Taking in a Slap

They say a woman is like a rose in full bloom when they are in love. Such a remark is befitting to describe Hou Wei Yan's current state as she strode inside the hospital with a ring in her hands. Her face was more blooming than normal. There was obviously something different especially her smile that reaches past her eyes.

She looked more beautiful than ever and everyone noticed it as she passed by. They were in awe of her beauty and curious at the same time about the reason for her sudden change.

Did she perhaps use a product to look more beautiful?

No matter how curious they are, they can no longer ask for she entered her office before any of them could react.

Hou Wei Yan who was followed by Fang Tao as usual entered her office with a smile, ready to tell Qiu Meixiu the wonderful news. "Sister Qiu, I have---"

"What the hell!" she suddenly shouted when she saw the current state of her office.

Her eyes hardened the moment she met Han Yu Shou's eyes. He was in a corner with lipstick marks on his lips and her beloved Sister Qiu caged in his arms.

What she's looking at is something unbelievable!

Rage was evident in her eyes so Han Yu Shou immediately retrieved his hands and panicked. He repeatedly shook his head and hands as an angry Hou Wei Yan strode towards him.

"Sister it's not what it---" before he could finish whatever he was going to say, Hou Wei Yan had already grasped his collar and shoved him to the other side corner while glaring at him.

Feeling wronged, he shot an angry look at her as well. "Hey!"

"Are you okay, Sister Qiu?! What did that Duffus do to you?!" Hou Wei Yan asked worriedly as she cupped Qiu Meixiu's face and checked if she was bruised or not. If ever Han Yu Shou forced himself on her…she was already formulating all the tortures she will give him.

"Wei Wei~" Meixiu called out as she touched Wei Yan's hands. She nervously looked at Meixiu and was ready to smack Han Yu Shou when laughter suddenly erupted inside the room. She looked at Qiu Meixiu strangely as she continuously laughed her ass out.

Perplexed and baffled, she turned towards Han Yu Shou who was already cowering in the corner with a pout on his face.

She only turned her attention back to her older sister when she said something unexpected. "This is a misunderstanding."


Qiu Meixiu laughed a few times more before she wiped her tears away and guided Hou Wei Yan's sight to Han Yu Shou who was obviously holding back his protest for the mistreatment he suffered. "Yu Shou asked me to buy him a Chapstick on my way here. But I handed him the wrong one in my bag"

"See?! You're always prejudiced against me!" Han Yu Shou immediately yelled as he stood straight and strode toward Hou Wei Yan who shoved him earlier.

He feels awfully wronged and he wants her to make up for it! True, he was a prankster but he really did nothing this time.

After hearing his protest, Hou Wei Yan rolled her eyes. This is the reason why he shouldn't play around all the time. She can't bring herself to believe him anymore. Because of his tricks, she continuously has trust issues now.

"Behave yourself." she threatened as she walked away from him and headed towards her desk to place her bag. Fang Tao followed behind her after sighing at Han Yu Shou's antics. It's been years since he knows the psycho but he still can't get used to his strange behavior. It seems like every day, there's a new mess he creates.

"You're always making a mess in my office...every freakin day that I want to complain to the higher-ups already!" Wei Yan grumbled after taking a seat in her swivel chair.

Han Yu Shou looked at her strangely as he slowly erased the lipstick on his lips using the wipes Qiu Meixiu handed. "But I am the higher-up?"

"This twisted psycho," she whispered back when he heard his arrogant reply. So, he does use his position to his advantage. The reason why the hospital allows him to make a mess in her office must be a consideration for his position.

[ What a shameless brat! With this, I can no longer bring myself to see him as an older brother! ]

While she was thinking of the many mishaps Han Yu Shou showed in front of him that renders him a bad influence in her life, the door of her office suddenly and loudly opened up.

Xie Na's cheeky face immediately came to view but not a moment too soon, shock overwrote her happy look. Her hands instinctively covered her mouth when she saw Han Yu Shou who was wiping the lipstick on his mouth and Qiu Meixiu carefully tending to him. "Oh My God! What happened Sister Qiu?!"

"Xie Na." Meixiu worriedly called out in fear that she was brewing another misunderstanding in her mind.

And yes, she was damn right. Xie Na immediately glared at Han Yu Shou and walked toward him with a terrifying glint in her eyes. "You did it again, Han Yu Shou?! And this time you targeted Sister Qiu! My brother will kill you if he finds out about this!"

Qiu Meixiu's brows instinctively raised when she heard Xie Na including her big brother in the conversation. [ Why would Xie Zedong get involved?! ]

"Wait! This is a misunderstanding!" Han Yu Shou yelled out as he shook his head repeatedly. He doesn't want to get on Xie Zedong's bad side.

After he spent one drinking session with him during Liu Jiayi's birthday he found out that he has his eyes set on Qiu Meixiu and threatened them when he got drunk.

He doesn't want to get involved with him anymore because he has the same dangerous glint in his eyes as Ji Li Zhao when he was threatening them. Men like him are dangerous when they're jealous!

"Stop using that as an excuse!" Xie Na retorted having enough of his excuse that everything is a misunderstanding. She fell for it countless times, so she won't fall for it this time.

"But it's true!" Han Yu Shou whined as tears began flowing from his eyes. Xie Na didn't buy his tears at first alongside the others but when he didn't stop after a minute, she couldn't help but flinch and believe. "Why don't you believe me?!"

"That's because you always play your pranks, you became a liar in our eyes!" Hou Wei Yan stated as she walked towards him, now with a handkerchief in her hands. Han Yu Shou is annoying, but his cries are more annoying. He cries like a monkey and he looks like an ugly duckling when he does. "Wipe your snot."

Han Yu Shou looked at her stretched-out hands before he snatched the handkerchief off her hands with a goofy smile on his face. Hou Wei Yan flinched at his smile but before she could process what it means, he already took off with her handkerchief. "Ohhhhh! A gift from Little Sister! I'll treasure it!"

"Wha---Han Yu Shou!!! You fucking psycho!!!"Hou Wei Yan yelled out upon realizing what just happened. She tried chasing him but to no avail for Han Yu Shou was as fast as a cheetah when it comes to escaping.

"Give it up, Wei Wei!" Qiu Meixiu said as she laughed at the fiasco that just happened. Her day never gets dull when Han Yu Shou is around. "You'll never win against him."

"I should have a Han Yu Shou detector so I can know when I should come in and go out."

Hearing her reply and the frown on her face, Qiu Meixiu can't help but boisterously laugh alongside Xie Na who truly agrees with the idea of a Han Yu Shou detector. "It would bring plenty of people relief if that ever exist."

"Honestly, should I abduct him and lock him out somewhere for a couple of days?" she muttered before slowly walking back to her seat with a sigh. The day is still long but she's already stressed out just by meeting Han Yu Shou. "I would love to have peace of mind for a week or two and that would only happen if that moron is out of my sight."

"Let's send him to the middle of the Pacific Ocean. No matter how tough he is, it would take a couple of weeks before he could return here." Xie Na suggested with a huge smile on her face. Well, many people indeed dislike Han Yu Shou's overly outgoing attitude."Let's send him there while he's sleeping so he would wake up with a surprised look."

This time, Hou Wei Yan's laughter filled the room as she imagined what her best friend just said. Leaving him in the middle of the sea is indeed a good idea. "Xie Na, you're a genius!"

Fang Tao could only shake his head as they continued sharing their opinion on how to get rid of Han Yu Shou for one week. Their little chatter regarding such a topic lasted for a few minutes before they dismissed it and proceeded with the next gossip in town. "By the way, the hospital will get busier soon. It's only a couple of days more before our foreign employees arrive."

"Oh, that's right!" Hou Wei Yan muttered upon remembering the fuss that happened after Han Tengfei announced that they will be having Foreigners as a new addition to Yi Lan Hospital. "I wonder how's everything faring?"

"Master Han placed plenty of consideration and effort to make this project work so I'm sure everything is fine."

"I would still worry though," she immediately replied to Xie Na's statement. She trusts Han Tengfei but something continues to bug her whenever she thinks of the Han Family. "After all, Han Yu Shou joined in the planning process."

Qiu Meixiu could only smile before assuring her with her eyes. "Surely, Master Han would have already fixed the mistakes he made."

"Hopefully," Hou Wei Yan replied with a sigh before she glanced out her window. When she saw big trunks carrying heavy construction materials passed by, she can't help but smile at how fast everything is transpiring with the current projects Han Tengfei proposed. "I heard the construction of the Hospital Dorm is doing well. I wonder when it would be completed."

"A few months more I suppose" Qiu Meixiu replied as she tried to remember the details Makio gave her regarding the project. She visited Evergreen Estate recently and had the opportunity to enter Makio's Nest. As thanks for all her hard work, Makio showed her the blueprint of the project and some other cool stuff like their weapons.

"They have plenty of crew and the budget is beyond the estimated but building a building takes time. No matter how fast they work, they would still need a few months to finish construction," she added after getting over her daze over the extravagance and skillful craftworks in Makio's Nest.

"The new owner of Yi Lan is surely doing a couple of good stuff." Hou Wei Yan commented as she stood up and took hold of three medical charts she needs to check. Yi Lan Hospital is a prestigious hospital and they are well known for its advanced technology and accommodations. But the amount of progress the hospital is getting after the owner changes is something noteworthy. In a few more years if his projects continue, Yi Lan Hospital would surely reach the peak of advancement. "I wonder who he is."

The trio looked at one another before they chuckled and followed behind her as she exited the office. "Who knows."


"Xie Na, what do you want for lunch?" Hou Wei Yan asked as she picked up a tray in the Cafeteria. Since Xie Na forgot to cook her lunch, they decided to eat in the Cafeteria to accompany her.

"Hmm, some vegetables would sound good." her best friend replied while eyeing the line of vegetables and side dishes. She used to grimace at the sight of it and up until now she still hates it but she knows better than anyone how important they are for the health of the child growing in her stomach.

Hou Wei Yan gave her a side glance before smiling and picking up vegetables appropriate for her pregnancy. "Looks like picky eater Xie finally decided to turn over a new leaf."

"I can't dare eat unhealthy stuff anymore." Xie Na honestly answered now with a huge smile on her face as she slowly glanced at her stomach. It's still small so no one noticed that she was already carrying a life in her belly. "I will have another check-up soon, wanna come?"

"Sure!" she immediately replied. "With Zuo An, of course, right?"

When her best friend didn't retort back, Hou Wei Yan momentarily stopped picking up food. She glanced at Xie Na and raised her brows when she saw her biting her lower lip. "He hasn't come home yet."

"He still doesn't know?" she immediately asked, now quite angry at her best friend's current situation. It's already a few days after they found out about her pregnancy and yet the father of the child remains blind to it.

"Yep," Xie Na nonchalantly asked making Hou Wei Yan more disturbed than ever. She only looked away as though avoiding further inquiries. "I hope he comes home soon."

"Why don't you text him so he can come home to talk to you? Surely he would take action if he learns of your situation," she argued before guiding Xie Na towards their table. Fang Tao and Qiu Miexiu were already setting up the lunch boxes.

Xie Na glanced at her curiously as well. She wanted Zuo An to learn about her pregnancy personally so she never bothered to do such a thing. Perhaps she should do it and wait for him to come home so they can talk things through. "Should I?"

"Go on." Hou Wei Yan urged as she placed the tray of food filled with vegetables and fruits on the table. They immediately sat down and began chattering away regarding some hospital issues and some gossip Xie Na managed to scavenge from others.

After they had lunch, they hurriedly went back to their offices but before they could part ways, a boisterous screeching sound echoed in the hallway followed by a booming voice calling out a very familiar name. "Xie Na!"

"Who the hell is Doctor Xie Na!" a woman shouted across the hallway making everyone turn their heads toward her. It was already nearly 1 pm thus the patients are lining up once more for the opening of the offices again. Her sudden shout garnered plenty of attention which Hou Wei Yan didn't like at all.

"What's with all the commotion?" one curious nurse asked as she approached the screeching woman.

She momentarily stopped but when she noticed that it wasn't Xie Na based on her name tag, she immediately arched her brows at the nurse before began screeching once more. "Xie Na! Hand over Xie Na!"

"What in the world?" Xie Na asked as she tried to look at the woman looking for her.

"Where is that bitch!" the woman shouted once more before she raised her brows when she saw a woman hiding behind a blonde doctor. She immediately looked at the photo she had on her phone and smirked when she found her target. "You awful witch. You fucking slutty bitch!"

The woman made no hesitation and ran towards Xie Na. Hou Wei Yan was fast enough to notice her intent so she pulled Xie Na behind her and caught the woman's hand that was about to land a slap on her best friend. She tightened her grip and frowned at her behavior. "Do you need something?"

"Let me go! This fucking slut needs a lesson or two!" the woman loudly complained as she tried prying her hands-off Hou Wei Yan's grip. Not wanting any harm to befall Xie Na, she clasped both of the woman's hands and raised her brows at her.

After subduing her, she immediately turned towards Xie Na. "Do you know her?"

"No," she honestly replied while shaking her head. If she had known her beforehand, she would have already retorted back at her claims and shut her up.

"She doesn't know you so do your introductions first. I suppose you learned manners right, considering how lavish you look." Hou Wei Yan muttered as she looked at her from head to toe. She was wearing imported and branded goods so she already guessed that she was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. "Or is this just a fake bravado?"

"I'm Hong Xiaodan! And I'm Zuo An's fiancee!" the woman yelled out taking everyone who knows who Zuo An is in Xie Na's life by surprise. Her outrageous claim made Hou Wei Yan loosen her grip. The woman took this opportunity and placed a distance between herself and the Hercules like a woman who managed to bruise her hands with her grip.

After a while, she pointed her finger at the dumbfounded Xie Na. "The man this slut seduced and pestered while I was away!"

"What?!" Hou Wei Yan angrily asked, now in a state of bewilderment, and raged at the treatment her best friend is receiving.

Xie Na looked at the woman thoroughly before raising her brows in a confused manner. She can't believe what she just heard. "Zuo An?"

"Yes, Zuo An!" Hong Xiaodan retorted, utter rage at her display of innocence evident in her eyes. "Did you already forget him after you moved on to your next target?"

After saying this, she looked at the man who stood near her target. She chuckled sarcastically at him and looked at Xie Na with mockery. She chose a businessman and now she chose a bodyguard? "Your preference for men is surely something. Contrary to your profession, you're a slutty two-timing bitch, aren't you?"

"How dare---"

Hou Wei Yan instantly blocked Xie Na and looked at her with warning making her silent. At this point in time, if she retorts something that comes from her heart, she would only make matters worse. What they need now is to establish their dominance and make the woman go away without ruining their reputation.

"I think Miss Hong should take this argument somewhere else. This is a Hospital and you're disturbing plenty of patients." Hou Wei Yan blurted out as she guided Hong Xiaodan's line of sight toward the patients who looked at her quite angrily. Her voice and the commotion she's making are delaying their appointment with Hou Wei Yan and the other doctors who came out of their office to back them up if Hong Xiaodan decides to take matters into her own hands.

"And who are you?" she asked after she looked at the raging patients. When she noticed how Hou Wei Yan protected Xie Na behind her, she can't help but smirk and mock her as well. "I see. You're the slutty best friend, aren't you? They say birds of the same feather flock together so I suppose you're no better than her. Tell me, whose mistress are you?"

Hong Xiaodan thought she hit the right nail and Hou Wei Yan would lash out at her but contrary to her expectations, Hou Wei Yan remained calm. In fact, the amount of mockery that marked her eyes the moment Hong Xiaodan let out such a remark is immense and it made her antsy. She suddenly felt threatened when Hou Wei Yan flashed her an innocent smile.

"Then I suppose you're surrounded by rude and mannerless people, Miss Hong. That would be quite a spectacle to behold. How many people can you lot offend in a day?"

After figuring out what her words implied, Hong Xiaodan's eyes immediately turned red in anger. "You fucking bitch!"

"You claim you're Mister Zuo An's fiancee. Do you have any proof?" Hou Wei Yan asked the moment Hong Xiaodan lost her composure. She was gaining momentum and she didn't want such an opportunity to slip past her hands.


Hou Wei Yan chuckled at her response before raising her brows at her like a bona fide villainess. She didn't like acting in such a way but if she doesn't bare her fangs from time to time, she won't be able to protect her loved ones or herself. "Don't tell me you came here without proof? For all we know, you could be the mistress creating havoc out of envy?"

"How dare you say such a thing?!" Hong Xiaodan screeched once more before she pointed at Xie Na. "Stop protecting that slut and hand her over to me!"

"And what exactly will you do once I hand her over?" Hou Wei Yan asked as she looked at her seriously.

The seriousness on her face made Hong Xiaodan flinch but she refused to back away because she believed that punishing a slut is a heroic deed on her side. She wants to humiliate Xie Na and destroy her reputation like how she tried to ruin her relationship with Zuo An.

She wants to tarnish her thoroughly…without consideration or an ounce of humanity.

"I'll teach her how to be a civilized woman. For a slut like her, I already planned a proper teaching regime."

When she heard her statement, Hou Wei Yan can't help but chuckle at her absurdity. "Are you perhaps a teacher?"

Hong Xiaodan smiled at her claim. She's a person of great value, an entity people like Xie Na or Wei Yan cannot touch—or so she believes. "I'm the heiress of Hong Enterprise."

"Then you have no right to teach my friend about anything." Hou Wei Yan answered without hesitation. "Besides, how can you teach her about civilization...when you don't even know how to act civilized?"


"This attitude, does it appear civilized to you, Sister Qiu?" Hou Wei Yan asked as she glanced at Qiu Meixiu. She immediately shook her head and retorted an honest 'no' which made Hong Xiaodan red in anger.

"Even my younger siblings could do better than you when it comes to acting civil," she added as she slowly approached the Hong Heiress and made her realize where she is right now. "This is a public area, and you're out here acting like you own this place without consideration for the people who came here before you."

When she noticed how she badly clenched her bad, she immediately knew that she was a few words away from leaving. Her patience is thin and the amount of humiliation a woman like her that's raised far from verbal warfare can take is very small. "People come here for treatment, so may I ask, what sickness you have, Miss Hong?"


"We can accompany you for a CT Scan and direct you to the Psychological Department if you want," she remarked once more, not giving Hong Xiaodan enough time to think of words she could retort. "If you have no sickness at all or not accompanying a patient then please leave this establishment. We'll restrain you if you continue with this bravado."

"I will file a complaint!" Hong Xiaodan yelled out which Hou Wei Yan replied with a smile.

"Then please do so," she replied with a huge smile on her face. "File a complaint, I will entertain you. But until then, please leave and shut your mouth before I sew it up with some stitches. I'm fairly good at stitching things so l can at least give you such treatment."

What Hou Wei Yan said made Hong Xiaodan leave with a frown on her face. She can no longer hold herself up with the humiliation and truth in Hou Wei Yan's words.

What's more, she could sense danger lingering in Hou Wei Yan's eyes something she cannot ignore. She could feel a shiver run down her spine when she looked at the fury hidden behind her innocent smile.

"Fang," Hou Wei Yan called out once Hong Xiaodan was out of sight. Fang Tao immediately drew close to her and listened thoroughly to her orders. "Find out if what she said is true or not."

"Yes," Fang replied without hesitation.

That was his plan before she could even think of it.

Once she got her orders out, she swiftly turned around and faced Xie Na who flinched at her actions. "As for you...call Zuo An. I want to have a word with him."

She could only gulp down her own saliva and nod her head to agree with her decision. Xie Na immediately fumbled to find her phone and once she found it, she turned to Hou Wei Yan who still had an angry look on her face.

"If I find out what she said is true, you won't be able to protect him from me," Hou Wei Yan said with a threat. She of all people hates cheaters. She knows for a fact that Xie Na wouldn't start a relationship with a committed man so she was certain that Zuo An either tricked her or Hong Xiaodan was lying. "You know that, right, Xie Na?"

"I know," she answered without hesitation. Her face doesn't show it but she's also angry at Zuo An and the situation he made her go through. If ever what Hong Xiaodan said is through, she won't stop her best friend from rampaging. In fact, she might just join her in causing havoc in his life. "I trust him."

"You better be right else I will have his head under my feet," she answered in between grated teeth. Zuo An or Hong Xiaodan, one of them will go down once she finds out the truth behind this issue.