The Hospital Is Not A Playground

At a certain shopping mall owned by Ji Li Zhao, Fe Chungsa and her friends are gathered in the luxurious restaurant inside it.

Each one of them is born with a silver spoon. Fe Chungsa, although not born with a silver spoon, managed to manipulate all of them into becoming her friends by using Grandfather Hou and even going as far as involving the Great Grandfather Xing.

She was shameless enough to use any means to be part of this crazy rich social circle.

As Fe Chungsa sips her tea, one of them suddenly blurted out one of the popular gossip in town. "I heard that Master Cheung is courting you. Is that true, Chungsa?"

The other ladies looked at one another. "What, really? You mean the Master Cheung that we all dreamed of?"

Young Master Cheung Duyi, one of the young masters everyone wants to acquire. He's handsome, talented, the only son of a wealthy businessman, and the number 4 amongst the nobleman everyone wants as a husband.

Not only that, but Cheung Duyi is also well mannered and was well behaved. He never went to clubs and was passionate about taking care of her mother and sister.

To be pursued by him means instant jackpot!

"Ah, Chungsa snatched the good fish again" someone said with an envious smile on her face.

[ Tch. Why is she lucky? She married the Young Master of the Dong Household in the past ] Dong Yaoting is very handsome as well, and yet Fe Chungsa is simply average. They are divorced now but still, it can't be denied that Fe Chungsa snatched a good fish in the past and she's doing it again.

"Master Cheung indeed gave me gifts, but I don't think he's courting me" Fe Chungsa replied with a cheeky smile on her face. [ That's it, go on, be jealous! ]

No matter how wealthy they are, they can't be compared to her. And they will never reach her now that she has a trump card. "My eyes are set only on Master Ji"

"Master Ji?" someone exclaimed in horror. "Don't tell me you're aiming for Ji Li Zhao?"

[ Ah, Ji Li Zhao! ]

Everyone's dream husband.

Although he appears cold and rarely shows up in any social gatherings, Ji Li Zhao still takes the number one spot amongst the many noblemen everyone wants as a husband. His mysterious and cold aura draws everyone in. All of them want to aim for him and see who can melt his cold gaze.

Fe Chungsa smiled and remained cool until the end. She can't tell them who it was. All they need to know is his family. "I can't dare reveal his identity"

"Grandfather is making the arrangements for our engagement" she added before sipping her tea once more, this time more elegantly.

"Ahh, why are you so lucky, Hou Chungsa" they exclaimed in unison.

[ Just how good is this bitch?! ]

While all of them awed, someone was smirking on the other side. [ What a joke! ]

To use the Ji Family to make everyone envious, Fe Chungsa is simply shameless.

After a good few seconds, the record-breaking actress, Tan Jia finally spoke. "But aren't you a little bit concern about your sister? Hou Wei Yan became Han Tengfei's apprentice, if she associates herself with the Han, she might snatch Master Ji from you"

Everyone stopped ogling at Fe Chungsa's news and was suddenly drawn to this unexpected news. That's right, Fe Chungsa isn't the first daughter of the Hou Household. No matter how much Hou Guanyu pampers her, Hou Wei Yan is still the first daughter and the blood that runs in her veins is more royal than Fe Chungsa.

"I don't have to worry about her. What can she do against my Grandfather?" she confidently said even though what she's claiming is the complete opposite of reality.

Grandfather Hou hates her and he will never stop hating her.

"But she's a part of the Xing Family, you aren't. Against her, who do you think will win?" Tan Jia interjected. She laughed wickedly inside her but she showed deep concern outside.

[ Ah, the benefits of acting! ]

"Are you challenging me, Tan Jia?" Fe Chungsa furiously asked which took some of them by surprise. She's anxious, it's obvious.

Tan Ji sipped her coffee before smiling. "No"

"I'm only concerned for you, Chungsa" she added, her voice filled with concern and she looked around, showing them that she felt wronged. The other ladies sympathize with her and listened intently to what she has to say. "She's rising again. If Hou Wei Yan succeeds in her operation tomorrow with Master Han, then she will become unstoppable once more. Remember, her chances of marrying into the Royalties are much higher than yours"

"If she were to ask her Grandfather Xing, you will be left in the dust once more" Tan Jia finished before standing up, her face sullen and pitiful. As she left the restaurant, the others looked at Fe Chungsa and glared at her.

They idolize Tan Jia. She's a wonderful actress and a good friend and yet she offended her.

One by one, Fe Chungsa's so-called friends left to follow and cater to the sullen Tan Jia. When she was left alone, Fe Chungsa grated her teeth in vexation.

[ Hou Wei Yan again! Why is it always her?! ]

"Then, I will make sure she doesn't succeed at all" she mumbled, a plan of sabotage slowly brewing in her mind.

She managed to eradicate her from the estate, eradicating her in Yi Lan Hospital would be an easy feat.


The next day, Hou Wei Yan alongside Xie Na, Yingjie, and Fang, entered her office. Qiu Meixiu was already waiting inside and she breathed a sigh of relief when Xie Na finally showed up.

"How's the preparation going, Sister Qiu?" Hou Wei Yan asked before placing her bag on her desk.

"Master Han has already assembled the team. We should also join them now" she answered before ruffling Xie Na's hair.

"Where were you this past two days?" she asked, concerned with Xie Na's sudden disappearance.

Xie Na smiled and gave her a warm hug. "I went out with my cousin. Sorry for not informing you"

After hearing this, Qiu Meixiu sighed a breath of relief. "I was worried. When I called your brother he said he didn't know where you are"

"They paid a surprise visit" Xie Na explained which instantly took Meixiu's trust.

Hou Wei Yan who was still holding Yingjie's hands guided him towards the couch before handing him today's assignment. "Stay and behave here, okay? Fang will accompany you as usual"

"Got it" Yingjie immediately replied as he placed down his bag and took out his pencil.

After settling him in, Hou Wei Yan turned towards Fang with an apologetic smile. "Forgive me for leaving him again to you, Fang"

"It's okay, Madame" Fang replied with a smile. "I can't help in the surgery so let me help in this department"

"Alright, off we go then" she said as she wore her coat. She then walked toward Cao Yingjie and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Cao Yingjie smiled widely before secretly glancing at the CCTV camera situated not far from him.

"Wolf, Witch Chungsa is going your way. She's near the door already" Konaka Reizo codename Albert reported through Fang's earpiece. He was Einstein's apprentice and his substitute for the day.

"What are you doing? Why did you allow her to enter!?" Fang exclaimed as he went to the corner of the room. [ Of all people, why did he allow Chungsa in?! ]

Reizo rolled his eyes from the other line. Fang is turning forgetful. "Did you forget? You're the only guard on duty today since the boss sent the others on a mission"

"The organization is in chaos because of the hacker" he added as he took a peek at the crowd not far from him, all busy typing codes and such to finish the tracking process they failed to do yesterday.

After cursing for his mishap, Fang immediately took action and pulled the three girls behind him. "Step back"

The girls looked at her in confusion but it was cleared out when Fang opened the door.

Fe Chungsa who was clenching her fist in anger outside for the humiliation she received yesterday, immediately shoved the one who opened the door. "Wei Yan!"

Her tiny fist only landed on Fang's chest and she received nothing but a cold glare. "I'm sorry, do you have any business with the Madame?"

"If you don't have an appointment" Fang said before he took hold of her hand that was still placed on his chest and threw it by the side. "Scram"

"Chungsa?" Wei Yan asked after she took a peek of the commotion.

When she saw Hou Wei Yan, although she was dazed by Fang's masculinity earlier, Chungsa's blood boiled in anger. "Let's talk!"

Wei Yan took a glance at her before eyeing Fang who was set on breaking her arms if she continues to linger. When she saw this, Wei Yan immediately knew it was time to dismiss Chungsa. "I don't talk to insects"

"Leave" she added, her voice filled with wickedness. Chungsa who heard this turned red in anger and she turned even more furious when she heard someone laugh beside Hou Wei Yan.

It was Xie Na, laughing her head off like a lunatic. "I have an insecticide with me, you should be afraid"

"Is this how a doctor treats her patient!?" Fe Chungsa exclaimed as she looked around. She garnered some attention from others but most of the staff ignored her. They didn't want to involve themselves with Hou Wei Yan after what happened some time ago.

"Why do you always use that against us? If you're a patient, we will treat you well, but if you're not, then leave" Wei Yan exasperated as she pointed the way out to Chungsa. "This is a Hospital, not your personal playground"

"You bitch!" Fe Chungsa yelled, unable to contain her anger and uphold a dignified look. Then and there, her delusions sipped through. "Grandfather has already sided with me"

When she heard this, Wei Yan can't help but laugh alongside Xie Na. [ She's quite humorous, isn't she?! ]

What a joke! Her Grandfather sided with Chungsa? Is she still asleep? What kind of nonsense is she spewing? "Don't bluff, Chungsa. Grandfather wants to kill you like a bug. He will only side with you in your dreams"

"You insignificant pest. I'm the lady of the Hou household while you're only a doctor in this shabby hospital. Don't think you're higher than I am because you're not!" she yelled in utter rage as she pointed herself and the lowly Hou Wei Yan.

But really, who's lower than who?

"So come and follow me!" Fe Chungsa instructed which Hou Wei Yan immediately brushed aside. When did she ever listen to Chungsa?

"What a shameless piece of crap" Xie Na suddenly blurted out in hate as she shoved Fang aside. She faced Fe Chungsa and gave her the coldest glare she can make. "You're only the Lady of that household because Wei Wei forfeited. You're only following on her scraps so don't act too arrogant. If she wants that position, she can take it any time she wants"

"Now, if you don't want that to happen, then leave" Xie Na smirked at her as her statement bore nothing but the truth. "Bitch"

Fe Chungsa, driven by rage raised her hand, ready to strike the insolent doctor. But before anything could happen, Fang pulled Xie Na behind him. Fe Chungsa's strong hands slapped the wind and she ended up pitifully slumped on the floor.

Angrily, she turned to Fang who was safely holding Xie Na behind him. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Keep your hands to yourself" Fang declared as he checked behind him. Hou Wei Yan, Qiu Meixiu, and Xie Na were all safe which made him sigh a breath of relief.

Hou Wei Yan sighed as she looked around. As more patients entered the hospital, she decided that it's no time to fool around anymore. "Can you just leave? You're annoying as hell"

"I don't want to deal with an insignificant fool" she stated before walking away. When she felt Fang about to accompany them, she halted and gave Fang a warning look.

"Get inside, Fang" she directed which Fang obeyed, but not after motioning Meixiu to handle the matter.

Fang glared at Fe Chungsa as he walked past her. He then entered the office to accompany Yingjie and protect him from interacting with the witch.

Still unsatisfied, Fe Chungsa chased for the trio. Meixiu who felt her presence stopped and gave her a smile. "If you're looking for a boob surgeon, she's on the other wing. Please don't chase us anymore"

"I feel embarrassed with the balloon in your flat chest" Meixiu said making those around them snicker, Xie Na and Wei Yan included.

"How dare you!" Chungsa yelled loudly, which only worsened her image. Where is the graceful and dignified Hou Chungsa now? The proud so-called first lady and Big Miss of the Hou Household?

She's such a disgrace and Wei Yan can't watch it anymore.

"Sister, leave her. She's no one here" she suddenly blurted out which took everyone's attention. "Go back to your playground, Chungsa. I'm sure your Mama is waiting there, building a fake sandcastle as fake as you are"

She turned around and gave her a final warning. "Don't embarrass yourself. I might call the guards on you"

As Wei Yan began walking away without a care, Xie Na and Meixiu followed suit and the others returned to their job and dismissed whatever happened.

Xie Na fastened her pace to catch up to Wei Yan and gossip. "Why did she come here? Did something happen in the household?"

"Why is she always blaming you?" she remarked with annoyance. [ She's such a bird brain! In her eyes, if the world ends would it be Wei Wei's fault as well?! ]

"Because she's a fool and fools like her aren't much of a thrill" Wei Yan answered coldly. "I can easily deal with her using my words. That's how insignificant she is to me"

"But I'm really wondering why she came here" Xie Na said once more. Chungsa never seeks out for Wei Yan unless something annoyed her or Grandfather Hou mistreated her.

When she heard this, Wei Yan can't suppress her chuckle. "That was Tan Jia's gift"

"Tan Jia?" Xie Na immediately asked. "Our Tan Jia?"

Tan Jia is one of their precious friends. Since they meet secretly, only a few know the extent of their friendship.

But how did Tan Jia get involved with Chungsa?

Wei Yan nodded her head with a smile. It's surprising and truthfully satisfying. "Yep. Chungsa thinks Tan Jia is her friend. She's an actress so little Chungsa got easily fooled"

"Xiao Jia texted me last night. She provoked Chungsa. I didn't believe her until I saw the fool today" she added as they entered the elevator.

When she heard such wonderful news, Xie Na laughed. The thought of Tan Jia toying with Fe Chungsa is awfully satisfying. "Now I want to have a chat with Xiao Jia. I want to make a plan with her and ruin Chungsa's life"

"What else did she say?" she asked, eager to hear more juicy news.

Wei Yan rolled her eyes with a smile. "You gossiper"

"Come on, tell me"

As Xie Na pushed her pestering, Wei Yan tried her best to remember what Tan Jia reported yesterday. "She said something about Master Cheung courting Chungsa. Then there's a Master Ji getting engaged to her"

"Master Ji?" Xie Na and Meixiu asked in sync. Wei Yan looked at them in confusion.

They seemed concerned as both of them looked at one another.

"I don't have any news regarding the business industry but I guess this Master Ji is a big shot. She said everyone was fascinated by her big catch" Wei Yan stated, fully remembering how Tan Jia eagerly shared the extent of Chungsa's shameless disposition.

"That bitch" Xie Na grumbled while clenching her fist.

[ After Dong Yaoting she went to Cheung Duyi, and now she's aiming for the Jis? She's such a snake! ]

"You know him?" Wei Yan asked after observing her reaction.

"Nope" Xie Na immediately answered with a smile. Luckily, the elevator opened up and revealed Han Tengfei not far from them. "Ah, look. It's Master Han"

Han Tengfei who was eagerly waiting for Hou Wei Yan began to linger his eyes and finally, he saw who he's waiting for. "Doctor Hou"

Hou Wei Yan, now under the spotlight of Han Tengfei's staff began to walk towards him as he motioned her.

After stepping out of the elevator, Xie Na slowly pulled Meixiu back. "Let's talk with Ji Li Zhao later"

"Are you worried?" Meixiu asked when she saw how her forehead crumpled.

"No! I just hate the fact that Chungsa is using his name and he's letting it be" Xie Na mumbled.

[ Why is he allowing bitch Chungsa to do whatever she wants?! ]

"Ji Li Zhao can't possibly stop everyone from spreading lies about him. In fact, we don't know if he's the Master Ji she's aiming for" Meixiu argued but when she saw how Xie Na seriously took this matter, she can only sigh and go along with it. "But, yeah. Let's talk to him and make Chungsa stop her delusion"

"Wei Wei might misunderstand in the future" she added as she took a peek at Hou Wei Yan, who's now talking to Master Han.

Xie Na followed her gaze and nodded her head. She then grated her teeth upon remembering the shameless woman. "I really hate that thief! She's such a nuisance"

"Well, she's good past time" Meixiu interjected with a smile. "Just play with her"

"She's too filthy for me" Xie Na immediately replied as she made a disgusted look at the thought. She never wants to touch that filthy garbage.

When Meixiu saw how she reacted, she can't help but laugh. "For once you're not going to play around. That's a huge feat, Xiao Xie"

Xie Na glanced at her and smiled. Hou Wei Yan is right, after all, Fe Chungsa is insignificant. Instead of wasting her time on her, she should spend her time enjoying each moment with Meixiu and Wei Yan.