Small Fires

Hou Wei Yan knows how dangerous Jiang Yanyan is. Even if she's not an assassin or a calculative woman, she can tell in her eyes the mockery she hid while introducing herself. Her arrogance must have been so great that her eyes can no longer hide it.

Of all people, Hou Wei Yan hates this type. She often boasts but it never reached the point of such mighty arrogance. She hates it when people look down on her and others that's why she decided to smile and leave. Honestly, she can't stand seeing Jiang Yanyan. "I'm sorry but I must take my leave. I still have surgery"

"Ah, I must leave too. My company needs me" Cheng Feng immediately said. Even though Jiang Yanyan is his relative, he doesn't really like associating himself with her. In the past, he accepted her as their doctor because she was the best, but now he doesn't have to.

There's a doctor much nicer to talk to than Jiang Yanyan.

"I understand. Take care, Uncle" she said as Cheng Feng left. Hou Wei Yan has nothing more to talk to with Jiang Yanyan and seeing that she has no intention of saying goodbye, she immediately left after a polite bow. Even if she hates Jiang Yanyan, a fellow doctor still deserves a bow.

As soon as Hou Wei Yan was out of sight, Nurse Xiong Shuchun, the woman after Fang Tao suddenly emerged from the shadows. She stared at Hou Wei Yan with hatred. [ Now that Jiang Yanyan is back, bitch Wei can finally receive the punishment she deserves for seducing the men in the hospital. Such a bitch! ]

"Shuchun, who was that man beside Doctor Hou?" Yanyan suddenly asked. Nurse Xiong immediately walked toward her and smiled like a fool.

"That's Mr. Fang Tao, her guard"

Jiang Yanyan's eyebrows raised when she heard this. "Her guard? Is she a rich heiress or something?"

"I heard she came from a rich family. I don't know the full details" Shuchun honestly said but this made Jiang Yanyan look at her in mockery.

"You're useless, you should know that" Jiang Yanyan said before walking away. Upon seeing her Senior in the A&E Department, she flawlessly walked toward him with her beam.

"Senior Tian"

Upon hearing his name getting called, Tian Huiqing turned around. His serious face immediately lit up at the sight of his skillful junior. "Yanyan! When did you return?"

Jiang Yanyan laughed at how easily she attracted his attention. Oh, it's good to be back. "We arrived yesterday. Anyway, how are things here?"

"Quite hectic since a lot of skilled doctors were sent with you. We had a couple of multiple accidents, mostly from the car crash and earthquake not long ago. But it turned out fine, thanks to Doctor Hou"

When she heard the name again, Jiang Yanyan can't help but boil up. [ That bitch again? ]

"Oh? Is she that good?"

Tian Huiqing laughed at her question. Hou Wei Yan was more than good! She was miraculously an extremely fast and adept surgeon. At first, he doubted her helping the A&E Department because she was a Cardiothoracic surgeon. Turns out, it wasn't what she really specialized in!

"She's a great doctor!" was all he could say. Her greatness cannot be simply said in a minute.

Jiang Yanyan nodded her head but inside she was grating. "She's handling Uncle Cheng. Is he sick or something?"

"Mr. Cheng Feng?" He asked for confirmation which was immediately replied with a nod. Tian Huiqing smiled at her concerned question. "No. It's his daughter. She will undergo abdominal surgery with Doctor Hou today"

"Huh? Isn't she a Cardiothoracic Surgeon?" she suddenly asked upon remembering Hou Wei Yan's basic information. She was a specialized doctor, she should stick to that!

Tian Huiqing smiled widely. "She's a genius like you. Doctor Hou specialized in General Surgery before she recently took in Cardio. Her development is monstrous! She's still young but her achievements are already beyond her age!"

"I see" was all she could answer. [ Ha! A genius like me? Tian Huiqing must be joking! ]

This kind of comparison is clearly an insult to her. [ How dare he compare me to such a beginner like Hou Wei Yan! ]

After a few seconds of silence and angry monologue with herself, Jiang Yanyan took a bow and left.

Let's see where this genius can go! No matter how good she is, Jiang Yanyan still has the upper hand. She has the hospital connection Hou Wei Yan can't simply take.


Xie Na came running in towards Cheng Ying's room in a hurry. Her eyes contained worry after she heard terrifying news. Jiang Yanyan had begun attacking. She didn't expect her to attack so early.

"Wei Wei! Wei Wei!" she called out upon entering the room. She was panting like crazy which took everyone inside the room by surprise. Fang Tao immediately jogged towards her and helped her stand up straight.

"What's wrong with you?"

Xie Na stared at him for a few seconds before turning towards Hou Wei Yan."Can I speak with you and Sister Qiu?"

The two of them who were mentioned looked at each other before nodding their head in confusion. After getting their confirmation, she turned on the concerned Fang Tao. "You can come as well, Fang"

When the four of them were finally in a secluded area, Hou Wei Yan finally spoke up. "What's wrong, Xie Na?"

Xie Na looked around in concern before shaking Hou Wei Yan. Her eyes contained a seriousness that was really concerning. "Listen, Jiang Yanyan wants to sabotage the surgery"

The three of them who heard this can't help but look at each other. Qiu Meixiu was the one who broke the silence that engulfed the four of them. "Where did you learn of this?"

The still panicked-filled woman looked at Hou Wei Yan. "I heard her calling one of your assigned assistants in the surgery!... Aside from that, there's a troublesome nurse in the line-up for Cheng Ying's operation. Her name is Xiong Suchun and she's Jiang Yanyan's lackey"

"Cheng Ying is her relative" Hou Wei Yan pointed out. If what Cheng Feng said was true, there is no reason for Jiang Yanyan to do such a thing to a relative.

"Jiang Yanyan is a monster, she doesn't stop by blood!" Xie Na pointed back. She spent a lot of time, fighting Jiang Yanyan even before they entered Yi Lan. She's a vicious woman who was even willing to place her cousin in jail just so she could frame someone up. She's willing to do anything to get what she wants.

Blood is nothing to her! If there is one thing that matters to her, it would be herself and the success of her plan! She's a seriously vile and selfish monster who doesn't even accept others as her equal!

"We can't tell the higher-ups as well, I'm sure the ones involved will deny it" she suddenly said when she remembered that she had no concrete evidence to put Jiang Yanyan in a trial.

"What should we do?" Qiu Meixiu asked before turning towards the thinking Hou Wei Yan.

Hou Wei Yan can only sigh as Xie Na pointed out an important concern. They don't have evidence. Of course, she believes in Xie Na, but the others won't. Without evidence, they can't make Jiang Yanyan pay especially when nothing has happened yet.

She can't let anything happen as well. One of her concerns as well would be Cheng Ying. She needs the surgery today. If they delay, there might be major setbacks. After a few seconds of thinking, Hou Wei Yan stopped and looked at her friends.

[ There's a way! I'm not a worthy doctor if I can't perform despite such a small issue! ]

"We'll proceed with the surgery. I can do it with just me and two assistants. It will take longer but we need to take the safe route. I will perform the surgery with you Sister Qiu and Xie Na. We'll eliminate the one Jiang Yanyan called. We'll go with fewer assistants" she said and looked at the two seriously. It's not an issue for her. Performing with limited staff is her way of living in the USA.

"Can you contact a trustworthy anesthesiologist?"

Xie Na immediately nodded her head with a confident smile. "The one in the operation is my friend. I talked to her already"

"Good" Hou Wei Yan said while nodding her head. "No matter what happens, we need to do the surgery calmly. Even if some probable spy is with us, we need to proceed. We need to make sure they can't do anything"

Fang looked at the three women in front of him and slightly smiled. They can handle themselves well, but he's no man if he will let them do all the work. "I will handle the surveillance of the room. I know someone who can monitor everyone intently. We can use it against them"

A smile made its way to Hou Wei Yan's face as she heard this. That's right, they have a trustworthy guard. "Then, I'll use that to warn them. It doesn't matter if we can monitor them, if they decide to do something, it will be troublesome. They need to know that it's not easy to pass us without paying the price"


As soon as Hou Wei Yan, Qiu Meixiu, and Xie Na walked inside the operating room, Xiong Shuchun marched toward them angrily. "Why did you change Doctor Ding Suyin with Xie Na, Doctor Hou?"

The three of them looked at each other before staring at her with a poker face. Hou Wei Yan raised her brows at her and smiled. "Do I really need to explain myself?"

After saying this, Hou Wei Yan led the two of them towards Cheng Ying. "There are tons of cameras set up in this room right now. If you're thinking of doing something crazy, you should prepare a lawyer first"

Xiong Shuchun looked at Hou Wei Yan in horror. Quite concerned she looked around before coughing and seemingly regaining her composure. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Hou Wei Yan directed her eyes towards her which now contained a burning fury. "I know the plot that you've been devising"

After a short pause, she looked at the other people inside the room that didn't approve of her request. "Some of you here know what I'm talking about. I don't care which side you take or which game you want to play with me. As long as you don't involve the lives of my patients, I'm willing to play with you with all my heart and soul"

"I don't know if you're innocent or not but bullets will rain starting today" she added before touching the scalpel and giving the anesthesiologist a nod. He Lan, the anesthesiologist nodded back.

"To the mastermind of such a plot, you better be prepared. I'll make sure to engulf you in a devious inferno if you make another move on me" Hou Wei Yan suddenly blurted out before looking at the glass window where the devil grates her teeth in vexation.

The man beside her, her current boyfriend and partner in crime, suddenly laughed at the scene displayed before him. Things are getting interesting. [ Where did this gutsy woman come from? ]

He likes her already. After a good few seconds of staring at the operating Hou Wei Yan, the man licked his bottom lip and smiled. Oh, she will be good under him. He's sure she will be good beneath him in his bed.