Just Before the Border

While most soldiers were disillusioned by the sudden attack that had devastated their ranks, Toms was pondering what to do next. "Dirk, what do you think we should do?"

"General, are you wondering if we should either move on or search for more spies among us?" Dirk asked. "I think we should press on."

"Are you sure? If they attack us again, it will be at their advantage so long as they have a spy or two among our ranks," argued Toms.

"But weren't you the one who said they were after time? That they would delay us as long as possible, giving us all the more reason to push forward with the attack?" reasoned Dirk. "If we stop now and run a thorough search, it will take time. The spies will slip through the cracks if we rush the search."

"Hmmm… You do make a good point… Right, let's press on without any delay. Whether we stop or push ahead, they'll attack either way. Might as well not waste time."