Testing the Updated Bloodline Skill

While Daruun laughed to himself, Jack was coming to terms with all of the new things he was now planning to do. Sure, he could act cool and collected, but that didn't mean that Jack was so confident in himself. It helped that he had years of gameplay to help him play the role of a legendary hero, despite his mortal nerves.

"Dragov," Daruun continued, "the Leisure Guild has prepared a massive courtyard for you, one I've made sure fit your size and allowed for the freedom to move as you wish."

"Finally!" a shout of excitement shook the chamber. "I'll be able to stretch my body and rest comfortably!"

"Oh… So he's grown that much?" Surprised, Jack returned to the moment and looked up at the darkness, remembering exactly how large he made that space. "You've grown A LOT, Dragov."

"Then, let's get going, shall we?"