Day Off Date

Always be alert.

A phrase that Ji Li Zhao had always imparted in his life. He was always on the lookout for threats, but never did it occur to him that he would need to be on his highest alert level around his younger cousin.

Bei Changhai was a known blabbermouth which is why he put off telling her anything about his past with Hou Wei Yan in fear that she would eventually find her way to his wife's life and tell on him.

"Changhai," he called out when he noticed how she was lingering around Hou Wei Yan more than she should. He motioned her close using his hands and although hesitant, the little devil came close. "Stay beside me. We don't want unnecessary attention directed at the Doctors."

"I told you, I will behave. You don't have to keep me beside you for monitoring," she answered, attempting to return to Hou Wei Yan's side.

But before she could, Ji Li Zhao held her wrist and pulled her back to his side. "Let her work. You're here as my companion."

A pout made its way to Bei Changhai's face. She tried to pry her hands away from his grip, but Ji Li Zhao was unwilling to place her near Hou Wei Yan again. "Brother, let go of me! I still have many questions for her."

Sternly, Ji Li Zhao looked at her. "Don't let others make the connection. Uncle is back and I don't want more people to know about us. I don't want to rope her in my business, so please, stay away for now."

"And yet you're lingering more than you should?"

Bei Changhai was a bit confused. If he did not want to let people make the connection, why would he even announce that he was the new owner of Yi Lan and arrange this check-up and supervise it himself?

"I...I want her to get used to me."

With this, Bei Changhai fell into contemplation. With all honesty, Ji Li Zhao's Uncle is nothing but a baby chick in her eyes. If she could punch him without any consequences, she would do it in a heartbeat.

Ji Li Zhao returned his gaze to the busy doctors who were preparing to welcome the workers. They each took their post, Hou Wei Yan in the farthest part where she could overlook all the other tables and Doctors.

To make sure the experience was worthwhile, Qiu Meixiu decided to pair up Ashraf and Long Lee because she knew that even if Hou Wei Yan wanted to do it herself, she promised not to play cupid anymore.

"Just observe from here." Ji Li Zhao muttered and slowly released Bei Changhai from his grasp. The latter could not fight back, as she fell into deep thought.

[ Brother is an amateur. I should help him pursue Doctor Hou. I can't let such a good woman slip away! ] she alternately looked at Hou Wei Yan who was shining as she entertained her patients and Ji Li Zhao who was stoic and on guard, on a lookout for any abnormalities in the area.

[ She'll be a great pair for him so I can't just let him ruin everything! He can't stay like this if he wants to advance! ] Bei Changhai concluded.

With this in mind, she held Ji Li Zhao's arms once more, and the latter sighed at this movement. It has not been at least 5 minutes since Bei Changhai stayed silent and yet here she is again, pestering him and probably going to ask him something.

"What is it this time?"

As though on cue, Bei Changhai began swinging his arms, an act she only does when she's desperate for something. "Brother, I have a brilliant idea. And I want you to support it."

He looked away from the doctors and observed his little cousin. He spoils her and Bei Changhai knows how to take advantage of it. Her desperate actions tell him she won't take no for an answer on this one.

"I do not want any danger near her." he immediately clarified, not wanting Bei Changhai to brew any plans without considering the threat it may bring to Hou Wei Yan.

"Look at the doctors first," she instructed which he followed without delay. "Can you see the dark circles in their eyes? They are not getting much rest and they're clearly exhausted. If their health is not well, how can they function properly in the hospital?"

"You making me sound like an awful boss."

"You are."

Ji Li Zhao sharply looked at her which made Bei Changhai nervously laugh. "No, you're not. But they look so exhausted. Look at them! People will think you're an awful boss if this continues."

He sighed at her explanation. "They are already receiving great care, Changhai. They are given regular vacations and are paid a hefty amount if they file for sick leave."

"I meant that they need more than what is given."

"We cater to their needs and we hired plenty of doctors so that none of them needs to work overtime. They leave on time once they clear their schedule for the day and I made sure to check for any complaints, which are mostly focused on the healthcare programs we provide. And yet you're saying they need more?"

Bei Changhai stared at him and saw that he was firm on this topic. He knows what he was doing and it seems like he was focused on making sure the hospital prospers and the employees are given better care. "Still…"

"What is it that you really want? Get straight to the point."

"Okay. Okay." she sighed in defeat. "Geez! I want you to give them a vacation. They look exhausted. They really need a vacation."

"No," he answered sternly and returned his gaze to the doctors who are busy catering to the employees of the factory.

Things were going smoother than he anticipated and the lines are slowly decreasing. "Their schedule will suffer afterward if we continue with your wish. That will be less than ideal."

Hou Wei Yan is a doctor and he wants to devote himself to making sure she has a great working environment. He too wants to give her as many vacations as he can, but he knows that is not what his wife would want. She shines the brightest in the hospital and he can't bare to take her away from that.

So instead, he made sure she has a good healthcare system back at home.

"I coordinated with Master Han. They are one of the leading teams in Yi Lan. I can't take them much from the hospital after this."

"But you're the boss?"

He nodded his head at this. Indeed he is. But he is no expert in this field and he knows when to yield when a greater deal is brought in front of his face. "But I'm not a professional in this field. Master Han is. What he says, will go."

He had his fair share of experience with Master Han's expertise. He trusts he would know best what action to take for the betterment of their hospital and the system they should implement.

"Don't you want to spend more time with her?" Bei Changhai said, pulling his arms close to her. She did not break eye contact as she wants to make sure he understands that this is all for him and not for her.

Ji Li Zhao actually wants that more than anything else. However, he can't be too overly assertive or it may backfire. "I already have my fair share of time with her when she returns home."

In frustration, Bei Changhai released his hands and crossed her arms. She couldn't help but huff at his wall. "No! I meant more time as Ji Li Zhao! Didn't you say so yourself? You want her to be accustomed to your presence and accept your identity."

"And I said I will do it in moderation," he answered, unwilling to yield to her this time because he knows that there is danger lurking around. "Besides, as far as I know, they are needed in the hospital."

The little devil's frustration tolerance was thinning. In a fit of anger, she stomped her feet and fished out her phone, immediately dialing someone to collect some debts.

"You said that what Master Han says will go, right?"

Ji Li Zhao arched his brow in confusion. "What are you doing?"

"Taking charge!" she exclaimed and backed away from him a bit. Her brows are now knitted and she was chewing on her lower lip, clearly frustrated that she was unable to easily get what she wants.

She was unwilling to give up though. She had made it her mantra that whatever she wants, she will eventually get and she will do everything to stay true to her motto.

"Uncle Han!" she greeted which did not escape Ji Li Zhao's sensitive ears.

Noticing this, Bei Changhai flashed him a devious smile. "Yes, the one and only Bei Changhai, at your service...I have a favor to ask of Uncle...Do you still remember that favor Uncle owes? Can I use it now?... Oh, no worries, it's not a ridiculous request."

Ji Li Zhao sighed knowingly. [ She sure knows how to lie through her teeth. ]

"You see, I'm with Brother Zhao alongside the doctors in Yi Lan and I noticed something while I was observing."

Acting innocent and genuinely concerned, was what her voice portrayed. And yet the mischief dancing in her eyes displayed her true intention.

"Uncle, don't you feel pity for this team? It looks like they're working too much that they are neglecting their health. I can see dark circles in their eyes and they seem very very very exhausted. I feel sad just looking at them." she began, unwavering despite Han Tengfei's voice trying to make her stop for a while for his explanation.

She gave him no chance to retort anything and continued with her mantra. "I heard they're taking in a lot of surgeries. Even if you adjust their schedules, they're still doing a lot, aren't they? No wonder they look this exhausted."

When her voice halted for a while, Han Tengfei's sigh could finally be heard. He cleared his throat and asserted dominance using his voice. "I'm pretty sure I'm taking care of them well, Changhai. What is it that you really want?"

"Vacation, 3 days. In a resort of my choosing."

Han Tengfei had his hunch, but he still wanted to confirm it with the little devil herself. "With whom?"

"Hou Wei Yan's team."

"And why are you doing this?" he asked, his frustration nearly at its peak. Only a little string of sanity held him back from exploding at Bei Changhai and Ji Li Zhao himself for always taking sweeping away one of the key figures in Yi Lan.

[ First, Ah Li. And now Changhai? Just what am I to do if they keep on taking away my precious doctors?! ]

"I'm pretty sure you just met them recently." he exasperated. He was already exhausted from these repetitive calls and conversations about asking permission to take away his dream team. "Are you that close with them already? You suddenly turned into an expert in assessing the fatigue of a person that I nearly mistook you for a physician."

"Uncle, remember the favor?" Bei Changhai reminded him after hearing the sarcasm at the end of his line. She was a lovable child in the eyes of many but she was truthfully devious. She will not hesitate to use any means she has in her arsenal to get what she wants and shame is not in her vocabulary.

Slowly, she glanced at her older cousin who was still watching the doctors...and yet his ears listening to her conversation. "Besides, I'm doing this for a comrade. He can't fight alone and I'm afraid he has turned into a coward in the short amount of time that I was away."

"Give the phone to Ah Li." Han Tengfei demanded after clicking his tongue in annoyance and defeat.

"Certainly," she answered, her voice now chirpy in excitement because she was already near her goal. Like a bunny, she skipped close to her cousin and handed the phone to him with a wide smile adorning her face. "Master Han wants to talk to you."

"I wonder why." Ji Li Zhao muttered in reply while side-eyeing him. He accepted the phone, unwilling to keep Master Han hanging. "Hello, Uncle."

"Ah Li. I know you care for your Bei cousins, but please, do the spoiling in moderation." he quickly scolded, his voice clearly displeased. He didn't want to do this but he could only yield. "Now I have no choice but to do as she asked."

Ji Li Zhao sighed at this as he peaked at his little cousin. He knows she's aware of Master Han's frustration and yet she chose to turn a blind eye to it. "Uncle, you really don't have to. Changhai is simply...playing."

"I wouldn't call this playing anymore." he retorted back before sighing. Once this favor is over, he will make sure to block Bei Changhai from any contact with his doctors.

"I do owe her a favor so do as she says. I'll convince Wei Wei somehow and process the documents for their leave." Han Tengfei added, admitting full defeat. "I want all of them intact when they return so make sure you keep a close watch on the others as well."

"Are you sure about this? I can still do something. Maybe send Changhai somewhere far." Ji Li Zhao suggested which immediately earned him a grunting protest from his cousin. He was serious about this. Master Han only needs to say the word and he will do it.

Master Han was honestly tempted.

It was indeed a tempting offer. But if he does not finish this now, Bei Changhai may hunt him again someday. He should settle things now while her request is doable.

"Just…don't waste the opportunity that Changhai created," he muttered in disappointment before hurriedly hanging it up.

Ji Li Zhao could only sigh as he handed her back the phone. He felt pity for this father of his. He can't help but shake his head as he watched her wide smile.

"Changhai, you're a real headache."

Bei Changhai clasped her hands in delight. She got what she want.

"Thank you."

"That was not meant to be a compliment," he muttered before heaving another sigh.

He was defeated, just like Han Tengfei. "My men will help you prepare for the trip. I'll send Huang Xun to finalize your plans and I want the premises secured. You'll do as I say and I will set some rules for you to obey"

"You're being so strict. It's supposed to be a vacation! How am I supposed to enjoy?!"

This time, it was Ji Li Zhao's time to flash a devious smile. "You did this for them, right?"

Both of them turned to look at the doctors once more. They were working hard, not knowing something was brewing on the sideline.

"If it's for them, then they should be the ones enjoying it to the fullest. I will make sure they do."

A pout was already forming in her mouth because she understood his intentions. This was Hou Wei Yan's time to relax, not hers.

She gets that.

But she was the one who managed to convince Master Han and made the vacation possible.

Ji Li Zhao ruffled her hair. "You need some restraints. I've been too lenient towards you."

Bei Changhai was quick to cross her arms and whine. "I thought I was your comrade."

He could only continue ruffling her hair in an attempt to diminish her tantrums for a bit. "Not on this one, kid."


Things were quick to be done when the masters come hand in hand.

Master Han was good at convincing and Ji Li Zhao is always on point in the planning. Bei Changhai, with the assistance of Huang Xun, did not waste time and managed to come up with an acceptable plan of activities.

It didn't take long for the day to be set.

Despite the small time frame given, the workers at Li Wei Mansion are efficient enough to pack everything Hou Wei Yan may need. Gu Man made sure to prioritize her comfort and requested the best room to be prepared for her in the resort that they chose. He managed to convince the management to allow his men to change the sheets and the furniture according to Hou Wei Yan's preferences.

"Madame, have a safe trip!" the employees in the mansion all chorused as they bowed down their heads, giving her all their well wishes.

"Thank you. I'll be back after 3 days." Hou Wei Yan offered them a warm smile and watched them with gentle eyes before entering the car.

Once inside, she sighed in frustration. "This is honestly ridiculous."

Xing Yun, who continues to be her personal guard, looks at her with a smile. "This is honestly good. Everyone in the mansion was glad you could take a vacation."

"I'd rather spend the day with my husband." she honestly answered as she looked at loads of luggage Gu Man prepared for her.

She was willing to throw everything and offend whoever gets offended just to stay in the mansion with her husband. Too bad, he's too busy with work to spend time with her. "If it weren't for that business trip, I wouldn't dare go out of the house for this."

"Unfortunately, it was mandated." Xing Yun reminded. Master Han convinced Hou Wei Yan and to make sure she doesn't escape, he instructed that it was a must to go there. "Besides, you clearly need this break, sister."

"Yun," she called out, her face now wrinkled in suspicion. "Have you not noticed? I've been given quite a few opportunities to take a break. Doesn't that sound odd?"

The suspicion in her eyes was enough for him to sweat. He wanted to gulp down and look away, but he knew better. This suspicion would grow if he does that.

"No. With all the workload you're taking, I think it's only right for you to take many breaks as well," he muttered before shaking his head, as though disappointed she'd even bother to ask this.

"I'm pretty sure you'll dive back into work after the vacation. And we will not stop you from doing that," he added, stating facts that Hou Wei Yan accepted. "But during these 3 days, can you just please relax and rest?"

She sighed once more upon hearing this. If rest is their goal, they should have just allowed her to stay in the mansion. "You honestly think I will have a rest with this setting?"

"Why? Don't you like to spend time with your team?"

[ I'd love to. But there is something more going on. I'm sure of it. ] she thought, still skeptical of everything transpiring too fast.

"Is it only my team that's going though?"

Xing Yun knew what she was worried about, but he was unwilling to bring it up for fear that it would feed her plan to avoid Ji Li Zhao. "You don't like Bei Changhai?"


"Then is it me?" he asked while pointing at himself. "You don't like me?"

"No, Yun." Hou Wei Yan answered immediately to avoid upsetting him. She sighed before she looked out the window of the car. The moving scenery reminded her of how everything happened too fast.

To get stop her mind from overthinking, she decided to focus her thoughts on her husband. "Have you called my husband? How is he doing? Did he get there safe?"

Xing Yun smiled widely at this. Ji Li Zhao is fine on his own. "Sister, there's nothing to worry about. Your husband is well protected."

"I hope he will not skip his meals," she muttered while sighing. She worries for his health the most because when she's not checking, he keeps on reverting to his old habits.

Slowly, she turned to her cousin, worry filling her eyes. "Can you send someone to make sure he eats well? Tell him I sent for them and that he should follow as they say."

"I will do that," he answered before handing her a blanket. "The others are already in the resort. It will take some time to sleep for a while, sister."

She was hesitant but considering what awaits her in the resort, she needs to conserve as much energy as she can.

"Wake me up once we arrived."

Xing Yun nodded his head and helped her get into a comfortable position. "Sweet dreams."

As Hou Wei Yan drifted to deep slumber, Xing Yun began his more serious task. He brought out his tablet and contacted his twin. They could not talk, in fear Hou Wei Yan would hear, so instead, they chatted to their hearts' content.

( Sister is asleep already? )

Xing Yun looked at her figure once more to confirm. ( Affirmative. You already in the location? )

( Yep. Everyone is accounted for. ) his twin chatted back.

( How was brother Zian? You found the child? )

( Not yet. Still working on it. It's hard to look on our own. )

( Use all the means necessary. )

( Can't. If grandpa finds out before we can confirm anything, we'll both be dead. You know he overreacts when it comes to problems like this. We may be able to find the child with his help, but he may erase brother Zian from the picture due to his anger. )

Xing Yun sighed at this reality. Indeed, the child will take priority over their grandfather. He will view what their cousin did as a form of abandonment and he detests such a thing.

( How's it going with the Archer mission? He already in jail yet? ) his twin suddenly asked.

( Soon enough. I've been tracking his movements. We'll corner him soon and I'm allowed to mobilize the 7 summits. )

( Good. I'll be back to check on you. I'm getting dragged somewhere again. )

Xing Yun chuckled at this and already imagining the tired face of his brother. He bid his farewell before checking out on Archer's movements. He was devoted to keeping the maniac away from his cousin and made it his mission to place him in jail.

If he was allowed to kill him on spot, he would have done it in a heartbeat. [ Too bad. The bastard can still be used as bait. ]

He spent his time collecting as much information as he can from him. The journey was quite long so he managed to finish quite a few tasks.

When Shin finally declared that they arrived and halted the car at the entrance, he finally folded his tablet and set it aside. He gently moved and touched Hou Wei Yan's shoulders to wake her up.

"We're here, Big Sister."

Hou Wei Yan quickly got up, afraid he would blast him with a much more energetic greeting. Xing Yun chuckled at her adorable face before getting down the car.

He assisted her down and allowed the employees of the resort to collect their luggage. As soon as she got down, a huge shout came from afar.

"Doctor Hou!"

Both of them turned to the entrance and watched as Long Lee ran to them as though she was being chased by wolves. She instantly clung to Hou Wei Yan's arms and upon closer inspection, she was deeply shaken by something.

"Save me!" she cried out.

Hou Wei Yan and Xing Yun were both filled with confusion. Long Lee was not someone who would get easily shaken and her clinging was quite unusual.

"Xiao Lee!"

Another voice called out, from the same entrance Long Lee was at earlier. With her shout, Long Lee shivered up once more.

Her shaking got worse when Bei Changhai's figure came into their view. Xing Yun was quick to sigh at her appearance.

Hou Wei Yan, however, was more focused on her dear nurse. Before Bei Changhai could come close, she chose to investigate. "What happened?"

"She's crazy!" Long Lee quickly answered before pulling her close.

"She said she will make my love life bloom and that she's a descendant of cupid. All of a sudden, she involved Doctor Ashraf! She's been hurling us together ever since we arrived and she's been saying crazy things to us both!" she muttered as though rapping the whole sentence.

She was shaken by this and was greatly embarrassed in front of the doctor she admires. She is no psychic but she was sure Doctor Ashraf was embarrassed as well. [ What if his girlfriend hears of this? I don't want to be somersaulted just because of a silly teasing done by that crazy woman! ]

"Xiao Lee!" Bei Changhai greeted them as soon as she arrived. Noticing where she took refuge, she decided to greet Hou Wei Yan as well. "Hi, big sister!"

"It's nice to see you, Changhai," she replied back before looking behind her. Xing Qiu walked coolly but the worry was evident in his eyes. "I see you've managed to persuade Xing Qiu to come."

"Big sister." Xing Qiu greeted before pulling Changhai beside him before she can do anything to Hou Wei Yan. With his actions, Changhai automatically pouted and crossed her arms. "Sorry for any inconvenience Changhai caused."

Hou Wei Yan observed them for a while. Bei Changhai had only displayed a childish side to her so far so she wondered what the young lady would do if an emergency were to occur.

Xing Qiu chose her so she expects something other than the side she's showing.

"No worries." she finally replied after a long pause. "I've heard quite something about Brother Zian. Was it settled?"

"Not yet. We're still looking for them. I had to rush back because Changhai said there was an emergency." he honestly answered before scratching the back of his sheepishly.

He did promise Xing Zian that he would help in the search but he had to rush back thanks to his girlfriend's urging. "I didn't know it was this kind."

He was dumb enough not to check the situation and believed her instantly. Xing Yun who mostly causes trouble even admitted that it was foolish of him not to check so he admits to his mistakes and promised Xing Zian that he would return to help with the search.

Hou Wei Yan smiles at this because he was acting unusual for little Bei Changhai.

Due to the lineup in front of her, Hou Wei Yan began to look around, expecting someone who should not be in the resort at all. Bei Changhai was quick to notice this so she freed herself from Xing Qiu's grasp and flashed a teasing smile.

Her primary target, Long Lee, is now forgotten on the sideline.

"If you're looking for big brother, he's not here," she said as she trotted close to her and sighed in disappointment. "Apparently, he has a meeting that he can't abandon. And here I was giving him a good chance, which he wasted again."

[ He's such a loser. How could he waste this opportunity that I created?! I even used my trump card, Master Han, for this and yet he decided to ditch at the last minute. Deserter! ] she internally screamed, her face now filled with frustration at the thought of Ji Li Zhao abandoning her plans.

Hou Wei Yan raised her brows at her suspicious sentence. "Good chance?"

Xing Qiu quickly faked a cough and his twin took a step back, just behind Hou Wei Yan, and formed an X using his hands so Bei Changhai could come up with a good cover for that.

"To take a break!" she said while laughing, her eyes slightly trembling for revealing something she should not. Even though vague, who knows how Hou Wei Yan may interpret it? "He's such a workaholic that he keeps on forgetting his meals."

[ Like my husband. Most of them who handle business is like that huh? ] she thought whilst nodding her head.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Bei Changhai abandoned her lover and clung to her arms. [ He ain't here but that doesn't mean I can't help brighten his image! ]

"You know sister, brother used to be bulkier." she started which took everyone's attention. They know very well she's talking about Ji Li Zhao, who is technically an idol to many.

"He was more fit and much more masculine. Imagine him with that face but much much bulkier," she said while smiling widely. They who were taken by her smile could not help but imagine what they were told.

And what they did was something they regretted doing. Now they want to bulk up Ji Li Zhao. He is already high tier as he is, but a bulkier him would be on another level.

Seeing their faces greatly satisfied Bei Changhai. Too bad, they could only dream of it now. Her brother is too stressed to even think about bulking himself. "But then he had to return here in China and his body was never the same again."

"You sure keep a close watch on him." Hou Wei Yan muttered after observing the genuine sadness that clouded her eyes.

"He's more a big brother to me than my actual big brother."

So she heard. That gossip has been circling around ever since Bei Changhai made a constant appearance at Yi Lan Hospital without getting reprimanded even once. "Is it because he spoils you? I heard how much he adores you and he doesn't hold back in his gift-giving."

"Oh, he's always like that. Not just to me but to anyone he treasures." Bei Changhai replied while chuckling. "He's much kinder to me than my devil of a brother."

She would happily trade her darn playboy of a brother with Ji Li Zhao. Her worries would be less if he was her brother. At least with him, she could stop worrying about women crying to her due to their heartbreaks over her brother and stop worrying that one day, a girl would appear and announce that she's with child.

"He may appear cold and merciless, but he is fluffy on the inside," she added, remembering everything Ji Li Zhao did for her despite how childish it was. "He understands me and he notices the tiniest of changes in my actions and would act accordingly."

[It's because of him that I found Qiu and decided to pursue him. He is high-tiered like big brother and he loves genuinely. ] she admitted as she stared at her lover. When he raised his brows at her to question why she was staring, Bei Changhai could only chuckle and wink at him.

"It's a pity he's still single," she muttered, slowly eyeing Hou Wei Yan. "His lover would be lucky to have him."

Her stare was subtle, but the intention behind her words did not go past Hou Wei Yan's wall. She gave her humorous smile and nodded. "It appears so."

[ Hmmm? Looks like she's already made up her mind in keeping him out. Is it already too late? ] Bei Changhai questioned herself after noticing how she quickly diverted her attention on Long Lee instead of asking for more or even bothering to listen.

"He isn't here with us, but big brother arranged this place for us, big sister." she suddenly said when she noticed Hou Wei Yan slipping away from her grasp. She leads them inside where the others already awaited.

"It's newly opened and has great facilities. He wanted us to be in a private resort, but where's the fun in that right?" Bei Changhai proudly declared as she allowed their eyes to feast on the Grand World-themed park, Atlas.

A series of squeals could be heard amongst the group as the wonderful Atlantis-themed area greeted their eyes. It was the centerpiece of the resort and if what they heard was right, there was more for them to discover.

"Welcome to Atlas, the new world!" she happily introduced. "I convinced brother thoroughly. Thankfully, he arranged the best place for us and made sure we have access to everything this place can offer."

It would have been such a waste if they miss all the events happening in the resort if they continued with Ji Li Zhao's plan to stay in a private resort.

Hou Wei Yan lingered her gaze. It was indeed amazing and something her siblings would love. She took an internal note to visit the place with them before she glanced at her team.

Long Lee was the first she noticed. Her hands were clasped together, an action she did to hold herself back from running inside. She held her squeals well but her face was filled with too much excitement that she and Ashraf could not help but chuckle to themselves.

"Thank you." she genuinely muttered to Bei Changhai. "It seems like everyone loves the place."

Long Lee who could not hold herself much longer decided to walk closer, her eyes still twinkling from excitement. "This is amazing! The beach is beautiful!"

Hou Wei Yan chuckled once more. "Let's go get settled so you can enjoy it even more. You're not here to just watch the ocean, right?"

As though a child, Long Lee vigorously nodded her head and held her luggage tightly, ready to make a beeline to her room. "Oh! I can't wait! Let's go!"

The resort staff who were assigned to guide them quickly approached with Bei Changhai's command. They took everyone's luggage and each had a staff to help with their things and guide them to their rooms.

As hers were already settled, Hou Wei Yan stayed behind for a bit to soak the breeze. She took out her phone and took a few photos to remember the moment.

While she and the others were busy admiring the view, a voice suddenly called out.

"Wei Wei?"

Xing Yun who was vigilant pulled her behind him and took a peak at who was randomly calling to his sister. When he noticed a familiar figure, he couldn't help but swear. "Fuck."

Without seeing who it was, his voice was beyond recognizable to her. "Jinjin?"

"It is you!" Zhou Jinhai shouted as he ran close to them. He had a wide smile on his face, contrary to the expression of the other 4 people who stayed behind. "So this is where you are, Wei Wei."

Since Xing Yun was already shoved into the sideline by Hou Wei Yan due to her surprise, Xing Qiu decided to approach him. "Oi, Yun. What's the meaning of this?"

"I should be the one asking that. I was just tasked to escort big sister," he said in a panic. He received his orders for the day and none of it entails handling an annoying man like Zhou Jinhai.

He quickly turned to the organizer of this vacation to look for answers. "Changhai! What's with this sudden development?"

Bei Changhai who suddenly got all the attention raised her hands in surrender. She is practically a victim here as well. "I don't know! I chose the place because it's newly opened and fun! Huang Xun even approved of it after watching my presentation."

"And no one cared to check the guests that will be coming?" Xing Qiu questioned, his hands touching his earpiece. He wants to make sure everyone in the surveillance is aware of this and he is seeking answers from them who could possibly know the reason behind Zhou Jinhai's sudden appearance.

"We did check," Makio muttered, allowing them to hear him loud and clear in their earpiece.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he pulled up the guest list that was sent to them by the facility. "That bastard came to replace someone else. He's attending a birthday party of a distant relative."

Qiu Meixiu who watched all of his unfold couldn't help but sigh heavily at this sudden development. Who would have thought he would attach himself here as well? "I thought he wouldn't come, his schedule at the hospital is practically full."

"This is bad." Bei Changhai muttered in a panic when she saw the glint of excitement and anticipation that shone in Zhou Jinhai's eyes.

She quickly pulled out her phone and dialed a number familiar to the 4 of them. "We need countermeasures, ASAP!"