Halmut Finally Comes Out




Grixor pounded on the door while Torian shouted, having long lost his patience with calling the Sun God by his preferred title.

"HALMUT! You owe us all answers!"

"Perhaps we should ask tomorrow. It seems that--"

"If Halmut had the gall to hide the truth of Daruun's power from us, then he'd better give me a reason for his actions!" Torian roared. "If not, then I may consider my chances with Daruun and Jack. Clearly, they wouldn't mind helping me start over from lv. 90."


"If you go, Torian, then I go too."

"Are you--"

"Thank you, Grixor, but that should be your own decision," stated Torian. "I simply want an explanation. I don't believe Halmut is stupid enough to get on Daruun's bad side without reason. Before I do anything, I want to know that reason."