Call Me Brother Han

No words were further spoken, but Han Tengfei and Wong Shihong talked through their eyes. There was a fair warning from Han Tengfei's eyes and yet Wong Shihong refuses to back down.

"Master Han" Zu Deming called out while jogging towards Han Tengfei. Because of his sudden interruption, their stare-off went to an abrupt halt. "Young Master has arrived"

Han Tengfei sighed before smiling toward Wong Shihong, it wasn't a nice smile though, but rather an unpleasant one. "Excuse me, Director. Looks like my son decided to drop by"

Wong Shihong can't help but chuckle. He then smiled and waved his hands before walking away. "It's nice talking to you, Master Han"

"I don't like that one" Yingjie immediately blurted out the moment Wong Shihong turned his back on them.

Although tensed earlier, Han Tengfei found himself chuckling once more at the peculiar child. "You have quite a sharp tongue"

"Would you like to meet my son?"

"I would love to" Yingjie chirped, ready to brawl with a certain bird brain.

Meanwhile, Meixiu and Wei Yan walked aimlessly amidst the crowd. When the food table came into view, Meixiu can't help but ask Wei Yan in concern. "Aren't you hungry, Wei Wei?"

"No. But I'm quite thirsty though" Wei Yan replied while glancing around for the waiters passing down champagne.

"Allow me to help you with that" a voice said out of nowhere.

Wei Yan and Meixiu both turned around to see a man wearing a tuxedo with two champagne in his hands. He smiled at them, dashing his brunette hair and powder blue eyes.

He was quite charming, but Wei Yan didn't like the aura surrounding him. Somehow, it was quite an annoying type of gut feeling.

Hou Wei Yan, though appalled by his invitation, gave the man an endearing smile. "I would have to refuse. I don't drink when a stranger offers it"

"Ah, forgive me" the man said with an annoying grin on his face. He must have thought he looked handsome, but in Wei Yan's eyes, he looked childish and crazy. And truthfully, she wasn't wrong at all. She had hit the bullseye.

The man standing before her is none other than Ji Li Zhao's annoying best friend. "I'm Han Yu Shou"

"Yu Shou?" Wei Yan asked, quite baffled by the name he gave out. Yu Shou? In her lifetime, there was only one Yu Shou who exude the same annoying intensity of aura. "That little kid, Han Yu Shou?"

Yu Shou can't help but chuckle at what she said. True, he was a pip-squeak back then when compared to Wei Yan. She was taller than him before but now he's an awful tower with his height of 6'2" which is only a bit shorter than Ji Li Zhao. "I was small back then, but I'm older than you, little sister"

When Wei Yan heard him calling her little sister, somehow it annoyed her deeply. He is older but his mentality is something she can't help but question.

"Nice to see you again, Yu Shou" Meixiu greeted upon sensing the flare igniting in Wei Yan's eyes.

"Sister Qiu. It's been a while" Yu Shou replied warmly. "Was it four months ago when we last met?"

Meixiu nodded her head, remembering her last meeting with Yu Shou at their military base. "Yes. I was in the military then"

"It's good to see you taking a break from the action" he blurted out before turning to Wei Yan, his eyes slowly turning devious by the second. "But I doubt you took a break, especially with Wei Wei around"

"Now I remember why I hated you in the past" Hou Wei Yan immediately refuted, the hate she had with young Han Yu Shou resurfacing again.

Upon hearing her response, Yu Shou panicked. She wasn't supposed to remember anything from their childhood! How did she remember him and her hate?!

"You remember?"

Hou Wei Yan looked at him strangely. Did he have amnesia or something? "How can I not? Auntie Yi always brings you with her alongside Big Sister Rena"

"Do you remember that time when we went out to the lake? When we returned Auntie Mei got really furious" Yu Shou asked to confirm something. Does she remember everything? After meeting Ji Li Zhao they started playing without their parent's supervision.

If she remembers it, then there's a big possibility she remembers Ji Li Zhao as well.

Was she faking her amnesia all along?

Hou Wei Yan tilted her head and looked at him strangely. His memories seem to be failing. "Yu Shou, are you mistaking me for someone? We never played without our parents around"

Upon hearing such an answer, Han Yu Shou sighed a breath of relief and smiled. "You're right. I must be mistaken"

He promised Ji Li Zhao he'd test his wife. Now it's time to play.

Yu Shou smiled a dashing smile before drawing close to Wei Yan's face. "But you probably remember my little crush on you"

His sudden recollection made Wei Yan laugh. "Why are you digging the past? Didn't your feelings die a long time ago?"

"Now that I met you again, my feelings are resurfacing" he blurted out while winking. He is crazy but it cannot be denied, Yu Shou is deadly handsome and the psycho knows it. "I don't think I can burry it anymore"

"Really now?" Wei Yan asked, not backing down from his blatant lie. How can he possibly have feelings for her till now? His little crush ended a long time ago and Yu Shou said it himself after so many rejections from her. "It wasn't possible in the past, how can you think that it's possible now?"

"Why do you think it's impossible?" Yu Shou smirked before holding a strand of her hair and kissing it. "You haven't seen my charm yet"

"You have a charm? Yu Shou must be dreaming right now" Wei Yan answered while brushing off his lingering hands toying with her hair.

"A quarrel right off the bat? You two never change do you?" Han Tengfei said while shaking his head, Yingjie gripping tightly his hands.

"Uncle" Wei Yan called out while pouting.

"Dad!" Yu Shou called out feeling accused.

Yingjie glanced at Yu Shou for a moment before turning to Wei Yan in concern. "Is he bullying you, Big Sister?"

"No" Wei Yan immediately answered with a smirk. "Even if he bullies me, I'll be the one leaving unscathed"

"Should we test that, little sister?" Yu Shou blurted out while twirling the glass in his hands.

Wei Yan laughed at his challenge. "Then let's settle it, Yu Shou"

Han Yu Shou chuckled. She doesn't know who she's facing. "You should start calling me Brother Han. I am your older brother after all"

"No wonder I saw wrinkles in your face" Wei Yan said with a mocking laugh. Her action made Yu Shou slightly frown and touch his face for confirmation.

This however made Wei Yan internally laugh. He is still the same fool he was in the past. "But your actions aren't inclined to a big brother. Should I still call you Brother Han?"

"Of course" he immediately answered, still not wanting to back down. "Should we play and settle how you will call me?"

"Okay, okay. That's enough" Han Tengfei interjected when he saw how the two looked at each other. They were ready to tear one another and that is dangerous for him. "If one of you gets hurt, I'll receive heavier punishment"

Meixiu who was just staring at them earlier can't help but chuckle in amusement. "I never thought the playboy, Yu Shou would quarrel with Wei Wei like this"

"I'm not a playboy" Yu Shou clarified without hesitation. He was a pure little lamb who just knows how to charm someone when he needs to. "I haven't even touched a woman yet"

"A virgin playboy" Wei Yan said with a grin on her face. Yu Shou turned red at what she said.

"I said, I'm not a playboy!"

"How chaste" Yingjie said all of a sudden with the idea of Han Yu Shou being a virgin.

Feeling irked, Yu Shou glared at the child. "Hamster"

"Huh? Are you insulting my cheeks!?" Yingjie replied with the same intensity of hatred. "Just so you know, Big Sister loves my cheeks. If you want to be liked by her, you should gain some weight"

"Skeleton" he added with a smirk on his face.

Yu Shou not liking his tone handed back the champagne to the waiter and slowly touched his biceps. "Should I show you my muscles?"

"Hey, Yu Shou. Stop it" Wei Yan interjected before pulling Yingjie close to her. "He's a child, you weirdo"

"Can you accompany me? I want to eat something" she asked, her voice calm and serene, the complete opposite of the tone she uses on annoying Han Yu Shou.

Yingjie smiled before grasping Wei Yan's hands. "Okay. Let's get away from this weirdo, Big Sister"


Hou Wei Yan immediately bowed down "Excuse me for a moment, Uncle"

"I heard from Aven" Meixiu suddenly said once the two were out of their radar. "You asked him to make Wei Wei the representative of Yi Lan"

"You planned this long ago?"

Yu Shou smiled at her question. "I've always wanted to meet her ever since I learned of her return. She was my savior, and yet after all these years, I can't do anything but listen to my mother's news regarding her condition in America. I wanted to pay her back for the kindness she showed me. That's why I asked Aven so I can at least help Wei Wei boost in the Medical Industry"

"However, I didn't expect you'd shoulder her first" he added while turning to his father. That's right, he already had a plan but his father ruined it.

"When I learned of her true identity, I can't help but make a move. A precious prodigy is right before my eyes, how can I not grab it before others?" his father answered with a smile.

Han Yu Shou however, sighed at this. "You didn't want others to take her in and surpass you"

"I just want to be the one to polish her, instead of others" Han Tengfei defended. He is not so narrow-minded to think of such a plot. "Besides, I don't care if others surpass me. I don't want to play their games and be ranked. All I care about is my profession as a doctor and how I can make others focus and improve themselves to lessen casualties"

Meixiu who was intently listening nodded her head before turning back to Yu Shou. "Tell me, is that the only reason you took the initiative to meet Wei Wei?"

"Nope" he honestly answered. "I wanted to test Wei Wei and make Li Zhao realize that his decision is stupid"

Yes, that was the plan. He was brewing it for a long time now, but it looks like he needs to throw it in the dump. "But it looks like I have to go along with his decision. Wei Wei somehow remembers me"

"Not everything though. Just memories after the accident during your childhood" Meixiu assured.

"That's why we have to be extra cautious. One wrong move and Wei Wei will be back in hysteria" Yu Shou stated while sighing. He can't act recklessly again for he can't bear watching Hou Wei Yan go crazy.

"What do you think, Dad?"

"Your Mom talked to her a few days ago. Looks like Wei Wei still holds a scar from the past" Han Tengfei said while nodding his head. They need to walk on ice with regard to such matters. "Taking it slow is indeed the wisest decision now. Given that she's back in the place where the event happened, any small incident may trigger her memory"

"Xiao Zhao better plans his moves carefully" he added with a serious look on his face. Whatever he is planning, he better be sure it works accordingly and not hurt Hou Wei Yan in the process.

"It's a bummer though" Yu Shou started, his eyes bearing deep disappointment. "I was looking forward to their romance"

"When the time is right, it will happen" Han Tengfei assured him while patting his son's shoulder. Whatever romance Yu Shou was thinking of, it will surely happen. After all, they are talking about Ji Li Zhao.

"Xiao Zhao should make his wife fall hard on him, or the consequence of the truth may bring him divorce"

"I hope it doesn't reach that point" Meixiu immediately said, not wanting for such a future to come.

"Let's just pray it doesn't"

"Anyway, I should test her a little bit more" Yu Shou said after silence passed by them. "She hasn't called me Brother Han as well"

Han Tengfei glanced at his son, about to reprimand him. But alas, he was too late. Yu Shou was already jogging toward Wei Yan. "Yu Shou!"

"Ciao" he shouted while winking.

"That brat!"

Meixiu can't help but chuckle at the father and son duo. "Let him do his job, Uncle. If he does succeed, something might change with Ji Li Zhao's stubborn plans"

"He might just bring them both to the brighter path, with less pain and agony" she added, hoping for Han Yu Shou to become the bridge Ji Li Zhao and Hou Wei Yan needed.