A Plan of Capture

Hearing the valor of Hou Wei Yan was now the past time of Li Wei Mansion's servant. Makio always reports to them as though broadcasting important news that cannot be missed. They were proud of her and they adored her even more for she showed them just how perfect she was as their Madame.

Upon hearing the car, all of them immediately lined up to greet their Lady Boss. They thought Hou Wei Yan would appear before them all cherry and sweet for her victory. But alas, they were wrong.

The moment she went down, Hou Wei Yan can't help but lean a bit on the car. "Urgh, my head!"

"Welcome back, Young Lady" Butler Gu bowed down before Hou Wei Yan along with the other servants. As he raised his head, he can't help but notice the pain written on her face as she slowly grabbed hold of her head. "What's wrong?"

Hou Wei Yan looked at the concerned elder. She can't lie to him and to the others after all the time they spent together. These people truly cared for her, she can see that clearly. "I think I have a mild headache"

"Oh dear" he said as he slowly held her hand. He touched her forehead and was relieved she has no fever. After a while, he turned around and looked at the servants. "Prepare a hot bath for the young lady"

The five women assigned for it all bowed down and started running to prepare the bath. This matter is already serious for them. Hou Wei Yan rarely gets sick. They will do their best in their task for all the care they received from her.

Hou Wei Yan glanced at the frenzied servants. It's only a mild headache. "Ah, no. I'll be fine with a little rest"

Butler Gu immediately shook his head. They are proud Ji Servants. They would never neglect their master's health. "No. We insist...A small headache can become severe if we don't treat it at an early stage"

"Let me help you to your room" he said before dispatching the servants. He then looked at her worriedly as they went up the stairs. "Do you want to eat something?"

"Seafood congee" Hou Wei Yan immediately replied. At a time like this, all she wants is seafood.

"Alright, we'll prepare it for you" Gu Man stated before motioning Tang Yongzheng, his trainee to prepare the food Hou Wei Yan requested. He nodded his head and quickly headed towards the kitchen.

Upon entering the bedroom, the servants preparing the bath all bowed down. Butler Gu took a glance at the bathroom before glancing back at their lady boss. "Why don't you soak in for a while to relieve your headache"

"Okay" she replied, ever thankful for all of their care. "Thank you Uncle"

Gu Man smiled at her before leaving her in the bathroom along with the others. Hou Wei Yan didn't waste any more time and submerged herself in the bathtub.

The water made her calm down but slowly, she got drowned by the events with Jiang Yanyan.

Jiang Yanyan was an exceptional doctor, but her attitude was clearly not inclined to her achievements. Even watching her surgery, Hou Wei Yan felt that she can be trusted. She was able to save a lot.

She was only pulled by the wrong kind of love and perhaps some family issues. Jiang Yanyan was simply unfortunate. Perhaps if she didn't abandon a patient for Lu Huan she could have found ways to help and mend her. People like her needed more understanding, but at this time, befriending her might just have the opposite effect. She might just break her even more.

But when she's ready to look at her without going on a rampage, she will tend to her.

After thinking about this, Hou Wei Yan stood up and walked towards her towel. She then wore her pajamas and went out so she can finally sleep the pain away.

But alas, it was not yet time for her to sleep.

Sitting on the bed was a man in a mask, he was stirring the congee and was looking worriedly at the wall.

Hou Wei Yan was suddenly lost for words. His lips were visible to her. It was a new mask and somehow she felt delighted about it. He's slowly revealing himself.

Anyway, she didn't know what to say or what to call him. [ Should I call him, husband? Honey? Love? Darling? Babe? ]

But at their level of intimacy, calling him such things is yet too early for her.

"Uhhh" she can only say this in the middle of her thinking. He needed to know she was already there.

Ji Li Zhao immediately bolted up upon hearing her. He placed the bowl on the table and walked straight toward her.

"You okay?" he asked as he began touching her forehead and grabbing hold of her hand. "You don't have a fever"

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head before squeezing his hands to make him feel that she was fine, it wasn't serious. "No. It's just a headache"

A sigh of relief came out of him upon hearing this. But afterward, he returned to his worrywart self. Headaches aren't simple.

Ji Li Zhao took immediate action by carrying Hou Wei Yan bridal style. The way he handled her was so gentle that Hou Wei Yan can't help but blush. She was taken by surprise but above all, she was taken by his charm. How did she get such a husband?

"You should rest" he mumbled before placing her in the bed and sitting her straight. He then grabbed hold of the bowl containing her congee and slowly blew on it. "But you have to eat first"

"Ahhh" he said as he motioned her to open her mouth. Hou Wei Yan remained still, starstruck by his sudden display of care...and childishness. After a while, she found herself giggling before opening her mouth.

[ Seriously, this man might be the end of me ]

Ji Li Zhao carefully and slowly fed her and Hou Wei Yan accepted his care without complaint. How can she complain? He looked so serious about feeding her and she can't honestly say no to his sudden display of cuteness.

In her eyes, he suddenly looked so dazzling despite the mask. This man is her husband, but of course, she can't help but think that everything was a dream. He was so down to earth that he seemed surreal.

If this is a dream, she might just stay because of him.

"What are you thinking?" Ji Li Zhao suddenly asked upon noticing her eyes not leaving his eyes at all.

"How to capture you" she blurted out without much thought sending Ji Li Zhao to a halt.

[ Capture me? ]

[ In what sense? ]

Cause she had surely captured him in more ways than one.

After a short second, he placed the spoon on the bowl and smiled. "Like a Pokemon?"

"Uhh, I mean you seem so...surreal, I want to see your face so I---" she hurriedly stated with an obvious blush on her face. Wait a second. What was she saying again?

See his face? She sounded like a whiny child. Hou Wei Yan immediately pulled the blanket to cover her face, embarrassed by her rash and childish words. She sounded so childish! It's embarrassing! "Ahh, no"

Seeing his wife's flushed face somehow brought delight to Ji Li Zhao. He can't help but chuckle at this. "I am real and I am yours already"

What he sent made Hou Wei Yan riper than the ripest tomato. His words were enough to send her heart to temporarily stop.

Ji Li Zhao didn't stop with just words though. He leaned on her and kissed her forehead tenderly. "Can you wait for a little bit longer?"

His scent lingered around her that she can only nod her head. Her mind was now in a disarray. "I'm sorry"

He smiled again at her before kissing her forehead once more. "Don't be sorry. I'm sure you've been thinking of who I am for a long time now"

"I don't have any bad intentions towards you" he assured her before tucking her blonde hair behind her ears.

Upon sensing her warmth and shyness, Ji Li Zhao can't help but open up to her. "May I be so bold and confess something?"

"What?" Hou Wei Yan asked before looking straight at him.

"I love you"

Upon hearing the three magical words, Hou Wei Yan felt her heart drop. [ He actually said it! He said he love me! ]

The warmth she's feeling right now is beyond measure. All she can ever do was blush and blush while looking at him.

"I asked your father for your hands because I love you and I want to spend a lifetime with you"

"But---" he said as he looked down and cupped her hands. He placed a kiss on it before sighing. "I'm still in a predicament"

Hou Wei Yan felt the warmth of his words and how much he was suppressing himself. "I understand"

"I really do" she added as she caressed his hands.

Thinking back to all the care he had shown her, Hou Wei Yan never felt that he was lacking. "Besides, you're not abandoning me or neglecting me. I feel really grateful"

Blessed by such an understanding wife, Ji Li Zhao can no longer hold his hands back. He caressed her cheeks with a smile on his lips. "About your ring"

His statement caught Hou Wei Yan's attention. That's right. Her ring! She thought they didn't retrieve it. "I sent it somewhere for repair and upgrade"

"I thought I lost it forever" she sighed in relief at this. But her train of thoughts drifted back to the cause of her headache. "What will happen to Jiang Yanyan?"

"She's getting a physiatric test" Ji Li Zhao answered before hugging her. He really didn't want to involve her with Lu Huan's arrest. As much as possible he wanted her to be oblivious. But she requested everything that happened. After finding out with Fang Tao that Lu Huan planted a listening device, she immediately took action and requested his help.

"Whether it comes out positively or negatively, she won't be working in Yi Lan anymore"

Hou Wei Yan raised her brows before parting with him. "Did you do something?"

Ji Li Zhao can only smile at her. "I'm not that powerful"

He then slowly helped her lie down. "Now rest"

"I still have to take care of someone"

When he placed the blankets on her, Hou Wei Yan found a chance to ask a question. "Lu Huan?"

Ji Li Zhao chuckled at this. He was done with Lu Huan. Now he needs to focus his attention on someone else. "No...I'm meeting a pesky friend"


"Ahhh!!!" a sudden shout of a raging man was heard all over Evergreen Estate. It sounded like a lion wanting to be released from its cage. "Why are you doing this?!"

On second thought though, the lion sounded more like a cub than a wild beast. All the old members of the organization rolled their eyes while the freshmen looked strangely at the man getting dragged into the hallway. "You psychopath! Let me go!"

"Heeeeellppppp!!!" he shouted louder and louder as they got near the assembly room. After getting inside, Ye Zhe threw him across the room as though throwing trash in a corner. He slid through the floor and was stopped by Fang Tao's foot. The young man shivered at their display of intimidation but he will never stop shouting. "Heeeeeeeeeellpppppp!!!"

Laurens placed his hands on his ears. This twerp! His shout is beyond that of a little girl! "Stop shouting like a woman!"

Yan Xi Lan rolled her eyes at what he did. She slowly walked towards the tied-up man before kicking him in the butt. "Shut up"

"Hey! Yan Xi Lan you brat!" he shouted angrily at the daring woman. [ How could she! I raised her like my child. How could she do this to me?! ]

He felt betrayed. Betrayed by everyone inside the room.

After a few tears dropped from him, the door of the room opened up. Everyone inside bowed down and greeted the almighty Ji Li Zhao. "Boss"

Upon witnessing this display of respect, the man immediately crawled to Ji Li Zhao despite his tied-up hands. "Li! Li! Help me! Your men are torturing me"

"Stop overreacting" Ye Zhe said before straightening him up.

Ji Li Zhao smiled at him like a devil preying. "I ordered them to take you"

"Why?! What did I do wrong to deserve this treatment?!" he said, his tears dropping upon hearing this. His best friend. The best friend he treated as his own brother! His very best friend betrayed him.

"I'm sure you know what happened in Yi Lan Hospital" Ji Li Zhao said seriously before eyeing him knowingly. He is indeed an idiot. An idiot whose determination for freedom knows no bounds.

"No!" Han Yu Shuo said seriously, his eyes containing that of a wild beast. He can do anything except work for Yi Lan. He is a doctor, but not a full-fledged one. When he is needed, he will be there. But he will not stay in the hospital for the whole day. He will not be owned by any hospital!

He likes to be dubbed rare and he will do his best to keep it that way. "I'm not doing it!"

"You will be Yi Lan Hospital's doctor" Ji Li Zhao stated as he stared out the window. He knew this idiot better than anyone. He's not someone to be easily persuaded, but he has his weakness and he knew very well what it is. "Whether you like it or not"