Giving Up the Challenge...

"Who is that?"

"Huh?" Jack chuckled and looked back at Torian.

The Thundering God repeated himself, "Who is that, the man under the roxite helm?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"If not, then how can we guarantee that he--"

"Do you sense divine energy from him? No. So why would you dare accuse him of being a god?" replied Jack. "I'll tell you this much. We've recently begun experimenting with summoning ancient heroes. He's the first lv. 85 hero that we've successfully summoned. As for his identity, I hope you're memory is good or you'll never be able to figure it out."

Torian stopped asking questions as he and Grixor paid close attention to the man in the black helmet.

As the mightiest mortal Storm Dragon, the beast boasted unrivaled speed among mortals of the world. The only ones worthy of mention were the two currently interlocked in the aerial combat. That was until now.