Doctor Zhou Enters Yi Lan

Thanks to Shin's speedy driving, Hou Wei Yan arrived in Yi Lan in no time. As soon as she arrived inside, her gaze was immediately drawn to the beautiful brunette waiting by the large window pane. "Sister Qiu!"

"Wei Wei!" she called out without delay and approached them without haste.

Hou Wei Yan looked around and saw the staff's excited and endearing gazes which made her quite uneasy. Did she still arrive late even though Shin did his best? "Are they already here?"

"Some already arrived. They're getting a briefing at the conference room with Master Han." Qiu Meixiu calmly explained when she saw the nervousness marked in her eyes. She can't help but chuckle at her punctual attitude and her cute side when she can't uphold it. "He was asking for you earlier that's why I waited down here."

"I'm really sorry for coming late, Sister Qiu." Hou Wei Yan gently said making Qiu Meixiu smile even more. Slowly, she patted her back to assure her that her tardiness did no harm at all and her excuse is quite acceptable.

After doing so, Qiu Meixiu looked ahead and guided Hou Wei Yan's gaze as well. "It's okay. Let's go?"

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head and obediently followed behind her. She was sternly walking down the hall and was now thinking of the things she will do after Master Han introduces her and the new employees. Before her thoughts could delve deeper, her phone vibrated and the caller's ID surprised her a little bit.

He was supposed to be in school already so calling her at such an hour made her quite perplexed. Nonetheless, she answered the call and was immediately bombarded by his loud and exciting call. "Big Sister! You're free this Saturday, aren't you? Let's eat lunch together. You only have half a day of work, right?"

Hearing his cheerful voice made Hou Wei Yan's day bright. She can't help but chuckle at his cuteness. He wanted to meet her so badly even though it's only been a few weeks since they last met. "How did you know? Did you hack on my computer again?"

"Mama did," he replied defensively making Hou Wei Yan chuckle even more. She doubts Cao Xiaolian has enough time to pry on her schedule. She has the capability but rather than investing her precious time in her, Cao Xiaolian would most probably use it to stabilize her rising company.

"Then I guess it can't be helped. Big Sister will have lunch with you," she answered. She was planning on taking a long rest that day with Xie Na but it's been a long time since she spent time with Cao Yingjie so having lunch wouldn't be a problem at all. She was even thinking of inviting her baby siblings after she was done with work.

By now, Cao Yingjie has a huge smile on his face as he got out of his Uncle's car. Rai carefully followed behind him carrying his bag and watched as his nephew chuckled here and there. "Thank you Big Sister."

Hou Wei Yan grinned when she heard this. After receiving his thanks and confirming their date, she hung up the phone and looked ahead of her. As soon as she did so, the door of the conference room opened up and she ended up colliding with the broad shoulders of the man who got out. "Oh, I'm so---"

"Wei Wei?" the man suddenly called out while she was bowing down in apology. As soon as she heard his familiar tone, she looked up, and surprise immediately flashed her face.

"Jinjin?" she retorted back as she straightened herself. They met at the bar yesterday and here he is now, wearing Yi Lan's coat. Is he one of the new foreign recruits?! "What---"

Han Yu Shou has quite a strong sense of intuition. When he saw Zhou Jinhai getting up from his seat to get some coffee, he immediately followed behind him, afraid that he would bump into Hou Wei Yan. Qiu Meixiu just texted that they are already near so his instincts immediately kicked up…and he was right to trust it.

"Little Sister, you're late!" he grumbled and showed himself to her. He slightly brushed off Zhou Jinhai and acted angrily toward Hou Wei Yan.

"Yu Shou?" she called out, quite baffled by his display of attitude. She slightly raised her brows at him but when his frown didn't subside, she decided to apologize because she was indeed late and in the wrong. "I'm sorry. There was a bit of delay in the mansion."

"It's okay." Han Yu Shou mumbled before pouncing at her with a huge smile on his face. He clung to her and tightly held her arms like a child afraid that his favorite sister is getting taken away. "Let's go inside."

Hou Wei Yan knew he was weird but she was now concerned because he was weirder today. Instead of asking Zhou Jinhai more, she ended up focusing all of her attention on Han Yu Shou who refuses to separate himself from her. "What's wrong with you today?"

"Nothing," he nonchalantly answered before looking at Zhou Jinhai who was still in a daze. He was unable to digest what was currently happening so he stood there petrified. Han Yu Shou's glare only worsened the confusion in his system.

"Doctor Zhou should get inside as well. Also, try opening the door without bumping into someone. You're making it hard for me to live."

Zhou Jinhai looked at Han Yu Shou in confusion upon hearing his words. There was an obvious threat in his words and what he said barely made sense to him. He can't remember a time when he offended Han Yu Shou so he was completely blind. "What?"

Han Yu Shou clicked his tongue before pulling Hou Wei Yan with him. "Get inside."

"Wai---" she squeaked but was unable to do anything more because Han Yu Shou already pulled her inside. She tried looking back at Zhou Jinhai who was left standing outside the door but even that wasn't possible because Fang Tao blocked her view with a calm and terrifying look on his face. Confused, she turned towards Han Yu Shou who was obviously pouting. "What's wrong with you? That wasn't Jinjin's fault."

"Don't talk to him." he instantly replied making Hou Wei Yan even more confused. [ Why the hell is he this angry at Jinjin?! ]


Han Yu Shou only looked at her seriously before letting go of her arm when they arrived at the podium. Everyone looked at their group as soon as they walked out of the shadows. Their eyes were drawn at their ethereal appearance and they can't take their eyes off their Yi Lan Hospital coat.

A smile immediately adorned Han Tengfei's earlier stoic face when he saw Hou Wei Yan's group. "Let me introduce to you, two of the leading doctors of Yi Lan Hospital. Han Yu Shou of the Surgery Department and Doctor Hou Wei Yan of the Cardiology Department. You'll often see them in the Emergency Room as support."

As soon as their name got called out, Han Yu Shou and Hou Wei Yan stepped to the podium and took a polite bow toward their new recruits. Everyone clapped at their importance but when it died down, Hou Wei Yan immediately felt their weird gazes directed at her. Han Tengfei who also noticed this pointed at one of the most proactive new recruits who had enough guts to blurt out their question.

"Uhmm, may we ask how old they are? Doctor Hou seems...too young."

Han Yu Shou immediately pointed at himself when he noticed their attention was specifically directed at Hou Wei Yan who has an angelic smile on her face. "I'm 31 and she's 28."

"28?!" most of them shouted out in surprise. It takes a lot of years to complete Medicine and yet she's only 28 years old and already an important figure in Yi Lan Hospital. All of them are even older than her!

Their confused and slightly prejudiced gazes irked Han Yu Shou. Not liking what their gazes implied, he took a step forward and flashed them a dangerous smile. "You'll be introduced to the other Doctors and Staff in Yi Lan after this. I hope you're all prepared by then."

Everyone looked at one another before they gulped down in synch. As soon as he was finished, he led Hou Wei Yan toward the side where Fang Tao and Qiu Meixiu awaits them. When they walked past Han Tengfei, they immediately bowed down to show respect before walking away.

"I can't believe this, she's only 28, and yet she's already a leading doctor here?" one of the new recruits whispered to his friend who also got in.

His friend stared at Hou Wei Yan who was already chuckling with Qiu Meixiu with regard to Han Yu Shou's joke. He carefully checked her out and noticed the one-of-a-kind watch she was wearing. A smirk immediately donned his face before he looked back at his friend and gave him an 'okay' sign which also implied…money.

"I see," the former doctor said while nodding his head in understanding.

Because they were whispering quite lowly, they never thought that someone would hear them. Zhou Jinhai who was sitting behind them suddenly drew closer and slung his arms on their shoulders which took both of them by surprise. "Don't judge her by her age. If you see her in the operating room, you'll be beyond shock when you see her capabilities."

The two looked at one another before they looked at him in confusion. "You know her?"

"I'm surprised that you don't." Zhou Jinhai replied before slowly leaning back on his seat and placing both of his hands behind his head like a full-fledged thug. He slowly smirked and looked at the two who were still weirdly gazing at him. "Anyway, be careful of what you say. You're bound to get in trouble if you keep on blabbering like that"

As soon as Zhou Jinhai turned his attention back to Han Tengfei, the two looked at one another. "What's his problem?"

"He's right though," someone said from in front of them making them raise their brows. The brunette who was silently hiding amongst the crowd suddenly looked back at the two gossipy doctors. His sapphire eyes glistened with mischief. "You just got here so you better behave. She advanced by leaps and bounds."

The two doctors looked at him weirdly as well but the man answered them with a smile. He slowly stood up revealing the plate on his coat bearing his name 'Ishmael Ashraf'. He looked at the two of them before waving his hands at his team members who were already assembled with Hou Wei Yan and Han Tengfei. "Let's introduce you to the others."


Today was a tiring day for Hou Wei Yan that's why she's currently staying in the park of their hospital waiting for Qiu Meixiu who went to buy her a drink. She was casually longing while looking at the children and analyzing Han Yu Shou's odd behavior.

She was supposed to help with the introduction of the new recruits and their policies in Yi Lan but she ended up doing nothing because Han Yu Shou relentlessly butted in and took her work. Obviously, she's pissed and even cornered him earlier to make him stop but he refused to back down which ended up with her standing on the sideline with a frown on her face.

"Wei Wei!" someone suddenly called out which halted her train of thought. She looked ahead of her and saw Zhou Jinhai a few centimeters from her. She smiled his way which was immediately returned with his smile.

"Oh, Jinjin. How's your first day?"

Zhou Jinhai walked towards her but he was cautious and his eyes were obviously darting at Fang Tao from time to time. He was wary and Hou Wei Yan instantly noticed it. She looked at Fang Tao who was standing behind her. What she expected was a glare from him, but instead, Fang Tao flashed her a slight smile which made her even more suspicious. Now she gets it…Fang Tao and Han Yu Shou are obviously in cahoots with one another in keeping Zhou Jinhai away from her.

With this in mind, she can't help but sigh before she looked Zhou Jinhai directly in the eye and gave him a reassuring smile. Zhou Jinhai immediately found this as an opportunity to speak up about his thoughts and ask about her relationship with Han Yu Shou. "It was fine. I was quite surprised though. Yi Lan is bigger than---"

"Little Sister!!!" a loud and annoying shout erupted from the entrance of the hospital connecting the park. Both of them flinched when they heard his boisterous and unrestrained shout and they suddenly felt a shiver run down their spines when he arrived in front of them. Han Yu Shou immediately clung to her arms. "Let's eat lunch together!"

"Yu Shou," Hou Wei Yan called out worriedly. [ Seriously, is he sick or something?! ]

"I told you already. I have my own lunch. I don't need to go to the Cafeteria especially when Xie Na isn't with me."

Han Yu Shou immediately pouted when he heard her rejection. He needs to keep her away from Zhou Jinhai at all costs or he will lose his life as payment for his lousy mistake. "Please?"

"No!" Wei Yan replied sternly. A few seconds after her rejection, Qiu Meixiu arrived with a bottle of water in her hands. She instantly accepted and gulped it down because she was stressed out with this current situation.

"Pretty please?"

Quite pissed, she turned towards Han Yu Shou and glared at him. "I said no!"

"Wei Wei. Please?~" Han Yu Shou kindly said making Hou Wei Yan flinch. She tried to look away but Han Yu Shou stood up and followed her line of sight. He blocked her view with his pleading look which eventually crumbled Hou Wei Yan's defenses.

Although troubled by his sudden display of quirkiness, Hou Wei Yan admitted defeat and sighed. She looked at him with dread before mumbling the words he wanted. "Urgh, fine!"

As soon as he heard her reply, Han Yu Shou immediately danced victoriously. His happiness was maxed out but his mood died down instantly when he heard Zhou Jinhai's voice. "May I join?"

"No," he answered sternly and dangerously. He glared at Zhou Jinhai which made Hou Wei Yan raise her brows.

Slowly, she stood up and patted his back before she called him out on his obviously rude behavior. He does have a brazen attitude but he never openly mocked or acted rudely in front of someone he just met, unless he bears grudges with that person. But considering the timeline of their meeting, such a thing isn't possible because Zhou Jinhai just returned to the country. "Hey, Yu Shou."

Bothered by her tone, Han Yu Shou turned towards Hou Wei Yan and gave her a dejected look which instantly melted her defenses. "You rarely listen to my request. Don't let him ruin it!"

She had a lot on her mind and she was in fact, ready to scold him and allow Zhou Jinhai to join them but the look in his eye made her forgo all her reasoning. Slowly, she turned towards him who was like a lost puppy waiting for her reply. She sighed and patted his shoulders. "Jinjin, I'm sorry. Maybe next time?"

"It's okay. Enjoy your lunch," he replied with a smile on his face. While Hou Wei Yan's gaze was fixed on him, Han Yu Shou was giving him a glare warning him to leave before things get nasty between them. He wanted to catch up with Hou Wei Yan but with such ferocious beasts guarding her, he can only back away to avoid a full-out war.

Though a little bit conflicted and bothered by the thought f leaving Jinhai on his first day at work, Hou Wei Yan decided to wave her hands and walk away with Han Yu Shou to deal with him and correct his obviously twisted attitude as of late. "Seriously, what's wrong with you? He was trying to talk to me but you keep on butting in. Did he offend you or something?"

"I'm jealous." Han Yu Shou muttered without hesitation which instantly made Hou Wei Yan halt.

[ Wait…what?! He's jealous of Jinhai?! ]

"Jealous? What's there to be jealous of?"

Han Yu Shou looked her directly in the eye before flashing her a pout which nearly made Hou Wei Yan faint and Fang Tao smack him in annoyance. He was handsome but acting this cute doesn't suit him at all especially when they know just how much mischief he did in this life. "You call him by his nickname but I'm still Yu Shou?"

Hou Wei Yan raised her brows at him. Didn't she already clarify this issue?! She repeatedly told him her reason for not addressing him with any endearment…did he not listen to it at all?! "Because calling you big brother doesn't feel right at all."

"Xiao Keai," he suddenly muttered making the trio who were silently formulating plans to ditch Han Yu Shou halt. They looked at one another in confusion before Hou Wei Yan mustered enough courage to ask him once more.

Perhaps they're only hearing things…or so they thought.


"You can call me Xiao Keai. My mother calls me that." Han Yu Shou repeated with confidence which made Hou Wei Yan facepalm. Han Yixue is indeed a fool for her son. To think she would set his nickname as 'Little Cutie'.

After a few seconds of silence, she turned to Han Yu Shou with a stoic look on her face. "Calling you little cutie is weirder than calling you Big Brother."

Left with no choice, Han Yu Shou looked at Qiu Meixiu who was still in the process of accepting his mismatched nickname. "Sister Qiu, why don't you suggest a nickname for me"

"Xiao Yu?" she blurted out without much thought.

"He's not little though," Hou Wei Yan commented as she sized him up. Han Yu Shou was tall, in fact, he appears to be a foot taller than Fang Tao so calling him little is unsuitable as well. "What about you, Fang?"

Fang Tao who didn't think he would be called out seriously turned toward Han Yu Shou and looked at him from head to toe. He was attractive but setting his nickname to something cool will only bloat his ego. He wouldn't want that because having an egotistic Han Yu Shou sounds even more troublesome.

When he placed more thought into it, he suddenly remembered Laurens and the rest of his members bad-mouthing Han Yu Shou when he was not around. "Bendan,"

"Moron?" Hou Wei Yan asked while chuckling. She held back her laughter and looked at Fang once more for confirmation of his suggestion. Such a nickname is indeed suitable for this psycho.

Fang nodded his head as he whipped his gaze to the side. "We call him that behind his back."

"That sounds---"

Han Yu Shou's guts tell him that what will come out of Hou Wei Yan's mouth will forever be engraved so before she could finish whatever she was trying to say, he beat her to it and condemned himself first. "Just call me Yu Shou!"

His sudden outburst made the trio laugh. Han Yu Shou joined in their little fun but he momentarily stopped when his eyes met Zhou Jinhai's who was still standing at the stop they left him. He was staring at them…staring intently like a hawk watching its prey.

Bothered, he can't help but think of his advances and the trouble they will cause him if this continues. [ Why does he keep appearing near Wei Wei? His approaches are going to get me killed! ]

"Yu Shou, hurry up!" Hou Wei Yan called out when she saw Han Yu Shou dawdling behind them. Her words instantly returned him to reality and not a moment too soon, Han Yu Shou was annoying the group once more.


Han Yu Shou initially thought that Zhou Jinhai would back down after receiving cold treatment from him and Fang Tao, but the little pest continues to linger without care. He tried approaching Hou Wei Yan several times and now he's exhausted from blocking him and doing his work as a Doctor at the same time.

Now depleted of energy, he mustered the courage to walk his way to his father's office and make sure that his future is secured. "Dad!"

"What are you doing here? Did you do something wrong again so you personally came to receive your punishment?" Han Tengfei greeted him without sparing him a glance. He had enough problems on his plate and his son's continuous mischief is only adding to it. "That's nice."

"Come on, Dad. Stop being childish!" Han Yu Shou muttered when he heard Han Tengfei's response. He does have a dog and cat relationship with his father but at a time like this, he needs him to hear him out. He believes that the only one who has enough power to hold back Zhou Jinhai is him.

His son's words instantly made Han Tengfei halt whatever he was working on. He peeled off his gaze at the paper in his hands and looked at his son in disbelief. "Fancy hearing that from you."

"I need a favor."

Ah…he already expected this but it's still too much for him. His son only approaches him when he needs something and doesn't even pay him a visit when he needs an apology for his mischief. This relationship is giving him headaches. "What do you want?"

Having given time to be heard made Han Yu Shou ecstatic. This caused him to spill out his intentions without hesitation. "Can you assign surgeries to Zhou Jinhai that coincides with Wei Wei's? Make sure they won't operate on a patient together?"

"And why would I do that?" Han Tengfei asked in confusion. He remembers so well the names his son chose as his representative so he knows Zhou Jinhai is one of those. Why would he target someone especially when they just started working in Yi Lan Hospital?

"To keep me alive."


"Can you do that?"

Han Tengfei could only sigh when he saw Han Yu Shou desperately asking him for a favor. "Look, that is not within my control. Hou Wei Yan was asked to help in the Emergency Department with her team when she doesn't have any prescheduled surgeries. Zhou Jinhai is an emergency doctor so they will eventually meet there."

"Can't you transfer Zhou Jinhai to another department or not assign Wei Wei to help in the ER?"

"Han Yu Shou, have you really gone insane?!" Han Tengfei said out loud, his voice now quite angry at his sudden request. [ Did he not consider how helpful the two are in the ER and how many people they managed to save by staying there? ]

"You know we always prioritized our patients. Wei Wei working there is a big help and Zhou Jinhai was specifically chosen because he's a swift and good emergency doctor!"

When he heard his father's outburst, Han Yu Shou immediately sulked and took a seat where his father could see him. A sigh escaped from Han Tengfei when he saw his son obviously sulking. "Seriously what's wrong with you? Doctor Zhou is your representative and yet you're already chewing on him. Did he do something wrong that warrants this unfair treatment?"

"He's Wei Wei's ex," Han Yu Shou muttered which instantly struck his father like a bolt of lightning.

Baffled and enraged, Han Tengfei stood up from his seat and glared at his son. "What?!"

"That Zhou Jinhai is her ex!" Han Yu Shou repeated without much thought even though Zhou Jinhai was hardly a love rival at all.

"And you chose him as your representative?!" Han Tengfei asked in utter disbelief. Han Yu Shou is his son but isn't this much of an idiotic move? Ji Li Zhao is walking on eggshells and is still in the process of stabilizing his relationship with Wei Yan. If a past lover appears, wouldn't that ruin everything?

"It was a mistake! I just pulled a random paper and submitted it as my final candidate!" he defended but to no avail.

Han Tengfei face-palmed before his knees gave out, forcing him to sit back in his seat and continue roasting his son with his glare. "You moron!"

He already heard the phrase a couple of times and he usually fights back when someone calls him that, but right now he doesn't have any right to rebuke because he himself admits that his actions are quite idiotic. He blamed himself for this mess but more than ever, he blames Zhou Jinhai who relentlessly pursued Hou Wei Yan despite all the efforts he made to separate them both.

"I never expected that such a coincidence exists. Why did it have to be Zhou Jinhai that bastard? Because of him, I can't have a bit of a break. He keeps on approaching Wei Wei and each time he does, my chances of living become smaller and smaller!"

"Xiao Zhao threatened you?" Han Tengfei asked. For him to suddenly try to correct his mistake, Ji Li Zhao must have used something and forced him to do it. When he received a nod from his son, he immediately sighed a breath of relief. "That's good."


Han Tengfei glared at him once more to shut him up. "If he didn't, I would be the one to do it! I would even threaten you in the worse possible way!"

His father's threat immediately made Han Yu Shou silent. He came here for help and yet he ended up receiving a threat from his father. Things are surely not going along his plans. "Anyway, do what Xiao Zhao asked you to do, and stop bothering me!"

"Their surgeries?" he asked once more when he heard his words which were an obvious sign of dismissal. He was asking Han Yu Shou to leave already but his request remains unanswered.

"What you're worrying about is not even possible. Look, Wei Wei always has either Ashraf or Xie Na as her assistant in the surgery. The day when she would need Zhou Jinhai as an assistant in surgery probably won't ever come." Han Tengfei muttered after he checked Hou Wei Yan's prescheduled surgeries.

Han Yu Shou was unsure of this conclusion. Zhou Jinhai doesn't look like the type who easily gives up so he was worried that he will do something if he allows them to be together in the ER. "Are you sure about that?"

"Positive." his father replied with confidence. When he received no reply from Han Yu Shou, he immediately waved his hands and shooed him away. "Now leave my room before I get another headache because of you."

Left with no choice, Han Yu Shou exited his father's office and returned to his post in the ER. His heart was now slightly at ease because he trusted his father's word. However, as though the heavens are playing a trick on him, his peaceful heart soon palpitated when he saw Hou Wei Yan pushing a patient toward the surgery room with Zhou Jinhai. "Wei Wei? You're with Zhou Jinhai?!"

"It's an emergency, get out of the way!" Hou Wei Yan muttered as she continued pushing alongside the others.


Annoyed by his actions, Hou Wei Yan glared at him which instantly made Han Yu Shou flinch. She takes her job really seriously so he knew he stepped the line. "Move it, Yu Shou!"

"Where's Ashraf?" he asked as he helped push the bed when the nurse left to do as Hou Wei Yan instructed. Although bothered by his presence and his words earlier, she decided to answer him but her words are too short to make Han Yu Shou's heart at ease once more.

"Sick," she replied upon remembering Ashraf's ashen face when he collapsed earlier. He ended up getting hospitalized because the fatigue in his body built up and ended up exhausting him too much.

Han Yu Shou nearly facepalmed when he heard this. His father told him that this scenario isn't possible because Hou Wei Yan always has Ashraf by his side. They didn't take into consideration that he often gets sick when he overexerts himself. Later, he should ask someone to lessen Ashraf's burden so he won't leave Hou Wei Yan's side anymore.

"And Xie Na?"


His eyes nearly popped out of their socket when he heard this. [ Isn't this too much of a coincidence? Why would two of the most important figures in keeping me alive suddenly disappear because of a sickness?! ]

"What in the wor---"

"Hey, move it already!"

As they arrived at the surgery room, Han Yu Shou finally released his grip and moved away. Hou Wei Yan and Zhou Jinhai entered the operating room together which made him sigh and ruffle his own hair in annoyance. [ Since they're in the operating room, Zhou Jinhai doesn't have enough time to converse with Hou Wei Yan on personal matters, right? ]

"I shouldn't have believed my father. Now what am I supposed to do?" he muttered after he repeatedly questioned and tried to convince himself that Jinhai can't do anything inside the operating room aside from aiding Hou Wei Yan when asked to.

Just as he was about to walk away and check the operation, one of the nurses called out to him as another patient got wheeled inside the ER. "Doctor Han! Tend on the other patient!"

"Urgh, my life is over!" he remarked before pulling his hair back and making sure his hair won't bother him. He looked at the operating room one last time before he moved to the other patient while praying that Ji Li Zhao won't put the blame for this event on him.

Because honestly, he is innocent this time.