Making A Mess

Her hand was slightly trembling as she looked at the long-sleeved suit jacket that Ye Jin handed her. She was unsure whether what she was wearing was fit for the occasion so she looked at her personal maid with a nervous smile on her face. "Ye Jin, are these clothes really okay?"

Ye Jin who was the one who chose the dress looked at Hou Wei Yan from head to toe. She was currently donning a pink-colored short A-line dress that reaches just a little bit above her knees. It had long floral sleeves with one-button cuffs while the chest part downwards has a plain pink hue and was bare of any design. It had a cute lavalliere tie that has the same floral pattern as the sleeves. As a set, it comes with a plain pink long-sleeved suit jacket.

Her shining blonde hair was styled in simple half-up tousled waves paired up with small and simple pearl accessories. To compliment her dress, her Mary Jane shoes were colored white alongside her quilted bag.

Overall, it was an 11/10 if her looks were to be rated. "You look beautiful, Madame!"

"Hmm, it's not excessive?" she asked once more as she slowly wore the short jacket. She wasn't the type who likes to wear dresses when hanging out with her friend or family. She rarely wears dresses because, in her line of work, she needs to wear something convenient and easy to move around.

Ye Jin who was observing her since earlier can't help but sigh. She slowly walked towards Hou Wei Yan who was still checking herself in the mirror. She slowly caressed her hair and placed it in order once more. "Sometimes, you need to dress up. There's nothing wrong with wearing something beautiful when meeting special people,"

Touched by her words, Hou Wei Yan flashed her a smile. "You're right,"

Today is a special day for them so she needs to dress up for the occasion. Now that she has finally settled down into her attire, Hou Wei Yan went down and entered the car. In no time, they arrived at the mall.

Plenty of people stared at her as she paraded toward La Couronne. Because it was still early, she thought she would be the first to arrive in their group, but she was proven wrong once more as a small and chubby young boy pounced at her. "Big Sister!"

"Baozi!" she called out in surprise. Cao Yingjie who was waiting since earlier flashed her a huge smile making Hou Wei Yan awe at his cuteness. She slowly crouched down and ruffled his hair before turning to the woman standing not far from them. "So you arrived first,"

"He woke up around 5 and pestered me nonstop. We decided to come by early because he won't stop asking for the time," Cao Xiaolian grumbled as she picked up her son and placed him back in his seat.

Her words made Hou Wei Yan chuckle. She expected this much, considering how Cao Yingjie usually wakes up earlier than the chickens. She confidently strode towards their table and sat opposite Xiaolian. "How have you been, Xiaolian?"

"I'm doing fine lately, thanks to Rai," she muttered with honesty. She felt a little bit alive because she has more time to sleep when she gets home. "He's a great help to the company and he keeps tabs on Yingjie. I think he's the one getting stressed in my place though,"

Rainer King, now known as Cao Rai is Cao Xiaolian's adopted son. He was a past high school thug with no good future ahead of him. He was set on the wrong path and was pretty destructive when Cao Xiaolian met him. He was an orphan so Cao Xiaolian extended her hands and offered him a home. After Cao Yingjie was born, he was officially adopted as her son but because of his huge age gap from Cao Yingjie, he decided to be dubbed as his uncle.

Cao Xiaolian sent him to College and supported him in everything that he wishes to accomplish. He was then admitted to her company when he sent his resume.

"Baozi," Hou Wei Yan called out with a frown on her face. Cao Yingjie is a bright kid but he is oftentimes mischievous when it comes to his family. He's especially naughty towards Rainer who just accepts all the trickery thrown at him. "Did you bully your Uncle again?"

"No!" he immediately answered in defense which made Hou Wei Yan chuckle. He obviously bullied Rainer again. "I teased him though. He's got a new girlfriend,"

Hou Wei Yan's mouth suddenly shaped into an 'o' when she heard this. Slowly, she turned to Cao Xiaolian with a shocked look on her face. So, their little brother finally decided to date again after his heartbreak 2 years ago. "Is that why he's not accompanying you here?"

"That brat went out on a date. She's a High School teacher so he wanted to make the best out of this weekend," Cao Xiaolian answered while looking away. Hou Wei Yan who was quite perceptive smirked when she saw her actions.

Now that Rai is grown up, his mother is turning quite melancholic.

"Why are you pouting though?" she teased before chuckling. "No way?! Your cabbage was dug out by a pig so you're here sulking?"

A/N: Cabbage got dug out by a pig is a Chinese saying, meaning something great that you spent much time and effort raising/nurturing got stolen or snatched away.

Coa Xiaolian immediately glared at her which only made matters worse. "It's not like that okay?"

"Sure sure. Whatever suits you," Hou Wei Yan muttered while waving her hands in a funny way. She then looked to the side, still donning a huge smirk on her face which annoyed Cao Xiaolian. "If he brings in a wife, I wonder how you would react? Hmmm, would you act like a villainous mother-in-law?"

"Hey, stop it already!" she warned when she saw Hou Wei Yan teasing her non-stop. She must admit that she's protective of Rai, and she became very concerned for him after he suffered depression after a heartbreak, but she would never reach the point of prohibiting him from dating anyone. Whoever he chooses to marry is none of her business. She's just there to support him and catch him if he ever falls in despair.

She believes that's her role as his adoptive mother.

Hou Wei Yan laughed a little loudly when she saw how much Cao Xiaolian was frowning. It's fun teasing her from time to time and she particularly gets easily trapped when it comes to the topic of Rai. "I should warn Rai not to bring in a wife too soon or you'll chew on her,"

Now totally annoyed, she stood up and swung her arms around Hou Wei Yan's neck. She immediately tackled her and ruffled her hair to make her stop all the annoying and unnecessary teasing that she was doing. "You just don't know when to shut up do you?"

Cao Yingjie looked at the two of them like it was a normal occurrence. Once they were settled down again, he looked at Hou Wei Yan and looked behind her. There's someone missing. A certain person was either beside Hou Wei Yan or behind her with a cold and scary look on his face. "Where's Uncle Fang?"

"He's somewhere nearby. He said he didn't want to impose on our time together," Hou Wei Yan answered as she remembered how he vehemently refused her offer earlier. It shocked her a little because he was always sticking close to her, afraid that she would cause another chaos if he was not with her.

It's good that he's slowly trusting her though.

"But I wanted to have fun with him," Cao Yingjie muttered which made her smile.

She drew closer to him and ruffled his hair. It's been a long time since he spent time with Fang Tao so she understands why he's looking for him. "Maybe next time,"

"Big Sister!!!" two cute voices echoed near the entrance of La Couronne. Their familiar voices instantly made Hou Wei Yan stand up.

"Xiao Jei, Xiao Xi!" she called out as she runs towards them and hugged both of them. Missing them, Hou Wei Yan savored the moment and engulfed them for quite a long time.

Not liking the unnecessary attention they're getting, Hou Jun Shen faked a cough which immediately worked. "You seem to often forget about me,"

"How could I possibly do that, Xiao Shen" Hou Wei Yan remarked while chuckling. She stood up and hugged her little brother who seems to be a little bit taller than the last time they met.

Awed by this, she released him and looked at him from head to toe. He did indeed grow taller and his face now seems more healthy than last time. It must be because their examination was finally over and he finally had a chance to take care of himself. Whatever the reason was, she was glad that he looked healthier and more handsome.

"Come here, let me introduce you to our company this day," she said when she finally remembers Cao Xiaolian and Cao Yingjie who were patiently waiting for them at the table. Once they reached their place, she directed their gazes at the beautiful red-haired woman coolly sipping her iced tea. "This is Cao Xiaolian, my friend,"

"Hello. It's good to finally meet you," Cao Xiaolian remarked as she stood up and offered her hands to Hou Jun Shen.

He immediately flashed her a smile before he gently shook her hands. "Same to you, Big Sister,"

"And her son, Yingjie" Hou Wei Yan proceeded when she saw the twins' gaze curiously checking out Cao Yingjie.

He got off his seat and waved his hands at the twins with a friendly and goofy smile on his face. "Hello! Nice to meet you!"

The twin's eyes immediately lit up when they saw his friendly smile. They felt at ease and soon, an excited smile blossomed in their cute faces.

"They are my siblings, Jun Shen, Jei Li, and Wuxi"

The trio stood close to one another and gave Cao Xiaolian a polite bow. "Nice to meet you!"

"My, you two are cuter up close. No wonder Wei Wei wouldn't stop bragging about you," Cao Xiaolian remarked when she saw just how cute the twins are. She used to think that Hou Wei Yan is exaggerating with her descriptions, but now that she saw their charm up close all of her words seem lacking. They had the natural air of innocence and cuteness which her son often lacks.

"Big Sister is so pretty too," Hou Jei Li answered before they settled in their seats. She was in awe of Cao Xiaolian's beauty and was now totally impressed with her Big Sister who seems to be surrounded by beautiful and handsome people.

Once she was out of the trance, she turned to Cao Yingjie who was sipping his lemon juice. He looked cute but serious at the same time so she was wondering if he was older than them and was now concerned about what they should call him. "Uhmm, how old are you? Wuxi and I are twelve years old,"

"Oh, I'm only seven. Should I call you Big Sister and Big Brother?" Cao Yingjie asked when he noticed Hou Jei Li's conflicted gaze earlier. She must be deliberating what to call him and since he noticed that they are quite shy, he thought it's best if he offers their fitting endearment.

Hou Jei Li and Hou Wuxi looked at one another when they heard what Cao Yingjie said. They were used to having one another. They have friends but because they were afraid that they would be betrayed they never trusted them fully…but Cao Yingjie sounded mature and had an air of loyalty around him so they felt quite happy with his offer.

Excited by the fact that they have a new friend who will now be their little brother, they turned to Hou Wei Yan with glistening eyes. "We have a little brother!"

Hou Wei Yan who was gazing at them earlier with her hands supporting her head suddenly chuckled at this cute development. She slowly reached out and ruffled their hair. "Yes, so be good to your little brother, and don't play recklessly, okay?"

The twins immediately nodded their heads before they happily turned their attention to Cao Yingjie once more. "What do you want to eat Yingjie? Where do you go to school? Do you have a lot of friends?"

"They got along so well," Cao Xiaolian remarked as she watched their cute interactions. This is good for Cao Yingjie. He needs more friends who are a ball of sunshine. Hopefully, he'll get infected by their cheerfulness so he'll quit playing with his computers and open up to the other children in their neighborhood.

Hou Wei Yan dreamily looked at the three. She was in awe at how they easily befriended one another. After a few seconds, she remembered their main goal for this date which is to buy costumes.

Wanting to see Cao Yingjie in cute clothes, she turned to Cao Xiaolian with a hopeful glitter in her eyes. "By the way, we're going to buy some costumes and outfits for the twins after lunch. Do you have some spare time? Want to come along with us?"

"Sure! Now that I think about it, Yingjie needs new clothes. He's getting bigger with each passing day," she excitedly replied when she heard this. Since she decided to take a break, she should use it fully because she knew it would take her a long time before she could take another one.

"Xiao Shen, what color do you prefer, black, gold, or silver?" Hou Wei Yan suddenly asked when they finished ordering food. She looked at him curiously and was weighing what would suit him for a gift.

"Uhm, black? Why?" he replied with his brows raised. He had always liked black so he wasn't sure why she would ask this again.

"It's a secret," she muttered with a huge smile on her face. She was glad she trusted her guts or else he might not love the present she prepared. Now that this worry is dispelled, she looked at them excitedly. "Come on let's eat to our heart's content. Today will be a tiring day for all of us,"


Balance…is something Hou Jun Shen was good at. He was praised by their physical education teacher when he performed well in their yoga class and presented a perfect and balanced yoga posture. He was never confident about it, but now, he's amazed and thankful at the same time that he's good at it…because balancing all the shopping bags that they bought is not an easy job.

People would be awed every time they pass by them because of the hefty amount of shopping bags he's carrying. He was looking more and more like a circus attraction the more the shopping bags accumulate. Now here they are once more, in a shop filled with child clothing.

He took a glance at his sister who was now ogling at the twin pirate outfits in a glassed display. "Look at this, Xiaolian. Doesn't this look cute?"

"You're right and it comes as a pair! Are you buying it?" Xiaolian asked which made Jun Shen flinch. This statement will obviously lead to…


…his sister buying it.

"Uhm, Big Sister…." he suddenly interjected as he raised all the shopping bags he was holding. His arms are now filled with it and they were carrying some as well. The amount is pretty scary and he was thinking that it was a waste of their sister's money. She was often thrifty but that seems to be gone now. "Aren't you buying too much?"

"This isn't much yet for the three of you," Hou Wei Yan muttered before she lingered her gaze once more on the rack of clothes. She was indeed thrifty for herself…but for her siblings, she's willing to spend her entire fortune because they rarely ask her for anything.

Hou Jun Shen couldn't help but sigh at her statement. This is why they rarely ask her for anything…because she often goes all out and doesn't even consider the amount she bought for them. "Seriously, we already went to almost every store that offers clothes. Aren't you tired at all?"

"No," she replied with a smile. Her eyes then twinkled when she saw the pajamas lined up in the store across them. "Xiaolian! Look, there's something there fit for the three of them. Let's buy it!"

"What? Where?" the other shop-addicted mother asked as she lingered her gaze. Hou Wei Yan who was excited about this discovery walked toward her and dragged her to the other store.

Before he could react, the two had already disappeared from the store. "Big Sister?!"

"Give it up, Big Brother. You'll never get them to stop and you know very well they won't get tired," Cao Yingjie muttered as he walked ahead of Hou Jun Shen alongside the twins. They strode towards the benches and took a casual seat there.

Hou Jun Shen was left with no choice but to follow behind them. "So, we're left with no choice but to go along, huh?"


He sighs at this before he took a seat. He was planning on waiting for them but when he saw the children, he decided that it was best to enjoy some delicious snacks with them. "While they're buying that, want some ice cream? I know the best place to buy it here,"

The twins and Cao Yingjie nodded together which made him chuckle. He took out his phone and texted his sister before he extended his hands and offered it to them. "Don't let go of me, okay?"

Like obedient children, they nodded their heads once more as they headed toward the so-called best place to buy ice cream. While they were walking, Cao Yingjie couldn't help but look up at Hou Jun Shen and reassess his view of him. [ Big Brother looks cold at first but he's as kind as Big Sister Wei Wei. They're really siblings huh? ]

"What do you want Yingjie?" Hou Jun Shen asked as soon as they arrived at 'Just Chillin Ice Cream Shop'. The shop was huge and had plenty of customers. The tables had quite a distance from one another giving enough space for the customers to talk as much as they want without disturbing the other table.

Cao Yingjie looked at the menu and was instantly fixated on his favorite flavor. "Fudge Swirl!"

Hou Jun Shen nodded his head before he checked if the twin's favorites are still available. After confirming its availability, he finally placed their order. "1 Fudge Swirl, 1 Buttered Pecan, 1 Mint Chocolate Chip and 1 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough please,"

"You like chocolates, Little Brother?" Hou Jei Li asked as soon as they sat down. Hou Wuxi also had a curious gaze directed at Cao Yingjie which made him smile. He's still awkward about calling Yingjie his little brother.

"Yes. Mama likes them too but she often hid them from me because it will rot my teeth," he replied with a smile on his face. His mother once shared that his addiction to sweets and desserts was probably due to Hou Wei Yan.

When they were living together, Hou Wei Yan would often bake and her delicacies were to die for. Cao Yingjie especially liked everything that she baked and when they returned to China, he began craving for her sweets and ended up loving the ones Cao Xiaolian brought as a replacement for Hou Wei Yan's cooking.

"Brother does that to us too," Hou Jei Li shared which took his interest. So, they also have Hou Jun Shen as their sweet intake checker. "We brush our teeth though so what's with all the fuss,"

"Brushing isn't enough okay?" Hou Jun Shen muttered as soon as he finished paying. He heard their conversation which made him correct Hou Jei Li who was still obviously angry at him for prohibiting them from taking in sweets last week.

Hou Jei Li pouted at what he said. Their Big Brother also likes sweets which made her doubt his intentions. "You just want to eat all the candies and chocolates in the house!"

Her sullen look and accusing eyes made both Hou Jun Shen and Cao Yingjie laugh. She sounded so dejected but her pout was cute that it doesn't match at all. Hou Jun Shen reached out his hands and ruffled her hair which only made her pout even more.

"Yingjie?" someone suddenly called out in the middle of their laughter. The familiar voice instantly made Cao Yingjie erase the smile on his face.

He slowly turned around and was bothered when he saw that it was indeed who he thought it would be. It was Hou Wei Yan's annoying suitor whom he doesn't want the siblings to meet. "Brother Jinjin,"

"So, it is you. What are you doing here alone? Where's your mother?" Zhou Jinhai asked which instantly irked Cao Yingjie. He sounded so friendly but he knows that it was a façade. He was only doing this to squeeze some information out of him.

Cao Yingjie flashed him a small smile before he sarcastically looked at him. There's no need for him to wear a mask because he already knows what he truly is behind the mask he usually wears in front of Hou Wei Yan. "I'm not alone…besides, you're not really looking for Mama are you?"

"You're still as sharp as ever. Did you come here with Wei Wei? Where is she?" he asked without hesitation which made the Hou Siblings look at one another. They're slowly getting the idea of who he is based on who he's looking for.

This man never changes. How many times did he deal with him? He lost count but he still keeps on pursuing Hou Wei Yan even though he was already rejected countless times.

"Big Brother is still as bold as ever. She's somewhere with Mama, but I suggest you don't look for her and step away. Today is her date with us, she'll feel bothered if you tag along,"

"You make me want to do it even more," Zhou Jinhai muttered which Hou Jun Shen heard. He immediately glared at Zhou Jinhai which the latter felt. He flashed Cao Yingjie a smile before he lingered his gaze on Hou Jun Shen and the twins. "By the way, who are they? Aren't you going to introduce me to them?"

Cao Yingjie looked at Hou Jun Shen and was about to ask him to leave, but before he could say anything, the latter already stood up and was now offering his hands for a handshake. "Hello, I'm Hou Jun Shen...Hou Wei Yan's little brother,"

Surprise instantly crossed Zhou Jinhai's face. He wanted to meet Hou Wei Yan's siblings but was never given a chance…so meeting them here by chance made him ecstatic. He needs to make a good impression because they could be his ticket to winning Hou Wei Yan's heart. "Oh…I'm Zhou Jinhai, your sister's friend and future---"

"Mr. Zhou, please stay away from my sister," Hou Jun Shen said seriously. He was now wearing a stoic look on his face and he wasn't impressed by Zhou Jinhai at all.

"There's someone already meant for her and I vowed to only accept him as my Big Brother. I will never approve of you so I hope you don't expect too much because if I tell her not to accept you, Big Sister surely won't," he added which surprised not only Zhou Jinhai but the twins as well. Meanwhile, Cao Yingjie was silently observing Hou Jun Shen and was trying to decipher if what he said is the truth.

"And this someone is?"

"A man who loved her since they were young," he remarked which made Cao Yingjie smirk. If it's a childhood lover…then it must be Hou Wei Yan's husband, Ji Li Zhao. "Please don't make a mess…today is a special day for us siblings, don't ruin it. Big Sister won't like it and we will detest you if you continue to linger around,"

Zhou Jinhai looked at Hou Jun Shen seriously before he sighed. He wanted to make the most of them but it seems like they're useless after all. He can't place his bet on them changing Hou Wei Yan's view of him. At best, he mustn't prove them so his image in her mind won't worsen. "Okay, I'll leave. But I can't stop pursuing her. I will take a break today but I won't stop, I hope you know that,"

Hou Jun Shen stood tall and proud until Zhou Jinhai left. As soon as he was out of sight, he heaved a sigh of relief and sat back down. Hou Jei Li immediately jumped at his brother and squealed at how cool he was. "Wow, big brother is so cool! You made such a believable lie!"

"That wasn't a lie," Hou Jun Shen silently said which Cao Yingjie saw. He read through his lips and was now amused at him and the man whom he trusted with his Big Sister's life. "I vowed I would protect her from anyone until the day he comes to fetch her,"

Cao Yingjie looked away as he began thinking once more of Palisade's terrifying Emperor. [ So, Jun Shen is also Ji Li Zhao's Knights. No wonder he's so confident about everything, he's got almost everyone backing him for this romance to flourish. What a terrifying man! ]

"The ice cream is here!" Hou Jun Shen suddenly said when he saw their order remote beeping. He immediately stood up to take it and as he did, Cao Yingjie's gaze followed him. Hou Jun Shen is also a curious entity to him now.