Rikko Makes His Move!

Jack's flame body continued to look down on the remaining syndicate members, all the more intimidating after defeating a lv. 83 guardian. And considering how no one understood what Jack did to win, they were even further frightened. 

Despite his appearance, Jack was on his last legs. Using Time Stop was still the most costly of his spells. Using Greater Replenish only bought Jack a few moments before his body started to shut down. 

'Bowzer we need to run,' Jack stated telepathically. 'Take me back inside the guild…'

The fox was glad that Jack wasn't as crazy as his flame body had let on. Bowzer dashed toward Jack, getting a lead on the baffled syndicate members.

Jack mounted Bowzer with a groan as they dashed off at top speed. But the army wasn't just going to let them leave so easily.