The Bold and The Righteous

Beautiful blonde hair with natural curls akin to weave of golden threads, paired with luscious emerald green eyes similar to that of a world tree, and skin as white as precious porcelain. With her appearance, Sun Bai could instantly tell that she was the Goddess in Ji Li Zhao's stories.

"Forgive me for not noticing you sooner, Madame" he muttered as she approached her. After he took another glance at her overall appearance, he turned towards Ji Li Zhao and finally asked the question lingering in his head. "Are you perhaps President Ji's wife?"

"No" Wei Yan answered with a smile which took Sun Bai aback.

Ji Li Zhao smiled at this as well causing him to retract his thoughts. ---Maybe they're not married yet. So she's a girlfriend…or is she an ex? From the way he talked about her, he was sure he was referring to his lover.

To dispel their thoughts about their relationship, she offered his hands at him and formally introduced himself. "I'm Doctor Hou Wei Yan from Yi Lan Hospital. President Ji asked me to check on the equipment needed for the health examination"

"Oh…I'm sorry for assuming things. This is the first time President Ji personally escorted a woman you see" he remarked with a smile as he accepted her hands. "I'm Sun Bai. Nice to meet you, Doctor Hou"

"And to you as well, Mr. Sun" she replied before she took a glance at the men behind him who had expectant eyes. From how they talked earlier, she could tell that they are very fond of Ji Li Zhao and ruly wish to dine in with him.

She looked at Ji Li Zhao who had thrown the decision making towards her and finally thought of something good to counter him.---This is my opportunity to pay for lunch but not spending it alone with President Ji

With this in mind, she returned her gaze towards Sun Bai who was carefully observing them. "Would it be alright if I join you for lunch? I wanted to ask a few questions regarding the facility so I could formulate a good health protocol for it"

"Of course" he replied with a huge smile on his face. He was curious about who she really is and if she is indeed the woman who always causes Ji Li Zhao to seek him out for love advice. "We would be delighted if you join us. How about you, President Ji?"

Ji Li Zhao who easily saw through her intentions merely shrugged his shoulders in reply. "The Lady has spoken. What else could I do?"

Sun Bai alongside his men chuckled at his remark. "Looks like spring has arrived for the President"

Everyone hurriedly left to fix themselves first before heading out for lunch which left Ji Li Zhao and Hou Wei Yan alone in the room. As soon as their voices died down, Li Zhao smirked and approached her. "Well played, Young Miss"

She knew he would easily see through her intentions so she flashed him an innocent smile. "I don't understand what you're implying President Ji"

"I'm sure you don't" he said before chuckling and leaving the room. Hou Wei Yan could only shake her head and follow behind him.


Lunch passed by quickly. Although both of them wanted to talk more with them, they were busy and thus had to leave early. When they were nearing Yi Lan Hospital, Ji Li Zhao broke the silence in the car. "Did you have fun with them?"

Hou Wei Yan looked at him before she smiled as she remembered Sun Bai and his lively crew. Although their time was short, they managed to befriend her thoroughly. "They're good people and very friendly as well. It's impossible not to have fun with them?"

"That's good" he muttered in reply before he looked away. ---I wanted her to feel relax before she engages in her taxing work again.

When the car finally stopped in Yi Lan Hospital, Ji Li Zhao spoke once more which deeply surprised his wife. "By the way, you still owe me lunch"

"Excuse me? But I already---"

"This doesn't count does it?" he cheekily said when he saw her brows now frowning towards him. "After all, I was the one who ended up paying for it. So, this doesn't count as payment…in fact, you owe me one once more but I won't calculate it along with our initial plan"

Hou Wei Yan sighed heavily at his remark. She was the one who was supposed to pay for their lunch, however, while she went to the restroom he paid it behind her back. So her plan of avoiding a private lunch with him was foiled in the end.

No wonder he didn't mind my proposal of eating with Sun Bai's crew because he had a countermeasure. "President Ji sure knows how to use an opportunity well"

"I wouldn't be the President if I don't know how to turn opportunities to profits" he honestly stated which made her shake her head. In the end, she was caught in his trap.

"Please call me when you feel like it's time for me to pay for what I did" she muttered before leaving the car without giving him another glance.

As soon as she left the car, Huang Xun chuckled at the treatment his boss had received. Countless women used any means possible to become Ji Li Zhao's woman and yet the one he's pursuing if treating him quite coldly.

"Her defenses are quite high" Ji Li Zhao muttered seriously.

Huang Xun chuckled even more at this. "But not High enough for the President"

He could only nod his head. No matter how high she builds a wall, he will climb it for as high as he could. "Let's go. I already left an impression on her. This way Zhou Jinhai has less impact in her life"

"But what if he makes another move on the Madame" Huang Xun suddenly remarked. He had heard from Fang Tao's reports how persuasive he is. Even Han Yu Shou who was known as their most annoying eccentric child in the house has a hard time dealing with him. Isn't his boss being too lenient?

"He doesn't stand a chance" he replied with a smile on his face. If his wife really wanted him, she should have already accepted before she got married. And yet, she didn't no matter how hard he tried to pursue her. "Because my wife has taste"

His confidence certainly surprised Huang Xun, however, he easily got over it. He simply motioned their driver to drive them towards Tianshi. ---If the enemy is Ji Li Zhao, no man could stand a chance. Be it looks or influence, or even kindness and overflowing affection, the boss certainly wins.

As soon as Wei Yan stepped inside Yi Lan Hospital, a loud voice greeted her as though waiting for her arrival. "Wei Wei!"

"Jinjin" she called out when she saw his figure. However, surprise instantly crossed her face when she saw someone beside him. His gallant brown hair and shimmering light blue eyes attracted plenty of attention-like a dazzling prince.

But his gallant form was ruined by the frown on his face. "And Yu Shou"

"Why are you hanging around each other lately? I thought you hated each other?" she asked quite curiously. Their combo was something she didn't expect to be possible considering how they claw each other on a daily basis. "Or you're actually best friends already? Why didn't you tell me, Han Yu Shou?"

"Are you listening to yourself?" he exclaimed with obvious disgust in his voice. "I would never consider this monkey as my best friend! That's gross and utterly ridiculous"

Getting called disgusting and gross would certainly tick someone, however, Zhou Jinhai did the opposite and merely laughed it off. "How could you say that, Doctor Han? I feel hurt because I already consider you my best friend here in China"

"Stop spouting nonsense, I despise you" he snapped before he approached Hou Wei Yan and flicked her forehead for her atrocious remark. "Stop imagining impossible things. I don't want to be subjected to rumors with this man"

Han Yu Shou was quite strong in terms of strength so the flick he did on Wei Yan made quite an impact. Feeling the pang in her forehead, she hurriedly rubbed it to relieve the pain. While doing so, she looked at them both seriously. "Why can't you two just be friends? You two quite complement each other"

"Stop it already" Han Yu Shou grumbled. He then slowly shook his head upon remembering Ji Li Zhao's friend. If he befriends Ji Li Zhao's love rival, wouldn't be akin to a betrayal?! He certainly won't do that.

So until Zhou Jinhai forfeits, he will remain as an enemy in his eyes. "As long as he continues pursuing you, then I cannot be friends with him. My conscience won't allow me"

"Then friendship is impossible because I have no plans of stopping" Zhou Jinhai suddenly remarked causing both of them to look at him.

"Jinjin" Wei Yan muttered with a sigh. She had already answered him countless times, and yet here is he announcing that he would still continue his pursue. She considers him her friend however, she might stop considering him one if he doesn't stop.

"How many times must I reject you so you'd understand?" she asked seriously before leaving without saying anything more. She always refrains from hurting others that's why she still allowed him to become her friend. Now she's unsure whether she chose the right path.

Once she was gone, Han Yu Shou who was quite stunned by her words turned to Zhou Jinhai in a hurry. "Yeah, how many times must you get rejected?"

Zhou Jinhai looked at him as well before looking back at Wei Yan's retreating figure. "Unless I hear a yes, I'm not stopping"

"You really have the thickest face on this planet. How could you do such a thing even though you got repeatedly rejected?" Han Yu Shou mumbled. He's quite a shameless person himself but once he gets rejected, he would feel dejected and then stop because he clearly sees no hope in blindly pursuing someone who already said no.

What's more, if he continuously pursues someone despite the countless rejections, wouldn't it be embarrassing? "Normally, people would already feel ashamed. And yet you don't"

"Shame won't get me the woman I love" he replied seriously causing Han Yu Shou to look at him straight in the face.

There was a faint smile on his face which made Han Yu Shou look away almost immediately. He could tell that he adores Hou Wei Yan however, his eyes lack the affection enough to persuade him that he's truly in love with her. "You mean the woman you want?"

"You don't understand anything, Doctor Han" Zhou Jinhai muttered. His attachment to her is something no one would understand. That's why no matter what they say, it won't affect him and his pursue…because he's the only one who understood his deep-rooted feelings for her.

Han Yu Shou heaved a heavy sigh after hearing this. "You think so?"

"She saved you once, you saw her as a savior and you mistake that for love. You want her to be your lover at all costs, disregarding her opinion and decision. If you truly love her, you won't force your feelings for her because it would only cause a great burden. She already has plenty of things in her mind right now, what you're doing is only worsening her situation" he muttered seriously with a faint smile on his face.

He could understand Zhou Jinhai…because once when he was young…he felt the same way he did.

He too adored Hou Wei Yan to the point that he labeled such feeling as love. However, he later understood that he felt attached to her because she helped him get out of his trauma. He chased after her because she was his savior…and at that time the only woman who attracted his attention.

It was all thanks to Ji Li Zhao's love for her that he understood how shallow his feeling was. Because compared to him who wanted her to be beside him, Li Zhao wanted to be beside her instead. He wanted to be Hou Wei Yan's lifetime companion…someone who would be there for her instead of one-sidedly accepting her care and affection.

"I admire how bold you are…but your pursuit is not righteous at all" he commented seriously. He had settled into the role of a good friend and brother who would look out for her, so Jinhai's burdensome feelings are making him angry. "So stop…because I don't like seeing her burdened"

The look on Han Yu Shou's eyes was enough to tell him everything. However, unlike Han Yu Shou who found peace in his decision, Zhou Jinhai cannot settle in the position of merely staying as friends. "I can't give her up…she's destined for me"

Han Yu Shou smirked at his words. Whenever someone mentions it in front of him, he can't help but ridicule it…because he knows who she's really destined with. It was already written on the first page, that she was meant for him. None of them could change that because, in this story, his brother is the male lead Hou Wei Yan deserves.

"I know who she's really destined to so stop with your delusions and live your life away from her" he replied. He didn't want Zhou Jinhai to become pitiful once he finds out the truth so he wanted him to stay away and free her. "I warned you countless times. Don't provoke the lion guarding such precious treasure"

Without taking a second glance at Zhou Jinhai's reaction, he hurriedly left. However, after taking a few turns, he saw Qiu Meixiu in a corner with a troubled look on her face. She was holding on to her phone tightly as though suppressing her emotions.

"Are you okay, Sister Qiu?"

"Yu Shou" she called out with a sigh. After this, she raised her phone with a worried expression on her face.

"Zedong keeps on calling me regarding Xie Na. I don't think I can keep this up" she admitted. Her conscience is eating her away and now that he finally snapped, it's making her extremely uncomfortable.

"He's getting more aggressive with the interrogations lately. The family is getting restless and because we are keeping silent, their anger is rising. If this keeps up, they will probably fight with my family"

"This is why I told her not to leave" Han Yu Shou said with a sigh. Xie Na's decision is causing them plenty of trouble even though she's already far from them. Now, even the Qiu Household who wasn't even directly involved are taking a hit.

They tried prying on Hou Wei Yan as well, but since she vehemently refused to tell them anything, they're trying to pin down something who might actually tell them something.

They're even using Xie Zedong against Qiu Meixiu in order to get information. "I'll talk to Li Zhao and ask Palisades to help out your family. You're the current head and their main suspect for hiding Xie Na so things will get rougher. Why don't you take a break from assisting Wei Wei?"

"It's fine" she hurriedly answered. "Working with her is not taxing at all. In fact, I find it relaxing"

Han Yu Shou sighed at this before giving her a reassuring smile. "If you can't handle things anymore, rely on us. We'll try to find another assistant for her if you have too much on your plate"

"Okay" Meixiu answered while happily nodding her head. She knew she could rely on them but until she could hold back the fort, she would refrain from doing so. That's what she was taught to believe since she was young.

The two of them began walking together but after a few seconds, Han Yu Shou could no longer hold back his curiosity. "Still…I thought Zedong was in love with you. How could he harass you like this?"

Qiu Meixiu who heard this immediately chuckled. She indeed treasures Xie Zedong and she's content with it, so even though plenty of people told her this, she never dared believed because it would only give her hope.

"Don't be silly. He's not in love with me…besides, I understand how worried and frustrated he's feeling right now" she muttered causing Han Yu Shou to raise his brows.

He knew since a long time ago that Xie Zedong harbors afection towards Qiu Meixiu. Even at a single glance it's noticeable yet she doesn't know this?

"You sure lack awareness like Wei Wei. Is that a female thing or something?" he curiously asked because Hou Wei Yan was the same when it comes to Ji Li Zhao.

Qiu Meixiu can't help but laugh at his question. "I absolutely have no idea if it is…or perhaps its just instinctive response"

"The thought of the person we like actually liking us back is certainly a good thing, however, the fear of rejection is certainly greater than that. Perhaps that's why we refuse to believe that the person we like actually like us back because once we place our hope in it and end up getting rejected…would certainly be heartbreaking" she added which made Han Yu Shou nod his head. He doesn't really get it because he had never experienced it but the look on her face told him that it is certainly better not to expect anything.

After such remark, silence engulfed them both. Not liking this atmosphere, Han Yu Shou decided to ask something bothering him as well. "Fang is keeping the monitoring of Xie Na private. Did he tell you something?"

"He said that she was doing fine" Qiu Meixiu answered with a smile which brought Han Yu Shou immediately relief. He didn't want to see her frowning because of something he asked. "She's still adjusting with her current situation but the support she's receiving from Aina, his team, and Xing Mei Yi is fastening her adjustment period"

"Aina?" he silently asked to himself. ---Where did I hear that name?

When his thoughts began drifting quite far, he hurriedly dismissed it thinking that her name was just unique so it caught his attention. Once he was back to his senses, he heaved a sigh. "I hope she comes back here soon. She'll make a good offense against Zhou Jinhai"

Qiu Meixiu who heard this faintly smiled. She's unsure if Xie Na would really help because she saw how fascinated she was when Zhou Jinhai fought the men ganging up on them. "Is it really that hard?"

"He's on a different level. I'm shameless but not as much as him when it comes to the issue with Wei Wei" he honestly said which caused his companion to chuckle. To think he found his match in such a situation. "He doesn't have any plans of stopping no matter how much I talk to him. If this continues, he'll really incur Li Zhao's wrath"

"Then why don't you let him be?" she suggested after Han Yu Shou finished explaining.

Confusion immediately crossed his face upon hearing this. "Let him be?"

"An obstacle like him could make both of them stronger. Don't you think?" she answered before she looked at the man who ran past them to tend to his patient. "Whether or not he continues this futile pursuit is up to him"

Han Yu Shou followed his line of sight and saw Zhou Jinhai walking alongside an elderly patient while supporting her. He was observing him since a long time ago and he could tell that he's a good doctor and a good man so the thought of using him is prickling on his conscience. "I feel bad using him…"

"Then look at it this way" Qiu Meixiue suddenly said because she understood what he means. "The more you reprimand someone not to do something, the more they will want to do it"

Han Yu Shou remained silent after hearing this. Indeed, the more he tells Jinhai no, the more he pursues Hou Wei Yan. ---So will letting him do as he wants actually work? Or would this cause me another knife on my neck?

"This is why I hate romance" he commented before ruffling his hair. For now, he will do as Qiu Meixiu suggested. If Ji Li Zhao gets angry about this…well, he can just run behind Hou Wei Yan and use her against him.

That's the best weapon he can use if he wants to survive against Ji Li Zhao. Because honestly, his weakness is Hou Wei Yan.