Proving By Showing

The news is out and another buzz is brewing early in the morning. Everyone was talking and gossiping about Hou Wei Yan once again. It's not been long since the arrest of Lu Huan and her battle with Jiang Yanyan yet here she is rising from the shadows.

Those who were yet to know her, those who belonged Higher than the rest, suddenly found out her achievements like a bomb. Why did they not notice her ahead of time? Why did they allow such a potential doctor to become Director Hans apprentice?

They gave the Director the upper hand once more like the idiots they are!

"Oh My God! Did you hear?! Did you hear?!" a nurse from the Neurological Department said while running full speed to the new arrivals.

The oblivious nurses who just came in all looked at her like she's crazy. This is a hospital, not some sort of playground where she can freely run around. "What?"

"Master Han made Doctor Hou his apprentice!"

An unsettling feeling suddenly warped them upon hearing this news. It's that Doctor again?! What's up with her?!

"Really?" someone asked in enthusiasm making the others look at her differently. Wait, what's wrong with her? Is Long Lee crazy?

The little perky nurse, Long Lee, looked at them with a smile. Yep, she knows. They are obviously envious and she wasn't like them. She likes Doctor Hou.

In fact, she idolizes her. Watching them chew on her makes her quite bitter toward them. [ How can they not see Hou Wei Yan's shine? She's the Doctor that should be taken as a role model because unlike Jiang Yanyan, she genuinely cares for her patients no matter their status in life! ]

Sure everyone has varying opinions and she can't force her belief on them, but gawking at Hou Wei Yan just because she got it all isn't the right judgment at all.

"Yeah! Master Han told Doctor Wen Shan"

Did he tell Doctor Wen Shan?

Long Lee smiled at herself when she heard this. [ Ah, my idol is simply the best! She managed to spike up Master Han's interest to the point that he willingly shared the good news with his frenemy! ]

"What the heck?! That's crazy?!" one of them exclaimed in utter surprise. Doctor Hou, an apprentice of the Great Master Surgeon? That's ridiculous! "Even Jiang Yanyan didn't become his apprentice"

When they heard what he said, some of them gasped in realization. That's right! Jiang Yanyan was his favorite but he never considered her his apprentice nor bragged that she is.

That means Doctor Hou is on another level of greatness. After all, she's the first apprentice! "Then she's the first-ever apprentice of Master Han!"

"She must be really good" someone acknowledged making Long Lee smile while nodding her head.

They realized way too late!

"She must be really good at selling herself" an unknown voice said. They turned around, ready to hear some rumors, and experience a bit of drama.

"Hey, Suchun! Stop talking nonsense!" Long Lee defended while pointing at her. [ This ridiculous Nurse again! Last time she was the one who initiated the rumors regarding Wei Yan and Lu Huan. She didn't learn and here she is ready to sabotage my idol once more! ]

But she won't stand idly again. "Do you think Master Han is that kind of man?"

"Yeah sure, he is honorable. But my doubt is in Doctor Hou" Xiong Suchun said with mockery and poison. Her words were venomous enough to attract a lot of attention.

Long Lee grated her teeth in vexation. [ She purposely raised her voice, didn't she?! This lunatic is a serious headache and an obvious thorn in my path of befriending my idol! ]

"She's a great surgeon. She must have been chosen because of that" someone from the sideline said, but Xiong Suchun easily dismissed it with her words.

"She must have been chosen because she's Doctor Hou. Doctor Jiang was the best yet why wasn't she chosen?! Isn't it because her beauty was inferior to hers and her moves far innocent compared to Doctor Hou?"

"Xiong Suchun!" Long Lee called out with a warning. One more word from her filthy mouth and she will strangle her!

[ She's such a green-eyed monster! Can't she just be glad Yi Lan Hospital has a capable doctor who can boost the probability of saving their patients?! ]

Xiong Suchun wickedly smiled at her warning thinking that Long Lee was a puppy barking at the wrong tree. She looked around her and eyed the silent male nurses and doctors around.

"What? Don't tell me you don't find her attractive? Don't tell me that if she asks you something you won't do it?"

True enough, some guilty party ducked their heads in embarrassment. Hou Wei Yan hasn't asked them any favor but they were sure that if she ever asked, they would agree without delay.

But it's not because of her attractive face, but because she's quite kind despite everything that happened to her here in Yi Lan. She remained the same despite the cruel treatment of the staff to her.

So basically, what Xiong Suchun said isn't wrong but isn't entirely right either.

"All the boys are after her and she's letting it be. Doesn't that speak volume?!" she said with a smirk on her face. Some of them felt offended by what she said.

Are they all bastards in her eyes just because they show kindness to Hou Wei Yan?

Between Hou Wei Yan and Xiong Suchun, the latter seems more suspicious and insane!

"To put it simply, she's a bitch climbing to the top through her body" she added making the females grate their teeth at her. Calling someone a bitch in such an establishment is going too far.

And what did she imply with her words? That those attractive people who managed to reach the top of their hospitals are using their bodies for their success!?

They too have friends above and they are righteous people! Saying such words are an insult not just to Hou Wei Yan but to those above them as well. As a woman, she shouldn't be saying such words in front of this crowd. In fact, she shouldn't talk like this at all!

A slow clap was slowly heard from the back along with a hideous laugh. All of them turned around only to see Xie Na with her eyes filled with mockery and darkness.

This beehive needs to be destroyed. And she, Xie Na, will be the one to destroy it.

"Looks like someone is jealous over here" she said after reaching the front. The darkness in her eyes was very dangerous and intimidating that they can't help but gulp and back away.

Spectating is their forte, fighting such a wild beast isn't.

"Doctor Xie" Long Lee called out with respect before bowing. [ Ah, my idol's best friend is here, ready to save the day! ]

Xiong Suchun grated her teeth upon Xie Na's entrance and sudden interference. [ I have their ears already! I managed to grab their attention and was ready to tarnish bitch Wei Yan! ]

[ But the Bitch's Apostle just had to come and ruin everything! Both of them are the same. Bitches ruining my image! They are always there ruining my plans! And they are always there taking my men! ]

[ I was the one that first saw Fang! How can she snatch him away from me! She's just like her best friend, a bitch through and through! ]

"Xie Na" she said in despise.

Xie Na hardened her gaze when Xiong Suchun called her name. This disgusting creature! How dare she call her name! "Don't call me so casually, unlike others I don't consider you my friend"

"So you're the source of all the nasty rumours, Nurse Xiong" Xie Na said, her voice filled with mockery. She was talking, yes, but her tone was laughing. Xiong Suchun can't help but flinch at her demonic eyes and voice.

"Wait, should I start calling you Nurse Gossiper? Nurse Rumor maker!? The nurse who has all the time in the world to mess with the hospital staff?"

"What did you say!?" Xiong Suchun yelled in anger. [ Mess with the Hospital staff!? How dare--- ]

She looked around her and saw how everyone who was on her side earlier, destroying Hou Wei Yan, was now whispering words she can't dare think about any longer. [ This table-turning bitch! ]

"Ooops, was that supposed to be a secret?" the annoying Xie Na asked before covering her mouth with her hands. But despite that, her irritating eyes never changed nor falter. She continued staring at Xiong Suchun, jesting her like crazy. "I'm sorry"

"But what can we do? Now they know" she added, now holding back her laughter at her obvious mistake.

[ Who told her to spread rumors about Wei Wei? She's so bold when in fact she should be hiding in shame ]

Xiong Suchun's eyes went wide in anger and she screeched in rage at the filthy bad-mouthing Xie Na. "I'm just stating my opinion. Am I not allowed to?"

"Of course, you can. But to use your opinion to tarnish someone is not really acceptable" Xie Na said now returning to her stoic and bored look. "Besides, I find your opinion quite delusional"

"Aren't you just jealous that someone has the boy's attention and you do not? I think the real slut here is the one spreading such wonderful news like it's the end of the world for her. Why? Didn't get enough attention, bitch?"

A huge smile was now plastered on Xie Na's face. She's not that much against Jiang Yanyan, but against this tiny ant, she's a Demon, and demons never leave their prey with mercy.

She wants to destroy Hou Wei Yan, but what if she gets destroyed by that plan? Won't that be the most satisfying thing ever?

Killing the mage with the power he threw! That sounds more fun to her.


Hou Wei Yan who just entered the facility along Fang Tao looked at the crowd. When she saw her best friend amongst them, she already felt something was odd. She must have done something again.

"Xie Na?" she called out, ready to pull her collar if she continues to linger with such a crowd.

Upon hearing her best friend's voice, Xie Na smirked at the pale Xiong Suchun before turning to Hou Wei Yan with a huge smile on her face. The complete opposite of her demonic face earlier. "Wei Wei~"

"What are you doing? Fang is waiting for us" Hou Wei Yan said before looking at Fang Tao who was already waiting ahead of her. Xie Na glanced at the Ice Cold Prince before nodding her head.

"Coming!" she yelled before turning back at them who were gathered like ants.

"I don't expect you to believe in her skills, but could you at least respect her profession the way she respected yours" she said before totally leaving the buzzing beehive of stupid gossipers.

Silence fell on those who were left there, but Xiong Suchun wasn't done yet. She won't end the fight like this! She won't accept defeat right now!

"She's right" someone said before she could open her mouth and spill poison once more. "Doctor Hou displayed what a doctor is ought to be unlike some of us. Admit it"

They who were stunned earlier turned on the brunette near Long Lee. He was quite tall and his body has noticeable muscles screaming testosterone. His eyes were that of sapphire, glistening with passion and righteousness. The glistening of his chocolate-brown hair was majestic perfectly harmonizing with the look in his eyes.

Long Lee who idolized Wei Yan can't help but give the man a thumbs-up despite not knowing who he was. [ Who cares? He's a comrade! That's right he's a comrade now! ]

The man glanced at her and wasn't able to hold back a chuckle. [ Who is this cute and small creature? ]

After a good few seconds, he turned his attention to Xiong Suchun and smirked. "Don't you think it's ridiculous how you're destroying her image just because you can't save yours?"

"Who are you to talk like that to me!" Xiong Suchun yelled unaware of everyone's stare and fright.

One of the Cardiology Departments Nurse pulled her away warily without looking at the man. This woman is done for! And all of them will be included in her misfortune if this keeps up! "Hey Suchun, stop!"

"That's funny" the man said all of a sudden while chuckling. He took a step forward and glared at the small fry nurse. "I'm Doctor Ismael Ashraf"

"Don't you know me?" he asked, obviously aware of how big his name is and what kind of impact it brings.

Xiong Suchun paled when she heard his name. [ Ashraf!? Ismael Ashraf!? That Egyptian Doctor Director Han personally scouted? ]

"Doctor A-A-Ash?"

Ismael smirked at her pale figure. "That's me and that Doctor you insulted is my future master"

He came in before Hou Wei Yan did that's why he was more well known than her and already established a strong connection in the hospital. He was always busy with his research and surgeries so not everyone knows what he looks like.

Barely leaving the surgery room, Ismael only met Hou Wei Yan during her surgery with Cheng Ying. He saw that despite all the hurdles, she was swift and skilled. Judging from her precision, she was more skilled than he is. A master that is worthy of him.

He will make sure he becomes her apprentice. [ Hou Wei Yan will become my master, whatever it takes! ]

"So watch what you say or you will find yourself walking out of this hospital without bringing a single penny out" he added before turning around with a smile. "Ciao"


"Master Han" Hou Wei Yan called out after knocking three times in the esteemed Master Surgeon's office.

Han Tengfei who was just talking on the phone with Ji Li Zhao sighed before ending the call. As usual, the husband found out about the rumors circulating about his wife and he didn't like it one bit.

Questioning his wife's capabilities after all the hard work she exerted is a great insult to him. Offending Ji Li Zhao is something everyone wants to avoid, and thus a counterattack has been planned.

Han Tengfei coughed before opening the room for Hou Wei Yan. He gave her his polite smile and guided her inside. "Doctor Hou, take a seat"

"I don't know if you're aware but there's a rumor circulating around" he stated directly, not wanting to delay any more in setting the unrest inside him.

This lady is his son's wife which technically makes her his daughter. He won't allow such gossip to destroy Hou Wei Yan's bright future.

"A rumor?" Hou Wei Yan asked, quite oblivious of the rumor Xiong Suchun started to spread.

[ Ah, now that I think about it, the crowd earlier must have been about the rumor. Xie Na obviously knows about it but purposely kept silent ]

[ That kid, it's not like a rumor could kill my competence and self-esteem ]

"People are doubting whether you're capable or worthy enough to become my apprentice" he said with a sip of his coffee.

Honestly, why does he have such stupid subordinates? Would he accept someone incompetent? Sure, polishing a newbie is thrilling to others, but he's a psycho. His preference is different. He would rather choose someone who can stand with him than take in someone who follows him. That way, there would be less explanation and more action.

"It can't be helped. I just learned from Xie Na that I'm your first-ever apprentice" Hou Wei Yan said while shrugging her shoulders. "Such attention would, of course, be directed to me who took another important role"

When she found out about it from Xie Na, she was quite shocked and thought that she went into another heap of trouble again by accepting the apprenticeship. Her normal days are over thanks to her sudden agreement with the Master Surgeon.

Han Tengfei smiled when she said this but he immediately reverted to his serious mode. "Doctor Hou, to be honest, I'm not a shy and reserved person. I show people what I have"

He took out a folder and handed it to Hou Wei Yan who accepted it without delay.

"I have a VVIP operation three days from now. I want you to assist me on it"

"VVIP" she repeated before glancing at Han Tengfei.

He told her that he doesn't usually treat VIPs. She confirmed this fact from Xie Na not too long ago.

For him to take this in, it must be a risky operation. Risky enough for him to seek her.

"There will be a lot of spectators" he added making her ears perk up.


So he does intend to show her off.

"I see" she said before flipping the pages. The patient will undergo Septal Myectomy, a surgery to unclog the congealed muscles of the heart.

He has a congealed heart muscle - a symptom of a multifaceted heart disease medically recognized as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Besides being a procedure that can last anywhere between three and six hours and convalescence in the ICU, the tricky part of this surgery is that it needs to be performed on a motionless heart.

This is something she cannot ignore. Hou Wei Yan gave a sincere smile before nodding her head. "It's okay for me. There's no need for me to hide when someone needs me"

"I'm glad" Han Tengfei said with a sigh of relief. This way, they can shut all the twerps yapping like mad dogs who don't know the extent of their capabilities and Hou Wei Yan's.

"For now, I want you to help out in the A&E Department. We're still looking for a suitable replacement for Doctor Jiang"

"Got it" Hou Wei Yan replied with a huge and understanding smile on her face. "Thank you for your help, Master Han"

"Call me Uncle Han" Han Tengfei suddenly interjected. He had a fatherly smile on his face which was slightly odd to Hou Wei Yan.

Let her call him Uncle first, then in the future, he will allow her to call him father.

Hou Wei Yan shrugged his odd smile and listened to his reason. "I prefer it if you call me Uncle Han. Your mother and I are classmates after all"

"Alright, Uncle" she immediately replied knowing full well the extent of his friendship with her mother. She vaguely remembers him from her past but he's undeniably a part of the memories her mother treasured.

Han Tengfei who was sipping his coffee with a smile glanced at the portrait behind Hou Wei Yan. The image of his beloved wife at their wedding made him remember the request she made early in the morning. "Ah, my wife wants to have dinner with you tonight. Is it okay?"

[ Dang, I almost lost my life for forgetting such a crucial request! ]

"Hmm? Dinner?"

"My wife, your mother's best friend. I'm sure you met her in the past a lot" he asked, trying to make her remember the past she once buried in her head.

"I'm sorry, Uncle. Mother has a lot of gangs" Hou Wei Yan answered sheepishly.

Her mother, well—her mother is a known gangster back in the days. She's been the Fierce Princess Xing since she was young so her connection and circle of friends are too vast. Sometimes, she even wonders how her mother remembers all of them without missing a single detail or an update on their current life.

Han Tengfei can't help but chuckle at her honesty. "Right right"

Xing Mei Yi is indeed famous for her connections and weird collection of friends.

"Tong Yixue. Ring a bell?"

"Ah, Auntie Yi!?" Hou Wei Yan exclaimed in excitement. That Auntie Yi?

She was quite close to Tong Yixue because of her mother and their deep family connection. She's a wild heiress who managed to capture her grandparents' favor, so whenever she visits the house always prepares a feast.

But why can't she remember Han Tengfei from her past!?

Now that she recalls, Auntie Yi's husband seems vague in her memory. She remembers their marriage, they even have children, but his face seems blank in her mind.

Why can't she remember him?

Puzzled, Hou Wei Yan stared intently at Han Tengfei. After a few seconds, she smiled at him as if nothing happened in her mind. She dismissed her mini-debate and proceeded on accepting such a wonderful invitation. "Sure, I would love to"

"She'll come for you later, I hope you're prepared" Han Tengfei said, well—more like warned.

His wife is crazy, he's a bit worried she might infect Hou Wei Yan with her weirdness.

[ Ah, God forbid! ]

"I'll be" Hou Wei Yan chirped, unaware of the worry currently eating up Han Tengfei.

[ Yep, I'm going to pray that it doesn't happen ]

To not blurt out anything unnecessary that may definitely anger or ruin his wife's plan, Han Tengfei coughed and changed the course of their conversation. "Also, you should start considering building a team. Having just three of you doing risky operations may spark unnecessary interest from others"

Hou Wei Yan as his apprentice is already a juicy topic for everyone and she's attracting attention just by it. If she continues showing her skills by performing miraculous surgeries with three people, then he might not be able to protect her from the spy bees anymore.

Some doctors indeed never investigate given their hectic schedule, but those of higher rankings are often suspicious and can easily dispatch special forces to investigate. Sure, there's Ji Li Zhao and the Xing's to prevent any leakage of information, but a simple deduction is all one needs.

With her skills, someone might connect her to the Daredevil.

After all, one cannot simply hide their true talent.

"I'll send some recommendations to you" he said before taking a sip of his coffee.

[ Right, Ashraf might do. That little bastard keeps complaining that he's not getting enough information and knowledge from me. I should send him to Wei Yan so he can discover how much he still lacks so he would stop referring to himself as a genius ]

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head before standing up and taking a bow. "Thanks again, Uncle"

Han Tengfei waved his hands at her. When she left, he immediately dialed Ji Li Zhao to inform him of their talk and the progress of Wei Yan's soon-to-be-established Medical Team.

"Wei Wei" Qiu Meixiu called out after Wei Yan closed the door.

She looked at Qiu Meixiu for a while before nodding her head. Han Tengfei is right, she's attracting unnecessary attention to her by playing with only three people in the risky casino. She can't continue going down that path anymore if she wants to continue working in the emergency department.

"Sister Qiu" Hou Wei Yan called out with a smile. "I'll be helping in the A&E from now on. I want to ask for your help"

"Of course" Qiu Meixiu immediately answered without delay. It's her greatest pleasure to lend a helping hand to her, whom she now considers her family.

Hou Wei Yan smiled sincerely at her. The rumors are ridiculous but somehow she can't stand it.

By saying she's incompetent, they are also implying that her comrades are incompetent as well. She won't stand by and do nothing when the insults are no longer directed at her. "Let's go show them something special"

"Also, Sister Qiu. Why don't we build our own medical team?"

This time, Qiu Meixiu was the one that smiled. Oh, so the time has finally come. "Why not? Shall I start gathering intel? It's my forte after all"

"Then, I'll leave it in your good hands, Sister" Hou Wei Yan answered, quite excited about the prospects Qiu Meixiu will offer.

But, as much as possible, she wants to avoid trouble. If she were to choose from those high up or from the popular ones, the price to pay might be too high a cost.

Besides, isn't it thrilling to start from scratch? If she wants to prove something, she needs people who are diligent enough to work alongside her and prove that hard work beats intelligence. "Ah, let's try polishing our rising newbies. I believe I heard rumors of them having potential rising stars"

"I'll get on with that" Qiu Meixiu nodded her head, her enthusiasm rising by the second. Oh yes, here comes the nice juicy part. Finally, they can shut up the arrogant fools in the hospital. "It's been a while since I felt this thrilled"

Hou Wei Yan can only chuckle as she began walking. Qiu Meixiu followed suit. "The others will feel thrilled as well"

A naughty smile made its way to her face as they drifted away from Han Tengfei's office. Yep, she's ready to go for the thrilling part and she will make sure she's not the only one who will feel it. "In a different way that is"

Yi Lan Hospital better be prepared.