A Grandfather's Knowledge

Today was one of the rare days where Ji Li Zhao gets a day off and he was spending it quite hectically in Li Wei Mansion. Despite the many oppositions his subordinate made, he was still spending his day off signing contracts and checking documents for work. Gu Man and the others are stressed out because he refuses to listen to them and even ate too little during lunch.

Luckily, someone came to teach him a thing or two. Gu Man entered Ji Li Zhao's office with a smile on his face. "Young Master, you have a visitor,"

"Who?" he asked without looking at his butler. He was so engrossed in the contract he was reviewing which made Gu Man sigh once more. Everyone appreciates all his efforts but too much of it is causing them to worry.

"Great Elder Hou," Gu Man said which worked like magic.

Ji Li Zhao who was stubbornly refusing all of their request for him to rest suddenly sprung up from his seat. He hurriedly walked out of the study to greet the Grand Elder. While on the way there, he gave orders to Gu Man to prepare the garden and bring them some snacks fit for that warm afternoon. "Grandfather…How have you been?"

"I'm doing good," he answered with a smile on his face. He looked at Ji Li Zhao from head to toe and was pleased that he looked even healthier than the last time he saw him.

Together, the two walked towards the garden and sat in a relaxed manner. It's been a long time since they were left alone and they were pleased by each other's company.

"I heard a troublesome fellow entered Yi Lan and is threatening your position as my grandson-in-law. I came to help you stabilize your position," Grandfather Hou began as he gave a side glance to Ji Li Zhao. "I don't want another grandson-in-law other than you,"

This statement made Ji Li Zhao glad. He was beyond happy that Hou Tian Lang fully supports him and only finds him the one suitable for Hou Wei Yan. "Thank you, Grandfather. But how are you going to help me?"

Hou Tian Lang who was now dressed in a formal suit pulled out the blue invitation and handed it to him. "Tomorrow is the Grand Opening of Lan Yueliang Hotel. My granddaughter will be attending with her team and I want you to attend as well,"

"But that would mean exposing my real identity to her," Ji Li Zhao answered seriously. He was already planning on revealing himself as Ji Li Zhao but isn't this too early?

"Isn't that your next plan? You want her to get used to your identity as Ji Li Zhao. This is a good chance to show yourself as the President of Tianshi Conglomerate," Hou Tian Lang answered without hesitation. "If you accept this invitation and attend, your next plan will proceed. From here on out, you need to appear as President Ji Li Zhao and announce your ownership over Yi Lan Hospital,"

Ever since before, he realized that Ji Li Zhao has many fears when it comes to Hou Wei Yan. He's glad that he is a considerate man but if he continues to dawdle because of this, it won't be good.

Ji Li Zhao remained silent for a few seconds before he looked at him once more. "Grandfather…I don't think it's the right time yet. What if she gets startled by this fact?"

"She will get startled but I doubt this is enough to trigger her memories," he replied seriously. He was sure that Hou Wei Yan will only get baffled. Her trauma is deep and this isn't enough to trigger it. "If you don't take this chance now, you'll find it hard to find another opportunity"

"I understand that you're afraid of her regaining her memories but if you do not make a move, someone else will grab her from you. That troublesome fellow in Yi Lan is one of the thousand men who will appear as your rival," he added as he patted Ji Li Zhao's back. "You want her to get used to you right so you could announce to her that you're her husband once your Uncle is taken down?"

Ji Li Zhao politely nodded his head. Once his Uncle, Ji Boqin receives the retribution he deserves, he was planning on settling his problem with Hou Wei Yan and revealing himself to her—as Ji Li Zhao, her husband. "Yes. That was the plan,"

"Then do it…Show me that you're worthy of being my grandson-in-law," Hou Tian Lang muttered, his voice now serious and holding a warning. He accepted Ji Li Zhao as his grandson-in-law but he could also forget all the promises he made to him once he finds out that he didn't do his end of the bargain.

He only accepted Ji Li Zhao because he promised to protect Hou Wei Yan from the Jis and make her happy. But if he dawdles too much, he might find someone much more suitable for Hou Wei Yan.

Ji Li Zhao understood what he meant by mentioning his worth as a grandson-in-law. He looked at the invitation once more before nodding his head. This will be earlier than planned, but the ending will surely remain the same. "Thank you, Grandfather. I won't disappoint you,"

"Good," Hou Tian Lang muttered, satisfied with the outcome of their conversation. "Also, make sure you're the one she chooses for the dance. Use your charm, okay?"

The mighty emperor could only nod his head in acceptance because against Grandfather Hou he becomes an obedient grandson-in-law.


It was the day of the Grand Opening of Lan Yueliang Hotel and the attendants of Li Wei Mansion became busier than usual days. Because the invitation was abrupt, they didn't have time to order a new set of jewelry for Hou Wei Yan. Luckily, they had Darlene who has world-class knowledge when it comes to fashion.

With a dress in hand, he marched towards the Mansion and made him choose the jewelry that will fit his chosen gown. As soon as he chose the right ones, he immediately styled Hou Wei Yan who was patiently waiting in the dressing room.

"Madame, are you going with your family?" he asked as he waited for the maids to finish dressing her. When she was done, she came out wearing a sexy white trumpet evening dress. It has a mermaid scales-like pattern with sleeveless spaghetti straps. The chest area was adorned with diamonds and it has a split at the front.

Darlene immediately gave her a thumbs up because she appeared like a moon goddess, blessing the evening with her grace. She appeared taller as she wore the golden platform pump Darlene chose for her. She was also donning the moonstone necklace that her husband gave her alongside her wedding ring. Her ears displayed small dangling diamond earrings and her wrist showed off a beautiful diamond wristwatch that had Le Chartier's signature engraved in it.

Once done with her dress and accessories, Darlene proceeded with styling her hair. He curled her hair and used metallic feathers to hold the updo. He left a small portion of hair at the front and curled it as a finishing touch.

"No…If I enter with them, all eyes will be on me. I don't want to face the reporters' annoying cameras yet and as much as possible, I want to be Doctor Hou Wei Yan," she answered when she found the right chance to do so. "I'm only attending to support them and introduce my team to my Grandfather. I don't wish to announce my position in the family to the public yet,"

Darlene was checking her overall look for the last time and as usual, she was more than satisfied with his work. He has magical hands and she was glad that he uses them to make her beautiful. He's not only handsome but talented as well, no wonder many men and women chase after him. Now she was left wondering, who was the lucky man who managed to capture the free-spirited Darlene.

"Then would it be alright if you accompany me?" he suddenly said which halted her train of thought. She looked at Darlene in confusion before she gasped when she saw the dark blue card in his hands. "Le Chartier was invited for the Grand Opening. Can I be your escort this evening?"

Her eyes sparkled when asked once more by Darlene. Without a second thought, she pounced at him and hugged his arms with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you, Darlene!"

"Let's go?" he offered after fixing his white tie. He was already wearing a plain royal blue tuxedo jacket paired with a white cravat tie with a moonstone pin and white vest. Once done fixing his hair, he led Hou Wei Yan out of the mansion and inside the limousine her husband prepared. As per usual, Shin Wolter was the one assigned as her driver.

As soon as they entered the car, Darlene exchanged glances with Shin before coughing and turning once more to Hou Wei Yan who was busy checking for her phone. "What about your team? Are they already there?"

"Fang Tao will be fetching them. He can't accompany me this evening so he found another job for himself," she replied before making herself comfortable on the seat. Darlene nodded his head and signaled Shin to start driving or they will be late. "I hope they like the clothes I prepared for them,"

"I'm sure they like it. I chose it myself; how could it not suit their taste?" Darlene muttered which made Hou Wei Yan chuckle. "After you sent me their pictures, I immediately chose what would suit their bodies and facial features. There's no way it's off the spot,"

"Thank you for everything, Darlene!" she muttered with sincerity. Truly, if it weren't for Darlene, she would be in a dump. She doesn't trust her fashion sense so his magical hands are a great help to her.

He chuckled before waving his hands at her. "Don't mention it,"

It took them a good 20 minutes before they reached the venue of the said event. The place was already packed with reporters, celebrities, and business tycoons. Even from afar, the glitz and glamor of the place were marvelous and truly blinding. Because the hotel was named Blue Moon, the night's motif greatly revolves around dark blue and white. She could see that everyone stuck to the dress code and wore various fashionable clothes fitting their image.

"Big Sister!" someone greeted as soon as she got outside of the car.

"You're here!" she replied as she hugged Long Lee who was dressed in a dark blue off-shoulder dress. Her usual silky straight hair was curled in beautiful waves and was pinned on one side by a crescent moon hair accessory. "You look stunning, Xiao Lee!"

Long Lee flashed Hou Wei Yan a huge smile before she hugged her arms. "Thank you for the dress!"

"You should thank Amine for that," Hou Wei Yan muttered before directing her gaze towards the man who just got out of the car. His sudden appearance suddenly sent everyone in a panic and cameras began flashing towards them.

Amine has a very strong influence in the business and fashion industry making his mere appearance a huge thing for the media. Before they could disturb him for an interview, he walked towards Hou Wei Yan and looked at her companions forcing the newscasters to give them space.

"Oh My Gosh! It's Amine!" Long Lee squealed as she pinched her own arms to stop herself from pouncing at him.

Amine was used to seeing fans but somehow, he can't help but chuckle at Long Lee's adorable reaction. She looked like a squirrel who found a rare piece of acorn and he was enjoying the attention she was giving her. He slowly offered his hands with a smile on his face. "Nice to meet you, Long Lee,"

"I'm an avid fan!" she remarked as she accepted his extended hands and gently shook them. Heaven…that was the one thought in her mind. Amine was an idol and her source of inspiration. She never thought that she would get a chance to meet him face to face and even wear a dress he personally designed and chose!

"Thank you," Amine politely answered before looking at Hou Wei Yan and offering her his arms. It was time for them to enter the venue. The ribbon-cutting was finished early in the morning, all that was left is the socialization and the ball to celebrate the grand opening of Blue Moon Hotel. "Let's head inside,"

Taking this as a signal, Ashraf walked towards Long Lee and offered his arms. Because they were the ones left without a pair, Long Lee happily accepted this and followed behind the rest who were already walking towards the venue. The flashes of the camera and the noise of the media were unending, but as per instruction, they didn't mind any of it at all.

Once they reached the entrance, they each brought out the royal blue invitations with Jian Lan Conglomerate's logo. They were unfamiliar with the faces of the staff, but Hou Wei Yan was stunned when she saw a familiar face amidst the busy crowd handling the entrance of the guests.

"You're finally here," he muttered as he approached them and placed a kiss on Hou Wei Yan's cheeks as a sign of greeting.

Hou Wei Yan kissed him back before looking at him from head to toe. He looked dashing in his white tuxedo and she can't help but be amazed at his sense of fashion. "Chu Jin, why are you here? Shouldn't you be inside preparing?"

"I was waiting for you," he replied before politely smiling at the people behind her. Her teammates returned the greeting with a smile. "The Great Elder wishes to see you and your crew,"

Hou Wei Yan simply nodded her head before allowing Chu Jin to guide them toward the esteemed Great Elder's quarter. The others followed behind Hou Wei Yan and repeatedly glanced around to marvel at the antique and fancy-looking designs of the hotel. It was all first-class which made them awe.

They soon arrived in a two-door golden room with a marvelous and gigantic embossed moon decorating its frame. A series of gasps resonated when they saw it and soon, the door opened revealing a white-haired man relaxing on the couch.

When she saw the figure of the old man, Hou Wei Yan's face instantly lit up. While the rest were still debating whether it was right to enter or not, she dashed inside and gave him a hug. "Grandfather!"

"Xiao Wei!" he greeted back as he patted her back with a chuckle. Once they were done embracing one another, two little kids donned in matching royal blue outfits dashed out of the bedroom and tackled Hou Wei Yan's thighs.

"Big Sister!" they happily greeted with a toothy grins on their face.

Hou Wei Yan immediately fawned at their adorable clothes. She crouched down and hugged them both. Soon, she was immersed in the warmth of their hug that she forgot the teammates she brought who were now confused more than ever.

They looked at one another in complete confusion because the elder in front of them looked awfully familiar. They were sure they saw him on a billboard and a magazine…and his existence is akin to an unreachable entity. Yet their teammate casually called him Grandfather.

"You must be Xiao Wei's Crew," the Great Elder remarked as he slowly approached them. They were snapped out of their trance when they heard his bossy deep voice, making them confirm who he really is. "I'm her grandfather, Hou Tian Lang."

"No way!" Long Lee muttered in disbelief as she covered her now agape mouth. She slowly turned towards Hou Wei Yan who was now standing up and shyly looking at them. "Big Sister, you're the missing granddaughter of the Hou Family?"

Hou Tian Lang immediately chuckled when he heard such news from Long Lee. He had known that many tried to find out what happened to his granddaughter but reached a dead end. However, it never occurred to him that they would spread such a lie to cover their incompetence. "So that's what they spread about my granddaughter. She never went missing, the whole family consented to her leaving for States,"

"So, this is really true? You're the Young Miss of the Hous?" Jiang Guiren asked as soon as he recovered from the shock of such news. He looked at the others and was slightly glad that he wasn't the only one who had his jaws dropped and made a fool out of himself in front of the Great Elder.

"Yes," Hou Wei Yan nervously answered as she slowly approached her grandfather. "I'm sorry if I kept it hidden from you. I didn't want the unnecessary attention my identity may bring so I kept my background hidden,"

"Such wealth will surely bring trouble," Sheng Mingzu muttered as she assessed Hou Wei Yan's situation. She wasn't just wealthy, she came from a formidable family akin to royalty so her wealth is unfathomable. Not only that, but she's also the Eldest Child of Hou Guanyu and Xing Mei Yi, and considering her intelligence, she will surely inherit most of their properties. Her position itself warrants others to make connections with her for business purposes.

Considering how cautious she was, she must have dealt with plenty of people befriending her only for her background. No wonder she didn't disclose her real identity… for fear that it will attract unnecessary attention and fake praise. Her trauma must be quite deep for her to reach this decision of hiding her family background. "But there was no need for you to apologize. We're just glad you trusted us with this secret,"

"Sister Mingzu," Hou Wei Yan called out warmly. After all the betrayals she encountered, she decided to only trust those who grew up with her and showed their genuine self to her. To think that she would end up with such nice people and be a part of their family.

Hou Tian Lang nodded his head in appreciation of what Sheng Mingzu said. He then flashed them a smile before he turned towards Hou Wei Yan. "See, I told you to trust them,"

"I know you went through a lot just by being a part of the Hou and the Xing Families. But I don't want you to stop trusting others because trust needs to be equal. If you want them to place their trust in you and truly consider you their comrade, you need to place your trust in them as well," he added as he approached Hou Wei Yan and gently patted her back.

"On a battlefield, you need people to look for your back…but they will only support you when you're willing to watch theirs as well. That's why Xiao Wei…don't hide who you really are."

Hou Wei Yan smiled before she hugged Hou Tian Lang. He was one of the strongest emotional support she has and she's more than glad that he's always there for her. "Grandfather,"

"That's right, Wei Wei," He Lan remarked with a huge smile on her face. She joined the team because she saw just how good Hou Wei Yan's heart is. Where she came from never mattered to her. "You don't need to be ashamed or even do things to hide your background. Not all people will take that opportunity to use you. Some will just look past it because they like you for who you are…not for the wealth that you possess."

"I'm even surprised you're hiding your identity, Doctor Hou," Ashraf muttered in amusement. He knew she was the Daredevil but it never occurred to him that she has a more formidable background that she was hiding. "You could have used it to usurp power but you didn't. You remained humble despite such a great background. That speaks volume you know,"

Yi Xiuying nodded her head in agreement with what they said. With this, Hou Wei Yan further proved just how amazing she is. For her to reach such height without relying on her family makes her a woman worthy of praise. "You're doing your job well so your background doesn't really matter that much. You're still Doctor Hou and that will remain as it is even if you tell us that you're the president's daughter."

"No, the President is our Uncle," Hou Jei Li suddenly interjected which made Hou Wuxi facepalm. He was keeping silent this whole time to not ruin the moment and yet his twin went babbling on something that shouldn't be mentioned.

He looked at his twin seriously before pulling her towards Hou Jun Shen so they won't disturb them anymore. "You're not supposed to answer that, Jei Li,"

"Oh," she innocently answered which made Qiu Meixiu chuckle. Truly, Hou Wei Yan's siblings are far too cute.

Hou Wei Yan flashed them a smile filled with sincere gratitude and appreciation. The people she picked are truly one of a kind. She's blessed to have them as her teammates. She was also glad that she trusted her grandfather's impeccable knowledge which made this moment possible. "Thank you…for accepting this and for becoming a part of my family,"

A smile blossomed on their faces when they saw how genuinely happy, she was. "Let's continue working hard, Doctor Hou!"

She nodded her head in agreement and gave them one warm hug. She's now free from all the hiding and lies she did to cover up her family background. Finally, unrestrained and glad beyond compare.

A few minutes after their sweet acceptance, a knock was heard which halted their moment. Godwin entered with a calm and composed look on his face. "Grand Elder, Master Hou has arrived with his family,"

"His family is here…did that bastard bring his mistress?" Hou Tian Lang asked, his brows now arched high. His mood was slowly getting foul with the thought of Fe Rou Chao joining them as a part of his family.

Godwin remained as calm as ever even though he knew what he will say next will ruin Hou Tian Lang's blissful mood. "Yes,"

"The audacity of that bitch!" he muttered to himself before he looked at Godwin in rage. "Send them out! I will be hosting this party with my family and they don't belong in it!"

"Grandfather," Hou Wei Yan called out with a sigh. She was expecting him to keep up with appearances and let Fe Rou Chao accompany her father so no gossip would spread. She wasn't expecting him to lash out like this during such an important event.

To handle the situation, she slowly approached him and helped him fix his now crimpled tie. "Why don't you just allow them to be here? She's now his legal wife and they deserve to be called family. Even if you don't accept them by heart, they're still considered part of the Hou Family…If you throw them out it will become a huge scandal and it will only ruin this Grand Opening,"


"I won't be entering with you because of my identity as a Doctor in Yi Lan. If you were to enter with only Hou Jun Shen and the twins, the people will surely gossip. You do understand why we must keep gossip from spreading, right?" she immediately added to further convince him to stop his rampage. "You can hate her but don't degrade her in public because it will only end up damaging your reputation as a respectable Great Elder,"

Once done with his tie, she patted her chest and flashed him a smile that always works like magic against her grandfather. "I don't want to see my Grandfather making it to the headlines just because of Fe Rou Chao."

Hou Tian Lang could only sigh in reply. He knew he was defeated in the argument and he doesn't want to get scolded by Hou Wei Yan. "You promised me that you would dance this evening. I want to see you doing it properly,"

"You don't have to worry about that, Grandfather," she replied while nodding her head. She could always ask Jiang Guiren or Ashraf to dance with her if he really forces it later on.

After receiving her reply, he turned towards Hou Jun Shen and the twins before smiling at them. "Stay by my side, I'll introduce you to everyone who will be of help to you in the future,"

The siblings looked at one another before slowly nodding their heads and approaching Hou Tian Lang. Once they were within reach, he held the twin's hands and allowed Hou Jun Shen to walk ahead of them. He then looked at Hou Wei Yan's crew with an endearing smile on his face. "Enjoy the evening. Don't let those two foul creatures ruin your evening,"

Hou Wei Yan could only shake her head with a chuckle as they disappeared from their sight. Once they were left alone, Long Lee approached Hou Wei Yan and clung to her arms once more. "Wow, your Grandfather is pretty intense, Big Sister,"

"He's always like that when it comes to Father's new wife. He can't seem to stop hating her no matter what we say to him," she remarked with a sigh. Her grandfather's growing hatred is stressing her out because he keeps on forgetting his position when facing Fe Rou Chao.

"He must have really liked your mother for him to react this way," Yu Lanfen concluded as she and Tian Bingwen went closer to Hou Wei Yan.

She slightly smiled when she heard Yu Lanfen's remark. "His dream with my grandmother was to have a daughter and they only achieved that through my mother. That's why he dotes on her too much,"

With the curtains of the hotel a few minutes away from opening, Hou Wei Yan and the rest of her team decided to leave the room and enter the ballroom where the party was held. By the time they arrived, a lot of people were already inside. Chu Jin immediately guided them to their seats and not a moment too soon, the Hou Family finally entered the venue.

All eyes were glued on them as Hou Tian Lang displayed a serious look on his face warranting respect. Although he was already old, he still stood with dignity and none of them could topple the intense presence he was giving off. The cute twins who were both walking beside him made the Great Elder look less scary because they were both smiling from ear to ear and it could be seen in their faces that they were from the Hou Family.

Hou Jun Shen who was already announced to be the future heir walked with dignity as he followed behind his grandfather. He was tall and dashing causing plenty of women to fawn over him. His striking green eyes he inherited from Xing Mei Yi caused others to marvel at him. Following behind him was Hou Guanyu who had Fe Rou Chao and Hou Chungsa accompanying him on his side. Everyone who knew of their family drama looked at one another before whispering amongst themselves. This night brought them plenty of surprises.

Hou Wei Yan who was observing the populace since earlier couldn't help but frown at what she heard. In the end, no matter what she does, everyone would still end up gossiping about their family circumstances. She could only sigh as she accepted this fact. With this thought finally concluded, she turned her attention back to her grandfather and as she did so, a familiar man came into her view.

His striking ebony black hair and ash-hued eyes were something she could never forget. He was wearing a royal blue colored suit paired with a light blue vest. His suit had a blue cravat tie held by a silver pin with what seemed to be a family emblem that she cannot recognize.

"Why is he here?" she whispered to herself as she followed where he went with her eyes. Once he reached Great Elder Hou, Ji Li Zhao looked around for his wife, and while doing so…their eyes eventually met.