Connect, Music, Yours and Mine

Nothing was more fascinating to her right now than the ceiling. Sleep wasn't planning on visiting her yet after staying in its realm for a whole day. So as of this moment, her gaze can only be fixed on the ceiling. Her room was dark in hopes that it could bring her to sleep, but it was awfully no use.

She looked at her side of the bed, towards the veranda that lays ahead, and sighed. Should she go out? Was she allowed to?

In her stay in the mansion, she had never once stepped foot out of it for a stroll as she seemingly arrives late in the evening all the time. There are times when she arrives quite early, but the outcome was still the same. She cannot stroll since she's too tired after her shifts.

Staring at it made her wonder about the majestic garden. It was the land of fairies in the morning, what about the evening?

After debating for a while, Hou Wei Yan stood up from the bed and grabbed a coat. Without hesitation, she opened the curtains of her veranda and was dumbfounded by what she saw. The forest was lighting up, and so was their garden!

"What is that?" she mumbled with excitement before she dashed out of her room. She thought everyone was already asleep, but to her surprise, the living room was still quite alive. Fang Tao, Uncle Gu, and some of the guards were huddled on the sofa, talking and smiling.

This scene made her stop her marathon. In the back of her head, she always had the thought that these people are close friends. The current scene displayed before her somehow added to the shreds of evidence in her hypothesis.


The voice made her snap out of her thoughts and look back at the group. All of them were now looking at her.

"You're still up?" Fang bravely asked as he stood up while looking at his clock. "It's already 1 in the morning"

Hou Wei Yan can only scratch the back of her head and smile. "I couldn't sleep after sleeping for the whole day" she honestly said and looked at the door. "And I saw some lights outside so I went out to check"

Uncle Gu Man smiled back at her and nodded his head. "Young Lady is usually asleep at this hour so you must have been surprised"

She walked down and faced the butler completely before asking. "What are those?"

"Kil---Protection bulbs" Fang answered without hesitation making the others look at him dangerously. He was about to say Killing bulbs! They are sure of it!

After this, everyone looked at their lady boss carefully and sighed in relief as they saw confusion in her eyes, but no doubt by the slight slip off. "Those lights have detectors that alarm the control room of any movements in the forest like animals or people. We scattered it around and lit it up at this hour when most of the guards' exchange shifts"

"Huh? Shouldn't it be undetectable?" she asked. Normally detectors are hidden so that no one would suspect.

Gu Man stepped up at this with a smile. "That would make this mansion look gloomy. Young Master didn't want that because Young Lady lives here. It doesn't suit this place at all if we make it into something else besides those lights"

Fang Tao looked at the nodding lady and looked outside. Even if they make it undetectable, it's still the same. Everyone who would dare infiltrate will already think of the high possibility of the mansion owning alarms and detectors. Hiding it is just useless when it's already predictable in such a big mansion.

So why not just show off how great their security is? It can detect from afar and can only be disarmed by the creator himself. When activated and locked on, it will shoot electric nets and luminous toxic smoke. No one could escape it even if they plan anything.

"Can I go outside?" Hou Wei Yan asked all of a sudden making Fang turn his head back at her in an instant. "I find it, relaxing"

He looked at her seriously and began shaking his head. "No---"

"Of course" Uncle Gu replied before he could finish his objection. "Young Lady is very fortunate today. The upgrade for the garden lights is finished. I can bring you some tea and snacks if you wish to relax"

Happiness immediately spread throughout Hou Wei Yan's system. The smile she had on earlier widened as her eyes grew a bit big in enthusiasm. "Really? I would love that!"

Gu Man nodded his head at her adorable look before looking out the door. "Then I shall bring it to you in the garden"

Hou Wei Yan furiously nodded her head before walking towards the door, skipping lightly like a bunny. The people in the living room can only stand still at her childish side. This was their first time seeing her act completely opposite to her cool doctor and noble lady demeanor.

"Uncle, why did you allow her outside? It's dangerous" Fang asked when Gu Man turned around towards the kitchen.

He halted and looked at him seriously. "We're not caging her here, she has all the freedom in the world to do whatever she wants like a normal person. Besides---"

Gu Man suddenly looked at the door and smiled. "I wish to serve her the things she rarely received from the past"

"Young lady was brought up to excel in her studies and in handling the society so she rarely had time to enjoy such warm scenery. This time, as an Elder, I want her to experience it over and over again because she deserves it after gracing Young Master the ability to love and be genuinely happy"


Hou Wei Yan looked out the forest, her eyes filled with happiness and fascination. She was now surrounded by lights and stars, flowers and sweets, and a companion to keep her safe. Her mind was now dancing with ideas and tunes, but she was much too shy to let Fang Tao hear it.

She looked his way and saw him continuously lingering his eyes around. He looked so tense but she knew he'd never listen if she asks of him to relax. She can only look at her tea and take a sip of it as the ideas in her head continued to drown her.

"Wouldn't it be nice to have a pet around?" she suddenly blurted out as she remembered Xie Na's cute little dog named Azi and her American friend's K9 German Shepherd companion. If she had time in the past, she would have raised one. But like the idea of raising fish, it was too risky for her.

Now it's different. "It's such a huge garden. It would feel much more lively if someone is to run around and enjoy it"

"I can run around if you want"

The tea in her mouth was immediately spat out as she heard his silly reply. She coughed slightly as she looked at him, searching if he was serious and if what he said truly came from his mouth. She never expected that!

"Uhmm, that would look a bit odd, don't you think?"

Fang looked at the garden seriously and saw how big it was. "Then I can ask my other companions to run around it for you. I know someone who would love that"

[ Laurens is wild. He'd be perfect for the role ]

When he said this, Hou Wei Yan cannot help but look at him in horror. "I don't want that either. I was referring to a dog running around, not people"

All he can do was nod his head and look around once more. [ It would have been spectacular if Laurens gets to run around the area ]

Suddenly, a noise came on his earpiece making him take a glance at the garden and back to the lady boss. "I shall go get you a thicker coat, Madame. It's getting quite cold" he said before leaving without receiving any form of her reply.

Hou Wei Yan was left there dumbfounded. If he comes back and brings someone to run around in the garden, she would surely smack him in the head.

With Fang Tao's sudden departure, Hou Wei Yan finally mustered up the courage to hum a tune. The moon, the stars, the forest, the flowers, the smell of the freshly baked cookies, and the intoxicating aroma of the tea, all of this fused in her mind creating a harmonious warm feeling inside her.

All of this, everything that she has today, and all the new experiences she has as of late such as the omelet and all the care and considerations... were made possible by her husband. At first, she wanted to let the marriage work out because she didn't want it to end up like her parents, now she wants it to work out because she didn't want to let everything that she experienced so far disappear. She didn't want to leave her husband; the husband that had made all sorts of efforts to make her feel special and loved. The husband whom she's dying to meet and slowly letting pass the second gate in her heart.

Everything inside of her was filled with gratefulness towards him for showering her with so many blessings, so the words that came out of her mouth were meant for him.

"Can't ever let my heart forget today, a feeling I'll never see

The pattern made to fit, I cut myself a place in the seam

And suddenly I'm singing out a line but catch it to make it mine

Be free, the words in me, to ride atop this melody beginning to fly

I'll sing it for the words I wanna reach you

I'll sing it for the day it finally meets you

If every pixel joins into a straight line

So can all this sound live on as starlight

I'll sing it for the words I wanna reach you

I'll sing it for the day it finally meets you

If every pixel joins into a curved line

So can all this sound connect, music, yours and mine"

She sang as she looked up at the sky and smiled with glee at the current life she's living. Its been so long since she last sang a song that came from her heart, but it felt great that she sang again for the sake of expressing her feelings to her husband.

After a short silence, a slow clap was heard from the bushes, making Hou Wei Yan immediately look around and smile. This situation was so nostalgic she can't help but smile wide at it. "Since when were you there?"

"Since you began humming" he honestly said as he stepped foot into the light.

Hou Wei Yan stood up as he did this and gasped as he walked toward her. "Are you serious?"

Ji Li Zhao smiled at her shocked face and chuckled. "I am"