Pursue of Lust

Inside the cafeteria of Yi Lan Hospital, sat a woman sighing for the 3rd time since they entered. Xie Na who was happily eating her pork cutlet suddenly halted when she heard her sigh again. "Wei Wei, what's wrong with you?"

Hou Wei Yan looked at her food before looking at Xie Na seriously. Ever since she returned from Xu Dandan's house, someone keeps on pestering her like crazy. He kept on staring at her and paying unnecessary visits, it was getting on her nerves. "Do you know, Lu Huan?"

At the mention of his name, Xie Na spat out her drink at the poor unfortunate man in front of her. "Shit!"

Horror marked her face as she saw the closed eye man with juice all over his face. Xie Na immediately took out her handkerchief and wiped his face. "Fang, I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry" she added once more as she continues wiping his face.

Hearing a bit of a giggle from his side, Fang instantly took hold of Xie Na's hands and looked directly into her eyes. "It's fine"

Hou Wei Yan laughed at this and without delay comes another attack. "It's a good thing for him"

"What do you mean Wei Wei?" Xie Na asked as she sat back down. When she heard no response, she turned serious as she remembered her question. "Anyway, why do you ask?"

"Are you related to him?" her best friend asked another difficult question making Xie Na sigh instead of her.

She looked away and said in a hushed tone. "He's a doctor in the A&E Department and Jiang Yanyan's boyfriend"

"Hmmm" Hou Wei Yan nodded her head before clasping her hands and giving her a knowing smile. Jiang Yanyan's boyfriend huh? "Is he your ex?"

Silence fell on their table and all their eyes were darted on Xie Na. Jiang Yanyan's boyfriend and Xie Na's ex? Did they become enemies because of him?

After a good few seconds, Xie Na slowly nodded her head. Yeah, he was indeed her ex. But she considers him her most stupid decision than the rest of her exes. She admits that she has a lot of exes, but Lu Huan is the bastard of all bastards.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Hou Wei Yan inquired.

"I don't like telling you anything related to Jiang Yanyan. She's a curse, I don't want you to be cursed by knowing her" she said with all honesty. Even before Lu Huan came into their lives, Jiang Yanyan and her were already enemies.

Besides, at that time, Hou Wei Yan was in no condition to help her or comfort her.

Knowing Lu Huan's devious side, she immediately shivered in worry. "Did he approach you using my name?"

"No. He's a nuisance" she answered with hate. She's a married woman. Whenever he approached her, she can't stop thinking of her husband. She's not cheating on him, but he might misunderstand because of the crazy man. "He kept on lingering around me"

"That jerk" Xie Na mumbled before looking at Fang. How could he allow Lu Huan to linger? That man knows no bounds. Woman or man, single or taken, married or widowed, as long as there's a hole, he will do anything to shove his dragon whenever he is interested. "But how did you figure it out?"

Hou Wei Yan made a slight glance at her seatmate before answering her question. "I saw him once looking at you and smiling, as though mocking you"

"Ha! That lunatic!" Xie Na exclaimed in anger. [How dare he mock me? Even if he came from a good family, he will always be a jerk. He just got airheaded because of the women in this hospital craving for his cock.

Qiu Meixiu who was looking around for the water dispenser suddenly looked at her friends with seriousness. "You better hurry up. The Devils are coming this way"

All of them looked at the two monsters walking their way with a smile. They can't help but clap in their heads at how good they are at pretending. Fang Tao sighed and returned to his food. "I told you, we should have eaten at the office"

When they were about to eat and ignore the demons that entered the room, Jiang Yanyan's hands came and knocked on the table.

[ She's such an attention seeker! ] Xie Na grumbled in her head. But her trail of thoughts stopped when she felt a burning stare directed at her.

"I heard you're only using Doctor Xie and Miss Qiu during operations. What happened?" Jiang Yanyan said while looking intently at Hou Wei Yan. She's obviously asking for a fight. All of them knew what she planned during Cheng Ying's surgery.

Hou Wei Yan has the ability to save the patients even if Jiang Yanyan plots something. But of course, the patients' lives aren't their toys.

Not liking her a little bit, Hou Wei Yan decided to play her game as well. [ Did she like pretending? Well, I can play that card as well ]

She smiled sweetly at Jiang Yanyan before flipping her hair. "Why are you concerned, Doctor Jiang?"

Jiang Yanyan can't help but get slightly flustered at her display of calmness. "I just wanted to confirm if the rumors are true"

"Ah, the rumors that I became conceited? I don't want any help?" Hou Wei Yan immediately asked while batting her eyes. She then looked at her hands before smiling knowingly. "Well, you should confirm where the rumors came from first. I'm sure you'd be a little bit surprised"

"What are you looking at, lunatic?" Xie Na suddenly erupted, destroying their conversation. Jiang Yanyan's eyes instantly turned demonic when she saw Lu Huan smiling at Xie Na.

"Woah Woah Woah. Is this how you greet your ex?" he heartily laughed making her current girlfriend grate her teeth. But no matter how much she wants to attack, Lu Huan's hands were giving her no sign. She can do nothing against his will.

Hou Wei Yan and Fang Tao looked at each other as they saw what he did. Lu Huan gave them a look before turning back on the fuming Xie Na. "Aren't you supposed to say, I missed you?"

"Pffft, are you joking right now?" she can't help but look at him ridiculously before shooing him away with her hands. "Can you please move? It disgusts me to see your face when I'm eating"

After receiving such treatment, Lu Huan turned toward Hou Wei Yan. He then smiled sweetly before placing down his drink on her side. "Drink up, Wei Wei"

The way he said it made the four of them shiver in disgust. He winked at her before placing his hands on Jiang Yanyan's waist and walking away. The four of them were left there, dumbfounded.

"What the hell?!" Xie Na exclaimed after the two were out of their sight. She then turned to her best friend with disbelief. "Wei Wei?!"

Hou Wei Yan immediately shrugged her shoulders before handing the drink to Fang. Fang Tao then called for the dish collector and ordered him to throw it.

After making sure that the drink was out of sight and properly disposed of, Hou Wei Yan turned to the shocked Xie Na. "Don't look at me like that. I know nothing of what runs in his mind"

"Stay away from him" Fang Tao said, the coldness in his eyes was the same as when they first met.

Hou Wei Yan can only sigh at this. "I am staying away from him"

Qiu Meixiu who also saw what Lu Huan did can't help but feel uncomfortable. "You should watch out, Fang. I don't think he's only a doctor"

"Yeah, he's not just a doctor, he's a playboy. He has Jiang Yanyan in the palm of his hands. He made her so obsessed with him that even if he plays around, it's okay as long as he comes back to her" Xie Na said making them smile at her.

"Your gossipy side is sure helpful, huh?" Hou Wei Yan said before she continued eating. Even if the demons already polluted the air, food is still more important than them.


Flowers, chocolates, jewelry, poems, books, food, and drinks. All of this, for a whole week. Hou Wei Yan kept on receiving useless things from Lu Huan. Fang Tao, of course, received all of this and all were now in the trash. But no matter how much they show Lu Huan, Hou Wei Yan's disinterest, he never stops.

She wanted to talk him out of it, but Fang was given strict orders never to let Lu Huan near Hou Wei Yan.

So the jerk never stopped. And now, she's having unending headaches because of it.

"Fang, can you bring this to Xie Na?" she said as she took out a folder. Fang looked at the folder before shaking his head. He was given orders not to leave her unless necessary.

"Let Meixiu do it" he retorted with firmness.

Hou Wei Yan sighed as she massaged her head. This is bothersome as well. "I sent her to recruit some people to my team. Just the three of us doing all the surgeries are tiresome"

"Then let Xie Na come here"

"It's quite far you know. Why would I bother her to come when you can take it to her?" Hou Wei Yan said seriously. Knowing fully well Xie Na's current state because of their surgeries, Fang can't help but take it. "This is really important. It can't delay"

Fang sighed as looked at her worriedly. "Why don't you come with me?"

"I'm a little bit tired" she answered before standing up. After drinking water, she immediately walked toward the couch. "I'll wait for you here and rest then we can go home"

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked before opening the door.

"I'm fine. The hospital is safe" Hou Wei Yan assured before laying down on the couch.

"Wait for me" Fang said before locking the door and leaving.

She sighed repeatedly at her aching head before deciding to take a book and cover her eyes. After a few minutes, the lock of the door made a sound. Hou Wei Yan sighed ready to scold Fang for not doing what he was asked to do.

"Ah, are you okay, Wei Wei?" a voice said from the door making Hou Wei Yan bolt up. Seeing her awake, Lu Huan immediately smiled and locked the door from the inside.

She looked around worriedly. This can't be good. "Doctor Lu? What brings you here?"

Upon hearing such a question and seeing Hou Wei Yan's sweaty state, Lu Huan licked his lips and smiled. "You're so beautiful, Wei Wei"

He drew closer to her while slowly unbuttoning his clothes. "You have a perfectly sculptured body and your jewel eyes that captivated me"

"What---" Hou Wei Yan screamed as Lu Huan dashed at him and took hold of her face. He licked his lips once more before diving into her captivating and juicy lips. The harshness of his kiss smudged Hou Wei Yan's lipstick.

The more he struggled, the deeper Lu Huan kissed her. Tears slowly formed in her eyes as he pulled away.

"I like you" he said before slowly touching Hou Wei Yan's porcelain thigh. He rubbed his hands on her skin before he decided to cup her glorious breast. "I want you to be mine"