Thou Shall Take Action

There was nothing strange going on inside Li Wei Mansion, except for the man standing in front of Hou Wei Yan early in the morning. His face donned a gleaming smile that everyone nearly got blinded by it.

Everyone except Hou Wei Yan.

She clicked her tongue before erasing the displeasure in her face. What is he up to again? "Why are you here, Yun?"

His cognac eyes glimmered before he flashed another smile. "I'm a substitute for your lost guard"

A substitute for Fang Tao?!

"You don't mean---"

"Qiu knows of your husband's identity. How can I not?" Xing Yun stated to cut to the chase.

Hou Wei Yan's eyes nearly fell out of their socket when he said this. Who in the world is her husband to have the capability to employ one of the Xing Royal Grandchildren?!

"You work for him?" she asked to confirm her assumptions.

If proven to be true, it can only mean that her husband has made connections with the Xing or Xing Yun and Xing Qiu betrayed the family and started working for another man.

"No. We're friends with him" Xing Yun said while shaking his head. But a few seconds later, he vigorously nodded his head. "Wait. Now that I think about it, we do work for him!"

"Urgh, you psycho" Hou Wei Yan said with a groan. Whether they betrayed the family or not, it will all come to light once her husband's identity is revealed.

After coming to this conclusion, she looked back inside the house and offered her hands to her little companion. "Let's go, Baozi"

"Coming!" he yelled back. When he reached the door, he looked back at the dogs lining up in the living room before he accepted Hou Wei Yan's hands. "Can we bring Chocolat?"

Hou Wei Yan looked back at the dogs as well. When she saw them wagging their tails in excitement, she also had the urge to bring them with her. But she knew they can't do that. "No. You know we can't do that"

"Aww" Yingjie whined with a pout.

"Now say goodbye" she said while sighing. While Yingjie bade farewell to the dogs, she turned to Xing Yun with a frown on her face. "Yun, don't bully Baozi too much later. I don't want him sleeping while mumbling his complaint about you"

Even before Xing Yun arrived, Cao Yingjie already had nightmares about Han Yu Shou. If Xing Yun continues bothering him, the child might not handle it.

It was a concerning matter, but Han Yu Shou's disciple when it comes to annoying someone merely laughed at it. "Now you make me want to do it even more"

"Baozi!" he then yelled with open arms as he runs towards him, ready to tackle him in another uncomfortable hug.

Cao Yingjie almost wanted to punch him when he did this despite Hou Wei Yan's warning. "Don't come near me!"

"Aw, come on little bro. Don't you like hanging out with me and Yu Shou?" he asked which instantly earned a cringe from both Hou Wei Yan and Cao Yingjie.

Xing Yun is often tolerable.

But when he's paired up with Han Yu Shou, it becomes a very depressing issue. They make each other look crazier than they already are.

"No!" Cao Yingjie replied as he shrugged off the chill running down his spine. There's no way he would enjoy his time with them. They often act goofy that it's no longer fun anymore. "What made you think I like it?!"

"Instincts" Xing Yun replied with a grin on his face.

A grin Cao Yingjie so wants to erase from his face.

"Both of you always disrupt my peaceful day! Because of you, I don't get to finish most of my assignments! Do you think I like that?!" he argued while clenching his fist. Unlike the two who already have a job, he still has a long way to go and yet he never seems to get anything done because of their silly games.

"What? Don't you wanna have fun?"

"It's not fun being with you. It's annoying" Cao Yingjie replied, honestly written all over his face.

"Aww, don't be like that" Xing Yun retorted as he pouted. His plump lips resemble that of a heart.

When she saw where their next sentences are headed, the Madame of the Household decided to interrupt their quarrel. "Enough you two"

"Don't say anything more that may hurt the other party" she interjected as seriously looked at them both. "Remember. A tongue has no bones but it's strong enough to break a heart"

Once they heard such advice, both of them can't help but lower their heads in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Big Sister" both of them said in chorus.

Hou Wei Yan's heart melted when she saw both of them sincerely reflecting on their action. She sighed a breath of relief before she offered her hand out to Yingjie. "Let's go"

Cao Yingjie looked up and accepted her hands. She then turned towards Xing Yun and gave him her tender loving smile. He replied with his usual smile as he opened the car door for both of them.

Once they arrived in her office, Qiu Meixiu immediately greeted her while carrying a few folders. "Wei Wei"

"Sister Qiu" she called out as she allowed both Cao Yingjie and Xing Yun inside.

Qiu Meixiu handed the folder to her with a smile on her face. "I have compiled some prospects for our team. Master Han also sent additional recommendations"

"I'll look at it later" she replied as she accepted the folders. After going through the first page, she walked towards her table and placed it all down. "Have you seen Xie Na?"

"She came here earlier but she immediately returned to her office" Meixiu replied, now with a gloomy look on her face. Looks like things aren't returning to the way they used to be.

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head. She expected this much, but she can't stay put and do nothing. "Can I leave you here in the meantime? I want to talk to her and properly apologize"

"Okay" Meixiu instantly replied, hoping that everything will be patched up. "I'll handle the patients"

Feeling her warm gesture, Hou Wei Yan gave Qiu Meixiu a tender hug. She could go through such a problem without breaking down because Meixiu was around to back her up. "Thank you so much, Sister Qiu"

"No problem" she replied as she returned her hug.

After both of them parted, Hou Wei Yan turned to the duo who was already comfortably slouching on the couch. "You two, stay here. I won't take long"

When he heard such a thing, Xing Yun stood up with a serious look on his face. "No can't do"

He's here to guard her so going somewhere he can't monitor her is forbidden.

Hou Wei Yan stared at his eyes and noticed how determined he was. But she can't back down. After receiving some advice from her husband, she's even more determined to do what is right. She can't just stand still and do nothing when she has plenty of opportunities to apologize.

So like him, she can't back down either.

And when she ends up cornered, Hou Wei Yan has a trump card she can use just as much as they do. She clasped her hands together, puckered her lips, and gave Xing Yun a taste of his own medicine.

They aren't the only ones who can master the art of Puppy Eyes!

"Please, Yun. I need to talk to Xie Na" she pleaded, her masterpiece already set in motion.

Even though he knew it wasn't right to allow her, Xing Yun can't help but feel weak with her sudden attack. Hou Wei Yan rarely and seldomly portrays this cute side of her.

He wasn't expecting this from her! Of course, he'll be defeated by it!

After a few seconds of deliberation and inner debate with his subconscious, Xing Yun gave up fighting and sighed while nodding his head. "Fine. But I will wait outside"


"I won't eavesdrop" he sternly said making her know that there was no longer any room for negotiation.

"Okay" she answered in defeat before giving Cao Yingjie a kiss on the forehead.

"Come here, Baozi" Qiu Meixiu immediately called out once the arrangement was settled.

Hou Wei Yan headed towards the door but she stopped midway and gave a bow to Qi Meixiu. "Thank you again, Sister Qiu"

A few minutes and turns later, she arrived at Xie Na's office. She knocked on the door thrice before entering the office.

When she got in and saw her nowhere in sight, she began to get worried and called out her name. "Xie Na?"

"Wei Wei?!" Xie Na replied as she got out of the bathroom.

The Xie Na in the past always looked dazzling, but right now, she looked too weak and sleep-deprived. Hou Wei Yan immediately closed the door and ran to her side. "What's wrong? You look pale"

"Oh, just normal morning sickness" she retorted as she sat on the couch. "What brought you here?"

Hou Wei Yan helped her sit down properly before she took a 360-degree bow in front of her which startled Xie Na. "Xie Na, I'm really sorry...for everything"

"You may not blame me for this, but I wouldn't sleep well knowing that I laid the foundation of such a mistake. I'm really really sorry" she added as she continued bowing down in front of her best friend.

"Wei Wei" Xie Na called out worriedly. [ Why is she blaming herself?! ]

"Xie Na, please. Let me acknowledge my mistake. I have done something wrong, please don't turn your attention away from it just because I'm your best friend" she blurted out which made Xie Na back down. "It's okay to be angry at me. I will accept any form of punishment. Just please, share your burdens with me. Don't blame yourself alone"

She can't erase her mistake, but she can atone for it and learn from it just as her husband suggested. Even if what she did was minimal, she still needs to apologize properly.

Because no matter how small or trivial it is, a mistake is still a mistake. Small or not, she still needs to apologize for it.

Xie Na, her best friend understood her well. She knew Hou Wei Yan won't forgive herself unless she had atoned for what she did.

So even though it pains her, Xie Na stood up with a menacing look on her face. "Alright. Are you ready, Wei Wei?"

"Xie Na" she called out as she looked up. When she saw the determination in her eyes, Hou Wei Yan began to close her eyes and accept the punishment she deserves for insinuating this whole problem.

She heard some cracking sounds and knew Xie Na was preparing something big. It would be painful but it's okay.

She knew for herself that she deserves it. She tightly shut her eyes, waiting for the pain to hit her.

But the pain she was expecting didn't arrive. Instead, she felt Xie Na's fingers flicking her forehead like a mosquito was being hit.

Confused, she looks up and saw Xie Na frowning at her. "Stop doing this. You've already apologized and I accepted it long ago"

"And for the blaming part, your actions weren't enough to result in this. You may have made us flustered from time to time but I fell in love with him on my own" she added as she turned away from Wei Yan and headed to the small kitchen she has. Hou Wei Yan instinctively followed behind her to hear the rest of it.

Xie Na can't and will not blame anyone other than herself with regard to this matter. She was the one who fell in love, the one who got confused, the one who made the gamble, and the one who created the baby with her boyfriend. If she were to blame others for it, she'll no longer consider herself human.

It was her choices that lead to this, no one else. So as an adult, she needs to take responsibility for her actions and make mature decisions so as to not create another mistake.

"So the blame is on me, no one else" she finally said after a long pause. Xie Na then turned toward Hou Wei Yan with a smile on her face. "If I blame you who did nothing wrong, wouldn't that make me a villain? I would be the one feeling awful if I blame you for my actions"

"So stop feeling guilty and help me peel those Mangoes" she added as she handed Hou Wei Yan a basket filled with green mangoes.

She accepted it, but she continues to look at Xie Na with guilt. "Xie Na"

"Are you going to help me or not?" she asked, about to take away the basket of mangoes.

Hou Wei Yan instantly pulled it closer to her and dodged Xie Na's attempt to steal it.

"I will" she replied to her question before she took hold of the kitchen knife and began peeling the mangoes seriously and skillfully.

While she was peeling the mangoes, Xie Na hugged her from behind and laid her head to rest on her back. "You're my best friend, and I love you more than you know. Don't feel guilty over my decisions"

"Xie Na" Wei Yan called out as she stopped peeling.

She can feel her heart breaking but this is Xie Na's final decision. There is nothing more she can do but support her and make sure her child is safely delivered.

She wasn't there to help her when she was confused about her feelings. That would be the last time she's not there for her. During her pregnancy, her labor, and her process of becoming a mother, she will stick with her and support her every step of the way.

"Do you understand?" Xie Na asked when she noticed her silence.

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head and finally agreed to accept the forgiveness bestowed upon her. "Okay"

"Now focus on peeling that. I will prepare the dips" she remarked as she released her from her grasp. She walked towards the small cabinet and took out a variety of dips Hou Wei Yan can't fathom eating.

After a few seconds of silence, she decided to ask Xie Na an important question. "Have you talked to Zuo An?"

"Not yet"

"When will he be home?" she asked in addition. [ Where in the world is that man when he's needed?! ]

"Don't know" Xie Na nonchalantly replied making Hou Wei Yan frown. "I'm waiting for his reply"

"Xie Na" she called out worriedly. Now that Xie Na's decision is finalized, all they need is to inform Zuo An and her family.

[ Yet the father of the child is nowhere in sight! ]

"Don't worry" Xie Na said with a confident smile on her face. "Zuo An is a decent man"

When she heard this, Hou Wei Yan can't help but sigh. No matter how doubtful she is, she can't just ignore her opinion. He is her boyfriend, of course, Xie Na would know him better than her. "Would you like the pieces small?"

"Yes" she immediately replied with a grin on her face. "Thank you, Wei Wei"

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head as she continued peeling the mangoes. Now, all that's left is Fang Tao.


One week later, inside Wei Yan's office. A huge yawn resonated across the room followed by an annoying whine and complaint.

"Urghhh, I'm tired" Xing Yun blurted out as he continued his yawning show.

Hou Wei Yan shook her head before returning to the paperwork in her hands. When she didn't retort anything, Cao Yingjie decided to do it for her. "You're not even doing anything"

Xing Yun pouted his way and whined again. "Still, I'm tired"

Cao Yingjie rolled his eyes at his childishness. He guessed that immaturity and childishness were contagious because he got really good at it after Han Yu Shou began visiting them more often.

In fact, the darn source of the virus is sitting across them, his eyes tired and his hair a complete mess.

"Stop complaining, I'm even more exhausted than you are" he complained, his voice more annoying than Xing Yun.

When she finally heard him speaking, Hou Wei Yan lifted her head and seriously stared at him. "What are you doing here again, Yu Shou?"

"I just want to rest for a while" Han Yu Shou answered as he moved the couch pillow. He then plopped himself on the couch while letting a sigh escape from his lips.

Hou Wei Yan sighed as well when she saw how he was treating her office. "Since when did my office become a resting place?"

"Since you let me enter as I please" Han Yu Shou answered immediately before he started to close his eyes.

"Yu Shou, I never allowed you to enter as you please" she said with all honesty. She would never give him such permission.

But against a shameless and uncaring weirdo like Han Yu Shou, her permission matters not. So in the end, Hou Wei Yan shook her head with a sigh. "What am I going to do with you guys?"

She wants to kick them out, but that would be too cruel. She can't do it herself.

"Handling them by yourself is tiring, Madame" someone said all of a sudden taking all of them inside by surprise. All of them looked at one another before they turned their head to the entrance.

Standing there was none other Fang Tao. He was wearing a casual outfit before he flashed his serious gaze on the two weirdos lazing on the couch. "Let me help you clean up"

"Fang!" Hou Wei Yan called out after she recovered from the shock. She immediately stood up to greet him.

Han Yu Shou who was about to fall asleep also stood up and gave a salute to Fang Tao. "Mr. Bodyguard!"

"Big Brother!" Cao Yingjie called out as he ran towards him, leaving Xing Yun behind.

When he heard how Cao Yingjie addressed Fang, Xing Yun can't help but feel bitter about it. "Hey, you call him big brother but I'm an Uncle?"

The child hugged Fang Tao's thighs before he looked back at Xing Yun. He then stuck out his tongue with a naughty grin on his face. "Big Brother is handsome, you're you're an Uncle"

After saying such atrocity, he turned to Fang which made Xing Yun clench his fist. "You brat!"

"Fang, are you okay now?" Hou Wei Yan asked all of a sudden to divert his attention from the chaos ensuing at her back.

"Yes" he answered without delay.

She felt that it was true, but not entirely true at all. She was about to ask more when the door of her office opened up again. Xie Na entered the room with a huge smile on her face. "Wei Wei!"

Everyone in the room fell in silence once she entered making her turn to the man in front of Hou Wei Yan. "F-Fang?"

[ He was back?! ]

[ Why didn't they tell me anything?! ]

Fang Tao looked at Xie Na for a brief second before he returned his gaze to Hou Wei Yan. He slightly lifted his mouth and gave her a faint smile. "Yes, I am"

"Have you eaten yet? Would you like something?" Hou Wei Yan asked as he tried to lighten up the awkward atmosphere slowly building around.

"I'm fine, Madame" Fang answered politely before raising the bento prepared by Gu Man. "I brought your lunch"

[ It's been a while ]

This is the habit she truthfully misses.

Hou Wei Yan smiled as she accepted it from him. "Thank you, Fang"

After accepting the bento, she handed it down to Qiu Meixiu. She then stared seriously at him and drew near to ask him for something. "May I talk with you, privately?"

Fang looked around before he nodded his head. Everyone inside the room is a fan of gossip. They can't possibly talk there comfortably. "Let's go to the rooftop"

Both of them walked out of the room leaving everybody else to look at Xie Na instead. Xie Na gulped down her own saliva before placing a handful of chocolates on the table.

Han Yu Shou was the one who reacted first to her sudden display of generosity.

"Wow! Thank you for thinking about us, Xie Na!" he yelled as he stretched out his hands to grab one. But Xie Na slapped his hands away making him tear up. "Why did you bring that here if you're not going to share!?"

"I want to eat in front of you" she nonchalantly said before popping one chocolate in her mouth.

Han Yu Shou pouted when he saw this and turned away with a pout. "Pregnant women are so strange"

Qiu Meixiu and Cao Yingjie looked at one another before silently rolling their eyes. Having him around is the strangest thing that could ever happen to someone.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Hou Wei Yan immediately bowed in front of Fang upon arrival.

Fang was of course taken by surprise. "Madame?"

"I'm sorry" she said with sincerity.

"No, Madame" Fang said as he helped her stand straight. If there is someone who failed to do his job and deserves to apologize, it would be him. "I should be the one asking sorry"

"Fang, I---allow me to ask forgiveness. I couldn't get my mind at ease until I do what is appropriate" she remarked with determination.

She needs to take action for what she did.

"Madame" he called out to inform her that there was nothing to apologize for. She did nothing wrong.

"I set you up. I was the one who started all the teasing with Xie Na" she confessed but Fang only smiled at her confession.

"I know"

Hou Wei Yan tilted her head in confusion. He should get angry at her. What she did laid the foundation of the problem. "I started it all, are you not angry or upset about my selfish actions?"

"Why did you pair us up?" Fang asked all of a sudden, this time successfully taking Hou Wei Yan by surprise. "What did you see to come up with such a plan?"

She looked away when he asked this. "I saw...a glimmer of hope"

"You initially didn't show any interest in women, so I thought you were gay---"

"I'm not" he cut her off with a stern voice that Hou Wei Yan almost laughed at it.

[ Of course, he's not ]

"I know. Because you showed interest in Xie Na" she said with a smile on her face. But after a short second, she turned melancholic again. "I haven't met her boyfriend so I do not know of his character. But I know you"

"I know that despite your cold deposition, you're kind and caring. You're someone my best friend needs...someone loyal" Hou Wei Yan remarked as she stared directly at Fang's unwavering eyes.

That's right, she was sure he was the one for her.

But it turns out, she was just deluding herself.

"So I set you up. I thought sooner or later, Xie Na and her boyfriend would break up and by then, I was hoping you would catch her by the time she falls" she confessed before ducking her head in embarrassment. "I never expected this twist and I ended up hurting you in the process"

[ If I just stayed still and did nothing, would things turn out differently?! ]

"I see" Fang replied while nodding his head. "You saw that we complement each other"

"And I used you to make that plan work" she added before bowing down again. "I used you, Fang. I'm sorry"

"Your apology was long accepted, Madame" he answered with a smile on his face. One week was a short time but it was enough for him to accept his position. It was enough for him to accept the situation and decide what course of action he needs to take.

"After all, the one who fell in love with her despite such obvious tricks was me, and the reason I love her isn't because you pushed me to pay attention to her" he expressed while looking at the clouds wonderfully scattered on the horizon. "I was lured by her liveliness"


"Don't apologize anymore, Madame" Fang said seriously as he stared directly into her eyes, hoping that his feelings would get through to her. He loves her because of who she is and he wants to feel like his love is something good and not born as a mistake.

"I fell in love on my own accord and I will take responsibility for it. Besides, if it weren't for you, I won't get to experience this thing they call love"


Fang looked away before he cut her sentence. "If you want to be at ease, can Madame grant me a favor?"

Hou Wei Yan raised her head up to look at him before she vigorously nodded her head. [ As long as it's within my capabilities, why not?! ]

"Anything for you"

"Please act normal. Please treat me the same way as you did before and don't mind me lingering even if Xie Na is around" Fang pleaded which took Hou Wei Yan back. He wants to return things to their rightful place.

He is merely Hou Wei Yan's guard and Xie Na merely his boss's best friend.

"I don't want her to know of my feelings and burden her with it in the end" he confessed with a sad smile on his face.

Xie Na should focus her attention on her child. If he confesses his feelings, he might just confuse her and burden her with it.

"Fang" Hou Wei Yan called out worriedly.

[ Is this really okay for him?! ]

"Please?" he begged which instantly melted Hou Wei Yan.

She never expected him to beg for such a favor.

"Alright" she finally replied. As both her friend and guard, she will do this favor for him. "I will do just that"

"Thank you, Madame" Fang said, his voice filled with sincerity and gratitude. "Thank you for taking action even though I was the one who truly let you down"

"Staying with her must be hard" Hou Wei Yan blurted out of the blue. She thought Fang would frown but instead, he faintly smiled at her realization. "You didn't let me down, you made me proud because you returned when you could have run away"

"I'm not someone who would run away from trouble" Fang immediately answered.

No matter what, he won't run away. He won't run away from a battle and he won't run away from his emotions. He was someone who confronts life's obstacles head-on.

And he won't change his principle.

[ Not now. Not ever. ]

"I wish you would let me run straight to trouble too" Hou Wei Yan remarked while whistling.

Fang returned to his stoic side and gave her an immediate glare. "No"

"Can't I have fun sometimes?" she asked as she pouted in front of him.

But against a pro in saying no like him, she was defeated.

"Madame, it will always be a no" Fang retorted with seriousness.

Having this talk again with him made Hou Wei Yan laugh as she walks away. Before totally disappearing, she waved her hands and sincerely greeted him back. "Welcome back, Fang"

Fang smiled at her gesture before he followed behind her, his face slowly returning to his professional one.