Author's Thoughts (Not a chapter)

I said was going to do this after the last chapter, i wanted to get some of my thought out there.

So first off, i'll being writing the next chapter after this.

I feel like i've reached my first milestone. the two parter i feel as one chapter, so i finally have 10 chapters out and the plot is progressing at a decent pace.

The last chapter was important to me because of the fight scenes, they wern't very long but they were longer than what i had done up to this point. As i said before, this is my first time writing a story, everything is new to me so some things may be harder or take longer to write. Step by step fight scenes was interesting to do. As the story progresses i feel like i'll get better at it.

Also this past chapter, i wanted to show off Kido a little bit, i love kido and i hope to integrate it more into the story.

I wanted to kinda give an idea where Ichigo's upper limit was, for now.

Now moving on to my future thoughts or things i feel like i should explain.

First off, as a new writer i'm going to make mistakes, i'm going to right myself in to a corner so i needed a crutch. And for me thats Zelretch. He is my plot armor to deploy when i don't know how to write something. I chose Zelretch because i believe he makes it the least "in your face" as possible. He has proper motivation for his character, and he would be able to know much about almost any given subject.

So Zelretch is my Gandalf, sometimes here's there to be a character and sometimes he's there to call in the eagles.

Moving on to character development. I don't want the girls to be just eye candy. I want to make them more than just one dimensional girlfriends. The story focuses primarily around Ichigo but when the plot involves his peerage i want it to be meaningful. I tried to make Yoruichi kick ass as much as possible in the last chapter to showcase this.

His girls are a force to be reckoned with. I'm excited for the big battle i have planned to showcases his entire peerage when its time.

Its also not just going to be the girls, Shirou will be getting character development as well along with the other future male peerage members. And state it plainly, him and saber will be in a relationship.

Now finally onto the future.

Right now my plan for the plot is as follows, 1-2 chapters integrating the new peerage members into the story while in highschool dxd world, then 1-2 chapters for a new peerage member(s) in their respective worlds. And this will continue until he finished his peerage that will culminate in a very large battle in the last world with his final peerage member. All his peerage members will be able to let loose and show the full extent of their abilities.

I won't go spoiling the future members, but ill give some hints. It will be two males and two females. Two of them will be from anime and two will be from games. Two of them are common and borderline cliche while the other two are almost never written about and i look forward to adapting their powers for my writing.

After the peerage is finally gathered, ichigo will start interacting in the Highschool dxd plot in a meaningful way, hes going to attend school with Rias and Sona. But beyond that i won't say.

He will also be world jumping occasionally. Sometimes with his full peerage, sometimes with a few members, and sometimes even by himself. But he focus will almost always be on him so he will be present.

I will use Zelretch as my crutch to decide what the time difference will be when needed. I'll try my damned best to not make it annoying to read.

The major world hopping won't occur until his feel peerage is gathered. He will also be gaining SOME powers along the way along with his peerage.

Some worlds i have planned thus far, one of the first i wanted to do was One piece. Its a rather big world with a lot of written about it already to explore. Its easy to integrate into and has fun characters to interact with. I also wanted the group to learn some forms of Haki.

Harry potter, i detest a lot of the characters in this world, i though it would be fun to have ichigo and a few peerage members muck this up a bit. initially i wanted them to go during the Tri-wizard tournament and maybe stay for a few books. I also wanted to give rukia a character development arc in this world. My current idea was for him, rukia, Shirou, saber, and one of the mystery females to go to this world as their powers would make the most sense.

I planned a little excursion to a zombie filled world for the guys. A guys night out if you will. My current thought would be resident evil.

I wanted to do a superhero world, maybe DC, Marvel, or Boku no hero academia. I won't be doing One punch man in the foreseeable future, that power levels there are just absurd and i didn't want to nurf the world too much to be able to include ichigo.

This currently as far out as i have planned. This should last several months if not longer so i will definitely think of more plot related points from now.

Some random tibits before i end this.

I like using the original Japanese wording for attacks. I think it makes it feel more epic. Instead of Yoruichi calling out "White lightning" i feel like "byakurai" is much cooler.

This brings up the whole language in general for my story. they are japanese and i only rarely use the proper Japanese. Like when Orihime calls Ichigo "Kurosaki-kun" i'm using it as more of a term of endearment or a pet name.

And the point that devils speak and write every language, the whole language thing itself is a moot point. So thats my cop-out. :)

Thats it for now, i thank everyone for their continued support. Its been pretty cool to see so many people reading something i wrote.

And now i being the next chapter.