#4: Not The Normal One

I swear I hate this fucking school. Everybody's 'normal'. Why can't people just accept the people that are 'different'? Like that nerd over there. He's just a little over-the-top smart. Y'all just ostracized him because he was smarter than you all. Let's see if my friends are my real friends, or are they all just 'friends' after my confession. I walked down the aisle that was filled with students wearing the school uniform. To my left was the cool group. They were the ones everybody wanted to be like. To my right were some of the bullies of the school, everybody avoided them. They didn't want bad influences on them. Up ahead were the stupid ones. They were goofing around, disrupting the flow of students around and making a ruckus. I was about to reach them and ask them to move aside when the teacher came out.

"Hey! Quiet down over there will you! I need to grade these test papers. If you continue this disruptive behaviour, I will send you down to the principal's office, and that's final. Got it?" The teacher went back inside and closed the door in an attempt to block out the rest of the sound from the hallway.

The stupid ones moved away just as I reached the lockers. I quickly pulled out my schedule and took a peek at my classes. Just physics, French 3, calculus, and P.E.. Not a lot. I'll meet my friends during my free period today, which is… last period. I took the notebooks I needed and set my course for the physics classroom.

I entered the classroom and saw the usual bullying going on. No way am I going to go there. The first day I did, and God, they immediately turned and pounced on me. I had to go to the ER after that to fix some broken bones. That was the greatest start to the year, especially the last year. As soon as someone saw the teacher come in, they all stopped and went back to their seats. The victim was none other than the nerd I told you about, David Wang. When the first tests results came out, he got 100. And the one after that, the second one after that, and basically all the ones after the first one. He was so smart, the bullies just knew that their first victim was him. They had walked up to him one day and said to hand his lunch money over. David said no despite him being outnumbered and small. Everyone knew what happened after that. Well, there's no need to go there. But you may ask how I'm not "normal". I'm gay. Yes, I like boys. You might think it's gross, but if you have problems with that then shut up. Everyone here is straight and "normal". There's a few groups. The popular people, who were rich and pretty. The nerds, they were usually the victims. The bullies, who think they are better than anyone and the "clowns" who goofed around all the time. It's just a "regular" society. But whatever, as long as I love myself, I'm fine.

I went to the rest of my classes and finished my day without worry. Time to find my friends and confess. Let's see the truth of everything. I walked down the hallway, to my locker, and put everything away. I proceeded to walk out the main entrance and looked around.

Aha! Found them. I walked over, really wondering what their reaction is, but also prepared to receive rejection. "Hey, Johnny. How're you doin'? Everything alright?" Johnny Martin, my friend since middle school. He's like your typical white boy, but on the inside he's 'nicer'. Next to him, was Michael Cox, he's better than the stereotypical white boy, but he's still horrible.

"Yeah, everything's alright. Do you have something to tell us? You look like you do."

Johnny's face showed some kind of curiosity. "And it better be good. I want to play my Playstation when I go back home. Don't waste too much of my time."

"Well, let's go somewhere more secure than this. I do have something that I have to tell you." I motioned for them to come with me. We entered the school again and headed for the gym lockers.

"Are you going to tell us now? I'm really curious as to what you want to tell us." Michael spoke, giddy about the possible news that will come out my mouth. They took a seat on the benches and waited for me to speak.

"Well, I'm just really curious to your reactions when I say this. Truth be told, I'm… homosexual. But, it's alright if you want to break with me." I looked up and saw the shocked faces of my two friends. Well, now I know which side they're on. Obviously, the 'normal' side.

"Whoa, never knew you were… there. Eh, I don't really care. I might be bisexual. Glad we're the same, bro." Johnny was the one who spoke. He gave a smile, a carefree one. What?! I thought everyone was the same. They would all go to the 'other' side. Guess I was wrong about this.

"You know, I was going to ask Michael out here, but I guess it's more important to say the truth first. Hey Michael, will you be my boyfriend?" Johnny turned to Michael and gave a stern look. Whoa. What have I got myself into? Michael was so surprised, but he was blushing beet red.

Michael looked Johnny in the eye and nodded. "Yes."

"Thanks for accepting me! I loved you so much since the day I saw you!" Johnny got up and kissed Michael on the cheek. I'm glad I made a friend like him. I was so right to choose him over that fucking brat, Cody Smith. Thank the Gods!

Who's Cody Smith? Well, think back to the most annoying person you've ever met. He's way worse than that.


"That was only two months ago, I had confessed to my friends and they had accepted me. I'm truly grateful for that. Here is another piece of my life I would like to share with you all that happened a month ago. Cody Smith found out that I was gay and told everyone. As I said. ANNOYING!"


"Hey, Mason. I heard you were… LGBTQ. Ha, loser. No wonder you were always so… DISGUSTING!" The bully head, Rocco, had heard the rumor. I gave him a disgusted look and looked to my right. "What do you want to do, suck my dick?" The rest of the gang jeered at me. Eh. I had expected this. Of course Rocco would want a 'weak' point. Is he still holding a grudge from the time I broke his nose and one of his pal's arm?

"What? Are you here because you want to fuck me now? There isn't anything weird with being gay. Oh, by the way, there's no way for you to win against me now." I knew what the teachers' routine were. There's usually a teacher that comes around here at this time to check on things. These fuckers are too idiotic to pay attention. They're definitely getting expelled. Karma is a bitch. After that day's beating, do you think I wouldn't hold a grudge either? I had been taking pictures of all the times they bullied. It's about time I turn them in.

Right there, I saw Mrs. Green turn the corner. "Hey, teach! Can you help me? I'm being cornered."

"What?! Rocco and the rest, go to the main office right now!"

"Hey, Mason. You all right? I want you to go to the main office as well. I need you to explain the situation to the principal, alright? I'll go excuse you from your teachers. See you later." Mrs. Green waved bye and left. Guess it's time to start the plan I've been planning for so long. David Wang, I'll make sure you don't get bullied anymore. Time to head for the main office.

"Hello, Principal Anderson. Long time no see." I stepped into Mrs. Anderson's office to see Rocco and his gang already seated. I grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Mason Evans, correct?" She spoke and broke the deadly silence of the room.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I trust you know what's going to happen?" Mrs. Anderson quirked an eyebrow and looked around at the other boys.

"Yep. And I'm all prepared for it. If you allow me to, I would like to show a slideshow of this past year. Of course, I could've gotten pictures from before, but I didn't have the courage to stand up and just got this idea this year." I got up and handed a USB drive to Mrs. Anderson.

"Hmm, what is this?" She picked it up and examined it.

"It's a collection of pictures of them bullying."

Upon hearing this, she immediately inserted the USB into the computer she had on. She quickly scrolled through all of the images. When she was done, her face was a face that was indescribable to others. "Why has no one told me of this before? This is a very severe case. If it was done only once, suspension would be the punishment. But, this, this… It has been going on for a really long time hasn't it, Rocco?" She turned the computer around while continuing to scroll down the images.

"Wha-What? This-this isn't me! He photoshopped me into this!" Rocco stood up and jammed his finger in my direction.

I spread my hands out behind my head. "Whoa, chill dude. How can I photoshop all those pictures? I'm not that great at it. Also, I'm pretty sure we also have a bunch of witnesses of you bullying. If I call them, they probably will tell the truth. Principal, the reason why I didn't report this sooner was because I was going to give them a second chance after they had sent me to the ER. I had a shred of hope that they would change their behaviour. They didn't. Then I thought I could just plainly tell a teacher. But, the other side is that the teacher might trust the bullies instead of me. So, I quieted down and resorted to pictures. Now I have enough evidence to report them. Principal Anderson, ma'am, what are you going to do?" I ignored Rocco's trembling fists and his gang's shocked faces. Instead, I looked straight at the one who would make the final decision.

"Hm, I understand. ROCCO AND THE OTHERS! YOU ARE NOW HEREBY EXPELLED FROM THIS SCHOOL. Leave! I will talk to your parents and further discuss this inappropriate behaviour. I will also get the superintendent to discuss this matter even further," She turned around and looked at me. "Thank you, Mason. I'm glad you turned them in. You were an activist. Work hard and you definitely will have a bright future." Mrs. Anderson looked at me with a warm and grateful smile.

"Yep. Bye, Principal Anderson." I left with a smile on my face. Yes! I accomplished something. But, do you really think this is gonna end here? Obviously not. I'm going to get valedictorian and give a speech on LGBTQ community so everyone can learn. Let's head for that goal.


"And here I am now. I got hundreds on everything. I got valedictorian. I'm giving the speech I wanted to give. Now, I would like to say this for all you 'normal' people out there. People are born with different DNA. That leads us to being different in every way. Tell me, is there a need to single out a person because they were 'different'? I think not. Look. In the past 4 years here at this high school, LGBTQ people were treated like outcasts. After the rumor I was homosexual spread, I was bullied. But look, I ignored them and here I am standing as the valedictorian of this graduation class. Is being different all that matters in this world? I could stand here, that means if anyone puts the same amount of effort as I do, you can also perform the same achievements as I did. A quote I should bring up is this: "Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world… If you do so, you are insulting yourself. - Bill Gates." I stopped for some dramatic silence and to collect my thoughts for the second part of my speech. I took a breath and began again.

"Another thing. Bullying. Yes, yes. I understand. We all know that bullying is bad and the cause of it. But, does it really matter that you can get hurt too? Yes, of course it matters. But, you don't know the things you can do if you even tried once. I remember my first day of this year. I'm sure you all do. David Wang, the person that was bullied after the first test grade came out. I remember clearly charging in, trying to stop them from bullying because I finally got the courage to do so. I was then targeted and sent to the ER. That was not a good idea. But did I give up on trying to stop them? No, I didn't. I hatched a plan to expose them. I started taking pictures of them to get evidence. I'm sorry David. I couldn't free you from the pain you were feeling sooner. But, I'm glad you continued struggling through these difficult times. Back on track. The point I'm trying to say is that everyone has their own style. You don't have to do the standard plan. You can be like me. As long as you get your goal accomplished, you get the feeling that you helped the whole world. I know, and I'm sure this is true, that some of us are afraid. I was there before. But, hey, it's alright. Not everyone's the same. Find a friend that can help you. Another quote to all those involved in bullying: "Bullying is killing our kids. Being different is killing our kids and the kids who are bullying are dying inside. We have to save our kids whether they are bullied or they are bullying. They are all in pain. - Cat Cora." I stopped again to look at everyone. They were all very attentive.

"And finally, I want to thank my friends. They didn't care that I was LGBTQ, in fact, they told me they were the same. A shout out to Johnny Martin and Michael Cox. They are pretty happy as they are now." I smiled knowing what Johnny would do.

"Hey, there was no need to say that out loud!" That familiar voice jumped out of nowhere, but I knew it was coming. I just smiled and moved on.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being LGBTQ, an activist against bullying, and being great friends. I would like to thank you all for wasting your precious time to listen to this speech you probably will never forget. Thank you, teachers, staff, and classmates. And I wish to conclude this with a quote: "I want to say when I was little, like Maleficent, I was told I was different. And I felt out of place and too loud, too full of fire, never good at sitting still, never good at fitting in. And then one day I realized something – something I hope you all realize. Different is good. When someone tells you that you are different, smile and hold your head up and be proud." – Angelina Jolie. I wish all of you a bright and prosperous future."