Fang's Confusion

It's already well known that pregnant women often crave unusual food and their temper is something to be feared. Right now, Hou Wei Yan is caught in this swirling problem.

"Wei Wei" a sweet voice called out, though, at this moment, her voice sounded irritating in Wei Yan's ears.

[ How many foods did I feed her already? She was asking for peanut butter and crackers earlier, then she caught hold of Meixiu's cucumbers before she finished the fruit basket one of my suitor's gave ]

The lunatic is still enjoying the oranges but now, she's calling again.

"Xie Na" Wei Yan said with a sigh. She turned her chair towards the sofa Xie Na took for herself. "What do you need again?"

Xie Na gave her a sweet smile but Wei Yan only shook her head. There she goes with her sparkly smile attack. [ She's abusing it but why in the world does it continuously work against me?! ]

"Unripe Mangoes"

At the mention of the tropical fruit, Hou Wei Yan immediately felt weak. She doesn't have a busy schedule today but leaving the hospital during her duty is something she never actually does. She's afraid that if she left and an emergency happens, she won't be able to take immediate action to help.

But despite such fear, what can she do when her pregnant best friend asks her for a fruit that's hard to find because it's not in season?

Of course, all she can do is nod her head and accept—because deep down, she's still guilty of something. "Nothing else?"

"Mayo, Ranch, and Cheese" Xie Na immediately replied before shoving an apple in her mouth.

[ Truly. Pregnant women are terrifying! How can she eat such a thing?! ]

Despite such gross combination, Wei Yan still smiled as she slowly stood up from her seat, ready to buy her strange best friend's strange craving. "Fine, I'll go get some"

Xie Na was internally celebrating for finally, she can satisfy this little food monster in her tummy when Fang Tao decided to step in and make her halt her celebration.

"Allow me to do it, Madame"

"Fang" Wei Yan called out worriedly. Even Meixiu who was keeping silent this whole time turned anxious.

[ Is he serious? Doesn't it hurt when he's doing such a thing for the woman he loves but can no longer have? ]

"Miss Qiu is with you" Fang stated upon noticing their worried glance. "Besides, you'll only skim through the recommendations Director Han gave"

Hou Wei Yan can't retort when he said this. That's true, she only needs to skim through the recommendations so Meixiu beside her would suffice. If she goes out, Fang or Meixiu would still need to accompany her. If she chooses Meixiu, Fang would be left alone with Xie Na—and that's something too early for both of them.

Despite these facts, she's still worried.

But she needs to go with the best course of action.

"Okay" Wei Yan replied as she sat back down on her seat.

Fang nodded his head and immediately headed out. Upon opening the door, a very annoying face came into view.

With a huge smile on his face, Han Yu Shou entered the room as Fang exited. He waved his hand, not even bothering to read the solemn atmosphere. "Little Sister! I came to play"

"What the heck?!" Hou Wei Yan muttered as she shook her head at his sudden appearance. He came in uninvited again. But what the heck is he doing in Yi Lan? "What are you doing here, Yu Shou?"

"I'm a doctor here from now on" Han Yu Shou proudly said as he sat beside Xie Na. Without any hint of shame, Yu Shou also grabbed a fruit in the fruit basket Xie Na confiscated from Wei Yan's suitor.

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" Wei Yan grumbled as she set aside the recommendations she received. "Why would you join after meeting me?"

Yu Shou gave a cheeky laugh upon hearing her statement. "Hey, stop showing your affection. I know you've been observing me, but please keep it to yourself, little sister"

Irritated, Wei Yan nearly threw the pot of cactus in her table. "This annoying brat"

She has encountered many weirdos in her life but so far, no one can stand against Han Yu Shou. She's even thinking it's a curse that she met him again after all these years.

Now, that seems probable because he's working where she's working.

"Honestly, I'm here so I won't get abducted" he suddenly blurted out after peeling an apple and shaping it into a bunny.

"Abducted?" she suddenly asked while looking at Meixiu. "Who would even dare waste their breath abducting you?"

How his mind works is so complex that she's rethinking all of the theories she learned in school. No one in their right mind would want to abduct him because his blabber is torture itself.

Yu Shou sighed before giving her a creepy and scared look. "A very scary lunatic"

Upon stating this, Meixiu fell into a panic. [ This idiot is courting death! Doesn't he know that everything around Wei Wei is thoroughly monitored by her husband?! ]

Did he forget or is he plainly idiotic?

When she saw his unfazed smile, Meixiu knew she needed to remind him. She slowly moved behind Wei Yan where his attention was glued and immediately pointed at the CCTVs around. Yu Shou followed her hands and almost fainted when she swiftly ran it across her neck making him realize his mistake.

[ Bloody Hell! What have I done?! ]

Ji Li Zhao hates it when anyone talks badly about him in the presence of his wife. He may be forgiving but it's a different matter when it involves the image his wife may portray about him.

He needs to pray. Pray to all the gods there is to spare him!

"You're the scary lunatic, Yu Shou" Wei Yan suddenly blurted out amidst his silent prayer.

[ That's it! ]

[ I just need to make Wei Wei think everything was a joke! ]

[ It was just a joke! ]

[ Would that demon believe my excuse though? ]

After a few seconds of silence, Yu Shou sighed before shaking his head with a laugh. Who cares! If he dies, he dies! "Want to have lunch with me later?"

"Of course not" Wei Yan replied and it didn't even take her 2 seconds to do so.

[ Hell no! I had enough of Yu Shou for the day! I'll go crazy if I continue to spend my time with him! ]

"Why would I go with you?" she asked with sarcasm. [ What made him think I'll accept his dangerous offer? ]

At her reply, he answered with a dejected pout. "But I'm your future boyfriend"

"Do you have a death wish?!" she immediately yelled in disgust. This weirdo is giving her the creeps! She's Han Yixue's son and since she considers her a mother figure, he's technically like a brother to him. "I don't do incest, Yu Shou"

"Aww, come on" he whined upon hearing this. [ She doesn't do incest but she's okay with Ji Li Zhao in the past who was like the big brother of everyone?! Where's the justice in that? ]

[ Well, she doesn't remember any of that though ]

When Wei Yan saw his childish actions, she can't help but sigh. If someone hands her a rock right now she would throw it at him without hesitation. "Can you just go? Unlike you, I take my job very seriously"

"Tch. You're no fun, Little Sister"

Wei Yan arched her brows before she pointed out the door. "Leave"

She's serious right now and Yu Shou can tell. Not wanting to incur the wrath of a sleeping dragon, Yu Shou left with a pout. "I'll come back here to get you"

[ Finally! ] Peace has descended in Hou Wei Yan's office.

Meanwhile, Fang Tao who was sent on an errand has finished his task. He carries with him a basket full of mangoes, all of them green in color but in different sizes.

He heaved a heavy sigh as he exited the market with it in his hands. "What am I doing?"

It could have been better if he just followed Hou Wei Yan outside—but something inside him wanted to buy the mangoes and hand it to her personally. He wanted to choose the mangoes himself but why?

[ Why the heck do I want such a thing? ]

Xie Na already belongs to someone else and the child inside her is evidence of it. He's aware that he cannot have her but somehow—he still wants to support her.

[ But what is my role? Why would I do that? ]

[ It's not like I'm the father nor are we friends ]

[ Are we even considered friends? ]

[ No. No matter which angle I try to view it, I'm just a guard of her best friend who fell in love with her ]

[ And I can't have her ]

[ Damn it all! I can't have her! ]

[ The only woman I love and yet she's a forbidden apple! ]

[ Why am I cursed like this? ]

Fang Tao. The mighty Fang Tao was so blinded by confusion that he didn't notice the dark alley ahead of him.

Was he cursed or not, you be the judge. For Fang was heading somewhere he shouldn't.

The alleyway was filled with men tattooed everywhere in their bodies. Each of them bearing symbols of different middle-class gangs in China. A brawl was about to take place and each one participating was ready to take on the challenge of defeating everyone to finally rise as number one.

Their eyes were filled with bloodlust, everyone was ready to pounce at each other until a certain dark blond-haired man walked in the middle.

Who is he? Which gang does he belong to?

"Oi!" someone called out. But Fang was too engulfed in his thinking that he ignored his call.

Angered, the man grabbed hold of his arm but in such an attempt, the basket slipped from Fang Tao's hand.

In a split second, the mangoes that he just bought for Xie Na was scattered in the ground.

The Mangoes he bought for Xie Na is in the ground!

"Shit" he cursed as he slowly lifted his arms and gave the man a taste of his sweet revenge.

It was an easy K.O. But it was only the beginning of a bloody rampage.

There's a reason why everyone in Palisade needs to be kept in check, especially those that directly serve Ji Li Zhao.

Because they are monsters this world needs to fear.

The very monster that Ji Li Zhao is always wary of; the very monster he keeps by his side is now unleashed.

"What the fuck are you doing? Huh!" someone yelled as he dug out a knife. He threw it straight to where the monster stood, but the one he injured was someone else.

Before any of them could react, Fang was already behind the man and holding his neck. Within seconds, he was already down on the ground after a snap was heard.

As he walked towards the others, Fang's face was illuminated by the rays of the sun. And there they saw—a wolf's prying eyes.

"I can do whatever I want, whenever I want" he quoted silently before he began one hell of a bloody massacre.


Back in Yi Lan Hospital, Hou Wei Yan who has already finished her lunch without the annoying pest named Han Yu Shou, was walking in the hallway with Qiu Meixiu.

"Where are we working now?" Meixiu asked as they took a right turn towards the busiest part of the hospital.

"Emergency" Wei Yan replied. She can't help but sigh when she remembered Han Yu Shou is already Yi Lan's doctor. "I hope I don't bump into Yu Shou there"

Meixiu who saw her worried sight can only laugh. "You really don't like him, huh?"

"He's just very annoying. Something inside me immediately boils up the moment he starts talking" Wei Yan explained while nodding her head. [ Who in the world would like to stick to a weirdo like him?! ]

"That's his power I guess" she replied with a smile. "It's refreshing to see you annoyed to the max"

[ Refreshing?! ]

[ I am not refreshed at all! ]

"If he keeps this up I might get sick" Wei Yan blurted out with a heavy sigh. "Handling Yu Shou is very tiring, Sister Qiu"

Another laugh came from her. "I'm sure he will bother you even more if he ever hears about you complain"

That's right. This news will delight Han Yu Shou.

"Honestly, he's tiring to handle than Baozi" Wei Yan confessed while shaking her head. She's been with Yingjie since he was young, but he was better at behaving than Yu Shou.

"Well, keep up the good work, Wei Wei"

The two of them walked in the Emergency Room, not knowing what disaster awaits them. Upon entering, they were immediately greeted by a mountain of patients groaning in pain and was filled with blood everywhere. "What---"

"Doctor Hou!" a nurse called out taking them both by surprise. She was filled with blood as well. "Emergency patient arriving in a minute"

"Got it!" Wei Yan replied without hesitation. She immediately ran outside followed by Meixiu.

[ I need to focus! I need to save this patient fast and tend on the others! ]

As the door of the ambulance was opened up, Meixiu and Wei Yan stood agape at the sight. "Oh my God!"

"Fang!" Wei Yan called out as she helped push the stretcher inside. "Status"

"2 gunshot wounds in the right shoulder and chest. The patient is unconscious and has lost a lot of blood"

"Prepare for emergency surgery" she instructed before turning to Meixiu. "I don't want Doctor Xie in the emergency room"

"I understand" Meixiu answered as she ran away to help the preparation and make sure Xie Na stays blind of this event.

At such a crucial time, she can't get stressed or something dreadful that this will befall them.

Meanwhile, at Evergreen Estate, now Palisades Headquarters.

"Boss! Emergency!" Brett entered Ji Li Zhao's office without even knocking.

[ Fang Tao that crazy wolf! What in the world was he thinking?! ]

There's no time to be fooling around. He of all people should know how dangerous it is to get revealed in the public. Ji Boqin is slowly entering their territory, they can't act recklessly anymore.

"I already heard the news" Ji Li Zhao stated while looking out his window. Such fine afternoon, yet here they are bombarded by this sudden problem.

"Gather the team, patch the damages, handle all the necessary documents, erase all evidence, and pay whoever needs to be paid. I don't want him making it to the news"

Brett worriedly looked at Ji Li Zhao. He's not the type who likes to cover up a subordinate's mistake. "Boss"

"I will only do this for him once" he immediately said, noticing where his worry lies. He is forgiving, but only to a certain degree. Since this is Fang's first offense, he can overlook it. But not for a second time. "He can't make any more mistake"

"I understand"

"My wife will save him" he assured. Hou Wei Yan will surely save him."But that will cost him a lot"

He suddenly turned around to face Brett. "I need somebody else to take the reign of guarding my wife"

Brett understood his concern and so he immediately bowed down to offer himself. "Then, allow me"

"No" Ji Li Zhao replied firmly. There's a reason why he cannot be a guard. That's because he's far worse than Laurens when he gets ticked off. And man, he's someone who can't even take jokes.

"I'll send in someone my uncle would never suspect to be related to me" he added, now having a vision of the right man to employ.

"You don't mean---"

Someone no one would suspect to be related to him all came from distinguished families and the most unsuspecting ones came from the Imperial's Number One Royal Family.

The Xing.

"It's okay" Ji Li Zhao assured before he sat back on his seat. "Protecting my wife is my priority"

"I'll get on with it"

Once left alone, Ji Li Zhao sighed. [ Fang needs to survive so I can scold him thoroughly! ]

With this in mind, he turned on his computer and accessed the camera in the operating room Hou Wei Yan is currently at.

He'll see through this to the end. [ Whether Fang survives or not, I need to witness it ]

So for 4 hours, he remained seated and went through with the surgery with his wife.

Fang survived!

Yes, he survived but his punishment is something he needs to seriously think about.

Once they have left the surgery room, Ji Li Zhao stood up to arrange Fang Tao's room.

But someone else beat him to it, and the one who did was none other than Hou Wei Yan. "Get him on the VIP room"

"Excuse me?" the nurse asked in confusion. VIP room? For a mere assistant to be sent to the VIP room, isn't that a bit too much.

[ Wait, does she even have a VIP membership card? Can she even afford the room? ]

"He's someone very important. I can't carelessly place him where protection may be breached" Wei Yan explained to the confused and skeptical maid.

He is her husband's subordinate. No matter how much she tries to avoid splendor, she can't do that to her husband's subordinate. Besides, Fang is an important figure. From how things look, he's a leader amongst her husband's men which means he's prone to danger when he's in such a weak state.

She can't risk exposing him to further danger.

"But---" the nurse wanted to retort that her request is absurd, but she was unable to do so, for a weirdo named Han Yu Shou entered the scene.

"Let me handle this" he said as she slightly patted Wei Yan's back. "Little Sister"

"Yu Shou" Wei Yan called out in relief.

[ Wait! In relief?! ]

[ I'm relieved the weirdo is here? ]

[ Bloody hell! How terrifying! ]

"Just call me Big Brother Yu already" Yu Shou said while giving her a toothy smile. "Get this man to the VVIP ward"

"VVIP?" the nurse asked in utter confusion.

[ When in the world did they have a VVIP Ward?! ]

[ Is he showing off or something?! ]

Slowly, she looked at Yu Shou's face to decipher what his intention was.

That's when she confirmed it.

[ Yep. The damn man is obviously showing off his connection ]

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Yu Shou asked when he saw she was plainly staring at him agape. "Get this man in our VVIP room, right now"

The nurse, although appalled by his behavior, immediately left to do as when he absurdly asked. [ Ah, do we need a VVIP room now? ]

[ If he wants to show off more, would they make a VVVIP room next? ]

As she walked away, she repeatedly shook her head. Really, she can't get how rich people think.

She's wrong though.

For the rich aren't weird, but Han Yu Shou is definitely one.

"Thank you for this, Yu Shou" Wei Yan said as the nurse left.

In the joy of her sudden kindness, Yu Shou ruffled her hair to commemorate such a special occasion. "Anything for my little sister"

Wei Yan sighed before she flicked his hands away. He's getting carried away.

"Xie Na!" Meixiu called out which took both of their attention. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to check on him" Xie Na replied with a sad smile. "What happened?"

Meixiu shook her head. "I don't know"

"It's a gang fight" someone suddenly blurted out making all of them turn towards the source of the voice. "They cornered him and he fought back. Amidst the chaos, Fang didn't notice the man pointing a gun at him"

"Ye Zhe!" Wei Yan called as she jogged towards him.

Once Wei Yan reached where he stood, Ye Zhe immediately bowed down in respect. "Madame, I'll be your guard for the meantime"

Wei Yan nodded her head without delay. Her husband is very fast in arranging things like this. Does he have a lot of free time?

Ye Zhe smiled at this before he guiding her towards Fang's room.

Yu Shou and Meixiu walked close behind them. Bothered by Fang's mistake, he sighed before glancing at Meixiu, his two hands relaxed in his head. "And he calls him his right-hand man"

Wei Yan who was still on high alert suddenly turned around. [ Did I hear him right? Right Hand Man? ]

[ The right-hand man of whom? My husband? ]


"Nothing" Yu Shou immediately answered with a laugh after he received Meixiu's piercing glare.

Ye Zhe too, glared at him before he reverted to his saint-like demeanor. "Let's go, Madame"

Although still bothered by what he said, Wei Yan was left with no choice but to proceed. Fang Tao's condition matters the most right now.

As the two lead the way, Meixiu was left behind to cater Han Yu Shou. After they had a distance, she slapped his back as though she was scolding a child.

"You blabber mouth"

"I'm sorry" Yu Shou immediately answered with a sheepish smile. [ I didn't think she would hear! How in the world did she hear? ]

"That could get you killed, you know" Meixiu said all of a sudden which took his attention.

[ Killed? ]

[ Li Zhao can't possibly do that. He may kidnap me but not kill me! ]

"Nah, he can't possibly kill me" he replied with confidence. "I'm useful"

Meixiu sighed at his thinking. Isn't he a bit too confident regarding that matter? Ji Li Zhao is known to be the Bloody Emperor of the underworld. He can kill anyone if he wants to.

"Anyway, Fang getting shot is surprising"

"Yeah" Yu Shou answered while nodding his head. He knew Fang as a level headed and cautious hero, but he made a tremendous mistake. "He wasn't his right hand man for nothing"

"During the surgery, I saw no gunshot wounds, but whip scars" Meixiu opened up with worry.

Fang—was he perhaps abused in the past? Or worse, was he sold off or something?

Receiving all those whipping scars must have molded his cold nature.

Yu Shou sighed upon hearing this. This is why Palisades are treated by their own doctors. Most of them had went through something gruesome and they don't want normal people to know it.

But now, their Madame has seen Fang's dark secret. "Wei Wei saw it too, didn't she?"

"Of course she saw" Meixiu answered immediately. "I'm sure she was curious of the cause but she decided to remain silent to avoid opening his scars"

"Well, once she finds out of Palisades, she will see more of this" Yu Shou stated while looking at Wei Yan's back. She's a good person; a kind and compassionate person. [ Once she finds out about Palisades, would she be okay? ]

"The people Li gathered up, are often scarred and wounded by their dark past" he added with a slight smile.

"Now I look up to him even more. To round up all of them and make them obey him is no easy feat" Meixiu stated making Yu Shou look at her.

"Li is wounded as well, that's why none of them feel left out" Yu Shou answered, his frown evident. Somehow, he feels melancholic whenever he thinks of Ji Li Zhao's circumstances.

That's why he vowed, that in this life, he will support Ji Li Zhao as both a brother and dear friend.

"Besides, Li has a unique power" he suddenly blurted out with a smile. "He can draw people towards him even if he does nothing at all"

Meixiu nodded her head, having experienced it first hand. "Let's hope he can use that power well on our Wei Wei"