The Fierce First Princess

Today was a tiring day and Hou Wei Yan could feel it in her bones. Their first debut as a team was a success and they then began catering one patient after the other. Because they are the biggest Hospital in Beijing most of the emergency patients are sent to them thus giving everyone no time to rest during their shifts.

"Thank you for your hard work!" He Lan said from behind her causing Hou Wei Yan to return back to reality. The beautiful doctor was now dressed casually and behind her is He Zihao who was walking quite sluggishly. From the looks of it, they most likely had another quarrel after their last surgery.

Hou Wei Yan smiled at her as she and Qiu Meixiu made way for the two. "You too, Doctor He"

"We'll be leaving first" she softly mumbled before looking behind her with a frown. She then inhaled before shouting at her little brother with quite a loud voice. "Brat! Hurry up!"

He Zihao glared at his sister, annoyed that she was his sibling and that she was born first. "Sis, stop calling me that"

"Brat" He Lan blurted out, obviously doing this to annoy her little brother. Her plan actually worked because He Zihao came rushing towards her while stomping his feet. Once she saw him fast approaching, she immediately entered their car and rode in the driver's seat.

Her little brother was left with no choice but to seat on the front seat with his face forming a frown. Once he settled inside, he looked back at Hou Wei Yan and soften his gaze at her. Although his face was a bit stoic giving off quite an angry expression, he sounded so polite towards her. "Goodbye Doctor Hou"

"Bye Zihao" she replied back as she waved her hand. He Lan then drove away after their farewell causing Hou Wei Yan to turn back her attention on Qiu Meixiu who was now grabbing her keys in a hurry. She looked at her curiously which the latter instantly felt.

She gave Hou Wei Yan an apologetic smile after she managed to fish out her car keys from her bag. "Wei Wei, I have to go first. I have to fetch my nephew"

"Okay" she replied without hesitation. They came out of the Hospital quite late so she must be worried about her nephew. It was already dark outside after all which is quite worrisome for a guardian. "Say hello for me"

"Will you be okay waiting here?"

"Yeah" Hou Wei Yan said with a smile. She then redirected Qiu Meixiu's gaze inside and assured her that everything is fine. Fang Tao will accompany her home soon enough. "Fang is just locking up"

Qiu Meixiu nodded her head, fully trusting Fang Tao's capability and Hou Wei Yan's words. She immediately left, worry clearly evident on her face. Luckily, her nephew's teacher didn't leave yet and accompanied him. The teacher was kind enough to inform her and wait till she arrives to pick up the little kid. If not, she would be in serious trouble!

A few minutes after Qiu Meixiu left, Hou Wei Yan who was left alone outside began lingering her gaze in boredom. Amidst her searching, a familiar figure ran across the street and entered an alleyway. "Xiao Shen?"

She wasn't sure if she saw it right because he was quite far and it was already night. But based on his height, his body figure, and the silhouette of his hair, she suspected that it was her little brother. She looked back at the man and followed him without hesitation because he went to a place he wasn't supposed to visit.

Hou Jun Shen panted as he leaned on the wall of the dark and silent alleyway. His forehead was filled with sweat and his breathing was quite uneven. Although still tired from all the running he did since earlier, he still pushed himself to stand back again and call out for a name that was unfamiliar to Hou Wei Yan.

"Xiao Song!" he repeatedly called out as he entered one alleyway after the other. His voice was already hoarse and exhaustion was clearly marked on his face but he refused to give up. "Xiao Song!"

"Who's Xiao Song?" Hou Wei Yan muttered to herself as she followed closely behind Hou Jun Shen and silently observed the area. It was dark and filled with dirty litter and a nasty stench wrapped the area. It was a perfect place for hiding…and fighting so she was beginning to worry for her little brother who continuously ventures into the dangerous area.

"Xiao Song!" he called out once again. There was no reply as he expected, but he immediately caught sight of a small kid's hands in the corner. He hurriedly approached it but before he could reach the place, the kid had already run away forcing him to follow him. "Xiao Song!"

"Get back here, Xiao Song!" he repeatedly yelled as he runs after the kid who was obviously more agile than him. The little fella was a marathon athlete that won plenty of awards at such a young age so it was no longer a surprise why he could not catch up to him no matter how fast he runs. Still, Jun Shen never lost hope and ran after him despite his lower muscles aching and already screaming in pain. "Cheng Song! Stop running!"

The cat and mouse chase went on for a long time before the kid he was after ran into an alleyway and crawled into a hole that was only able to fit him. With this, Hou Jun Shen lost him again causing him to get frustrated. "Shit"

"Xiao Song!" he called out, his voice now mixed with anger and utter frustration. His desperate cries made Hou Wei Yan come out behind him.

She slowly walked towards him and with anger, she called out for his attention. "What are you doing, Little Brother?"

"Big Sister!" Hou Jun Shen called out in surprise. He looked away as soon as he saw the fire burning in her eyes for he knew exactly why she was in rage mode. Ever since they were young, Hou Wei Yan had repeatedly reprimanded him for loitering in the dangerous alleyways of the city.

From his mother's tales of her past, he was repeatedly reminded that the alleyways are a lair for thugs and criminal transactions so for him who had a low affinity for fighting, he needs to stay away from such a dreaded place.

"Hou Jun Shen" Hou Wei Yan called out quite angrily. She loves her brother and she wants no harm to come in contact with him. And yet here he is running around the city without any idea that the place he entered is filled with many dangerous men. "You became so bold. Why did you run around the city this late at night!?"

"Sister, let me explain" he pleaded as he tried his best to look reliable. Hou Wei Yan stopped in her tracks and calmly waited for his excuse. "My friend at the dormitory came barging into my room and asking me for help. He lost his brother while they went out so I decided to search with him"

Hearing this, Hou Wei Yan glared hard at him. If that was the case, why in the world did he come running around the city alone?! "And you didn't contact the police?"

"We did"

"You could have just waited there" she immediately replied, obviously not liking the decision that he made. They had already contacted the police. They have plenty of men, they could have done such dangerous stuff instead of him who was still young and totally unarmed! Besides, why did he roam around without the police with him!? "Do you know how dangerous the night in this city is?"

"I know" Hou Jun Shen replied as he lowered his head. He knows just how dangerous it is that's why he decided to join the search. "I'm sorry. Both of us couldn't sit still knowing his brother is out there, roaming the dangerous city"

"We'll talk about this deeper later" Hou Wei Yan blurted out with a sigh. She can't help but sympathize with her brother but she still cannot totally condone him for his decision. "So that kid I saw was the little brother?"

"Yes" he replied without hesitation. "His name is Cheng Song"

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head before she walked toward her little brother and gently ruffled his hair. She flashed him a slight smile as she urged him to walk behind her. "We will search for him together. Don't you dare stray away from me"

"Okay" Hou Jun Shen immediately replied as he followed behind her. He gave his full trust to his big sister and was relieved that she was with him. She looked back at her little brother and was relieved that she trusted her guts and rushed to follow him or else Hou Jun Shen would be placed in a perilous situation. Afterward, she looked straight ahead and began walking towards another alleyway where they can intercept the runaway child. As she did this, she suddenly felt an ominous feeling. [Hmm…I have a feeling I'm forgetting something important]

Fang Tao casually walked out of Yi Lan Hospital, taking unhurried strides because he knew Hou Wei Yan was waiting patiently outside with Qiu Meixiu. "Madame---"

The road was as busy as ever and the ambulance was parked near the emergency room. There were plenty of people outside but no matter how much he looks around, Hou Wei Yan was nowhere in sight.

"What the hell?" he silently muttered to himself before panic surged in his guts. He was complacent lately because Hou Wei Yan focused all her attention on building her medical team and handling all sorts of surgeries. He was too careless! She must have run around for trouble again!

"Madame! Madame!" he repeatedly called out as he began looking for her. He entered the Emergency Room, returned to her office, and even circled Yi Lan, but to no avail. She wasn't around and he was getting frustrated by the second. "Hou Wei Yan!"

"Senior!" someone suddenly called out from behind the shadows. Fang Tao abruptly turned around and was faced by one of Makio's underlings. "Senior Makio sent me here to inform you that Lady Boss went running after her little brother"

"What?!" he exasperated, his cool composure came grumbling down because of his sudden report. He almost face-palmed because this was all too sudden but not unexpected at all. "Why didn't you contact me!"

"He can't contact you" the Junior calmly said. They tried to contact him numerous times but failed to get through. When they can't reach him, he was immediately dispatched because he was scouting near the area. Thinking this, he curiously glanced at Fang Tao's ears. "Is your earpiece okay?"

As though struck by lightning, he froze when he suddenly realized his mistake. "Shit"

"Here. I brought a new one" his Junior said and casually handed Fang a new earpiece. Fang immediately accepted it and handed him the old one.

"Fang Tao! You crazy wolf!" Makio immediately bombarded as soon as he received a connection with Fang. His yell was loud and clear and everyone inside his next flinched at his sudden outburst. Of course, Fang wasn't spared the torture because his ears nearly bled with Makio's uproar. "You idiot. Why didn't you check your earpiece?!"

"My mistake" he replied without hesitation. He wasn't sure if this is his way of retribution for the punch he did, but he apologized anyway because he was clearly at fault this time. "Give me her coordinates"

"She's running around" Makio muttered as he carefully checked Hou Wei Yan's location. Hou Wei Yan was checking all possible spots where the kid run off so her exact location cannot be pinpointed. "I sent some men to follow her but they didn't manage to catch up. It looks like she's searching for someone"

Fang Tao clicked his tongue the moment he heard this. Without hesitation, he ran towards the entrance of the Hospital where a familiar Black Maybach was parked. "Then can you give me coordinates where I can intercept her"

"I'll send it to Shin" Makio replied back before sending the coordinates to their own Fast and Furious driver, Shin Wolter a.k.a FAST.

"Hurry" Fang Tao muttered as he entered the car and gave a knowing glance to Shin. Shin merely sighed before he geared the car and was ready to catch up with Hou Wei Yan.

The alleyway was dark and it possesses a horrifying eerie silence of a horror movie until two figures arrived and crashed such silence with their continuous yelling. "Xiao Song!"

"Xiao Song!" Hou Wei Yan yelled out alongside her brother. They would often call out at the same time but whenever her brother has a hard time shouting, she would take his place and call out for the child as loud as possible. They were going in circles now and yet he was still not in sight.

Exhaustion was getting the best of them and the throbbing pain in their legs from the endless walking and running brought nothing but a heavy burden on their heart. She glanced at her brother from time to time who was having trouble breathing and help him breathe properly before continuing their endless journey.

After a while, they reached another alleyway that was darker than the rest. Hou Jun Shen was stealthily following behind her big sister and was suddenly appalled when she halted from her tracks. With her voice as low as possible, she directed his gaze at the sight not far from them and muttered…"Is that the kid?"

"Shit" Hou Jun Shen muttered when he saw the familiar yellow coat the kid had on earlier. Without that much thought, he gathered all of his strength and dashed towards the kid who was getting lifted by a man. But before he could take two steps, Hou Wei Yan pulled him by the back of his collar and brought him to a spot where they could hide. "Big Sister!"

Hou Wei Yan carefully checked the surroundings and counted the men surrounding the child. After a minute, she glanced back at her little brother who was obviously about to complain. "You defend the child. Don't you dare join the chaos"


"You know our rules, Xiao Shen. You will follow what I say when we're in a dangerous situation" she said, her voice filled with caution and authority. Hou Jun Shen gulped down his own saliva for he knew that when she was acting like this, he no longer has a say because they were in a dire situation. He slowly nodded his head in defeat making Hou Wei Yan sigh a breath of relief.

"Grab the kid and protect him" she carefully instructed as she watched the men she was about to face chuckling as the kid struggled under their grasp. She will save the child but not at the expense of her little brother so her determination was far stronger than ever. "That's your job and protecting you is mine"

"Mn" Hou Jun Shen muttered before he followed behind her towards the enemies.

Hou Wei Yan was agile, not only with her hands but with her feet as well. Her endurance and reflexes were good and she used acrobatic movements to her advantage. Before they could realize someone was aiming at them, she had reached their place and grabbed hold of the man holding Cheng Song by the collar. As a medical practitioner, she has the knowledge of when and where to strike, and in doing so, with incredible precision, she managed to paralyze her opponent giving the kid enough opening to escape.

Once Cheng Song was out of the man's grasp, she immediately turned toward Hou Jun Shen who was waiting for her signal. "Xiao Shen!"

Within seconds, Hou Jun Shen was already in front of Cheng Song. He grabbed hold of his hands and immediately run for a safer place as Hou Wei Yan began her rampage. "Follow me all the time"

Anyone who would meet Hou Wei Yan would view her as a sweet little angel with her dashing smile and beautiful angelic features. Because of her good looks, they often times forget who gave birth and raised her.

Xing Mei Yi was a ferocious beast and no one dared offend her because of this. Having a taste of this privilege, she taught her kids the art of war and brought them up as warriors who could defend themselves and the people they love. Because of their social ranking and the power, they have as part of the Xing Family they were obviously bound to get targeted by many people who wish to covet their fortune. With this in mind, she vigorously trained them, and as her firstborn, Hou Wei Yan was subjected to her brutal training first and she suffered it for quite a long time.

She's Xing Mei Yi's Fierce First Princess so this fight is nothing but an amusement to her!

That's why her strength is quite unparalleled when compared to mere thugs in an alleyway. She was always aware of her surroundings so when she heard a metal sound, she immediately turned around and dashed at him before his knife could be totally pulled out. By manipulating the shifts in the center of gravity, a round kick was sent toward the man totally knocking him down to the ground. Afterward, she turned towards the last man standing and gave him one juicy uppercut.

The three men who looked so scary in Cheng Song's perspective earlier were all knocked down and were pitifully piled on the ground. Once she was done, Hou Wei Yan turned towards them and slowly approached them. She had a gentle look on her face making him feel utterly surprised. The mark of the woman who defeated three men in an instant was no longer there!

"Xiao Shen, are you okay?" she gently asked as she inspected her little brother. Hou Jun Shen could only nod his head and turn around to fasten up the inspection his older sister would do after a fight.

After checking that everything was fine, she slowly turned towards the kid and gently approached him. Despite the harsh treatment he received earlier, he only had a scratch on his elbows and knees making Hou Wei Yan sigh in relief. Luckily, they arrived just in time else he could have suffered a more pain-inducing wound.

"Hi! I'm Jun Shen's sister, Hou Wei Yan" she gently introduced and she appeared like an angel descending from the sky with her sweet close-eyed smile. "Nice to meet you"

The kid was momentarily blinded by her shine even though it was dark in their spot. Her kindness and her sweet alluring voice immediately calmed down his racing and still panicked heart. After a few seconds of watching her beautiful smile, he finally gathered enough strength in his esophagus to speak out. "I'm Cheng Song"

"Xiao Song" Hou Wei Yan called out as she helped the kid brush off the remaining dust on his clothes. "Why did you run away? Xiao Shen found you earlier"

When asked by this question, Cheng Song immediately looked away. But before long, Hou Wei Yan's brave act replayed in his mind causing him to feel sorry for her and Hou Jun Shen. He needs to at least tell them why they got caught in such a mess. "I - - - I don't want to go back"

Hou Wei Yan looked at her little brother who merely sighed at his answer. Of course, he knows the reason why he ran away. His best friend, Cheng Han was an admirable person who seems to have no flaws at all. Cheng Song as his younger brother was always under the shadow of his brilliance, and her mother who was Cheng Han's stepmother always pushed him to outdo his brother. Cheng Han is nice to him, but his mother wouldn't stop using him to bring Cheng Han down.

He loves his older brother but he can't just neglect his mother. If he doesn't run away, he will only be crushed in between their ongoing battle. He doesn't want that and above all else, he doesn't want to choose between the two of them.

"Why?" Hou Wei Yan curiously asked making Cheng Song bite his lower lip.

"Because - - -"

"What the fuck is going on here?!" someone suddenly shouted from behind them causing the three of them to flinch. Hou Wei Yan immediately pulled Cheng Song towards Hou Jun Shen when she saw 12 men walking towards the bodies knocked out on the ground. The one with a tattoo on his neck crouched down and touched one of Hou Wei Yan's victims. "Oi! Chengrui!"

Hou Wei Yan carefully observed them and instinctively hide Hou Jun Shen behind her back before she cursed when they turned their way. "Shit"

"You crazy bitch. Did you do this?" the man with a tattoo shouted at her. Based on his attitude, he was most probably the leader of the gang. She knew it would be best to settle it with less blood to ensure the safety of the two kids behind her.

"No" she calmly answered, her voice filled with conviction. The leader looked at her intently but she didn't cower and instead tilted her head at them as though curious about their profession. "We were searching for my little brother. He didn't want to go back so he ran away and ended up here. They're already lying down here. We were about to call an ambulance"

"Hmm" the leader hummed, not buying her lie. Hou Wei Yan knew she couldn't convince them immediately given the current situation but without a witness, they cannot convict them and hurt them. Their number is quite small and she doesn't know if they have a backup but based on how they're entertaining her answers, they must be wary not to murder someone without knowing their full background.

"Should I call one now?" she asked as she peaked and looked at the bodies. The gang members immediately glared at her and she flinched at their actions.

"No" the leader nonchalantly replied before he waved his hands at them. They were asked not to make unnecessary trouble because the police are already aware of their existence. "Leave"

Hou Wei Yan tilted her head and like a worried citizen, she tried to approach the fallen victims. "Are you sure it's okay? They seem badly hurt"

The leader immediately glared at her prying before he shouted at her in a loud and terrifying manner. "Just go!"

Trembling, she pulled the two together and left the place but before they could get as far away as possible, a groan was heard from one of the men lying on the ground.

One of the men who was clearly acquainted with the gang leader tried his very best to reach out to him once he regained consciousness. His body was aching but he needs to inform them of a beast they shouldn't provoke. "Brother, run"

Because his voice was quite weak, the leader wasn't able to hear the last part of what he said which was in fact, the most important part. He reached out to his brother and sit him up before he grated his teeth upon witnessing his bloody face. "Who hurt you?"

"Blonde woman" the young man remarked with all the best he could. "Stay aw---"

"That fucking bitch" his older brother shouted before he looked at all of his underlings. She glared hard at the woman who was now quite a distance from them. She fooled them! She fooled them good! "Catch them!"

The young man nearly choked to death when he heard his order. Before he could scold him for being a complete idiot in listening to someone, he lost to the pain in his body and returned to a state of unconsciousness.

"Shit" Hou Wei Yan muttered when she heard hurried footsteps coming toward them. She immediately pushed the two youngsters in front of her and gave them a terrifying glance. "Xiao Shen run!"

Because of her sudden warning, Hou Jun Shen immediately grabbed hold of Cheng Song and made a run for it. The three of them ran at full speed while getting chased by 12 terrifying-looking men. They took plenty of turns and shortcuts but in such a neighborhood there was bound to be a dead end and they were the unluckiest because they ran straight to it.

"Damn it" Hou Wei Yan slightly cursed when she saw that there was no escape. Without any choice left, she hardened her gaze and immediately went into defense mode. She cracked some of her fingers before she looked at the two boys behind her. "Hide behind me and don't you ever come out unless I tell you"

"Big Sister" Hou Jun Shen called out worriedly as he repeatedly glanced at the men who were now grabbing anything they could use against them. Before he could mutter more protest, he was shoved in the corner where a garbage bin stood. Hou Wei Yan placed Cheng Song beside him and was glad that the garbage bin could stand as a hiding place.

Once they were safely tucked in, she chuckled at the situation she was in. There was one of her against twelve bulky and masculine men who were obviously quite adept at fighting. Thinking this, she can't help but remember Fang Tao who was always on guard and was always keen on keeping her out of trouble. "I asked Fang to allow me to run straight to trouble but this is certainly not the type I want"

"You crazy bitch!" the leader shouted once he arrived and his gang members immediately made way from him. Hearing his sudden outburst made Hou Wei Yan chuckle.

"Is that the only cuss you know?" she said with her eyes now bearing a dangerous inferno. Her face looked sweet and angelic but her brows were knitted together showing just how aggressive she can get when provoked. After a few seconds, she gave them a smirk that nearly knocked the living daylights out of them. There was an obviously large amount of provocation in her eyes and she didn't bother to hide it. "Even Satan would spit at you for such lousy words"


"Come at me, you bastard" Hou Wei Yan remarked as she looked him directly in the eyes. She looked so intimidating that the gang leader flinched at the sight of her. But of course, his pride didn't allow him to back down. "Stop dawdling and spewing nonsense. If you want to curse me then curse me when the fight is done"

Hearing this, the gang leader laughed out loud followed by his gang members. As they went into a hysterical laugh, Hou Wei Yan slowly heightened her guard and looked around their area. It was cramped and because of their numbers, she was clearly at a disadvantage. Unless she takes precise strikes and plans her moves, she would get defeated by them.

"Who do you think you are? You're just a little rabbit and we're a pack of wolves" he remarked once more making Hou Wei Yan smirk. "Will you survive?"

"Huh? I think you spoke the complete opposite of the situation" she blurted out, still donning her provocative smirk. There is always a rule when it comes to fighting. You get provoked or you provoke them to your favor. Luckily for her, they weren't that much trained in mental warfare. "I'm the predator, and you're my prey"

"Did you guys hear that? The little lady thinks she's - - -" before he could finish whatever he was going to say, he was thrown to the ground with one of his teeth flying a few inches from where he lays. It was a sudden attack and it was so fast none of them could react until their boss was down.

She went flying towards him with a kick and it instantly knocked him out!

"Oops, I accidentally destroyed his face" she chortled as she glanced at them one by one. Her sinister laughter made everyone on guard, and even her little brother got surprised by it. He knows how she fights…but this is a new phenomenon for him. When did she become so sharp-tongued!? "What was he about to say? Do you know?"

There was no answer to her question for without a word, they directly charged at her with everything they got. The first wave was four men against her. Hou Wei Yan immediately went into a defensive stance. Hou Jun Shen worriedly looked at his sister who was still defending herself from their attack. He was about to help her when the tides suddenly changed.

Hou Wei Yan used a defensive martial art her mother taught that focuses on disabling the opponent through keeping an impenetrable defense and thus forcing them to open one in theirs when they attack. The primary focus lies on both pressure points and quick movements and it often relies on her stamina and reflexes. She would strike their pressure points without hesitation forcing two of them to slump down in defeat and the two others to remain frozen in a standing position.

Once done, she turned towards the others and smiled at them.

"God, I missed this" she muttered as she clenched her fist and slightly wiped the blood in her hands. Slowly, she looked at them one by one and the atmosphere immediately turned sour as her face displayed her scheming and a wicked smile."The aroma of blood and dirt. The stench of fear creeping out of your system and the pile of bodies about to become my runway"

She was a huge threat! Despite her fragile-looking body, the amount of intimidation she produced caused them to shiver in fear. But in such a situation, only one group could leave the area. So despite their shaken resolve, they dashed at her with their sticks and knives.

Hou Wei Yan smirked at their actions before she changed her stance and went on an offensive strike which Hou Jun Shen greatly knows. She was swift and elegant as she fought with them. Her footsteps were light and she strikes one opponent to the next as though dancing in a bloodbath. She was focusing entirely on maximizing her own natural strengths and minimizing her weaknesses. The primary focus lies on both shifts in balance and foot sweeps and it often relies on her quick thinking and endurance.

"Dear Lord, was that your face?" she muttered after she managed to KO someone using her fist. The man was down and he had blood on his nose. "Sorry, I didn't know"

Her words made some think that she was concerned but her tone doesn't match her words at all. She continued with her fight as she turned around to the next man who was about to strike her from behind. She immediately gave him a round kick forcing the man to stumble on the ground.

"Oh, did I just step on your toe?" she asked the fallen man as she raised her foot that was intentionally stepping on him. "Sorry"

What she did cause the remaining men to turn aggressive. They dashed at her but Hou Jun Shen shook his head at their actions. [It's too late. Once she utilizes the offensive dance, no one could stay unscathed]

The biggest strength of the Offensive Dance that Xing Mei Yi taught her is its adaptability, allowing her to change at a moment's notice. By utilizing the shifts in her balance of herself, her opponent can often be caught off guard, allowing her to capitalize on her biggest strengths. She continuously forced her opponent into a position she can dominate from.

Hou Wei Yan slowly allowed an opening which someone immediately took, not knowing that it was one of her schemes. Once he was in close proximity, she immediately gave him an elbow strike before holding his neck and giving him a knee strike right at his stomach. Once done, she released him from her grasp and allowed him to fall straight to the ground. "I think I broke one of your bones! No worries, I'll fix it later"

"Ah, my eyes are certainly getting blurry. I didn't see your hand" she said with a chuckle as she knocked another man down with a powerful jab in the chest. Once down, she stomped on his foot with a smirk on her face.

"Look at what you've done, there's dirt on your mouth!" Hou Wei Yan mumbled after sending someone down by paralyzing his body. She pushed him gently causing the man to look at her in horror as he falls down to the ground with his body still frozen from Hou Wei Yan's attacks. He could only try to mumble for help but to no avail because the terrifying woman had already begun her attack on others before she glanced his way and mocked him again. "Who told you to eat the ground?"

Witnessing someone who was trying to escape, Hou Wei Yan immediately dashed towards him and hindered his movements with her feet. "Hey, stop crawling. You're not a baby anymore, why the hell would you crawl?!"

Endless screams of pain resonated across the alleyway as the enemies fell one by one. Hou Jun Shen had already expected this outcome, but he was surprised by her sudden display of fearlessness when it comes to verbal wars. The sister he knows is different from this one who fights without restraints in her words.

What's more, her eyes remained sharp and terrifying even though everyone was already knocked down.

"Was that all?" she blurted out as she looked around. Still unsatisfied, she walked towards the leader who repeatedly shook his head, repeatedly praying that she would go away and leave them! She helped him sit up and smirked at him. "Hey, call the others. I need more"

The leader immediately shook his head, spooked by her insatiable bloodthirst. Bloody Hell! She fought all twelve of them alone and she had fun torturing them, yet it wasn't enough! "No...this is all"



"Well, that's disappointing" Hou Wei Yan muttered to herself before she stood up again and looked at them one by one. Her gaze thoroughly gazed at their exact location making some of them who remained conscious shiver in terror. "Now, for the cleanup"

"No!" all of them chorused as tears came rolling down their cheeks. The woman is a certified merciless beast! If they were to die here, they would only rot and wouldn't even have a proper burial! "Please have mercy!"

Hou Wei Yan tilted her head before she chuckled at their reaction. She's that terrifying in their eyes, huh!? "What did you think I was about to do?"

"You said cleanup!" the leader bravely yelled as he bit his lower lip. In a mess like this, what else would clean-up mean!? "You'll kill us. Please spare us! We won't make trouble for you again!!"

His response made Hou Wei Yan click her tongue. She glared at him who gave a flawed answer. "Only for me?"

"No!" the leader nervously shouted. He looked at his members before he yelled out his fixed answer. "For others as well"

Hou Wei Yan lingered her gaze before she crouched down in front of the leader and faced him with her terrifying gaze. "Hmm. How can I trust you guys?"

"Please, I'm begging you. Spare us and we will leave this place!" he yelled out in exasperation. The conviction in his eyes surprised Hou Wei Yan. In this situation, their life would obviously matter most. With the strength, she showed they could easily decode that she has the power to end their life if she wishes to.

Hearing a good answer from him, Hou Wei Yan stood up and dusted the dirt clinging to her clothes. Luckily she wore a black blouse else the maids would have a hard time cleaning it.

"Hmm. Why would you think I'm trying to kill you?" she asked in amusement. She whistled humorously as she helped her little brother and Cheng Song out of their hiding spot. "I fight and break bones but not kill. Because broken bones I can fix but bring the dead back to life is a miracle I do not possess"

She has plenty of techniques up her sleeves but she only used minimal of what she can do, because this wasn't a fight that needs her trump card. Her opponents are lower in strength than her so she chose not to use her full strength, afraid that she would kill them if she does. Unless necessary, she keeps her other moves in the arsenal because most of them are lethal. The moves she used in her fight this evening couldn't compare to the real strength she possesses.

"Is everyone okay?" she asked as she helped the leader up.

Most of them were already conscious but they were still obviously in pain. Her sudden question was something that only intensified the pain they were suffering! "Certainly not!"

"My bad" she said with a chuckle. Hou Wei Yan then walked toward the others and helped them sit up one by one. "Okay, tell me your names and your injuries so I can write down who to treat first"


She looked at those who protested and tilted her head in confusion. Did she hit them too hard that they lost their sense of hearing!? "Didn't you hear me? Tell me your injuries so I can treat you"


Upon hearing their question, she blinked repeatedly in their way. Or perhaps she hit them too hard that it affected their thinking?

When they remained mute after the question, she smiled in their way. "Because I have the capability to treat you"

"You're a doctor?!" the leader asked in surprise and shock. Bloody hell, she's a Doctor! With her strength, he initially thought that she was part of the Mafia and that she was the leader. Turns out, they were badly hurt by a person who usually treats injuries and does not inflict it!

"Yes" Hou Wei Yan nonchalantly answered making everyone look at one another.

The leader looked at her in disbelief and wasn't able to keep his thoughts to himself. Before he could be aware of it, his thoughts slipped through his mouth making everyone shiver in fear. "Whoever gave you a license must be insane!"

His sudden outburst made Hou Wei Yan laugh. She slightly cracked her neck before she amusingly glanced at the leader. "Looks like someone is asking for a broken jaw"

"No. No" the leader nervously exclaimed, finally realizing that what he was thinking was blurted out in the open. He repeatedly shook his head as he tried to crawl away from her prying hands. "I---"

Before anything could be done to him, a series of footsteps approached their area causing Hou Wei Yan to halt her movement. She was already clutching the leader's collar but the sudden arrival of people caused her to freeze as though caught red-handed doing a heinous crime.

"Madame! I'm here to---" Fang Tao yelled out once he reached the place where Hou Wei Yan's tracker stopped. To his utter surprise, he saw their beloved and seemingly angelic Madame raising her fist and holding the leader of the gang by the collar. "---save you?"

After recognizing that the unexpected guest was Fang, Hou Wei Yan immediately flashed him a smile before letting go of the man who was cowering in her grasp. Once he fell to the ground, Fang Tao finally regained his capability to think again. "Bloody hell!"