Hou Wei Yan said as she looked at her best friend worriedly. She was already red that it reached her ears. What's more, her rashes are slowly showing up. "You allergic psycho! Stop drinking already!"

A hiccup escaped her mouth as she tried to speak. "No. No. No. I'm---we need to stay! We rarely---"

Another hiccup escaped from Xie Na making her sigh in defeat. "Last two, okay?"

"Wei Wei~" Xie Na suddenly grumbled as she faced her and winked. She then raised her hands and formed a heart. "The best"

She rolled her eyes as she drank from her glass along with Xie Na. "This kid"

Before she could even ask for her last drink, Xie Na had already chugged down hers and was now lying flat on the counter. She sighed and looked in Fang Tao's way. "Can you bring her to the car?"

Fang looked at Xie Na and nodded his head. She's totally wasted. "Let's go"

"Bring her in first, I'm a bit drunk as well. You can't possibly carry her and support me" she said as Fang drew closer to them.

"Go on, I still need to finish the last drink I promised" she added making Fang slowly nod his head.

He slowly approached Xie Na and carried her with ease as she was already passed out. "My men are still around, don't worry. I will be back in an instant"

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head with a smile. "Take care of her" she said as she asked for the bartender another glass of bloody mary.

As Fang Tao left the room with Xie Na mumbling utter nonsense, his men were left to look after their lady boss. However they did not dare get too close and suffocate her, they were just there looking around and guarding her for any danger approaching because they were about to leave.

The bartender began mixing her drink when a man suddenly went to the counter. "Wei Wei"

Even without turning around, Hou Wei Yan already knew who it was. "I have nothing more to say to you, Ao Cheng"

"Oh come on, we used to be best friends. Can't we go back to that?" the shameless brat who was trying to flirt with Hou Wei Yan earlier sat down a chair away from her. She immediately shook her head at him and accepted the drink, without noticing the smirk on the man's face.

"And let you take advantage of our friendship? No, I'm done with that" she said before chugging down the drink. As she did this, Ao Cheng looked at the bartender and smiled.

After the bartender nodded his head, a thud was heard on the counter. Hou Wei Yan was knocked down on the counter and Ao Cheng was already standing from his seat. He smiled wickedly as he saw his fragile woman on the counter.

"My my, what a careless mistake" he said as he inched closer and his hands about to touch her.

The men who saw this immediately draw out their guns and pointed this at Ao Cheng from a distance. Their lady boss won't know if they kill this mindless jerk!

Before any of them could pull the trigger and begin a bloody murder, a dangerous-looking and obviously angry man entered the room. He looked at them and nodded his head making them place their guns down. Like a shadow, he suddenly appeared out of nowhere and showed himself as the man about to take advantage of their lady boss. He took hold of his hand and gazed at him like a wolf.

"What a careless mistake...on your part" he said before blowing off steam. He's been itching for a fight for a while now. And this man will be a great guinea pig for his little experiment!