Who's The Husband

The stars were already up in the night sky. Hou Wei Yan's eyes were rooted on it as the low music in the car blended with Cao Yingjie's soft snore.

After a while, she glanced at Fang Tao who was busy browsing the tablet in his hands. He seems to have a job other than guarding her. She already caught him countless of times, frowning at the tablet and even clenching his fist like an enemy was on the other side of the screen.

It was intriguing, but she knew better than to ask and get snubbed. "Hmmmm"

As Cao Yingjie slightly moved, Hou Wei Yan looked away from Fang and glanced at the young child. Cao Yingjie opened his eyes and a warm smile immediately made its way to his face when he saw the woman who completes his day. "Big Sister Wei Wei"

"Baozi. You're up" she greeted before adjusting the blanket nicely wrapped around him.

He nodded his head before yawning and rubbing his eyes. He glanced outside and was perplexed when he saw wilderness. This is his first time staying with Hou Wei Yan in China.

[ Does she live in the forest? Why are there no houses around? ]

"Where are we going?"

"To my house" Hou Wei Yan replied with a smile. She then ruffled his hair before taking a peek at Fang. He was still absorb in his tablet and it was bugging her.

[ What is he looking at? ]

Xie Na didn't appear earlier and she was unreachable. Fang tried to look for her but to no avail.

[ Is he still searching for her? ]

"But Big Sister, you told me that there are two big scary monsters living in your house" Cao Yingjie suddenly blurted out which took her back to reality.

Right...she did say that countless of times. She was bitter towards her steps and knew how devious they are. Cao Yingjie asked countless of times regarding their house so she had to lie to him to keep him away.

It's safer for him not to meet the devils.

Hou Wei Yan chuckled as Cao Yingjie eagerly looked at her, fear quite instilled in his eyes. "That was the Hou Household. I meant, my house, where I am living right now"

Fang who was listening finally glanced at them. He needs to clear up the misunderstanding. Hou Wei Yan has nothing to do with those two witches anymore. They don't belong in the same stature.

"Madame lives in her own estate now, the Li Wei Mansion" Fang proudly said and guided Yingjie's gaze outside.

His eyes immediately twinkled as the huge gate of the mansion opened wide. The guards bowed down as the car entered the estate.

Upon entrance, Cao Yingjie instantly saw it's extravagance. It was a warm place, the well-tended bushes and statues are evidence of it.

"Coooool! Mom told me that you're crazy rich, but I didn't expect this much, Big Sister!" he excitedly exclaimed as he turned to Hou Wei Yan.

When she heard his statement, she can only sigh. "Your mother says some ridiculous stuffs sometimes"

"I'm not rich, my parents are. And this house isn't my own, someone just lent it to me"

"But still, Big Sister is so coool" Cao Yingjie blurted out, his eyes still filled with astonishment. "Do you have games? Can we play?"

"The Madame needs rest, Xiao Ying" Fang Tao butted in as he closed his tablet. He glanced at Shin who immediately nodded his head.

They just received their next mission. Once Hou Wei Yan sleeps, they need to move out together.

"It's okay, Fang. I didn't overexert myself today. I still have plenty of energy" Hou Wei Yan said all of a sudden which immediately took Fang's attention. "Besides, I made a promise, I can't back out on that"

Upon hearing this, Fang sighed before shaking his head. [ She's still stubborn as ever. Can't she just immediately take a rest? ]

He took a glance at their madame and was filled with annoyance when he saw her warm smile at Cao Yingjie as they began talking of the games they want to play.

When did he start having these emotions? He was only obliged to listen to Ji Li Zhao's order. Their Madame's opinion may matter, but it's percentage against Ji Li Zhao's words are lower.

But now, he can't help but listen to her requests, despite knowing it's not entirely good for her.

[ Why is that? ]

"Then, I shall instruct them to prepare the entertainment room" he blurted out without much thought and was now confused.

[ Am I beginning to become human again? ]

Before he could think further, he felt the car halt. He glanced outside and saw Butler Gu and the others waiting for them. He took a peek at their Madame before stepping outside and opening the door for her.

"Welcome Home, Young Lady" Butler Gu greeted with a huge smile on his face. He then turned to Cao Yingjie who was still in a daze of the servants' attitude. "Lord Yingjie"

Hou Wei Yan who was holding Cao Yingjie's hands squeezed them gently before smiling at him warmly. "Baozi, this is Uncle Gu. Pay your respect"

Cao Yingjie immediately nodded his head before taking a bow. "Hello, I'm Cao Yingjie. A pleasure to meet you, Uncle Gu"

Gu Man can't help but smile at his polite and adorable greeting. He suddenly remembered his grandson and couldn't help but feel slightly attached to the child. "I've prepared the entertainment room. But I suggest you take a bath first. Dinner will be served afterward"

"Looks like you went all out again, Uncle" Hou Wei Yan commented at the amount of effort Gu Man placed to cater to Cao Yingjie's arrival.

"It's our duty to serve you with everything we've got, young lady" Gu Man replied before allowing them to walk inside.

"Thank you, Uncle" she gave him her sincere smile before turning to Cao Yingjie. "Let's go, Baozi"


"I lost again?!" Cao Yingjie grumbled as he placed down his console and turning to the smiling Hou Wei Yan. "Sister, how are you doing that?!"

She giggled when he asked this. Ah, good old days. She remembers little Jun Shen back then. He used to pester her all the time to play with him. He never stops unless he wins at least once a day.

"Well, my skills are a bit rusty but I was a pro player in the past" Hou Wei Yan mumbled before drinking the water beside her. "I told you, I have a little brother. When I learned I will have a brother, I began playing games so I can teach him one day. We used to play together every day and I accompanied him during his tournament. I often play alongside him and challenge other duos"

She dearly loves her siblings, she even prayed for their birth. When she was young, she often saw how much her mother bounded with her Big Brothers. She saw how her mother smiled whenever they are around.

Because of her uncles, she saw her mother smile without a trace of worry. She saw her mother's purest smile through them.

That's why to her, the existence of her siblings is her salvation. They saved her from loneliness and gave her a true family to take care of. Her parents—well—they have their problems and she knew they can't be family anymore. After the destruction of their marriage, her family tree came crashing down.

Her father went for another woman, and her mother left to cater to her own pain. So to her, her siblings are her only genuine family left.

"Wow! Really? Can I meet Big Brother?" Cao Yingjie suddenly exclaimed. Hou Wei Yan gave him a huge smile before ruffling his hair.

"Someday, Baozi"

"Someday" she repeated with a sad smile. How are they doing anyway? She keeps on asking Hou Jun Shen but he only gives her vague answers.

[ Maybe it's time I check on them ]

"Anyway, I think that's enough playing for one day" she interjected when she saw Cao Yingjie reaching for the console again. She grabbed it before he could and placed it on the side. "Let's go to sleep?"

Cao Yingjie glanced at it and was about to refuse when a yawn escaped. Hou Wei Yan smiled before she wrapped a blanket on his. "Can I sleep with Big Sister?"

"Sure, why not" Hou Wei Yan immediately answered. She usually sleeps alone so why not?

Actually, she was never alone when she sleeps. She has a reliable husband always keeping her check.

After a few hours, Ji Li Zhao arrived from the capsule. As he stepped out, he immediately took some files from Huang Xun that he needs to check.

"Young Master, welcome back" Gu Man greeted before taking the files from him. Ji Li Zhao then turned towards Huang Xun and gave him a nod, signifying that he was done for the day.

Huang Xun bowed down and rode the capsule again. It's time he returns to the Evergreen Estate and sort out tomorrow's schedule.

"How is she?" Ji Li Zhao asked as they began walking upstairs.

"The young lady is sleeping peacefully with Lord Yingjie" Gu Man said with a warm smile plastered in his face.


They were steadily walking towards his study when Ji Li Zhao took a sudden U-turn. Although flustered, the servants tending to him followed suit. "Put the meeting on hold. I will check on her first"

"But---" one of their trusted employees tried to argue but Gu Man was fast enough to stop him.

He gave the employee a warning look which immediately shut him up.

When Ji Li Zhao decides to check on her, they are obliged to follow him. No arguments are needed because it would only turn slightly hilarious.

Ji Li Zhao's argument would be too heart-crushing that they would start thinking that the world is coming to an end.

It's better to avoid that route.

"Understood, Young Master" he replied as he motioned the others to step back. When he checks on Hou Wei Yan, he always does it alone and rarely asks Gu Man inside.

Ji Li Zhao carefully turned the knob of their room and entered like a ninja. He stopped beside Hou Wei Yan and smiled when he saw her cute snore.

Gently, he caressed her face and touched her hair. "I'm home, Wife"

There was only silence inside the room. Ji Li Zhao was about to take a chair and seat beside her when he was interrupted by a confused voice.


Surprised, Ji Li Zhao turned around and saw Cao Yingjie glaring at him. He was sitting up and when he saw Ji Li Zhao's gaze fixed on Hou Wei Yan, he shielded her from his prying eyes by hugging her. "Who are you!?"

His voice was quite loud so Ji Li Zhao bolted toward him and covered his mouth. The noise must have slightly disturbed Hou Wei Yan because she moved to find another comfortable position.

When she finally settled in, Ji Li Zhao sighed and took his hand back. "Don't disturb her sleep. She only gets to rest during this time"

After staring at her for a few seconds and hearing her snore once more, Ji Li Zhao placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before he turned toward the utterly confused child. "Come, let's talk somewhere else"

Ji Li Zhao stepped outside the room, followed by Cao Yingjie. Those waiting outside were bewildered by this sudden scenario. His identity was supposed to be a secret.

[ How could he carelessly reveal it to a child?! ]

Without a care about their stare, Ji Li Zhao and Cao Yingjie walked to the second floor's huge balcony. After sitting down, Cao Yingjie immediately raised his protest.

"You called my wife, your wife? How is that possible?!"

When he was asked by this question, Ji Li Zhao suddenly remembered Fang's report.

[ A love rival has surfaced and it's feisty ] he reported earlier.

"I see, so Fang wasn't lying" he blurted out with a smile. But after a while, he turned serious.

"Ji Li Zhao" he said, his voice bearing nothing but seriousness in its tone. No one can dare lay claim to his wife. Other than him, Hou Wei Yan has no other husband. "I'm Hou Wei Yan's husband"

"No! I'm her husband!" Cao Yingjie immediately argued.

He was with her since he was an infant. She taught her everything he needs to know to survive the cruel world.

[ She's my bride! My future wife! ]

"She's the madame of this---our house" Ji Li Zhao interjected without giving any thought to the child's glare. "Ji Wei Yan"

[ Ji? Ji?! ]

[ Wait! ]

[ Ji Li Zhao?! ]

[ Aren't they enemies? The Jis is technically Big Sister's enemy in terms of Family issues and business! ]

"But Sister didn't say anything to me! I wasn't at your wedding either!" he blurted out, still not buying the whole marriage stuff. "You're obviously lying"

"Can you read?" Ji Li Zhao suddenly asked.

Cao Yingjie frowned after hearing his question. [ Is he mocking me?! I am 7 years old but me knowledge is beyond that! ]

[ How could he! ]

"Huh? As her husband, I ought to know how to read!"

Ji Li Zhao nodded his head before glancing at Gu Man. Gu Man immediately walked towards him and bowed down. "Uncle, can you grab our wedding certificate?"

"The original one?" Gu Man asked. Ji Li Zhao never takes out the original one. It was one of his most valuable possession. Although exaggerated, he framed it and never takes it out of his study room.

"Yes" Ji Li Zhao said while nodding his head. "Handle it with care"

"Certainly, Young Master" Gu Man immediately replied before bowing down once more and doing as he was ordered.

For him to take it out, he must really want Cao Yingjie to stop his fantasies once and for all.

After Gu Man left, Ji Li Zhao and Cao Yingjie were left staring intently at one another. They remained like that till Gu Man returned.

Carefully, he handed it to Ji Li Zhao who instantly handed it to Cao Yingjie.

Without delay, Yingjie read through the file and his eyes can't help buldge big at what it said.

[ No! This is a nightmare! ]

"I'm sure you understand what that entails" Ji Li Zhao uttered with conviction. He knew Yingjie understood everything that was written on the certificate. "I'm Hou Wei Yan's husband, Ji Li Zhao, which makes her Mrs. Ji"

"Mrs. Ji Wei Yan" he added before glancing at the child. Yingjie glanced at him and the certificate back and forth. It took him a couple of minutes to absorb what was happening and finally, he placed the certificate down.

Gu Man immediately took it and took the liberty of placing it back in Ji Li Zhao's so-called sacred place.

"Where did you meet?" Cao Yingjie voiced out, his voice no longer clear and loud.

"In my backyard" Ji Li Zhao answered without delay.

"When? How did that happen?"

"When we were young. I was crying over some family issues" he stated as he remembered their first meeting.

It involves his tears, a tree, and her captivating smile.

"She saved me when I was about to tear the whole world apart" he honestly said before glancing at Yingjie. He tore off his serious mask and showed him—a man's face when he finds first love.

"And sister loves you? Did you force her? Why didn't she tell anyone?" Cao Yingjie continues to ask even though he knew, deep down, that he was heading to a dead end.

"Whether she loves me or not, I will continue loving her and make her fall for me every single day of my life" Ji Li Zhao confessed without hesitation.

[ Ah, he's such a fool for love ] Yingjie thought.

He looks so charming and yet stupid with his lovesick smile.

[ Ah, I'm getting annoyed! ]

"She didn't tell anyone because I'm dangerous" Ji Li Zhao added which took Cao Yingjie by surprise. "Associating with me right now is still dangerous that's why I kept my identity hidden"

[ He's hiding his identity? Big sister doesn't even know that she married an enemy?! ]

[ How did this happen! How could he pass Auntie Mei Yi's barriers?! ]

[ Above all, he dares hide his identity when Big Sister is obviously a capture target to many?! Just how confident is he?! ]

"And you're okay with that?" he interrogated. "Big Sister is popular, you know. Even children my age wants her as their bride"

"Of course not" Ji Li Zhao responded with a frown on his face. But then, he sighed and looked away. "But I must endure. As her husband, I must endure"

Concerned by his answer and Hou Wei Yan's position on the matter, Yingjie can't help but give him a knock on his head.

Her mother's blood is really annoying. At times like this, he should be ignoring him instead of helping him.

[ Why did she teach me too much kindness and virtue?! ]

"Enduring is good, but it's not good to overdo it. You might end up hurt and hurt sister in the process as well" he said while looking away. "Uncle, indulging isn't bad sometimes, you know"

"How is Wei Yan to you? Is she okay during your stay with her?" Ji Li Zhao suddenly opened up. He received countless reports already, but he still needs Cao Yingjie's input.

[ How is Wei Wei from this child's perspective? ]

"Big Sister" he started off with a frown.

"Well, people see her as a perfect creation. They often associate her with a doll, perfect and well-polished"

"But...big sister isn't perfect. She's no doll, she's human. And in fact, she's not well polished...but broken"

He was with her since infancy. His mother often told him about Hou Wei Yan and he felt pained whenever he hears the story of her agony. He was with her when she was still recovering and he saw her when she was out of control. Countless times, Hou Wei Yan lost her senses, she lost her way because of everyone directing her on which path she should choose.

They believed that her intelligence is only fit for business, that her mind can bring more profits, and that her existence is only meant to be used to gain more power. She was sick and traumatized when she was brought to America and their continuous pestering drove her nearly insane.

If Xing Mei Yi and the others didn't place any effort, Hou Wei Yan could have gone completely insane by now. Thanks to their effort, she recovered and she is who she is right now.

Tough, and well-oriented of the cruel world.

"A lot of people watch her like she's a jewel on display. She has plenty of attention while growing up, but like others, sister longs for romance" Cao Yingjie added before glancing at the man who calls himself her husband. "She longs for true love"

"Are you willing to be her true love?" he asked after a few seconds.

Ji Li Zhao smiled and gazed at the stars twinkling in the night sky. When he was filled with darkness, Hou Wei Yan became his light. Although they were bound to become enemies, they still found attachment to one another.

"I'm fated to be her true love" he suddenly blurted out without much thought.

"Then you have to step up, Uncle" Cao Yingjie said after he sighed.

Against this man whose eyes bore nothing but love and gentle affection, his future as Hou Wei Yan's husband is certainly dim.

"I'm telling you, hiding is the worst idea. Sure you have your reasons, but the danger isn't gone just because you're hidden. Just because you seem to have no connection with her, doesn't make her safe from anyone at all" he stated from experience.

[ How many times did my mother make such foolish decisions? The danger is everywhere, how could she possibly protect me from all of that?! ]

[ Besides, I saw many people hide themselves to protect their loved ones—but did they become safe? We're they all saved by their hiding? ]

"Everyone is dangerous, Uncle. It's hard to protect someone in the open, it must be harder when hidden. Your influence could be her protection. Besides, the longer you prolong this, the angrier she may get when she finds out that her husband is her family's nemesis "

"I hope you won't wait too long and regret it. And I'm certainly hoping you won't end up like Romeo and Juliet"

After a few seconds of silence, Cao Yingjie stood up. "You might need to reconsider your plans, Uncle"

"I forfeit as her husband, but I know someone who's really set on taking her in as his wife" he warned after he remembered a certain Devil's face. That lunatic is still out there and there are many more who are still after Hou Wei Yan's hand in marriage.

If Hou Wei Yan finds him disappointing, there are countless others willing to take her away from him.

Cao Yingjie then walked away while yawning. Once he was gone, Brett and Yu Chao emerged from the shadows.

"That kid is really something" Brett commented as he followed Ji Li Zhao's concerned gaze.

"Just like his mother" Ji Li Zhao stated when he remembered Cao Xiaolian from Yingjie's attitude. "Dominating and well versed in nagging"

"Anyway, he's not entirely wrong, Boss" Yu Chao blurted out. That child was on point. Ji Li Zhao needs to step up his game or else he will lose Hou Wei Yan.

"Hmmm" Ji Li Zhao nodded his head before turning towards both of them. "How're the pieces of evidence going? Did we get more information?"

"Unfortunately, no boss. We are yet to receive anything from the people we sent out" Yu Chao reported. They were tracking Ji Boqin's accomplice, however, the bastard is too good at hiding. He's giving them a really hard time. "But Makio is always on standby, ready to report when something comes up"

"And the drug syndicate we were after?" he inquired as he recounted all the important missions his men have taken. Recently, there is a rise in drug trafficking and they were out to stop it.

"Ah, the Lu's asked permission to handle that one. They want to cooperate with us since some high-ranking military officials are possibly involved" Brett said before handing Young Master Lu's request on the matter.

He and Ji Li Zhao are well acquainted with one another. For some reason, Young Master Lu believes in Ji Li Zhao's organization more than the military officials he works with.

"Give them what they want, but monitor the progress" he replied without delay. That bastard must be bored, that's why he's asking for this mission to be handed to them.

Everyone believes they are plotting something sinister, when in fact, they are merely entertaining one another. Whenever Ji Li Zhao is bored, he asks Young Master Lu for trouble and vice versa.

"How's the training going on?" Ji Li Zhao asked. He hasn't monitored them that much lately. The Summits had assembled so he placed all his trust in their brutal training.

"We have graduates ready for their first missions and some rookies are entering the stadium" Brett reported proudly. Well, he was the one in charge of recruitment after all.

"Hmmm, then let's go back. I have a meeting with some annoying relatives" he said before standing up. Now, he needs to fix up some family issues and deal with the troublemakers. [ Ah, my work is never-ending ]

"Make sure to discuss the trap with the others. As I said, everything must already be set in motion" he added as they walked towards his study. Ji Boqin's destruction is near. All they need is to trap the bastard helping him accomplish some complex tasks beyond his capacity.

"Understood, Boss" Brett replied before disappearing into the shadows.

"Also, ask someone to deliver flowers to my wife every day" he turned to Yu Chao who was about to leave. "A red full bloomed rose will suffice"

"Uhmm, this is for?"

"I'm courting her, starting tomorrow" Ji Li Zhao answered with a smile on his face. He needs to remind Hou Wei Yan, that her husband is always there for her. Whatever she faces, he is there for her. Ready to protect her and romance her as her rightful husband.