
Everyone in Evergreen Estate whispered in amusement when they saw the treatment their esteemed Einstein is receiving. He was now half-naked, his abs and biceps out in the open. His mouth was muffled by a cloth and he was dripped in a sticky substance that the two demons of their organization chose after spinning a bottle.

"Are you done yet?" Ye Zhe asked as he entered the room outside of the oven. He clicked his tongue and crossed his arms before leaning on the wall. He watched his members carefully cover Makio in a substance he cannot remember the name of.

"Almost there!" Fang Tao muttered before throwing the bottle away. He smirked at Makio who was trying his best to escape. With the help of Laurens, they managed to transfer his chair to the middle of the oven. Both of them looked at one another before they closed the door and allowed Laurens to adjust the room temperature. "We're done marinating him so we're cooking him in the oven till he's crispy."

"You're still a merciless wolf." Ye Zhe muttered while shaking his head. He was a man who could be called master in torture but he seldom tries it on their members unlike the two lunatics in front of him who likes to test out their Juniors. "You even played along well with Laurens even though you're the ones who usually roast each other."

"He was getting annoying so we had no choice," he muttered before he glanced at Laurens who was obviously enjoying the noises Makio kept on making.

His friend could only shake his head once more before he approached Laurens and watched with him how Makio tried to escape. The monitoring system in the room was superb so they instantly got absorbed in watching the torture. They were like two kids stuck watching TV.

Fang Tao was about to join in their little theatrical play when his phone suddenly rang. He checked the caller's ID and raised his brows when he saw the name flashing on his screen. "Miss Qiu?"

"Fang Tao speaking," he stated as soon as he accepted the call.

"Fang, can you meet us at Club Elysium?" Qiu Meixiu immediately stated when she heard his voice on the other side of the screen.

Fang Tao looked at Ye Zhe who was now looking at him curiously. He was intently listening to their conversation so he can't help but get anxious at the next thing she will say. "Is something wrong?"

"Zuo An finally replied and wanted to meet there," she replied which made Fang Tao clench his fist. So the bastard decided to show up despite the infidelity that he committed.

"Xie Na insisted that we immediately head there. We're currently on our way," she added which made Fang Tao sigh. They're at it again. Making him worry like it's a job they are proficient with. "I'll try my best to hold both of them back so come here before anything goes wrong."

"Got it!" Fang Tao answered before hanging up the call. As soon as the call ended, he marched towards the oven and opened the door which immediately earned a glare and a protest from his partner in crime.

Laurens walked towards him and tried to stop him from pulling Makio outside. "Hey, he's not cooked yet!"

"We have a little situation," Fang Tao muttered as he seriously looked at Laurens. The mischief in his eyes earlier disappeared when he noticed the anxious aura surrounding Fang. He backed away and allowed him to bring Makio outside. "Makio!"

As soon as he removed the cloth from his mouth, Makio instantly started cursing at him for the unjust treatment he received. "You fucking insane wolf! What did I do---"

"Shut up and move!" Fang Tao threatened while he untied the knot at his back. He seriously looked at Makio and set him free without hesitation. "Madame found trouble again."

Makio stood up the moment he heard this. He walked swiftly towards the main system of the room and contacted his men in his nest. Fang Tao looked around and was about to go outside and approach his own team for backup. "I'll bring some men."

"Take me with you," Laurens stated which made the four of them halt whatever they were doing. They looked at Laurens before they looked at Fang Tao who had a calm look on his face.

"Wha---" Makio protested when he saw Fang Tao nod his head. This crazy wolf! Doesn't he know what bringing Laurens implies?! "Fang, don't think about it!"

"This is an emergency," he grumbled much to Makio's horror.

They are going to have another emergency if he allows Laurens out!


"I'll go with them." Ye Zhe muttered as he got in between the heated staring contest happening between Makio and Fang Tao.

"Ye Zhe!" Makio shouted in disbelief. He then looked at the three men in front of him who were already planning on their course of action. "Are you guys insane?! Your individual skills could kill someone, are you planning a massacre or something?!"

The three of them looked at Makio before Ye Zhe decided to step in and correct what he said. He is not as insane as the two people in front of him. He knows what propriety is and he certainly knows when to act angelic and when to act demonic. "Don't be like that, I know how to conduct myself well."

"Still---" he tried to argue because no matter what angle he looks at, there is bound to be a bloodbath if the three of them walk on the same path. Before he could say anything more, Laurens shoved another piece of cloth in his mouth forcing him to have a muffled voice.

Laurens smirked at him before he patted his shoulder like a chicken owner trying to convince his pet that roasting him won't hurt at all. "I'll cook you well later so be a good chicken and wait."

"I'll take care of them, don't worry." Ye Zhe assured him before he disappeared along with the two.

"You lunatics!" Makio shouted as soon as he got the cloth out of his mouth. He tried chasing the three of them which caused quite a chaotic scene in Evergreen Estate. "Come back here! If you three go out, there would surely be a bloodbath!"

"Fuck!" he exasperated when the three managed to get inside their own cars. He looked at the line of weapons in their arsenal and noticed that some of them were no longer there. He couldn't help but sigh as he hurriedly marched towards his nest where Reizo already awaits him with a worried look on his face.

"What should we do?" he asked as he tried contacting the three of them. They hung up their phone and ignored all their pleas through their earpiece. At this rate, they will reach Club Elysium before they could call Ji Li Zhao to order them to turn around.

"Call the cleanup team. They should prepare their gear because they may need to use all of it for this evening!" Makio ordered as he tried to contact Ji Li Zhao. He was most probably in a family meeting because he didn't reply at all. When this occurred, Makio was forced to do what would be best in ensuring Hou Wei Yan's safety. He allowed the three to watch over their Lady Boss but they need to make countermeasures for the chaos they are about to make. "Assemble our team, we need to monitor all of their movements."

"Yes, Senior!" Reizo and the other Juniors answered as they began working on their respective jobs.

Makio went to his own computer and began dialing the other King of Kings who has sanity intact in their system. He knew they wouldn't be enough to stop the three strongest men in their King of Kings ranking but at least they could knock some senses in them and not cause too much trouble. "We have Asmodeus, Maxim, and Wolf on the loose."

"Requesting for backup!" he stated as though desperately crying for help. He can't handle the trouble about to head his way by himself! So, their presence and expertise are badly needed.


Club Elysium is a prestigious and grand club owned by the Xing Empire. The one who manages it is Xing Zian, the sixth young master of Xing Household. His personality is quite akin to Zemin who handles the Monarch Entertainment company. No matter how cold he acts, he still excels in handling business that's why Club Elysium is always on top when it comes to club rankings.

"Wait, let's just wait for Fang Tao." Qiu Meixiu begged when she saw Hou Wei Yan hanging up her phone and ready to enter the club. She just finished negotiating and asked her elder cousin for a favor to clear up the seats near Zuo An's designated seat in the VIP area.

Xing Zian was quite an overprotective cousin so the men he posted in the club were immediately deployed to watch over Hou Wei Yan and her friends. He even wanted to personally escort her inside because it's been a while since he saw her taking interest in their clubs but Hou Wei Yan's vehement plea not to do such a thing forced him to sit back and trust his men to protect her in his stead.

"But---" Xie Na tried to argue but Qiu Meixiu was fast enough to shake her head. She pulled her close to her when she saw Hou Wei Yan busy talking to the guards her elder cousin sent.

"We don't know what will happen in there Xie Na. I don't want you two to be placed in danger," she whispered in a pleading manner. She has a gut feeling that something will happen inside if they don't bring Fang Tao. She was raised to trust her instincts so she was set on waiting for Fang Tao. No matter how many men Xing Zian sends, she won't enter without Fang Tao, or else Ji Li Zhao will chop them off if something goes wrong. "Besides, if Wei Wei ever loses control, wouldn't it be better to have more men to stop her?"

Xie Na glanced at her best friend who was now walking towards them with almost 12 heavyweight bodyguards tolling behind her. She sighed and nodded her head toward Qiu Meixiu.

Not a moment too soon, three cars parked in front of them, and the one who came out first was a familiar dark blondish man. "Fang!"

Fang Tao immediately strode towards them followed by two other lunatics in Palisades. Hou Wei Yan curiously looked at the big-built man who was coldly walking beside Ye Zhe. "Ye Zhe...and?"

"Nice to finally meet you, Madame," Laurens said as soon as he arrived in front of her. "My name is Laurens."

"Oh, Laurens," she muttered upon remembering where she heard of his name. The last time she asked about the garden being empty Fang Tao suggested that they made a man run around it and the one who was about to choose was named Laurens. After that, Gu Man suggested the same thing so she was always curious why they would repeatedly suggest his name for some crazy and vigorous stuff she unintentionally blurts out.

Now she could slightly understand why they would suggest him. He had a huge build and from the vigor drawn in his face, he has plenty of stamina. With the entourage finally completed, they walked inside Club Elysium and proceeded to the third floor where the VIP area is situated.

As soon as the elevator opened up, they were bombarded by the chattering noise of both laughter and music. The VIP Area isn't as chaotic as the ground floor and the second floor where the party and club activities usually happen. They have huge sunken seats able to fill about 15 people and each of them has its own numbers in it. Zuo An was seated in Royale Six and the seats beside it were empty because of Xing Zian's arrangements.

"Zuo An," Xie Na softly mumbled when she laid her eyes on him. All of them looked at Zuo An as well before they turned to Xie Na. He was attractive as the portraits she saw a couple of times…but the mischief dancing in his eyes made Hou Wei Yan place plenty of doubts about his character.

She slightly clenched her fist before she urged Xie Na to start the interrogation and get everything done without delay. "Let's go!"

"No. Wait!" Xie Na protested as she clung to Hou Wei Yan's arms in order to stop her from making a move on her boyfriend. "I'll talk to him first."

"No. Can't do." Hou Wei Yan immediately answered alongside Fang Tao and Qiu Meixiu's nod. Zuo An is obviously a dangerous person so allowing her to talk to him alone would mean feeding Xie Na to a lion.

"Please?" she begged before she glanced at Zuo An who was already aware of their presence and looking at their little commotion intently. "You can sit near us. I want to tell him about my pregnancy alone or he will feel threatened."

Hou Wei Yan deliberated for a while but because she wanted to respect Xie Na's decision, she eventually gave up in the end. "Fine!"

Qiu Meixiu and Fang Tao were about to protest but before they could even blurt out a word, Xie Na was already fast enough to escape. She nervously strode towards Zuo An while Hou Wei Yan and her team marched towards the seat beside theirs.

"Zuo An," she called out as soon as she arrived in front of him. She took hold of her trembling hands and hid them behind her before she took a seat in front of Zuo An. The reunion she was expecting was romantic and joyous and perfect enough for her to confess her pregnancy. But the detachment in Zuo An's eyes made her feel antsy and terrified. He never looked at her that way before. He was looking at her with disinterest contrary to the lovesick eyes he showed her when they first meet and still going out on frequent dates.

"Why didn't you answer my calls? Or my texts?"

"I had no time." Zuo An nonchalantly answered as he took a sip of his whiskey. He twirled the glass around before he looked back at her and looked at her like she was the most burdensome person in his life.

Xie Na felt her heart clench at what he was showing her. She can't help but feel like a fool. Did he change because he already had sex with her? Is this what it's all about?

Because he already got what he wanted, he wants to throw her out now and act like strangers.

"Then...Hong Xiaodan," she began as she bit her lower lip and clenched her fist in annoyance. She fell for his tricks like an amateur in love! "Is she really your fiancee?"

Zuo An's eyes quivered at the mention of Hong Xiaodan. He momentarily stopped drinking before he returned to his cold demeanor. "So, you already met Xiaodan? What did you say to her? You didn't hurt her, did you?"

"Wait so it's really true?" Xie Na tried to confirm once more, now pitifully angry at herself for the hopeless romance she had with the jerk named Zuo An.

"Yes," he answered without hesitation or any form of consideration for her feelings. "She's my fiance."

"Zuo An!" she called out while grating her teeth in utter anger. She wants to lash at him for the lies he told her but she didn't want to create a huge mess and implicate those who accompanied her. She suppressed her anger and when she did, she felt the bitter taste of betrayal, and the resentment that immediately followed it ate the rationality she had. She wasn't supposed to question why she was betrayed…and yet she did.

"Why? You said you love me, that I was your only woman. You told me you will marry me!"

Zuo An looked at her seriously for a few seconds but in split second, he smirked at her and was even chuckling at her miserable state. "And you believed that?"

"What?!" she angrily blurted out when she heard his shameless words. She thought that he would at least apologize for the torment he did to her and yet he didn't and even showed her the disgusting smirk he always does when he finds something foolish.

"Doctor Xie, I'm a man and I have my needs. You were convenient when Xiaodan was away so I entertained you. But now that she's back, there's no need for me to look at another woman." he blurted out taking Xie Na by surprise. She clenched her fist and listened to his shameless and disgusting blabber.

"Besides, what fortunate do you possess? Your pay as a doctor isn't enough to bring my company to glory. As a businessman, I would rather invest in a powerful family than a nameless wench like you,"

So, it was about money after all. All this time, he was a materialistic jerk and she was ignorant enough not to notice it.

She sighed before she coldly looked at him. She doesn't want to involve herself with him anymore but for the child in her stomach, she wants to test him out a few times more. "Tell me you're lying. This is just a joke, right?"

Zuo An immediately shook his head and smirked at her. At this point, he had lost interest in Xie Na and thus had no intention of sugarcoating his words. Whenever he sugarcoats his words in a situation like this, most girls would continue clinging to him and he doesn't want that this time. "No."

"I'm pregnant," Xie Na said without hesitation or any hint of dishonesty. She looked at him straight in the eye and patiently waited for his reaction.

Zuo An's face went pale and his eyes budged big when he heard this. "You're what?!"

"I said I'm pregnant."

It took him a few seconds to process this information before he looked at her straight in the eye with mockery dancing in his eyes. They indeed didn't use any form of protection at that time, but he heard Xie Na is quite a playgirl so the chances of him being the father of the child are not a hundred percent sure.

"Are you sure I'm the father?" he asked with a smirk on his face before he drank his whiskey once more as though what she said is none of his business.

"What are you implying?" Xie Na asked, annoyed by his tone and his choice of words. He was obviously ecstatic at that time because he saw that she was a virgin and yet here he is now claiming that she probably slept with other men.

Zuo An shook his head at her question before he looked around. The moment his eyes landed on the man he saw in the recent photo sent to him by his men, he can't help but smirk even more. He was finding a decent excuse to break up with her so he asked his men to pinpoint a man who is closely associated with her. "I heard you had another man while I was away. He was a guard, isn't he?"

"What the fuck are you talking about? You're the only man I've slept with, Zuo An! You know that!" she remarked with annoyance on her face. [ This filthy creature! How dare he! ]

"I'm not sure, Xie Na." he blurted out before he looked at Fang Tao once more. The Wolf that was situated beside Hou Wei Yan and carefully listening to their conversation and observing his actions can't help but display irritation and rage on his face.

He wished he was the Father plenty of times. He should even be grateful that Xie Na chose him in the end!

"He stays with you 24/7 doesn't he? He made more contacts with you than I do so how can I be sure that nothing happened between you two?" he added much to everyone's annoyance. He certainly has a filthy and disgusting mind.

"That's not true at all." she calmly stated before sighing. This jerk is going to get a good beating if he blabbers more nonsense and implicates Fang Tao. "He's my best friend's guard. He stays with her 24/7, not with me."

"I don't really feel assured, Xie Na." Zuo An remarked once more making Xie Na grimace. She had enough of listening to his nonsense. She wants to finish this and go home. "You're quite good in the form of seduction so perhaps you played your cards against him as well. Tell me, was he better than me?"

"You...are you saying this because you don't want to take responsibility?" she finally asked. If he doesn't want to take responsibility then she will cut off any form of contact and connection she has with him. There is no reason to keep a jerk like him near her child.

Zuo An looked at her intently before forcing a serious question into their conversation. "Am I really the father?"


"Then abort it." he blurted out without shame. Everyone who was listening can't help but feel slightly surprised by what he said. His tone implies that he doesn't want the child at all costs and he wouldn't mind if it disappears right then and there. He didn't even hesitate to say such words when most people would.

Xie Na blinked a couple of times. "What?"

"Abort it." Zuo An muttered with seriousness in his face and voice. "I'm not ready to be a father yet, and I absolutely can't have a child with you. Hong Xiaodan is my fiancée and we will get married three months from now. I don't want a bastard to come knocking on my door asking for a piece of my wealth."

"A bastard?" Xie Na asked before she slightly laughed. Her child doesn't need his support to live. She's certain that she won't ask for his help when it comes to financial needs. Her payment as a Doctor is decent but she doesn't only rely on that. Unbeknownst to many, she has a business of her own given by her father and she secretly handles it. "So, you're not going to take responsibility?"

"Can't you understand?!" he snapped at her making Xie Na smile. With what he said, her decision is finalized. She doesn't want anything to do with Zuo An anymore and she will raise the child alone.

"I understand," she muttered before going through her contacts and deleting his number and the conversations they had. After doing this, she looked him straight in the eyes. "But I will not abort this child. He may be a nuisance to you but he is still my flesh and blood. Aborting this child will only stain my hands and I don't want that. Murder is not my thing."

He raised his brows at what she said before he clicked his tongue. "You will abort it!"

"You don't have a say in this anymore, Zuo An!" Xie Na said as she grabbed hold of her bag and showed disgust in her eyes. Did she really love this man? If she was to choose again, she would rather choose Fang Tao who appears cold but is warm inside. "I won't chase you anymore for responsibility and I won't let anyone know that you're the father...I would be too ashamed if they learn you're the father of my child."

"You wench!" he muttered as soon as he saw Xie Na standing up. She was about to leave when Zuo An pulled her back. "You will abort it!"

"No!" she insisted as she pulled her arms away from him.

When she managed to escape his clutches, Zuo An took out his phone and showed her a video—of the two of them making out together. It was taken during the night she lost her virginity to him and her face was clearly shown. His figure was vague but hers was certainly in high definition. "You---"

"Abort it or the whole world will learn how promiscuous you are...Doctor Xie." Zuo An threatened as he continued showing her the things that they did that night. "A sex scandal like this won't ruin me, but it will surely ruin you. You're a doctor and you have an image as a good and clean person you need to protect. If this gets released it will be the end of you!"

She clenched her fist in anger. She told Hou Wei Yan that she was trying to affirm her feelings for Zuo An that's why the child is conceived — but the truth is more painful than that. It can be seen in the video how delirious she was and how the angle perfectly captured her. She masked the truth with her delusion that Zuo An did that out of love…but now she's certain that he was raped by the bastard. He planned all of it and he executed it when she was about to break up with him!

Xie Na snatched the phone from him and immediately deleted the video but her actions made Zuo An laugh. "Did you really think that's my only copy? Are you stupid, Xie Na?"

"Zuo An!" she snarled at him. What happened that night could send him to prison if she decides to place charges on him. But if she does, her child will know that she was conceived after she was raped. She doesn't want her child to suffer the mockery of people. "Why are you doing this?! I already told you that I won't go after you or your wealth!"

"When you find yourself in trouble, I'm sure that you would come crawling towards me and will use the child as leverage," he said as he tightly held her hands. "I'm not stupid, Doctor Xie. I know your kind very well. No matter what you do, that child cannot be born. He will taint my royal blood!"

"Royal blood?" Xie Na asked in confusion. She felt like laughing and mocking him because of what he said. She never told him the truth about her identity but isn't he underestimating her too much? Calling himself royalty when his family just got kicked out of the Ducal Houses Social Ranking is the greatest joke he could blurt out.

"Of course, a middle-class person like you can't understand that." he mocked before he glared hard at her. "Abort it or I will upload the sex video for the whole world to see!"

Hou Wei Yan who was silently observing them laughed when she heard what he just said. She doesn't like using her status and she certainly hates it when others use theirs. What's so good about their status anyway? If they're this degenerate, their status cannot help them look more humane.

"Royal blood? Middle class?" she repeated before she drank her wine. She looked at Zuo An's hands that were tightly clenching Xie Na's hands. "This fucking bastard sure knows how to bluff. I almost believed his lies."

Without warning, Hou Wei Yan stood up and began clenching her fist. "Mada---"

Fang Tao tried stopping her but she looked back at him and glared at him. The look in her eyes was burning and he was sure that she doesn't see any friend or foe in such a state. "Stay out of this or I will skewer your head alongside his."

"..." everyone was left speechless at what she said.

What the heck did she just say?!